black lives matter compared to k k k

Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.
they are already doing this fool.....They have been attacking white drivers and businesses for attack-
How would you feel if your local law enforcement agency and justice system was made up mostly of Black Lives Matter members?
That would be unfortunate. Luckily our Police are mostly excellent Cops who are trying hard to do an almost impossible job.
But the thought would make you uncomfortable right? Now just imagine that you're black and racial segregation and discrimination is legal and many of the members of the justice system and local law enforcement are Klan members.

It's the same thing and a very unfortunate part of southern life for many black Americans prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Now imagine all of the people who did not agree with the new laws and continued to act according to the old racial ways, the ways that existed since the founding of this nation. I would hope that you can see that in many cases, the only thing that changed were the laws, not the people nor their attitudes and behaviors.

And AMericans vote for the democrat party...the political party that did all of those things, and today, the democrat party prevents black Americans from escaping from public schools that do not teach their children....those schools are run by the democrat party today.......

The democrat party fought all of the Civil Rights acts up to the last two...when LBJ realized if they didn't finally get on board the last two, blacks would never vote for democrats.....

And to think that the racism of the democrat party of the past is how America is today is just dumb.....
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.
Every time a BLM supporter is challenged to prove systemic racism exists, they toss up "evidence" from 1964 or 1900, or 1880, or 1619 or......You get the picture. BLM supporters keep hate alive for Whitey by pretending nothing has changed.

The blm is simply the terrorist arm of the democrat party that has replaced the klan......they are the modern klan.....with their brown shirt allied group antifa...
No dumbass we can show evidence from 2021.
I see. You just prefer to dig up 100 year old black and white photographs, got it.

You clowns said that BLM was equal to the Klan, so show me some photos of BLM lynching white folks and standing around taking pictures of it. Show me some churches that BLM has firebombed or burned down.
Is this a joke question...IDIOT---most of the black burned down churches were done by BLACKS. HELLO--------
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.
The KKK murdered thousands of whites also.
How would you feel if your local law enforcement agency and justice system was made up mostly of Black Lives Matter members?
That would be unfortunate. Luckily our Police are mostly excellent Cops who are trying hard to do an almost impossible job.
But the thought would make you uncomfortable right? Now just imagine that you're black and racial segregation and discrimination is legal and many of the members of the justice system and local law enforcement are Klan members.

It's the same thing and a very unfortunate part of southern life for many black Americans prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Now imagine all of the people who did not agree with the new laws and continued to act according to the old racial ways, the ways that existed since the founding of this nation. I would hope that you can see that in many cases, the only thing that changed were the laws, not the people nor their attitudes and behaviors.

And AMericans vote for the democrat party...the political party that did all of those things, and today, the democrat party prevents black Americans from escaping from public schools that do not teach their children....those schools are run by the democrat party today.......

The democrat party fought all of the Civil Rights acts up to the last two...when LBJ realized if they didn't finally get on board the last two, blacks would never vote for democrats.....

And to think that the racism of the democrat party of the past is how America is today is just dumb.....
Does it matter to you at all that I am not a Democrat?
How would you feel if your local law enforcement agency and justice system was made up mostly of Black Lives Matter members?
That would be unfortunate. Luckily our Police are mostly excellent Cops who are trying hard to do an almost impossible job.
But the thought would make you uncomfortable right? Now just imagine that you're black and racial segregation and discrimination is legal and many of the members of the justice system and local law enforcement are Klan members.

It's the same thing and a very unfortunate part of southern life for many black Americans prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Now imagine all of the people who did not agree with the new laws and continued to act according to the old racial ways, the ways that existed since the founding of this nation. I would hope that you can see that in many cases, the only thing that changed were the laws, not the people nor their attitudes and behaviors.

And AMericans vote for the democrat party...the political party that did all of those things, and today, the democrat party prevents black Americans from escaping from public schools that do not teach their children....those schools are run by the democrat party today.......

The democrat party fought all of the Civil Rights acts up to the last two...when LBJ realized if they didn't finally get on board the last two, blacks would never vote for democrats.....

And to think that the racism of the democrat party of the past is how America is today is just dumb.....
Does it matter to you at all that I am not a Democrat?

I don't care what you are.......
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.
When was the last KKK killing?
Decades ago.
When was the last BLM killing?
Months ago.

Over 30 people were killed in the BLM riots.

Now blm and antifa have a taste for killing.....
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.
When was the last KKK killing?
Decades ago.
When was the last BLM killing?
Months ago.

Over 30 people were killed in the BLM riots.

They were never going to be able to just burn and loot......the brown shirts always get into murder ....

I really not sure there is a difference in the groups. The blacks in the blm are always talking about killing and having wars with whites. KKK did the same thing in reverse to blacks in earlier years. Both groups are good at sending their lynch mobs out. The difference now from then. Is cops actually come out and stop things before some one is strung up.
If you are a conservative, Trump supporter, should be reading Derek Hunter or listening to his podcast....

But there is one thing easily discovered, by even a casual observance, about the people who strictly and gleefully adhere to left-wing dogma: racism is the loadbearing wall of their entire house of cards.

Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.


Show me some photos like thsi.

View attachment 486092

View attachment 486093

Tell us what those murders had to do with BLM, the group wasn't even founded when those murders took place. What happened to the cowards that murdered those 2 innocent folks?


What does any of those murders have to do with BLM? Talk about grasping for straws.

Those democrats who lynched those black men in those photos? They didn't start out doing that.....the klan was started by democrat soldiers after the Civil War......and then, as they were protected by the democrat party in government, they became more and more violent...just like blm and antifa...who are just as protected by the democrat party today...and they burned cities, they burned court houses and police stations for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans...the entire time they were protected by the democrat party, again...just like the klan was....and with a taste for violence and no consequences for that violence, they are getting more and more violent...

Many members of LE today have the mindset of the sheet wearers which is why many people like you try to defend the police's actions when the murder a black man. The Klan supports the Republican Party today.

Are you really this dumb in real life, or do you just pretend to be this dumb when you post....?

So you are telling us that the Klan and white supremacists don't support the GOP, is that really what you are telling us.

I really not sure there is a difference in the groups. The blacks in the blm are always talking about killing and having wars with whites. KKK did the same thing in reverse to blacks in earlier years. Both groups are good at sending their lynch mobs out. The difference now from then. Is cops actually come out and stop things before some one is strung up.

KKK never looted TVs

Yea because they thought more of TVs than the life of black folks.
You don't give a shit about the lives of Black people.

Yep I see why you call yourself BS.
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.
You did not watch the NEWS all summer ,Dipstick? The filthy bastards were throwing bombs and setting FIRES all summer.

I can say I watched it on Jan 6, 2021, how about you Dipshit? What were those filthy bastards throwing and doing?
Just as I said ,Fuck stick. Watching filthy black savages burn cities down. Been doing that for 60 years. It never stops. At least PRISON is an equal opportunity employer.

What did you think about filthy white savages storming the Capitol shit head? How long have you been destroying people in America?

I really not sure there is a difference in the groups. The blacks in the blm are always talking about killing and having wars with whites. KKK did the same thing in reverse to blacks in earlier years. Both groups are good at sending their lynch mobs out. The difference now from then. Is cops actually come out and stop things before some one is strung up.

KKK never looted TVs

Yea because they thought more of TVs than the life of black folks.
Is that why Blacks always steal TV's? Not to mention cars.

Funny how the DOJ/FBI stats show you are the NUMBER 1 culprit of thievery in this country.
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.


Show me some photos like thsi.

View attachment 486092

View attachment 486093

Tell us what those murders had to do with BLM, the group wasn't even founded when those murders took place. What happened to the cowards that murdered those 2 innocent folks?


What does any of those murders have to do with BLM? Talk about grasping for straws.

Those democrats who lynched those black men in those photos? They didn't start out doing that.....the klan was started by democrat soldiers after the Civil War......and then, as they were protected by the democrat party in government, they became more and more violent...just like blm and antifa...who are just as protected by the democrat party today...and they burned cities, they burned court houses and police stations for 7 months, and murdered 30 Americans...the entire time they were protected by the democrat party, again...just like the klan was....and with a taste for violence and no consequences for that violence, they are getting more and more violent...

Many members of LE today have the mindset of the sheet wearers which is why many people like you try to defend the police's actions when the murder a black man. The Klan supports the Republican Party today.

Are you really this dumb in real life, or do you just pretend to be this dumb when you post....?

So you are telling us that the Klan and white supremacists don't support the GOP, is that really what you are telling us.

Nope......the racists of all skin colors are in the democrat party.....racists need the power of a centralized government to enact their racist policies...which is why the racists of all skin colors move to the democrat party.....
No dumbass we can show evidence from 2021.
I see. You just prefer to dig up 100 year old black and white photographs, got it.

You clowns said that BLM was equal to the Klan, so show me some photos of BLM lynching white folks and standing around taking pictures of it. Show me some churches that BLM has firebombed or burned down.
Where is evidence of the KKK doing that today?

Where is the evidence that BLM has EVER done any of the atrocities that the Klan has done.
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.


Where is Darius Sessions right now?
Let me know when BLM starts beating, torturing, lynching and murdering folks based on the color of their skin. Let us know how many white churches they burn down or bomb as well.
You did not watch the NEWS all summer ,Dipstick? The filthy bastards were throwing bombs and setting FIRES all summer.

I can say I watched it on Jan 6, 2021, how about you Dipshit? What were those filthy bastards throwing and doing?

The Trump supporters were wandering the halls taking selfies......the blm and antifa assholes hiding in the Trump crowd attacked police and vandalized the building......


You go to far with the comedy.

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