Black KId Almost Arrested for Supposedly Robbing.....

Good question . Why is it you can't deal with the fact the black hugemongus black crime rate is the far larger issue? To quote/ paraphrase Woody Allen: it's not paranoia if they are a real issue. No wonder cops are so paranoid in poor black areas. They might as well have targets painted on them. AND this poor black idealism of crime and.."snitches get stitches": mentality, who made that? Old saint Nick?
Probably because I disagree with you that its the larger issue. The larger issue is the racism that makes criminals out of the people that are supposed to protect people from criminals. The corrupt cops are the ones that made that mentality. Its a known fact that if you snitch to the cops someone on force will tell the person you snitched on who did the snitching.
Racism is bad. Agree. If I could make race and culture go away, there would always be an excuse. Racism is THE epitome excuse of excuses. Can't question it. Shoe doesn't fit, racism. The parable of the boy that cried wolf? Like that, it dosen't work after a while.
Not sure what you mean by work? Racism is the root of all the ills in this country. You may not accept it but thats not going to change the mind of the people that have to deal with it.
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Cops are a minor part of the constant danger. Most of the time the thugs they kill have been terrorizing the hood and the people are glad he's gone. Black cops being some of the worst offenders.
So, what is the alternative to police? Vigilance committees? Prayer? Who is going to say, intervene if Cedric the pimp wants to rape your old lady and make her his bitch? OR who's going to stop a jaywalker or other evil doers? I guess it depends on the politicians that love to defang the police and otherwise make them ineffective as to be useless. Political activist will protect you from the bad guys! How? Calling them names won't work.
We dont need an alternative. We need a change in culture and competent people in charge that will punish corrupt cops. We need get rid of this bullshit blue wall that forces the few good cops into submission to the corrupt cops. We need to dismantle the police unions that keep these corrupt cops from being penalized.

Or would you rather your tax money kept going to pay millions in police brutality case?

It's black American culture that is undergoing a transformation. They're #walkingaway in droves. No mo' plantation life. You'll have to think of something new.
God lord, that beats the past history I see. Cops are in and of themselves a different issue. Cops didn't break poor black culture, and bad police don't cause crime. Lets look to the source and go back to the roots.
Bad police dont cause crime? They dont have to cause crime. All they have to do is plant something on you and they have created a crime. Most of the time all they have to do is say they saw you commit a crime.
I hate to tell you this but they do that to white people too. And if you did some research instead of getting all your information from Al Sharpton you would know that.
Pretty sure they do. However they dont do it as often as they do it to Blacks. If they did the SCOTUS wouldnt admit that there is a problem with systemic racism.
The hilarious fact is the kid is far more likely to be shot by a black person, but Asslips can't point out facts so he reports this sort of drivel.,`His granma must have told him to 'pull his fuckin pants up and dress like a man!!' in front of his stupid street friends again.

The comedy never ends with these stupid left wing racists..
i understa
Good question . Why is it you can't deal with the fact the black hugemongus black crime rate is the far larger issue? To quote/ paraphrase Woody Allen: it's not paranoia if they are a real issue. No wonder cops are so paranoid in poor black areas. They might as well have targets painted on them. AND this poor black idealism of crime and.."snitches get stitches": mentality, who made that? Old saint Nick?
Probably because I disagree with you that its the larger issue. The larger issue is the racism that makes criminals out of the people that are supposed to protect people from criminals. The corrupt cops are the ones that made that mentality. Its a known fact that if you snitch to the cops someone on force will tell the person you snitched on who did the snitching.
Racism is bad. Agree. If I could make race and culture go away, there would always be an excuse. Racism is THE epitome excuse of excuses. Can't question it. Shoe doesn't fit, racism. The parable of the boy that cried wolf? Like that, it dosen't work after a while.
Not sure what you mean by work? Racism is the root of all the ills in this country. You may not accept it but thats not going to change the mind of the people that have to deal with it.
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :..REALISM.
i understa
Probably because I disagree with you that its the larger issue. The larger issue is the racism that makes criminals out of the people that are supposed to protect people from criminals. The corrupt cops are the ones that made that mentality. Its a known fact that if you snitch to the cops someone on force will tell the person you snitched on who did the snitching.
Racism is bad. Agree. If I could make race and culture go away, there would always be an excuse. Racism is THE epitome excuse of excuses. Can't question it. Shoe doesn't fit, racism. The parable of the boy that cried wolf? Like that, it dosen't work after a while.
Not sure what you mean by work? Racism is the root of all the ills in this country. You may not accept it but thats not going to change the mind of the people that have to deal with it.
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
i understa
Racism is bad. Agree. If I could make race and culture go away, there would always be an excuse. Racism is THE epitome excuse of excuses. Can't question it. Shoe doesn't fit, racism. The parable of the boy that cried wolf? Like that, it dosen't work after a while.
Not sure what you mean by work? Racism is the root of all the ills in this country. You may not accept it but thats not going to change the mind of the people that have to deal with it.
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
We dont need an alternative. We need a change in culture and competent people in charge that will punish corrupt cops. We need get rid of this bullshit blue wall that forces the few good cops into submission to the corrupt cops. We need to dismantle the police unions that keep these corrupt cops from being penalized.

Or would you rather your tax money kept going to pay millions in police brutality case?

It's black American culture that is undergoing a transformation. They're #walkingaway in droves. No mo' plantation life. You'll have to think of something new.
God lord, that beats the past history I see. Cops are in and of themselves a different issue. Cops didn't break poor black culture, and bad police don't cause crime. Lets look to the source and go back to the roots.
Bad police dont cause crime? They dont have to cause crime. All they have to do is plant something on you and they have created a crime. Most of the time all they have to do is say they saw you commit a crime.
I hate to tell you this but they do that to white people too. And if you did some research instead of getting all your information from Al Sharpton you would know that.
Pretty sure they do. However they dont do it as often as they do it to Blacks. If they did the SCOTUS wouldnt admit that there is a problem with systemic racism.
Post some statistics to support that claim. I'll wait (probably all year).
i understa
Not sure what you mean by work? Racism is the root of all the ills in this country. You may not accept it but thats not going to change the mind of the people that have to deal with it.
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
I recycle and use as little plastic as possible. I see how p
i understa
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
It's black American culture that is undergoing a transformation. They're #walkingaway in droves. No mo' plantation life. You'll have to think of something new.
God lord, that beats the past history I see. Cops are in and of themselves a different issue. Cops didn't break poor black culture, and bad police don't cause crime. Lets look to the source and go back to the roots.
Bad police dont cause crime? They dont have to cause crime. All they have to do is plant something on you and they have created a crime. Most of the time all they have to do is say they saw you commit a crime.
I hate to tell you this but they do that to white people too. And if you did some research instead of getting all your information from Al Sharpton you would know that.
Pretty sure they do. However they dont do it as often as they do it to Blacks. If they did the SCOTUS wouldnt admit that there is a problem with systemic racism.
Post some statistics to support that claim. I'll wait (probably all year).
You will wait all year. Not going to waste time proving to you something thats already common knowledge.
i understa
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
Your constant whining about racism is what makes white people hate you. It's not your race, it's your lifelong victimization.
Do they?
i understa
How do YOU deal with racism? How? Ignoring that blacks have become inherently their own worst enemies? Blacks murdering each other in large numbers, and that whole spiel, we have to ignore reality because of a WORD from a bygone era? Explain that. Racism isn't the real issue here. Black self hatred and shifting the blame . THAT IS. Time for an intervention.
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
DO they? I have to hand it to you, you are doggedly determined to ignore the fact blacks are their own worst enemies, racism be dammed. The high black on black murder/crime rate. Excuse me. What does the SCOTUS say about such a trivial thing? IT sort of makes a mockery of the racism claims. Especially after 50 years of say affirmative action and all the civil rights laws and god knows what else and blacks still blame racism. That is starting to ring a little hollow 50 years on. Riddle me this riddle me that, what the hell is it going to take?
Do they
i understa
So your claim is that Black on Black crime makes cops racist? Why doesnt white on white crime make cops racist? Basically youre doing the deflection thing again and pretending racism is not an issue.
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
DO they? I have to hand it to you, you are doggedly determined to ignore the fact blacks are their own worst enemies, racism be dammed. The high black on black murder/crime rate. Excuse me. What does the SCOTUS say about such a trivial thing? IT sort of makes a mockery of the racism claims. Especially after 50 years of say affirmative action and all the civil rights laws and god knows what else and blacks still blame racism. That is starting to ring a little hollow 50 years on. Riddle me this riddle me that, what the hell is it going to take?
The eradication of racism is what its going to take regardless of how hollow that makes you feel. Until you deal with the racism aspect of the american system you cant claim its not an or the issue.
God lord, that beats the past history I see. Cops are in and of themselves a different issue. Cops didn't break poor black culture, and bad police don't cause crime. Lets look to the source and go back to the roots.
Bad police dont cause crime? They dont have to cause crime. All they have to do is plant something on you and they have created a crime. Most of the time all they have to do is say they saw you commit a crime.
I hate to tell you this but they do that to white people too. And if you did some research instead of getting all your information from Al Sharpton you would know that.
Pretty sure they do. However they dont do it as often as they do it to Blacks. If they did the SCOTUS wouldnt admit that there is a problem with systemic racism.
Post some statistics to support that claim. I'll wait (probably all year).
You will wait all year. Not going to waste time proving to you something thats already common knowledge.

Another dodge for never providing a single fact or link to support a single thing you ever say. Because you CAN'T.
Do they
i understa
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
DO they? I have to hand it to you, you are doggedly determined to ignore the fact blacks are their own worst enemies, racism be dammed. The high black on black murder/crime rate. Excuse me. What does the SCOTUS say about such a trivial thing? IT sort of makes a mockery of the racism claims. Especially after 50 years of say affirmative action and all the civil rights laws and god knows what else and blacks still blame racism. That is starting to ring a little hollow 50 years on. Riddle me this riddle me that, what the hell is it going to take?
The eradication of racism is what its going to take regardless of how hollow that makes you feel. Until you deal with the racism aspect of the american system you cant claim its not an or the issue.
edumucate me. How do we "rid" ourselves of racism? I saw what happened in Ireland . Or In Yugoslavia or in Rwanda. Hutus and the Tutsis, They were both different brands of the same race. Please. End racism? I want hear this. How do you propose to do that? You know how to end all this? Please tell us. We a -wait your sage answer.
Last edited:
Do they
i understa
Nope, no saying that. Not at all. Racism is a completely different issue. It's' almost all gone. Bye bye. It's a relic of a different era. NOT so much the high black on black murder/crime rate. TWO separate and things. Noticing that isn't racist, its...ahhem, excuse me :...REALISIM.
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
DO they? I have to hand it to you, you are doggedly determined to ignore the fact blacks are their own worst enemies, racism be dammed. The high black on black murder/crime rate. Excuse me. What does the SCOTUS say about such a trivial thing? IT sort of makes a mockery of the racism claims. Especially after 50 years of say affirmative action and all the civil rights laws and god knows what else and blacks still blame racism. That is starting to ring a little hollow 50 years on. Riddle me this riddle me that, what the hell is it going to take?
The eradication of racism is what its going to take regardless of how hollow that makes you feel. Until you deal with the racism aspect of the american system you cant claim its not an or the issue.

Easy solution: all you non-whites go back to Somalia. Then you can bitch and whine about stuff there. Then you won't have a scapegoat to blame your own problems on. Blacks are the biggest racists and racial problem this country has. What a fool Lincoln was for not sending you home when he could have. We've paid the price ever since.
Do they
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
DO they? I have to hand it to you, you are doggedly determined to ignore the fact blacks are their own worst enemies, racism be dammed. The high black on black murder/crime rate. Excuse me. What does the SCOTUS say about such a trivial thing? IT sort of makes a mockery of the racism claims. Especially after 50 years of say affirmative action and all the civil rights laws and god knows what else and blacks still blame racism. That is starting to ring a little hollow 50 years on. Riddle me this riddle me that, what the hell is it going to take?
The eradication of racism is what its going to take regardless of how hollow that makes you feel. Until you deal with the racism aspect of the american system you cant claim its not an or the issue.

Easy solution: all you non-whites go back to Somalia. Then you can bitch and whine about stuff there. Then you won't have a scapegoat to blame your own problems on. Blacks are the biggest racists and racial problem this country has. What a fool Lincoln was for not sending you home when he could have. We've paid the price ever since.
YES, we have. What fools we where responding to this thread. I am smelling Borscht and some old fashioned Soyinka soup up in here. Smacks of rusky trolls.
Last edited:
Do they
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
DO they? I have to hand it to you, you are doggedly determined to ignore the fact blacks are their own worst enemies, racism be dammed. The high black on black murder/crime rate. Excuse me. What does the SCOTUS say about such a trivial thing? IT sort of makes a mockery of the racism claims. Especially after 50 years of say affirmative action and all the civil rights laws and god knows what else and blacks still blame racism. That is starting to ring a little hollow 50 years on. Riddle me this riddle me that, what the hell is it going to take?
The eradication of racism is what its going to take regardless of how hollow that makes you feel. Until you deal with the racism aspect of the american system you cant claim its not an or the issue.
edumucate me. How do we "rid" ourselves of racism? I saw what happened in Ireland . Or In Yugoslavia or in Rwanda. Hutus and the Tutsis, They were both different brands of the same race. Please. End racism? I want hear this. How do you propose to do that? You know how to end all this? Please tell us. We a -wait your sage answer.
I'm not white so I cant tell you how you get rid of your racism. If I was white I'd start first by admitting there is obviously no way an entire race of people would claim something existed that didnt exist. Then I would start seeking some counseling to figure out why I felt it necessary to hold back a race of people that I believe is inferior. Then I would look at the situation my ancestors put me in by legislating the white race a head start. I would look at what that meant and how that perpetuates racism. Lastly I would quit pretending that there is no such thing as different races and celebrate the differences and what they brought to problem solving.
Do they
"It's' almost all gone. Bye bye"

Thats not with the SCOTUS says. Why do you think they disagree with you?

Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
It won't be gone if jerkwads keep playing it up over larger and more pressing issues.
Your opinion that there are larger issues doesnt explain your claim that racism is almost all gone even white the SCOTUS is saying its a problem. So if youre wrong about racism almost being gone does that make you consider the inherent fallacy of the rest of your argument?
DO they? I have to hand it to you, you are doggedly determined to ignore the fact blacks are their own worst enemies, racism be dammed. The high black on black murder/crime rate. Excuse me. What does the SCOTUS say about such a trivial thing? IT sort of makes a mockery of the racism claims. Especially after 50 years of say affirmative action and all the civil rights laws and god knows what else and blacks still blame racism. That is starting to ring a little hollow 50 years on. Riddle me this riddle me that, what the hell is it going to take?
The eradication of racism is what its going to take regardless of how hollow that makes you feel. Until you deal with the racism aspect of the american system you cant claim its not an or the issue.

Easy solution: all you non-whites go back to Somalia. Then you can bitch and whine about stuff there. Then you won't have a scapegoat to blame your own problems on. Blacks are the biggest racists and racial problem this country has. What a fool Lincoln was for not sending you home when he could have. We've paid the price ever since.
That wont stop whites from being racist. Sorry.
I don't know which is worse, a American race bating troll or a Russian troll pretending to be a race baiting troll. Who can tell the difference?

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