"Black Lives Matter" activists shut down Bernie Sanders speech

Is someone figuring out that those that fight for the middle class are unknowingly supporting white privilege? Consider the fact that most people in the middle class are white.
Is someone figuring out that those that fight for the middle class are unknowingly supporting white privilege? Consider the fact that most people in the middle class are white.
In another decade it might be equal. Let's say that it may be close now.
The last thing the country needs is a liberal woman following a liberal black in Office.
Both sides have their clowns.

At least we don't want our clowns to be President.
So when are you gonna pick a candidate then?

It'll happen.

What's the rush? Can't wait for the GOP clown show to be out of the spotlight?
The more they're in the spotlight, the worse your side looks. Hillary is the best you've got and she's falling like a rock in the polls, or didn't you notice?

Hillary is far from the best the Democrats have to offer. She's just the most famous, at the moment.
Hillary is far from the best the Democrats have to offer. She's just the most famous, at the moment.

Sanders actually is the best, and I find that hysterical.

To be fair, I'd vote for him over Jeb.

Hillary is far from the best the Democrats have to offer. She's just the most famous, at the moment.

Sanders actually is the best, and I find that hysterical.

To be fair, I'd vote for him over Jeb.

I love Bernie, but he'll never be President.

Webb, O'Malley, and Biden, should he choose to run all have a much better shot at being elected.
The more they're in the spotlight, the worse your side looks. Hillary is the best you've got and she's falling like a rock in the polls, or didn't you notice?

I'd say she's circling the drain like the turd she is. If the democrooks didn't stick their hands up that meat puppet's ass in 2008 she would have been flushed by McLame/Palin.

Both sides have their clowns.

At least we don't want our clowns to be President.
But she is running. She has announced.
She is the only "clown" every single runner on the republican side is nuts.
So, tell me about each candidate and tell me why they are nuts. Start with Kasich, Walker, Rubio, Carson and Paul.
Already answered on kasich, he's moderate, and it's why he can't win. I wouldn't vote for hillary either, unless it was a lesser of two evils like scenario.
Walker: Brags about destroying unions, wasted millions from education, Wants a constitutional amendment to prevent gay marriage.
Opposes pot legalization.
Has said politicans shouldn't be involved with evolution.
The question he dodged on abortion during the debate..
"Gov. Scott Walker says choosing between the life of a pregnant woman and her fetus is a "false choice," adding that he believes better options are always available." - Idiot, fucking idiot.
Hates planned parenthood even though it reduces abortions.
One of the voter ID idiots.
"No medicaid expansion means no waiting list for the poor" - Fucking idiot.
"we have to many legal immigrants"
"Don't raise minimum wage"
"Run for governor & president are determined by God's will." - Religious nutter, refer to evolution.
"Reduced property taxes by $141 in 4 years; more coming." LOL. Thats what you brag about? Fucking idiot.
(When I say idiot, I refer to walker, not you)

"Life begins at conception, no abortion"
"Expand birth control exemptions for faith based organizations"
"Require ultrasounds before abortions"
"Legal protection for fetuses"
"Prohibit stem cell research in regards to embryos"
"Opposes paycheck fairness"
"Balance gay anti discrimination with religious rights" LOL.
"Opposes ENDA"
"There is no responsible way to use recreational pot"
"Enforce federal laws where states have legalized pot"
"private lenders get percentage of students income" - I'm not joking, this nut.
"presided over 2.3B CUT to florida public education"
"Voted no on protecting ocean/coastal/great lake ecosystems"
"No gay couples as foster parents"
"halt illegal activities at porn sites??"
"long term afghanistan commitment" Imperialist idiot.
Anti palestine record.
Voted yes on the ryan budget..
"modernize military" Wat?
"Supports banning homosexuals in the military"
He's all over the place on immigration, guess the racist GOP base is having a problem with him.
"Wage subsidies rather then raise MW" Wat?
"Raise retirement age"
"LESS GENEROUS SS BENEFITS" It's hard enough as it is.
"Extend bush tax cuts for high earners"
Against net neutrality.. LOL
On welfare he doesn't seem to have a recent stance, interesting, he seems to be ok with it.

"No abortion for convenience" What the fuck does that even mean?
"Cut every agency spending by 10%" LOL
"1990's deregulation caused meltdown." Wow, that's loony.
"Marriage should not be extended to same sex couples"
"Apologized for comparing gays to pedophiles"
"Reparations for ww2 japanese ok but not for slavery"
"No recreational pot"
"Creationists have gods ethic, evolutionists must find them"
"5 year federal hiring freeze to decrease sizeof government" (facepalm)
HEY CONS: "Semi automatics ok in country side but not cities"
"Obamacare robs you of the ability to control your own life" Is this the death camp shit?
"Regulate insurance companies as non profit" WHAT.
He has some decent views, but he's to crazy for me.

"Life begins at conception"
His fetal personhood bullshit, LOL
"Women won the war on women" ^ See above, he's nuts.
"redefining marriage leads to economic and moral problems" LOL
"illegal to impose racial segregation in the private sector" Sad, this isn't the 50's.
"Voted no on the violence against women act"
"Cut corporate tax in half" LOL
"punishing the rich makes the poor lose their jobs" Not in reality you idiot, and what is "punishment."
I like his views on drugs.
"Bar EPA from regulating green house gases"
"Voted NO on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems." - Anti animal welfare voting record.
"protect vitamin manufactures from unreasonable regulations" .-.
"raise retirement age"
"Opposed to tax increases during recession"

This is all found at: ontheissues
They source it all.
I will never vote for any of these clowns, even if I agree on 1 or 2 things.

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