Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

"They always get away".....who was he talking about? White teens? How many times did he call the police on "suspects" and how many were arrested?

Correct, he didnt call the cops on white teens because there were no white teens robbing houses in that neighborhood.

Even if there were, George probably wouldn't have cared.

Nonsense. People never like being robbed, regardless of the perpetrators skin color.
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The law is a pesky thing. We all know you like to ignore it (especially the consitutiton) when it doesnt suit your worldview.

Well, yes it is and it works both ways. The Voting Right's ACT, Civil RIghts and other laws to keep the White American Taliban at bay are wonderful examples. But as far as the Zimmerman case, it was not the Florida law that failed, it was the mishandling of evidence by the Sanford Police Department as well as their codling of Zimmerman after the fact.
Couple that with incompetent or congenial white southern prosecution and echoes of the old South can still be heard.
I give her credit for following the law, that is what she was supposed do.

Like OJ? I wish, I swear to God I wish I could find something you stated about OJ on line somewhere but I dont care that much.... :)

The jurors in the OJ case followed what they felt was right. The law is the law, you can not vote guilty if you think their is reasonable doubt. You can't change the law based on race. Zimmerman's jury did not believe, based on the law, they could convict. You respect the jury, they did a good job and sacrificed their time to be on the jury to do their civic duty. I'm sorry all you see is black and hispanic.

There is a lot more to it than Black and Hispanic. RIght wing White Southerners mishandled the case from the onset; and, that includes the police, the prosecution and the Asian Medical Examiner. How can anyone think that justice was served when the people sworn to uphold it are corrupted by the pervasive racist animus that permeates the South. The outcome was predictable given those undeniable circumstances! Juror B29 was correct in her assessment!
The Washington Post/ABC News survey, which showed 41% of Americans approving and 41% disapproving of the jury's ruling, also showed sharp division among Americans in their views of the verdict. For example, 86% of African-Americans disapproved of the "not guilty" finding, while 51% of whites approved.

That closely aligned with a Pew Research Center survey released Monday, which showed 86% of African-Americans disagreeing with the verdict.

In the Washington Post/ABC poll, women - 48% of whom disapproved of the verdict - were more likely than men to hold that sentiment. And younger people also disapproved at higher levels: 50% of those aged 18-39 said they disapproved, while 30% of people over 65 felt the same way.

Sixty-two percent of Democrats disapproved of Zimmerman's acquittal, while 65% of Republicans approved.

The reality is that that about half of America does not agree with the verdict. Most of those who disagree with the verdict are democrats, blacks or young. A lot of them are white. The verdict is not something that can be looked upon as ending this issue. About half of the people of voting age in America, not just this juror and not just black people, do not agree with the verdict. The Right acting as if the whole thing is proven and resolved as Zimmerman being innocent: that is a false stance that half of the country doesn't buy, and their opinion is just as valid as those who think it is a fair verdict. You can sneer and make all the vile comments you want, you can continue try to paint an innocent young man as a thug, but you cannot with any intellectual honesty say that you are in the right just because you want to be. This issue is not resolved. What you appear as is the other side of the coin: you are now the black people who supported the OJ verdict when at least half of the country didn't. You are just as close minded about it as they were, just as vicious and jubliant about it as they were, and soon to be just as disappointed by a civil suit in which he will finally be held to account.

Just as so many believed OJ got away with murder, we believe Zimmerman got away with murder and needs to be held accountable. Hopefully he will.

Over 70 percent of America agrees with the verdict. Of those who don't agree roughly 12 percent are black, 10 percent are other races, and the only whites that don't agree with the verdict seem to be Democrats.

These statistics are glaringly false. If you have a valid study/poll to prove these statistics, provide the link. It is absolutely NOT TRUE that 70% of Americans agree with the verdict. Not true. An outright lie in fact.
Why should she have stood her ground? She was supposed to only give a verdict based on evidence. We're lucky she ended up doing the right thing.

The evidence was that Zimmerman was an armed adult and Trayvon was an unarmed child.

No. There was no child involved. If your position is as strong as you want everyone to believe why do you feel the need to lie about the facts?

Of course there was a child involved! As I recall, Trayvon Martin was in his stroller rolling himself from the store with a jar of Gerber strained peas while drinking baby formula when all of a sudden George Zimmerman had left a hispanic white supremacy meeting and had spotted li'l Martin changing his diaper. George Zimmerman then shot Martin and stole his pacifier! Don't you watch the news?
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So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

I agree, but I want to add to what you have said.

Juror 29 also said that Martin's death had nothing to do with race but that won't matter to those who are filled with hate against Zimmerman:

“Juror B29 also told ABC that she didn't believe race was an issue at the trial. Though the judge so far has refused to release the names or biographical information about the jurors, B29 said she was 36 years old and Puerto Rican.”

Zimmerman Trial Juror B29, formerly of Chicago, says she owes Trayvon Martin's parents apology |

She also said that the case should have never gone to trail, and the whole thing was just a political stunt, but that won't mean anything to the Zimmerman haters:

“When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, 'I don't think so.'

"I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity,' she said.”

"It's hard for me to sleep, it's hard for me to eat because I feel I was forcefully included in Trayvon Martin's death.”

George Zimmerman Juror Says 'In Our Hearts, We Felt He Was Guilty' - ABC News

If you listen to her tape you will realize that she thought Zimmerman got away with murder solely because she believes (erroneously) that if you kill someone for any reason you should be charged. She said the law was contrary to her beliefs, but she had to obey the law. She never said anything to indicate that Zimmerman broke any laws, and in fact she admitted that he did not! Here are her exact words:

“That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it," Maddy said. "But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty" (see above link).

She admitted that there was no proof that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, and that is what the case was all about. If there was no proof that Zimmerman killed martin intentionally, he did not get away with murder.

But Zimmerman haters will ignore everything Juror 29 said and cling only to these words based not on law, but on her own personal feelings (which are obviously contrary to the law): “Zimmerman got away with murder.”

The Reader's Digest version of her comments would be: Juror 29 wishes she could have convicted Zimmerman but the law would not allow it. Says case should never have gone to trial and she is upset she was put in the middle of the whole thing.

I applaud the integrity of all the jurors. They were all deeply concerned with the violent death of a young man and wanted to punish the man who took his life. However, they realized that they had to go by the law and the evidence which demanded a verdict of not guilty. I especially acknowledge the integrity of Juror 29. She strongly believes that anyone who takes the life of another for any reason should be charged. However, she set aside her passionate beliefs and acknowledged that based upon the law the case never should have gone to trial. Ya gotta love the lady.
George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law.

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.
George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law.

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.

We can still nail the fucker in Civil and Federal Courts.

More important, I think it does open a discussion about race and gun violence in this country that I'm sure many on the right don't want to have, but we ought to.

First, Zimmerman has put the lie to the whole "We needs guns to protect ourselves against criminals" contention. Trayvon was not a criminal, and Zimmerman's possession of a gun turned a misunderstanding into a tragedy.

Second, Zimmerman has shown a light on the reality most black men live under in this country. People will assume you are up to no good even if you are doing something as innocous as buying candy.
Black jurist. Really... Op, you are a fucking liar and everything you said after that is shit.

Zimmerman defenders, just stop.

She's what we can call a Black/Hispanic.
The first official description of her before the trial ended was that she was a black/Hipanic.

Oh, and BTW, go fuck yourself.


She doesn't count. She's lighter than a paper bag.

Then why didn't they supervise him so he would not get killed? Leaving your adolescent to roam the streets alone does not fit the definition of love.

He was an american. He had the right to go to th efucking corner store without being profiled and killed.

Just like everyone else. And people who go out at night alone in crime ridden neighborhoods are killed everyday. I'll grant you it is usually by blacks, though. People who care about their kids don't let them wander the streets alone at night.

Then why didn't they supervise him so he would not get killed? Leaving your adolescent to roam the streets alone does not fit the definition of love.

He was an american. He had the right to go to th efucking corner store without being profiled and killed.

Just like everyone else. And people who go out at night alone in crime ridden neighborhoods are killed everyday. I'll grant you it is usually by blacks, though. People who care about their kids don't let them wander the streets alone at night.

And black civil rights assholes will make sure that stays that way forever. Been rigged for decades now......a whole segment of our society hopelessly duped.

Those people in the background ^^........zombies. They'd march off a cliff into an abyss if assholes like Sharpton told them to.......

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The unscientific usmessageboard poll in the judicial section shows about 70% agree with the verdict to 30% that disagree.

Are you serious? I posted the polls, the poll results. You need a link? Zimmerman verdict: 86 percent of African Americans disapprove

What is the percentage of Hispanics believe Zimmerman is guilty or not guilty?
Because the liberal main stream media has established that Zimmerman is Caucasian and is ignoring his Hispanic Islander heritage, you are prohibited from asking that question.
Remember, the political left always sets the narrative and establishes the talking points. All other conversation is banned. Any attempt to probe deeper into an issue with research or to seek the opinion of those with differing points of view will be met with swift and severe punishment. Punishment which first appear in the form of being labeled a RACIST.
I think it's clear that this jurist lied to get on the jury, because she felt deep down that Zimmerman was guilty but she couldn't convict him because there was no evidence of it. If she had more support from the other jurists she probably would have made sure he was convicted regardless of the evidence.

It's easy to imagine how the jury made its decision. The rest of the jurist made up their minds early that the verdict was "not guilty." However, this one was a hold-out who wanted to vote guilty. The rest of the jurors had to wear her down until she finally caved in and voted "not guilty."

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

She might THINK that Zimmerman got away with murder, but at least she did the right thing, the thing that was required of her, and followed the law, regardless of her personal feelings.

That woman is EXACTLY the type of women who should be on a jury - a person who is able to put aside their emotions and obey the law.

I believe that George got away with murder, too - but if I was on that jury, I may well have had no choice but to let him go - if the evidence wasn't there, you can't convict.

I agree with you...but the right now hates her because she threatens thier suppior than though stance.

We all know he should not have killed Martin but he knew EXACTLY what he was doing by the letter of the Florida law. That is whey he studied that law in school.

Dispute that Zimmerman defenders.
Dispute what?
Look genius, it's been established that you are not getting your way here. You had expectations per this case and they were not met. That makes you angry because as with all far left libs, anger is your first and only reaction when things do not turn out the way you want. You believe that something went wrong or someone cheated you.
I think you should just stop posting your radical liberal nonsense and then go find another hobby. This is not a good place for you.

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