Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.


Nice try but 100's of blacks are mourning the loss of their children and because one was killed by a hispanic guy, that is more important than the other lives, because they didn't know them? Also you can't blame whitey if it is black on black crime.

Focusing on Zimmerman, takes the eyes off the real problem.

What real problem is that, spanky? That most people know their murderers. Black on black crime is about as common as white on white crime. Most murder victims are killed by their own race, usually people they know. Which is why no one is up in arms about it.

This case, a WHITE (not Hispanic) guy killed a black child, and the family of that black child didn't get justice.

That's what people are upset about. And they should be.

Belaboring Martin's so-called "child" status is getting you nowhere.

Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Had Martin killed somebody, he was old enough to have been tried as an adult.

As... an... adult.

You've overplayed the "child" thing once too often.

Martin was a near-adult 17-year-old teen who was in the process of beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk at the time Zimmerman fired at Martin.

The parents of that teenager who initiated deadly force during the course of that altercation got all the justice that their son's behavior made possible.

It is failure to comprehend these facts, and to assign them their proper weight, and a continuing resort to emotionalism, that is at the root of the Epic Fail and Extreme Angst which pro-Martin folk are flagellating themselves with.

I say 'themselves' because the rest of the world is already moving-on beyond this flyspeck-blown-out-of-proportion case.

The Martin kid made the mistake of being the first to introduce deadly force into the confrontation.

That mistake cost him his life.

But the world continues to turn on its axis, regardless.

You are talking to a wall. A lefty wall.
What real problem is that, spanky? That most people know their murderers. Black on black crime is about as common as white on white crime. Most murder victims are killed by their own race, usually people they know. Which is why no one is up in arms about it.

This case, a WHITE (not Hispanic) guy killed a black child, and the family of that black child didn't get justice.

That's what people are upset about. And they should be.

Belaboring Martin's so-called "child" status is getting you nowhere.

Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Had Martin killed somebody, he was old enough to have been tried as an adult.

As... an... adult.

You've overplayed the "child" thing once too often.

Martin was a near-adult 17-year-old teen who was in the process of beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk at the time Zimmerman fired at Martin.

The parents of that teenager who initiated deadly force during the course of that altercation got all the justice that their son's behavior made possible.

It is failure to comprehend these facts, and to assign them their proper weight, and a continuing resort to emotionalism, that is at the root of the Epic Fail and Extreme Angst which pro-Martin folk are flagellating themselves with.

I say 'themselves' because the rest of the world is already moving-on beyond this flyspeck-blown-out-of-proportion case.

The Martin kid made the mistake of being the first to introduce deadly force into the confrontation.

That mistake cost him his life.

But the world continues to turn on its axis, regardless.

You are talking to a wall. A lefty wall.

No kidding, reality is not in their vocabulary.

Nice try but 100's of blacks are mourning the loss of their children and because one was killed by a hispanic guy, that is more important than the other lives, because they didn't know them? Also you can't blame whitey if it is black on black crime.

Focusing on Zimmerman, takes the eyes off the real problem.

What real problem is that, spanky? That most people know their murderers. Black on black crime is about as common as white on white crime. Most murder victims are killed by their own race, usually people they know. Which is why no one is up in arms about it.

This case, a WHITE (not Hispanic) guy killed a black child, and the family of that black child didn't get justice.

That's what people are upset about. And they should be.


So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

LOL! I never claimed that. Who on the left did? Can you name anyone important or is your pussy just bleeding?

They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

A 17 year old kid wound up dead on his way home from buying a pack of skittles. I'm sorry if that's inconvenient to you. Maybe next time we'll just take his body, drop it in a vat of acid, and make it disappear, so you don't have your por wittle feewins hurt when someone actually notices the body.

Nice try but 100's of blacks are mourning the loss of their children and because one was killed by a hispanic guy, that is more important than the other lives, because they didn't know them? Also you can't blame whitey if it is black on black crime.

Focusing on Zimmerman, takes the eyes off the real problem.

What real problem is that, spanky? That most people know their murderers. Black on black crime is about as common as white on white crime. Most murder victims are killed by their own race, usually people they know. Which is why no one is up in arms about it.

This case, a WHITE (not Hispanic) guy killed a black child, and the family of that black child didn't get justice.

That's what people are upset about. And they should be.

Belaboring Martin's so-called "child" status is getting you nowhere.

Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Had Martin killed somebody, he was old enough to have been tried as an adult.

As... an... adult.

You've overplayed the "child" thing once too often.

Martin was a near-adult 17-year-old teen who was in the process of beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk at the time Zimmerman fired at Martin.

The parents of that teenager who initiated deadly force during the course of that altercation got all the justice that their son's behavior made possible.

It is failure to comprehend these facts, and to assign them their proper weight, and a continuing resort to emotionalism, that is at the root of the Epic Fail and Extreme Angst which pro-Martin folk are flagellating themselves with.

I say 'themselves' because the rest of the world is already moving-on beyond this flyspeck-blown-out-of-proportion case.

The Martin kid made the mistake of being the first to introduce deadly force into the confrontation.

That mistake cost him his life.

But the world continues to turn on its axis, regardless.

You state things you believe as if they are irrefutable facts. You put a slant on things to suit your preferred version. Saying these things and saying them the way you choose does not make them reality. Your desire to vilify an innocent person and to see his murder as his own fault comes down to your desire of how you want to read this incident and that desire is based on a pro-gun agenda.

Trayvon was suspended from school for petty, minor things, things a million other American teenagers do every day. Trayvon was not beating Zimmerman's head into concrete: that is Zimmerman's story and is not born out by his "insignificant" injuries. Trayvon did not introduce deadly force into the situation: it was Zimmerman who did that. Zimmerman was in nothing more serious than a schoolyard fist fight and he responded with deadly, lethal force. It is not Trayvon who made a mistake; it is Zimmerman who made many.

He never should have been carrying a gun. As he was, he should have warned Trayvon he had a gun. He never should have gotten out of his car. As he did, he should have identified himself as neighborhood watch. He profiled, stalked, and confronted an unarmed, innocent person who was doing nothing wrong and had every right to be where he was, and as a result of that confrontation, the innocent, unarmed person is dead. This is all down to the actions of Zimmerman. Trayvon was not a thug who deserved to die and he was not the person responsible for his own death.

According to polls, half of America agrees with this version, so your stating your version repeatedly doesn't make it any more correct. According to the jury, they also believe Zimmerman was guilty of something; they were just unable to say he was guilty of the crimes he was charged with. Only those who are so virulently attached to the idea that every idiot in America has a right to carry and use a loaded firearm support the idea that Zimmerman is an innocent man, and only intellectually dishonest, vicious, black hearted individuals, for no other reason than to promote a pro-gun agenda, would try to portray an innocent teenager as a violent thug responsible for his own death.
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"...You state things you believe as if they are irrefutable facts..."

Don't we all, from time to time, regardless of which issue it is, and which side we're on?

"...You put a slant on things to suit your preferred version..."

Don't we all, from time to time, regardless of which issue it is, and which side we're on?

"...Saying these things and saying them the way you choose does not make them reality..."

Quite true.

Documentation (suspension) and eyewitnesses (Martin on top) and injuries (to the back of Zimmerman's head) make them reality.

Sufficiently real, at any rate, so as to lend themselves to Zimmerman's acquittal.

"...Your desire to villify an innocent person and to see his murder as his own fault comes down to your desire of how you want to read this incident and that desire is based on a pro-gun agenda..."

There is no need for me to vilify Martin.

I merely reiterate the blemishes that Martin himself created on his record, so as to neutralize the attempts of pro-Martin advocates to portray him as a Complete Innocent, which he was not.

Martin's murder was not Martin's fault.

That is because no Murder occurred.

As determined by due process of law.

Martin's death, however, was, indeed, caused by Martin's own wrong choices that night.

Oh, and, as to having a 'pro-gun agenda', I do, indeed, support Gun Ownership Rights.

You will also have one devil-of-a-time backtracking through my own posts and finding a place where I link Gun Rights to the Zimmerman case in any way, shape or form - implicitly or explicitly.

No, MY angle in this is (a) Rule-of-Law, and (b) doing my little part to counter the Race-Baiting types like Jackson and Sharpton, whose involvement have reopened ancient wounds and promoted hatred and violence.

"...Trayvon was suspended from school for petty, minor things, things a million other American teenagers do every day..."

Martin was a three-time loser, including the possession of drug paraphernalia. Your boy gets no 'halo' from most sane, rational, objective people.

"...Trayvon was not beating Zimmerman's head into concrete: that is Zimmerman's story and is not born out by his 'insignificant' injuries..."

Various eyewitnesses put Martin on top of Zimmerman and punching Zimmerman. Given the position of Zimmerman's head - on the sidewalk - such punching would have an effect much akin to pounding your opponent's head on the sidewalk. Close enough.

As to Zimmerman's injuries being 'insignificant', the abrasions on the back of his head are consistent with such a beating, and Zimmerman's firing of his pistol BEFORE Martin could inflict yet more damage precluded those injuries becoming even more 'significant'.

"...Trayvon did not introduce deadly force into the situation..."

Beating your opponent's head while it rests on a sidewalk does, indeed, constitute 'deadly force'.

Martin did this BEFORE Zimmerman fired his pistol.

Consequently, Martin introduced deadly force, first.


Sorry if that does not agree with YOUR perception of how things went-down.

The law came far closer to accepting the Defense story than it did the Prosecution's.

" was Zimmerman who did that..."

Incorrect. See above.

"...Zimmerman was in nothing more serious than a schoolyard fist fight and he responded with deadly, lethal force..."

Being down flat on your back, head on the concrete sidewalk, with your opponent on top and you taking blows to the head, banging it against the concrete, is just a wee bit more serious than your average school-yard fight.

Martin's actions in such a setting were a manifestation of deadly force.

Perhaps Zimmerman should have counted the number of times he took a blow to the head while positioned against the concrete, and held-off on discharging his weapon until he reached... what... the 10th blow?... the 20th?... until after he was dead or knocked-out?

Sorry, no sale.

"...It is not Trayvon who made a mistake..."

Martin made the mistake of escalating the confrontation to the point where a plausible case could be made for Martin applying deadly force.

That mistake cost him his life.

Zimmerman would not have believed himself to be in mortal danger nor fired, otherwise.

" is Zimmerman who made many..."


"...He never should have been carrying a gun..."

He is a legal firearms owner and entitled to carry firearms.

"... As he was, he should have warned Trayvon he had a gun..."

He was under no legal obligation to do so, insofar as I am aware.

"...He never should have gotten out of his car..."

Agreed. But that mistake should not have put his life in jeopardy.

"...As he did, he should have identified himself as neighborhood watch..."

Possibly. It all depends upon the local-yokel Watch Guidelines. But even if he violated those guidelines, that mistake should not have put his life in jeopardy.

"...He profiled, stalked, and confronted an unarmed, innocent person who was doing nothing wrong and had every right to be where he was, and as a result of that confrontation, the innoncent, unarmed person is dead..."

He did, indeed, profile, stalk and confront Martin.

Martin, however, lost his innocence, the very nanosecond that he jumped Zimmerman, and he lost his life when he began beating Zimmerman in the head while Zimmerman's head was up against the concrete sidewalk.

None of Zimmerman's profiling, stalking or confronting should have put his life in jeopardy.

"...This is all down to the actions of Zimmerman..."

Zimmerman's actions were the prelude to Martin's death.

Martin's beating of Zimmerman's head while that head was up against the concrete sidewalk was the proximal cause for Zimmerman to discharge his weapon.

"...Trayvon was not a thug who deserved to die and he was not the person responsible for his own death..."

It doesn't matter whether Martin could rightfully be labeled as a 'thug'.

The split-second that he began pounding Zimmerman's head, while that head was up against the concrete sidewalk, all other circumstances and background become moot.

"...According to polls, half of America agrees with this version, so your stating your version repeatedly doesn't make it any more correct..."

None of that shit matters.

The ONLY poll that signifies is the one taken in the Jury Room prior to reaching a verdict.

This matter is now closed, at law.

"...According to the jury, they also believe Zimmerman was guilty of something, they were just unable to say he was guilty of the crimes he was charged with..."

It does not matter what they believe.

It only matters what can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

This is why we have Standards of Evidence and why our legal system is based upon fact rather than belief.

"...Only those who are so virilently attached to the idea that every idiot in America has a right to carry and use a loaded firearm support the idea that Zimmerman is an innocent man..."

Oh, but Zimmerman WAS found innocent... a common synonym for Not Guilty.

Only sane, rational people who respect the Rule of Law in this country abide by that verdict.

Only people who refuse to cave-in to Race-Baiters such as Jackson and Sharpton abide by that verdict.

There are MANY reasons for abiding by the verdict, and Gun Rights is very low on my own personal list of reasons as to why I choose to abide by that verdict.

"...and only vicious, black hearted individual would try to portray an innocent teenager as a violent thug responsible for his own death."


Then I'm off-the-hook on that one.

I, for one, portray Martin as a three-time school-suspension loser with traces of drugs still in his bloodstream from some earlier consumption, who made the mistake of physically assaulting his Confronter, sitting on top of his Confronter, and delivering blows to the head of his Confronter, thereby causing his Confronter to panic and to shoot him out of fear for his own life and in self-defense; thereby, in a very real sense, causing his own death.

You may not like any of that, but that is the way the case played-out at law.

The matter is now closed, at law.
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Jurist Seeking Book Deal Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder.

Fixed it for ya!

Belaboring Martin's so-called "child" status is getting you nowhere.

Martin was a near-adult 17 year old teenager who was under high school disciplinary suspension for the third time, at the time of his death.

Had Martin killed somebody, he was old enough to have been tried as an adult.

As... an... adult.

You've overplayed the "child" thing once too often.

Martin was a near-adult 17-year-old teen who was in the process of beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete sidewalk at the time Zimmerman fired at Martin.

The parents of that teenager who initiated deadly force during the course of that altercation got all the justice that their son's behavior made possible.

It is failure to comprehend these facts, and to assign them their proper weight, and a continuing resort to emotionalism, that is at the root of the Epic Fail and Extreme Angst which pro-Martin folk are flagellating themselves with.

I say 'themselves' because the rest of the world is already moving-on beyond this flyspeck-blown-out-of-proportion case.

The Martin kid made the mistake of being the first to introduce deadly force into the confrontation.

That mistake cost him his life.

But the world continues to turn on its axis, regardless.

Yeah, guy, you totally won, so why are you sooooo upset people are still talking about this.

This is the Emmet Till case of the 21st century, that's what has you guys so upset.

For a person or entity to be held liable in a civil action the plaintiff must prove the defendant was negligent.
If a person buys a gun, takes it and shoots someone, how is it you make the leap to the gun manufacturer is liable and negligent?

Companies that make Irons have been found liable because people tried to iron clothes they were wearing.

The gun companies are selling a deadly object to people with no regard to their mental stability. As a matter of fact, they've flustered every effort to keep them OUT of the hands of the Joker Holmes of the world.

It's why after the gun sellers were found liable in the DC Sniper case, Congress rushed through a liability sheild at the behest of the NRA.

That law needs to go.
"...Yeah, guy, you totally won..."

I won nothing. You won nothing. Martin won nothing. Zimmerman won nothing.

The Rule-of-Law won.

" why are you sooooo upset people are still talking about this..."

I am not upset that some folks continue to talk about it. I am greatly amused at the highly unrealistic and hyper-emotional sour-grapes state to which this verdict has rendered some.

"...This is the Emmet Till case of the 21st century..."

I don't remember Emmet Till having been suspended from school three times or having drug-residue in his bloodstream or publishing photos of himself giving the audience the finger nor sitting on top of his assailants and pounding on their heads, before his death.

This isn't another Emmet Till case.

It is a future classic textbook example of Failed Social Activism and Failed Manufactured Race-Relations Crisis and Failed Media Marketing Campaigning.

It is a future classic textbook example of the vitality and ruggedness and durability of the Rule of Law in the face of nearly-overwhelming and inappropriate outside bias-generating.

It is a future classic textbook example of the Waning Influence of surviving and aging 1960s-era Civil Rights Junior Leadership turned Race-Baiters and Hate-Mongers - one of their last gasps before they slip away into history.

It is a future classic textbook example of The Triumph of the Rule of Law Over the Rule of the Mob.

"...that's what has you guys so upset."

I cannot speak for other folks (whomever 'you guys' are), but I've already accounted for myself.

I'm not upset. I'm highly amused.

I think the Martin-Zimmerman incident was a freaking tragedy; we have people on both sides who were - and are - in agony - and that's not a funny thing - not in the slightest.

However, even the darkest clouds have a lighter side.

I think that the Liberal Sheeple who bought into the Sharpton-Jackson shuck-and-jive campaign are a real hoot - damned funny.

I also think that that subset of Liberal Sheeple who continue to belabor moot points and emotionalism as a post facto manifestation of sour grapes are even funnier.

Evidence and fact have triumphed over emotionalism and personal opinion and lynch-mob mentality; The Law has functioned exactly as it was supposed to under such circumstances.

The Rule of Law has won.
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The Professor paraphrasing juror B29 said:
She admitted that there was no proof that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, and that is what the case was all about. If there was no proof that Zimmerman killed martin intentionally, he did not get away with murder

Zimmerman pointed his gun at TM center mass and pulled the trigger. He had a reasonable expectation that the gun would fire. What do you think GZ's intentions were at that moment? He DID intend to kill TM judging by THAT evidence alone. I too have been responding to the latest round of exchanges in the GZ/TM case and I too, think that GZ got away with murder/manslaughter. That is, with the help of a botched preliminary investigation and mishandled evidence collection process by the SPD. Further, the medical examiner was either inept or failed to preserve evidence properly while the prosecution did an abysmal job of prosecuting by allowing the defense team to run ram shod over them. There seemed to be collusion between the prosecution and the defense that was especially notable when certain testimony that should have been challenged was allowed without objection.
Then, there was the smiling prosecutor Corey who seemed to take great joy in the defense's victory!

The whole world witnessed the events as I have and the entire affair smacked of conspiracy. Good ol' southern style justice is still alive and this was their model case to prove it. Since the Florida Justice system was forced to go to trial by outside intervention there was vested interest in blowing the case; a case that was mismanaged by their own operatives from the start.

I truly feel that the FEDS should jointly indict the city of Sandford and the State of Florida right along with Zimmerman for conspiring to deprive TM of his civil rights.

BTW, if juror B29 said words to the effect that the case should never have gone to trial ( I have found no reliable source for that) she likely was referring to the circus that emerged in the wake if an intentional imbroglio orchestrated by the SPD, The Medical Examiner, the Defense, the Prosecution and southern white friends!
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We may be witnessing the seminal days of the Trayvonn Martin Truther Movement...

Which, in several months, will have about as much credibility as the 9-11 Truther Movement...

Less, actually, given its relative un-importance in the grand scheme of things...

If the City of Sanford or Seminole County or the State of Florida had a modern-day track-record which supports such accusations of bias in criminal legal proceedings, in the context of this volatile case, the Federal government would have stepped in long before now...

However, no such evidence exists...

Only residual trace-elements of emotionalism, leftover from the dissipating energies of the now-dispersing lynch-mob...

Ain't gonna happen...

The fat lady is singing...


It's over...

The matter is closed, at law...
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I imagine the poor woman, sitting through the trial and subsequent jury deliberations, thinking all the time: "You know, if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Oh, wait, she probably already has a son who like Trayvon, she's the 36-year-old mother of eight. Families that size are usually Mormon, Catholic, or ghetto. I wonder whether she's figured out what causes pregnancy?
George Zimmerman has been judged 'Not Guilty' at law.

That is the end of the matter at law.

There are far more important things going-in in the world that merit our attention.

Well, Kondor, most of us can handle more than one thing at a time...if you can't...move on!

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

LOL! I never claimed that. Who on the left did? Can you name anyone important or is your pussy just bleeding?

They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

A 17 year old kid wound up dead on his way home from buying a pack of skittles. I'm sorry if that's inconvenient to you. Maybe next time we'll just take his body, drop it in a vat of acid, and make it disappear, so you don't have your por wittle feewins hurt when someone actually notices the body.

A 17 year old young man wound up dead because he thought (correctly as it turns out) that he could beat up a chubby non black who had "dissed" him, by following him. That's inconvenient to you. It should be a lesson that one should never try to beat up someone else because you don't know who is armed and who is not. That should be the lesson. The violence and killing black young men won't end until they finally learn not to go around beating up strangers.

Dismissing Martin's actions in attacking Zimmerman, or worse, justifying it, will only make things worse. The justice for Trayvon packs are roaming the streets and they, just like their hero, have no idea who is armed and who is not.
"...The justice for Trayvon packs are roaming the streets and they, just like their hero, have no idea who is armed and who is not."

I never thought I'd live to see the day when American Liberals would FORM a lynch mob rather than PROTESTING lynch mobs.

Something seems to have gone terribly wrong, on The Left.

Meanwhile - yes - you're correct - a .9mm round between the eyes would spoil the day of such pack-rats.
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