Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.


So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.


He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.



How do you explain Zimmerman passing a lie detector test?
Black jurist. Really... Op, you are a fucking liar and everything you said after that is shit.

Zimmerman defenders, just stop.

She's what we can call a Black/Hispanic.

You can see her hair has been straightened. The first description of her before the trial ended was that she was a black/Hipanic.

Oh, and BTW, go fuck yourself.

She is as black as Zimmerman is hispanic.

Sorry. You lose.

Zimmerman is a racist who killed a black child.

Well, it's obvious both are true. You can tell just by looking at them.

Oh, and there is no proof that Zimmerman is a racist. However there is plenty of evidence he's not.

Sorry. You lose.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

Even fucktards like you have said that she was told the "MURDER" had to be proved to be intentional for a conviction. She was misled. If you were texting while driving and ran over a kid who was going to the store for Skittles and Ice Tea, could you say, "But I didn't mean to do it therefore, I'm not guilty". Well, in that area I'm sure you could. If the kid were black.

You guys are making a mistake defending another child killer. I thought Sandy Hook was the lowest you could go. But it seems Republicans have found a new "low". Good luck with that.

Nobody here defended that little prick at Sandyhook.

And if you run somebody over while texting and driving that's vehicular homicide, manslaughter, you name it. That is a textbook case of criminal negligence.

I thought about sandy hook as well. You guys will defend any piece of shit murderer. Wont you.

Shamefull really.
She's what we can call a Black/Hispanic.

You can see her hair has been straightened. The first description of her before the trial ended was that she was a black/Hipanic.

Oh, and BTW, go fuck yourself.

She is as black as Zimmerman is hispanic.

Sorry. You lose.

Zimmerman is a racist who killed a black child.

Well, it's obvious both are true. You can tell just by looking at them.

Oh, and there is no proof that Zimmerman is a racist. However there is plenty of evidence he's not.

Sorry. You lose.

So you are saying if Martin was white, Zimmerman would have called the cops?

I am being serious least admit, he was profiling Martin...wont cha?

I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.


He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.



How do you explain Zimmerman passing a lie detector test?

I can explain it. The explanation is, the same reason why they are not admissible in court. You can beat it if, even if you are a liar.

Dispute that.
I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.


He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.




*rolling eyes*

All he needed was to have somebody attack him so he could kill the fucker.

He called the cops on a 7 year old black kid. You do know this dont you? Of all the times he called the cops on this "suspects" how many were arrested?

I will help you if you choose to ignore this question..

NONE. [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] comment?
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Even fucktards like you have said that she was told the "MURDER" had to be proved to be intentional for a conviction. She was misled. If you were texting while driving and ran over a kid who was going to the store for Skittles and Ice Tea, could you say, "But I didn't mean to do it therefore, I'm not guilty". Well, in that area I'm sure you could. If the kid were black.

You guys are making a mistake defending another child killer. I thought Sandy Hook was the lowest you could go. But it seems Republicans have found a new "low". Good luck with that.

Nobody here defended that little prick at Sandyhook.

And if you run somebody over while texting and driving that's vehicular homicide, manslaughter, you name it. That is a textbook case of criminal negligence.

I thought about sandy hook as well. You guys will defend any piece of shit murderer. Wont you.

Shamefull really.

Shameful that you'd lie so blatantly. Nobody I know of has tried to defend that kid other than possibly his lawyers. However what gun owners have done is tried to prevent another gun grab from taking place.

It's so sad, you're in such a wretched state you feel you have to make up shit about the right over Sandyhook.

That kid was 17 for only three weeks.

He had family that loved him.







So according to you, all these "wanna be" thugs should be quickly put to death? Right? Is that what you're saying?

[ame=]Saturday Night Live - Natalie Raps - YouTube[/ame]

Then why didn't they supervise him so he would not get killed? Leaving your adolescent to roam the streets alone does not fit the definition of love.

He was an american. He had the right to go to th efucking corner store without being profiled and killed.

He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.




*rolling eyes*

All he needed was to have somebody attack him so he could kill the fucker.

He called the cops on a 7 year old black kid. You do know this dont you? Of all the times he called the cops on this "suspects" how many were arrested?

I will help you if you choose to ignore this question..

NONE. [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] comment?

Zimmerman got the full Palin treatment. I'm sure they have made up all kinds of crap about him. Maybe they can come up with a story about him abusing puppies.
Nobody here defended that little prick at Sandyhook.

And if you run somebody over while texting and driving that's vehicular homicide, manslaughter, you name it. That is a textbook case of criminal negligence.

I thought about sandy hook as well. You guys will defend any piece of shit murderer. Wont you.

Shamefull really.

Shameful that you'd lie so blatantly. Nobody I know of has tried to defend that kid other than possibly his lawyers. However what gun owners have done is tried to prevent another gun grab from taking place.

It's so sad, you're in such a wretched state you feel you have to make up shit about the right over Sandyhook.




*rolling eyes*

All he needed was to have somebody attack him so he could kill the fucker.

He called the cops on a 7 year old black kid. You do know this dont you? Of all the times he called the cops on these "suspects" how many were arrested?
I will help you if you choose to ignore this question..

NONE. [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] comment?

Zimmerman got the full Palin treatment. I'm sure they have made up all kinds of crap about him. Maybe they can come up with a story about him abusing puppies.

Please see above and just try to answere the question. Just this once, try not to deflect.

Palin? Really..again try not to deflect.
I thought about sandy hook as well. You guys will defend any piece of shit murderer. Wont you.

Shamefull really.

Shameful that you'd lie so blatantly. Nobody I know of has tried to defend that kid other than possibly his lawyers. However what gun owners have done is tried to prevent another gun grab from taking place.

It's so sad, you're in such a wretched state you feel you have to make up shit about the right over Sandyhook.




Spamming isn't going to help fucknuts.
Those that say Zimmerman would not have called the cops if Martin were white are racially profiling Zimmerman. This conclusion is based on a racial bias of what Zimmerman would or would not do.
Those that say Zimmerman would not have called the cops if Martin were white are racially profiling Zimmerman. This conclusion is based on a racial bias of what Zimmerman would or would not do.

Well it is a fact that for a short time while on the phone with the 911 dispatcher, Zimmerman didn't know the race of Trayvon because he was wearing a hoodie and it was barely dark and raining. Only when Trayvon turned and aggressively started walking towards George sitting in his truck on the phone did he realize he was black as he got closer.
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So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.
Jurors don't get to decide on cases before them based on how they "feel"..
Case closed. This is another dead issue.
The libs are pissed off by the outcome of this case. They expected a guilty verdict and did not get what they wanted. They are on the war path.
This is the way libs behave when they don't get their way.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.
Robin Roberts has never hidden her racism against white people.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.
Robin Roberts has never hidden her racism against white people.

But she has hid her Gay lifestyle from the public.

Robin Roberts Feared Being Outed as Lesbian!
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

The trial was conducted under accordance with Florida law.
If that upsets you, move to Florida, run for the State Legislature and do what you think is right to change the laws governing the instructions a judge may give to a jury.
Short of that, you are spewing a bunch of racist contrary hot air.
As a juror, one does not defy the judge just because he or she 'feels' the defendant is guilty or innocent. Or because the public 'feels' the trial should have a certain outcome.
Shut it. You barely have a right to an opinion.

He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.




*rolling eyes*

All he needed was to have somebody attack him so he could kill the fucker.

He called the cops on a 7 year old black kid. You do know this dont you? Of all the times he called the cops on this "suspects" how many were arrested?

I will help you if you choose to ignore this question..

NONE. [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] comment?

Well no shit. Zimmerman said it on the phone... "these punks always get away." What you think is a clever retort is basic shit everyone already knows.

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