Black Lives Matter thugs terrorize female motorist in Wisconsin (scary two minute video)

There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.

You were a lot less likely to get run over by a horse drawn buggy in those days.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
then there would have been police escorts or barricades. In this incident, it was an illegal action by the group on the street. let me know when you need to know about the laws of the USA.
I saw people speeding this afternoon too. Should I post it on here?
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
The "Thugs", mostly white protesters seemed to be instructing her to back up as others cleared a path for her to do so. Why would a person drive into a crowd of people blocking a street? Sounds like a "Karen" move.

Call em what they are..antifa.
You don't know who they were. bur even if they were connected or associated with Antifa, so what. Fuck you and the demonizing of groups of people for their political beliefs in America. Fuck Trumpism. You have a right to be a reptilian worshipping communist moon howling broomstick riding Debbie Gibson fan if you are American.

Lets see now....
We have BLM and antifa at the moment. Who does that leave?
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
then there would have been police escorts or barricades. In this incident, it was an illegal action by the group on the street. let me know when you need to know about the laws of the USA.
I saw people speeding this afternoon too. Should I post it on here?

Were they blocking traffic and intimidating a defenseless woman?
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
then there would have been police escorts or barricades. In this incident, it was an illegal action by the group on the street. let me know when you need to know about the laws of the USA.
I saw people speeding this afternoon too. Should I post it on here?

That was dumb even for you and that's a reach

Protest all you want...but don't intimidate people who don't give two shits about your "cause". Fckn idiot, you're not entitled
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.
no you aren't, not without a permit. that's just down right stupid. Go figure, that's you
Thank God America does not depend on punks and cowards like you. They don't need so stinking permits. You have no idea, no clue, what having a protest without a permit means or the message it sends.
Just how stupid are you racists? You've rioted because statues commemorating traitors are objected to yet you want tell people watching people like them getting murdered by cops and the cops get away with it how to act. And to further point out your abject stupidity, you're demanding blacks protest of other blacks when the killers in those situations are sitting in jail.
Yeah, that makes it right to do these things pointed out in the OP. Great deflection!
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?
then there would have been police escorts or barricades. In this incident, it was an illegal action by the group on the street. let me know when you need to know about the laws of the USA.
I saw people speeding this afternoon too. Should I post it on here?

That was dumb even for you and that's a reach

Protest all you want...but don't intimidate people who don't give two shits about your "cause". Fckn idiot, you're not entitled
Chicks drove up to a protesting crowd and started blowing their horn. Crowd turned around and refused to move apparently insulted by the horn request. Women were surrounded and apparently left without incident or it would have not been edited down. I simply asked for some context. Did something happen I didn’t see?
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.
no you aren't, not without a permit. that's just down right stupid. Go figure, that's you
Thank God America does not depend on punks and cowards like you. They don't need so stinking permits. You have no idea, no clue, what having a protest without a permit means or the message it sends.

Because blocking roadways is illegal you stupid SOB....go try and get a permit lol for your "cause"
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.

not American against American, so if you feel you want to threaten and take on American citizens, then you aren't an American. you have left the country. good luck with your new country, but it is close to time for you to either declare war or slither back into the cocoon you came out of.
Thank God America does not depend on punks and cowards like you. They don't need so stinking permits. You have no idea, no clue, what having a protest without a permit means or the message it sends.
No permit, you're jay walking, if she hit you that is on you. you do not have permission just to walk where a car belongs. you can post your misguided link whenever you wish me to take you seriously
It's important to know that the vast majority of people who put up the fist and support the idea of black lives matter aren't these actual people. For example, I just sold a mirror from my house as i'm moving to a guy with the fist as his profile pic. The dude was from Chicago (i'm in the suburbs) and he drove out to pick it up. Super nice guy, we shot the shit for a couple minutes, i helped him get the mirror into his truck and we wished each other a good day. This is how the vast, overwhelming majority of people are.

These videos you see of rioters hurting people or destroying property? They're one of two things:
  1. Paid, plain and simple. Obviously they support the movement enough to take the money, or they only care about the money and not the damage they cause. Either way, they're paid by open society (and other organizations) to do just this in order to give the MSM something publicize in order to sully the name of the good people who simply want to see black people treated fairly.
  2. Deranged people. It's easy to just say they're crazy lunatics but that lacks complete compassion for them. They're likely very emotional, very empathic people with social disorders, trouble fitting in and so on. In a world full of left-brained psyops and a lifetime of being made to feel like they don't belong because they aren't an unfeeling, cold robot, they might lash out at the system in an escalated attempt to just get the attention, and more important validation, that they crave.
Antifa and BLM are psyops designed to work hand-in-glove with a media empire that has always existed to sell you a narrative by showing you the pictures that you need to see to believe it. In other words, Antifa and BLM (the organization) are false flag operations and the media knows it. As a good example, Trump never authorized the national guard to "arrest" Antifa protestors and put them in unmarked cars. They were all acting, and they used unmarked cars because they couldn't get the proper military vehicles to complete the look. They did this because they knew that there was a possibility that Trump would enforce martial law in some areas to conduct rescue operations to save children from the tunnels and they wanted to pre-emptively make it look like it was Trump was a tyrant when he would actually give the order.
You don't know who they were. bur even if they were connected or associated with Antifa, so what. Fuck you and the demonizing of groups of people for their political beliefs in America. Fuck Trumpism. You have a right to be a reptilian worshipping communist moon howling broomstick riding Debbie Gibson fan if you are American.
declare war on me you bitchslapped demofk
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.
no you aren't, not without a permit. that's just down right stupid. Go figure, that's you
Thank God America does not depend on punks and cowards like you. They don't need so stinking permits. You have no idea, no clue, what having a protest without a permit means or the message it sends.

What a clown statement.
We dont need a permit to own a firearm here in Texas.
Bring your dumb fuckery to Texas and we'll compare lack of permits and see who wins.
There was no context provided for that video. Looked like she tried to drive down a road being used to protest. What exactly am I to take away from a video of a car in the middle of protesters? There wasn’t even an ending. Is there more to the story?

They were in the middle of the street dumbass.
So you don’t know either. Yup. You’re a dumbass.

You're not allowed to protest in the middle of the street dumbass.
Sure we are. We are Americans. We began our country by protesting in the street. People do it all over the world.
no you aren't, not without a permit. that's just down right stupid. Go figure, that's you
Thank God America does not depend on punks and cowards like you. They don't need so stinking permits. You have no idea, no clue, what having a protest without a permit means or the message it sends.

What a clown statement.
We dont need a permit to own a firearm here in Texas.
Bring your dumb fuckery to Texas and we'll compare lack of permits and see who wins.
she's a basement dweller. stays out of the way of the confrontation. fk, she can't handle herself in here. permits, she acts like that's a foreign object. she'd know a foreign object that's for sure.
The woman made a mistake by letting the thugs stop her car

just keep rolling forward at a slow but steady pace

Never allow them to stop you

Oh, noes she wet her panties...
You give every excuse known to mankind for people that are breaking many laws and felony ones with it. World War 1 started with a smidgen compared to what we are going through now. Patience has been a virtue.

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