Black KId Almost Arrested for Supposedly Robbing.....

his white grandmother. The crazy thing about this is this kid could have ended up shot by the cops if one of them had been a racist.

Black teen detained after false robbery report - CNN Video
If you see something don’t say anything you could be called racist.
How can someone prove you saw something and why would you care if someone called you a racist if you werent one?
You prove it by letting the cops know and they sort it out. You call everyone a racist how the fuck would you know who isn’t.
That didnt make any sense. Did you read my post?
Sounds like a black man was trying to create a situation by telling the cop he saw a white woman being robbed by a black man.
Mind poisoned by white people. An uncle ruckus for sure.
He was hoping the cop would shoot the black kid so there would be an excuse to start another riot.

It was probably Asslips himself who called the cops hoping for a bloody outcome.
his white grandmother. The crazy thing about this is this kid could have ended up shot by the cops if one of them had been a racist.

Black teen detained after false robbery report - CNN Video
To paraphrase: Something almost happened, if it weren't for something else tangential but racial. OK, if one of the cops HAD been racist. Whats speaks to me is that someone makes takes this out of factual and goes into a fishing trip the theoretical and interjects racism into it.
his white grandmother. The crazy thing about this is this kid could have ended up shot by the cops if one of them had been a racist.

Black teen detained after false robbery report - CNN Video
To paraphrase: Something almost happened, if it weren't for something else tangential but racial. OK, if one of the cops HAD been racist. Whats speaks to me is that someone makes takes this out of factual and goes into a fishing trip the theoretical and interjects racism into it.
Jew pretending to be internet black. Happens all the time here.
his white grandmother. The crazy thing about this is this kid could have ended up shot by the cops if one of them had been a racist.

Black teen detained after false robbery report - CNN Video
To paraphrase: Something almost happened, if it weren't for something else tangential but racial. OK, if one of the cops HAD been racist. Whats speaks to me is that someone makes takes this out of factual and goes into a fishing trip the theoretical and interjects racism into it.
Right. If one of the cops had been racist we would have probably seen another Black kid killed. It may be a small matter to you but its not to me. If you dont like my threads no one is forcing you to read them. Matter of fact this wasnt for you. It was for the other Black posters to place into their awareness.
All this OP does is stir up race crap. He should be banned.
All this OP does is stir up race crap. He should be banned.
Why does a race issue cause you so much angst? Its a very real probability that a racist cop could have shot this kid. You should be banned because you attract lice.
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Its like getting a Mulligan playing chess.If my Dog was a cat, err IF that creepy old shnook in the raincoat with his hands in his pants was treated like any other Catholic priest, what's the problem? Things almost happened because other things almost happened!? How existential.
Its like getting a Mulligan playing chess.If my Dog was a cat, err IF that creepy old shnook in the raincoat with his hands in his pants was treated like any other Catholic priest, what's the problem? Things almost happened because other things almost happened!? How existential.
No its nothing like that. Too many times cops have shot Black people that werent doing a damn thing wrong. Like I said you not being Black may be the cause of your ignorant view of the thread. However, since I didnt post this for you or yours you are starting to bore me.
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Its like getting a Mulligan playing chess.If my Dog was a cat, err IF that creepy old shnook in the raincoat with his hands in his pants was treated like any other Catholic priest, what's the problem? Things almost happened because other things almost happened!? How existential.
No its nothing like that. Too many times cops have shot Black people that werent doing a damn thing wrong. Like I said you not being Black may the cause of your ignorant view of the thread. However, since I didnt post this for you or yours you are starting to bore me.
You are the reason for the #walkaway movement.
You are the reason for the #ProChoice and #pulloutearly movement.
Your cute little Jewish hat is askew. :)
All this OP does is stir up race crap. He should be banned.
Why does a race issue cause you so much angst? Its a very probability that a racist cop could have shot this kid. You should be banned because you attract lice.

Damn you are ignorant. There's nothing worse than a person too dumb to even realize what an ass they make of themselves! First of all, the story isn't even a race issue! It was about police responding to an alleged robbery they had to investigate, and SOP is that they handcuff and detain the suspect until they can get all of the facts. Happens every day. Just because the kid was black doesn't make it a race issue unless YOU yourself are racist. Second of all, YOU are the person race issues cause so much angst over! Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted the story in the first place, especially as a race issue! THIRD of all, "its a very probability?" WTF is that? "Its" should be the contraction: "It's," and proper English would be: "It's a very real/high POSSIBILITY that a . . . ." I only point this out since you always tell us how educated you are. o_O

And lastly, your whole story isn't even based on an event; it is based on something that MIGHT have happened. You have gone past the racism of interpreting events in terms of skin color to now finding racism in things that didn't even happen! The kid wasn't shot. The cop wasn't racist. HAD he been racist, you still haven't a clue the hundred things that might have occurred. The kid might have been shot for ten reasons none of which involved race! He might have been shot just for making a sudden move. You are trying to make it that any cop responding to a call involving black people, that if he doesn't treat them like gold and KISS THEIR ASS, it must be racism, and likely will result in a public complaint. It is BECAUSE OF JERKS LIKE YOU that the kind of racism you so love pointing out and whine about and accuse happens in the first place. If you aren't out there already polarizing the issue, you are looking to FIND polarity in every situation and drive a wedge in it. Idiots like YOU make it impossible for individuals of different colors these days to normalize their relationships to just being "people." You are just one more race-baiter who feeds off race as an issue to use as a weapon against others. You INVENT the crime, find "white" people guilty of it then try to sentence them. FU. You are a far bigger racist than any white person I've ever met.
All this OP does is stir up race crap. He should be banned.
Why does a race issue cause you so much angst? Its a very probability that a racist cop could have shot this kid. You should be banned because you attract lice.

Damn you are ignorant. There's nothing worse than a person too dumb to even realize what an ass they make of themselves! First of all, the story isn't even a race issue! It was about police responding to an alleged robbery they had to investigate, and SOP is that they handcuff and detain the suspect until they can get all of the facts. Happens every day. Just because the kid was black doesn't make it a race issue unless YOU yourself are racist. Second of all, YOU are the person race issues cause so much angst over! Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted the story in the first place, especially as a race issue! THIRD of all, "its a very probability?" WTF is that? "Its" should be the contraction: "It's," and proper English would be: "It's a very real/high POSSIBILITY that a . . . ." I only point this out since you always tell us how educated you are. o_O

And lastly, your whole story isn't even based on an event; it is based on something that MIGHT have happened. You have gone past the racism of interpreting events in terms of skin color to now finding racism in things that didn't even happen! The kid wasn't shot. The cop wasn't racist. HAD he been racist, you still haven't a clue the hundred things that might have occurred. The kid might have been shot for ten reasons none of which involved race! He might have been shot just for making a sudden move. You are trying to make it that any cop responding to a call involving black people, that if he doesn't treat them like gold and KISS THEIR ASS, it must be racism, and likely will result in a public complaint. It is BECAUSE OF JERKS LIKE YOU that the kind of racism you so love pointing out and whine about and accuse happens in the first place. If you aren't out there already polarizing the issue, you are looking to FIND polarity in every situation and drive a wedge in it. Idiots like YOU make it impossible for individuals of different colors these days to normalize their relationships to just being "people." You are just one more race-baiter who feeds off race as an issue to use as a weapon against others. You INVENT the crime, find "white" people guilty of it then try to sentence them. FU. You are a far bigger racist than any white person I've ever met.

"First of all, the story isn't even a race issue"

Wrong. Only someone illiterate would say that a Black kid in the car with a white woman and getting the cops called on him isnt a race issue. I didnt read the rest of your post.
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