Black Lives Matter Grievances.Well, Do They Have Any Solid Video Evidence Of Hatred?

Yeah it always works fighting racism with racism. Then liberals wonder why we think they are phucking stupid.

No, getting over racist and letting them continue their racism is what really will help move us forward :spinner:

You're really not getting it...but you're a libturd so it's no surprise. They are regressing, you're too stupid to realize it
Yeah it always works fighting racism with racism. Then liberals wonder why we think they are phucking stupid.

No, getting over racist and letting them continue their racism is what really will help move us forward :spinner:

You're really not getting it...but you're a libturd so it's no surprise. They are regressing, you're too stupid to realize it

And you think that by hiding behind "you dont get it" means you didnt say what everyone knows you're saying.

Blacks are bad because they want less racism....

the Racists? Their fine
Then blacks should stop being racists. Have a lovely day you dumbed down loon
All lives matter except for whinny little spoiled black racist whipped up by our president. I couldn't care less about their lives.
well looks like after what happened in Paris, 87% of all Americans no longer give a poop about Black Lives Matter, now its French Lives Matter
The only black lives that matter are the black lives belonging to those blacks who are not too stupid to blindly vote Democrat, time after time, without thinking.

The rest of black lives? Not so much.
Body cams on any blacks claiming racism. Video proof. didn't happen.

Cried wolf too many times shitheads.

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