"Black Lives Matter" activists shut down Bernie Sanders speech


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Black Lives Matter Activists Disrupt Bernie Sanders Speech - NBC News

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders left a campaign event in Seattle without giving his speech Saturday after "black lives matter" activists took over the podium.

It is the second time in a month that activists protesting racial inequality have interrupted an event featuring the progressive candidate. On July 18, "black lives matter" demonstrators entered a Netroots Nation forum featuring Sanders and Martin O'Malley in Phoenix and began chanting slogans.
Black Lives Matter Activists Disrupt Bernie Sanders Speech - NBC News

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders left a campaign event in Seattle without giving his speech Saturday after "black lives matter" activists took over the podium.

It is the second time in a month that activists protesting racial inequality have interrupted an event featuring the progressive candidate. On July 18, "black lives matter" demonstrators entered a Netroots Nation forum featuring Sanders and Martin O'Malley in Phoenix and began chanting slogans.
I smell a Clinton behind it.
Idiiots...These people are a bunch of racist as their entire case is one big long racially charged piece of crap. Based on the fbi crime stats blacks commit half of all murder and 93% of this is against other blacks. If they were logical...Shouldn't they be focusing on black youth??? Of course they don't have a logical bone in their entire body so I guess not.

These people are nothing more then the black KKK.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.

Hillary is just as white. But she is also George Soros 1st. choice for the Demo nomination. Black Lives Matters is a concept of George's to create racial divide and was never heard of before he initiated it. He funds it by funneling money to Acorn, who pays, and pays some very well, agitators to create scenes and whip up a mob mentality frenzy. Funny thing happened on the way to the mailbox. The paychecks didn't arrive. So the "activists" started #Cut the Check!
This doesn't have one thing to do with rights or lives mattering. If Hillary is in prison or something and can't make the nomination, Soros will call the dogs off and back Sanders. Either one fits comfortably in his pocket. I think Hillary has asked for his intervention because she believes she has been promised her turn at bat and is foundering.
'Black Lives Matter' don't matter, as I am sure the candidates in both parties will just ignore them.

Bernie Sanders did the dignified thing and just left, rather than bother to try and reason with a mob holding pitchforks.

They should be ashamed of shutting down a political speech of a candidate, as that in itself is anti-democratic, if not against the constitution America was founded on.

Though I think 'Black Lives Matter' are far too gone to notice the world around them, and that this election isn't about them at all.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
She doesn't deserve a single fucking vote even if she DIDN'T arrange it.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
She doesn't deserve a single fucking vote even if she DIDN'T arrange it.
You can only wish your simpleton candidates were capable of the Machiavellian subterfuge that woman is capable of. She disgusts me but I think you republicans are simply jealous.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
She doesn't deserve a single fucking vote even if she DIDN'T arrange it.
You can only wish your simpleton candidates were capable of the Machiavellian subterfuge that woman is capable of. She disgusts me but I think you republicans are simply jealous.
I didn't know you were capable of thinking.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
If that's the case, then some of her supporters are getting desperate, as most progressives don't want to vote for her (unless they have no alternative).

Independents don't like Hillary Clinton too much either, and Clinton has no chance to win any votes from the right - let alone any respect from it.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
She doesn't deserve a single fucking vote even if she DIDN'T arrange it.
You can only wish your simpleton candidates were capable of the Machiavellian subterfuge that woman is capable of. She disgusts me but I think you republicans are simply jealous.
I didn't know you were capable of thinking.
I think more than you people who just brainlessly follow the biggest jackass.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
If that's the case, then some of her supporters are getting desperate, as most progressives don't want to vote for her (unless they have no alternative).

Independents don't like Hillary Clinton too much either, and Clinton has no chance to win any votes from the right - let alone any respect from it.
Yes, as the days go on I lose what little respect I ever had for her, and it's still ridiculously early for shit like this.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
Well, if she isn't heckled by BLM group. I guess we can assume she is doing her "dirty tricks." Remember when she was running before, she said she was going to throw everything including the kitchen sink at Obama.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
She doesn't deserve a single fucking vote even if she DIDN'T arrange it.
You can only wish your simpleton candidates were capable of the Machiavellian subterfuge that woman is capable of. She disgusts me but I think you republicans are simply jealous.
I didn't know you were capable of thinking.
I think more than you people who just brainlessly follow the biggest jackass.
Good stuff there, occupier. :thup:
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
Well, if she isn't heckled by BLM group. I guess we can assume she is doing her "dirty tricks." Remember when she was running before, she said she was going to throw everything including the kitchen sink at Obama.
Oh I remember, that's why she will never receive a vote from me. I didn't like her in 2008 and I am not going to change my opinion now. America deserves better than any of the corporate whores running for office.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
She doesn't deserve a single fucking vote even if she DIDN'T arrange it.
You can only wish your simpleton candidates were capable of the Machiavellian subterfuge that woman is capable of. She disgusts me but I think you republicans are simply jealous.
I think all of the Republican candidates is worthy of a second look. There's only one that has political damage that I can think of. Clinton wins the award for the most.
They're doing it because he's white. They don't like the way he looks.
Partly, though I think him looking like a well-dressed, hard-working, could be your neighbor white guy, is enough.

They see Bernie Sanders as an 'entitled rich white guy', who talks about them, but never listens or really cares about their opinions.

It is very easy to bottle up rage and blame a scapegoat rather than fix your own life. Black Lives Matter protests make the Occupy movement look like a missionary station.
The official BLM chapter of Seattle has issued an apology and disavowed any knowledge of this protest, it is highly likely the Clinton campaign is paying people to disrupt a man who is possibly the most sympathetic candidate in the race, if this turns out to be the case the woman does not deserve a single fucking vote.
She doesn't deserve a single fucking vote even if she DIDN'T arrange it.
You can only wish your simpleton candidates were capable of the Machiavellian subterfuge that woman is capable of. She disgusts me but I think you republicans are simply jealous.
I think all of the Republican candidates is worthy of a second look. There's only one that has political damage that I can think of. Clinton wins the award for the most.
I have no interest in any candidate who does not put the economy and the vast forgotten majority of the American working class first in their platform.

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