Black Liberals Out of Their Cotton Picking Minds

Is it ever okay to tell a Black man he has a Cotton Picking Mind?

  • Yes if you're a Trump Campaign person

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes if you're a Trump supporter

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Only if

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters

Headline: Fox News pundit and former Trump aide tells black panelist he is 'out of his cotton-picking mind' in live TV debate
David Bossie and Joel Payne became embroiled in a heated exchange about the rhetoric employed when discussing immigration and other issues

It is a black day when you cant use an American colloquialism like "cotton picking". Downright spooky. This shines as an example of efforts to shut opposition down. They all danced a Jig at the chance to yell "racist" I'm sure. And this has been going on for a coons age.
We should reject this in spades and not be niggardly with the use of American idioms.
Damn good post! There are probably a 1000 words or phrases that can be spoken to a white person with no offense but will be called racist if spoken with a black person. We white folks have to know when to turn our talking to a black person filter on!

As far as apologizing for saying "cotton picking" to a black person, if you are conservative you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. After all, liberals already KNOW that conservatives are racists.
Another whiney white person took takes the dog whistle out of their mouths in order to whine. Embarrassing

If you have to put on a filter for how you speak around people outside of your family and friends, you have some pretty deep seated issues
I'm not the one coming out against using the phrase "cotton picking". Its a phrase I remember my dad using quite a bit when I was young, having nothing to do with back people when he used it.

"Dog Whistle"? Are you calling black people dogs? (See how that works)

What's up dog?

No one is saying your dad using it had anything to do with race. Do you usually get defensive when trying to look non racists or insensitive or whatever it is you are attempting? I cannot read your mind, so if you want to be understood be more clear
I think you are being intentionally obtuse. Thus you are a waste of my time.
This is more of the same from those who surround Trump. I suspect somebody was so offended they went into Wikipedia and altered the page on David, but I wonder how far from the truth the edits are

Headline: Fox News pundit and former Trump aide tells black panelist he is 'out of his cotton-picking mind' in live TV debate
David Bossie and Joel Payne became embroiled in a heated exchange about the rhetoric employed when discussing immigration and other issues

Wikipedia page: David Norman Bossie
(born November 1, 1965)[1][2] is a racist American political activist.Trump has since regretted ever hiring him. Bossie is pretty worthless overall. Hates black people and has been working closely with liberals in order to gain profits. Especially since the left loves exploiting people for votes, Bossier wants in on the action. Bossie is frustrated by his impotence. Since 2000, he has been President and Chairman of conservative advocacy group Citizens United and in 2016, Bossie was the Deputy Campaign Manager to the Donald Trump presidential campaign.[3]


I voted only if as I found the options to be loaded and lame. You or I or anyone else ought to be able at any time or place to say anything to each other. Forced or prohibited speech is always wrong. Of course there are situations where tact is required for example due to professional codes of conduct. But out on the street or in any other public gathering place no one should have to edit their speech to protect anyone else's feelings. We all own something we could use as a universal bum leg.
"out on the street or in any other public gathering place no one should have to edit their speech to protect anyone else's feelings.?"

If you feel you should be able to walk around in any neighborhood and be able to say whatever you want to say, in whatever way you want to say it, without people having a right to respond, you're clueless.

Being insensitive or crude may be presidential and therefore acceptable in public, but most people would disagree. Grow up. Just because the so-called president hasn't grown up, and speaks like a nasty little child, doesn't mean we should all act like spoiled little rich kids

I actually believe people should be given benefit of the doubt regarding censoring their own speech as in having enough common sense not to shout, "fire" in a crowded public place. Now if a given individual is smart and possessed of basic human decency, he will refrain from racial slurs out of both compassion and even a sense of self preservation in some highly apparent situations in the company of specific segments of the population on his own--without government compelled speech. Otherwise if you get offended by anything else I say as an American to another American, that is about the power a specific word holds over you, and never about my right to say it.

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