Black Lives Matter thugs terrorize female motorist in Wisconsin (scary two minute video)

Just how stupid are you racists? You've rioted because statues commemorating traitors are objected to yet you want tell people watching people like them getting murdered by cops and the cops get away with it how to act. And to further point out your abject stupidity, you're demanding blacks protest of other blacks when the killers in those situations are sitting in jail.
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Just how stupid are you racists? You've rioted because statues commemorating traitors are objected to yet you want tell people watching people like them getting murdered by cops and the cops get away with it. And to further point out your abject stupidity, you're demanding blacks protest of other blacks when the killers in those situations are sitting in jail.

1. We correctly demonstrated when historical statues were threatened by you maoist scum.

2. And yes, we are telling you, don't riot.

What part of this is confusing to you, you fucking tard?
This is a great example of why, in my opinion, it should be legal for drivers to drive through the "protestors" at a speed of 10 miles per hour.

If any of the "protestors" end up getting run over, the legal blame should be placed 100% on the "protestors," and 0% on the driver.

And if any of the "protestors" ends up dying, it should be classified as a suicide.

Black Lives Matter Thugs Terrorize Female Motorist in Wisconsin

By Todd Starnes

August 25, 2020

Watch as a bunch of Black Lives Matter thugs terrorize an innocent motorist in Kenosha, Wisconsin. They jumped on top of her car and pounded on the hood while screaming, “Black Lives Matter.” Watch below.

The woman made a mistake by letting the thugs stop her car

just keep rolling forward at a slow but steady pace

Never allow them to stop you

If it had been me I would have kept right on going. If the dumbasses got hit, well shit does happen. LOL

She should have gotten a running start... 80 mph would work..
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

Roads are not built for protests,dumbass
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
The "Thugs", mostly white protesters seemed to be instructing her to back up as others cleared a path for her to do so. Why would a person drive into a crowd of people blocking a street? Sounds like a "Karen" move.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
The "Thugs", mostly white protesters seemed to be instructing her to back up as others cleared a path for her to do so. Why would a person drive into a crowd of people blocking a street? Sounds like a "Karen" move.

Call em what they are..antifa.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

Ah, it's a city street for motorists to drive on not a town square. Get your punk asses up on the sidewalk where you belong and out of the middle of the damn street.
This is a great example of why, in my opinion, it should be legal for drivers to drive through the "protestors" at a speed of 10 miles per hour.

If any of the "protestors" end up getting run over, the legal blame should be placed 100% on the "protestors," and 0% on the driver.

And if any of the "protestors" ends up dying, it should be classified as a suicide.

Black Lives Matter Thugs Terrorize Female Motorist in Wisconsin

By Todd Starnes

August 25, 2020

Watch as a bunch of Black Lives Matter thugs terrorize an innocent motorist in Kenosha, Wisconsin. They jumped on top of her car and pounded on the hood while screaming, “Black Lives Matter.” Watch below.

BLM along with ANTIFA will do anything to draw attention to their statist left cause(marxism). Both ANTIFA & BLM have been traced back to the religion of marxism. I've been doing some online studies for several days on the subject of foreign/domestic terrorism & sure enough both ANTIFA/BLM have ties to or @ least a leaning to marxist theory. BLM MAY have a few roots bedded in Palestinian/islamic terrorism ideology as well, but trying to verify this is like a scuba diver looking through murky water, somewhat obscured(I am reasonably sure this is not by chance).

There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.
no you aren't, not without a permit. that's just down right stupid. Go figure, that's you
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
then there would have been police escorts or barricades. In this incident, it was an illegal action by the group on the street. let me know when you need to know about the laws of the USA.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
The "Thugs", mostly white protesters seemed to be instructing her to back up as others cleared a path for her to do so. Why would a person drive into a crowd of people blocking a street? Sounds like a "Karen" move.

Call em what they are..antifa.
You don't know who they were. bur even if they were connected or associated with Antifa, so what. Fuck you and the demonizing of groups of people for their political beliefs in America. Fuck Trumpism. You have a right to be a reptilian worshipping communist moon howling broomstick riding Debbie Gibson fan if you are American.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

Ah, it's a city street for motorists to drive on not a town square. Get your punk asses up on the sidewalk where you belong and out of the middle of the damn street.

Yep some of us have real lives and don't want to deal with spoiled little soy boy's difficulty dealing in the real world

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