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Black Lives Matter!

Black men were more than six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and local jails in 2010

That is an increase from 1960, when black men were five times as likely as whites to be incarcerated.

You guys are going backwards.

In 2010, the incarceration rate for white men under local, state and federal jurisdiction was 678 inmates per 100,000 white U.S. residents; for black men, it was 4,347 for every 100,000.

Wake up fool.
The rate of incarceration has been proven to be the result of racism. Whites still vastly outnumber Blacks as convicts. You need to wake up fool.

No such thing has been proven.
Actually it has but I wouldnt expect you to know this. You are a dumb convict after all.

No it hasn't you lying POS.
Yes it has convict.

Prove it or admit you're a liar.
The rate of incarceration has been proven to be the result of racism. Whites still vastly outnumber Blacks as convicts. You need to wake up fool.

No such thing has been proven.
Actually it has but I wouldnt expect you to know this. You are a dumb convict after all.

No it hasn't you lying POS.
Yes it has convict.

Prove it or admit you're a liar.
Prove you are not a convict or admit to being a liar.
Why does LS need to discuss his past good or bad on this or any MB?

Prove you are a black that lived in a ghetto and never bought, sold or used crack or did not have to lie to anyone in that environment to survive.
Nonsense! They don't commit crime to support their families. That job falls on the government. They commit crime to buy drugs mostly crack...heroin ...meth etc..or to purchase stolen property such as watches or gold and silver chains..and can't forget the stolen jewlery....rings...etc...... diamonds and emeralds.

There is also a huge business in stolen credit cards...items purchased on said credit and debit cards and atm fraud with the same cards... stolen checks cashed etc.

Many blacks specialize in smash and grab theft...shoplifting and just grabbing whole racks of expensive clothing and wheeling it out to a waiting car or van at the sidewalk.

Crime to feed their families...ha..ha...ha...ha You make me laugh longtime.. :lol:

You are so stupid you dont realize everything you said supports my point. Crime in Black communities is largely the result of economics.IOW crime is committed to obtain money or merchandise to feed family moron.

You have stats to back up that assertion?? Sounds wrong on a whole lotta levels!!

Dont really need any. If you need some go look it up and post it so we both can see I'm correct. Not really looking to prove anything to you. Just letting you know.

In short you're just giving an insight into your nonsensical existence where all crime is Society's fault!! Can you show me where black on black murders has anything to do with feeding the family??

Sure. The vast majority of Black on Black murders are via gang shootings regarding drug turf. Very similar to the crime whites did during prohibition. Like I said its predominantly economic based. Anything else I can help you with?

Actually it is much more simple than that. Blacks live together and whites live together. In general people who are going to rape/murder/kill/steal generally aren't going to drive 30 minutes to go perpetrate crimes on another race. If they don't have a car, how they gonna drive?

It would also be a lot harder for a white guy to go case out someones house in the hood. He'd stick out like a sore thumb. Same goes for blacks. But they'll cry racial profiling when cops see a suspecious car full of young black males, run their plates and see their from Detroit and then pull them over to check them out. Maybe make up a reason like they didn't use a turn signal or fully stop or maybe they were going 5 over.

I think it is a fact that a lot of this black on white crime is happening in Metro Detroit now that 500,000 Detroiters moved out to the suburbs.

Sorry, the cops will pull a car full of young whites from Taylor over if they are cruising around in Livonia or Milford too. Don't cry when the cops pull you over. Have your insurance and licence and registration. Sorry if you have a warrant Sorry we racial profile. You don't mind it when it's at the Airport and we're profiling Arabs, do you?
I don't buy that people that buy, sell, and use drugs or sell their bodies or make money from other people selling their bodies are bad people on the streets and good people in the home. That is an insane assumption.

People that participate in these kinds of endeavors that fuel even more illegal activities such as robberies and theft of others property to pay for the above sevices should not be allowed to have children. They are NOT all of a sudden good people that are qualified to raise children. Their children should be removed from those environments and put in foster homes or adopted to good deserving families that would give these children a chance to grow up with decent role models.

These people that get public assistance while commiting crimes need to be charged with child endangerment and prosecuted for abuse of the welfare system. No one needs to sell drugs to get out of poverty. They cannot use the responsibility of supporting children to do these things either. The children have to be removed and these criminals need to be prosecuted FOR involving children in their stupid and dangerous lifestyle choices.

Blaming the white man for their contention that "Black Lives Matter" as if it is whities fault they don't matter is an assinine accusation. They make the statement that theirs and others lives don't matter by the choices THEY make and what THEY do that creates an environment that puts them at risk.

I sell and use drugs and all my white friends sell and/or use drugs. Just pot but still. I think they should make drugs legal. That would end the drug war and Columbia would become one of our favorite nations importing cocaine. I'd love a bump right now. LOL. Bottom line is, drugs aren't as bad as you think. They are only because of the war on them. It's making non criminals into criminals. Just like moonshine runners. What about cigarette companies selling cancer sticks? America is a fucked up society. They'll show 100 people die in a movie but not one boob.

As for kids? I don't have any. Neither do my pot smoking friends.
I don't buy that people that buy, sell, and use drugs or sell their bodies or make money from other people selling their bodies are bad people on the streets and good people in the home. That is an insane assumption.

People that participate in these kinds of endeavors that fuel even more illegal activities such as robberies and theft of others property to pay for the above sevices should not be allowed to have children. They are NOT all of a sudden good people that are qualified to raise children. Their children should be removed from those environments and put in foster homes or adopted to good deserving families that would give these children a chance to grow up with decent role models.

These people that get public assistance while commiting crimes need to be charged with child endangerment and prosecuted for abuse of the welfare system. No one needs to sell drugs to get out of poverty. They cannot use the responsibility of supporting children to do these things either. The children have to be removed and these criminals need to be prosecuted FOR involving children in their stupid and dangerous lifestyle choices.

Blaming the white man for their contention that "Black Lives Matter" as if it is whities fault they don't matter is an assinine accusation. They make the statement that theirs and others lives don't matter by the choices THEY make and what THEY do that creates an environment that puts them at risk.
Its not important what you buy. I'm just informing you of reality. Its your choice to accept it or not. Either way I dont particularly care what you specifically think because you simply have not power to effect change or harm by yourself.

Spending drug money "on food for the children" is NOT a reality at all you dolt; it's a bloody pass for criminal behaviour. I've seen you post stupid but that is as ridiculous as it gets!!!

Who said it was a pass? I'm just informing you of reality. Its not up to me to convince you that your outrage is not warranted.

Your outrage is warranted. At least I am not saying that to you. What I'm saying is that despite how society is not fair for the black man or woman, it is time you guys start cleaning up your act.

We know that 95% of blacks are great people. The problem is, we need that number to be more in line with white numbers. I bet our number is 95-99% of us are good. Maybe your number is 96 and ours is 97%. I don't know. What I'm trying to say is that your crime rates are way worse than ours. And we can look at some of the reasons.

If you have high unemployment and bad schools, don't have kids until you can get out of that situation. I think you guys having baby mamas is the problem. Too many kids being raised by 1 parent or the grandparents. Don't deny it. Do you? Lets just stop at that one thing. Do you deny your culture is producing too many kids from broken homes?

Don't fucking say so do whites! I know they do. That's the problem with America as a whole. That's why they say guys like Obama and Jackie Robinson had to be TWICE as good to get half as far as a white man. I know things aren't fair yet. How did Jackie Robinson and Obama win? They proved they were better than whites who thought they weren't. So stop talking eubonics and teaching your kids to disrespect the cops. Fear and respect them just like you would a drill seargant or your parents. That is if you respect your parents the way you should.
Unless black lives matter to other blacks, they will not matter much to anyone else.

And they have to stop siding with the criminals and against the cops. The guy in Ferguson punched a cop! We get these isolated incidences are problematic and so are these grand juries. So what is a black to do? I got an idea! VOTE! What percent of blacks vote?

Do black people want timid cops in the hood? I think blacks should police blacks so that way when they shoot at least it isn't racism. They'll see black cops hate n*@#&#rs too just like Chris Rock said.
Assleper...if drug dealing is "a" solution then prison is "the" appropriate answer!!!

Thats one of the reasons there is a high murder rate. I grew up in the ghetto. Everytime the cops put away a major drug dealer all hell broke loose from people fighting over the turf. Thanks for supporting the argument i was making.
When a major drug dealer is arrested in a predominately white neighborhood we see the neighbors on the TV celebrating and thanking the police for helping make the place they live and raise their children safer. There is NO rush to try to fill a void in drug dealing. You and your attitude is the problem. The fact that you cannot see that is unfortunate. Looking the other way while criminals destroy your neighborhoods makes YOU part of the problem.

I see a similarity between you as a representative of black society and white people that vote against their own best interests. You make me want to believe that you can take the black man out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black man.
We know your response is BS for a couple of reasons. I know of the same thing happening in white communities that deal in meth. My attitude is not a problem. If it was I would have been dead long ago. Who told you I was looking the other way or is that yet another ignorant assumption of yours?

We try to discuss cleaning up your communities and you want to talk about Breaking Bad? Boy you simply refuse to discuss the problems with black society. Or you want to ONLY focus on the racism that has put and kept your people there.

Why do you refuse to discuss the solutions to these obvious problems? Extreme Violence in your communities. Why is it there? Because there are no jobs. So why are poor single black people having babies and not raising them? We know this is where most criminals come from. Broken homes.

Buy an IUD. For patients not covered by insurance, an IUD typically costs between $175 and $600 for the device, insertion and a follow-up appointment. Sometimes an appointment for a pelvic exam, where you discuss whether the IUD is right for you, is required before the insertion appointment can be made. This can cost an additional $35 to $200 -- for a total of $210 to $800

I'm liberal so I say we should be covering this free in Obamacare for poor women regardless of their color. Do you think this is a bad idea? They are much more effective than condoms and birth control.

Interesting. 85% of white homocides are at the hands of another White. So much for your theory.

But welcome to the club of racists who love to beat up on the black race cuz, well, ok, you can tell us why, shortbus.

Your reply is dissengenuous. I'm certain that white on white murder numbers not counting the rise in Eastern European immigrants who are mobbed up are very significantly lower in their population than the populations of blacks in America.

I have interaction with YBM's every day in North Seattle and they are about 99% disrespectfull of the other people THEY interact with and any property they happen to be passing through at any given moment.

The same area I work in the YWM's although usually in the same circumstance as the YBM's are far more respectfull of the people they come into contact with.

I know this because I am charged with protecting a large chunk of real estate and an ongoing business that serves hundreds of people in the neighborhood every day. In this effort I observe these YB&YW M's and F's and their actions up close and at a distance. When trying to prevent crimes it is smarter to attempt to see bad things coming than just wait for bad things to happen.

The idea that all people are the same and should be treated the same is a myth that crybabies such as yourself hide behind. They are NOT. Blacks are 3 or 4 times more likely to commit a violent crime than whites where I live from my own observations. There is good reason why blacks are and should be watched more closely. Their level of respect for others is far lower to non existant compared to most whites. This is an unconvenient truth you refuse to believe but is a fact of life which police must consider when working closely with them.

Certainly there are blacks with excellent character and living styles. Unfortunately far too many blacks percentage wise lack character and a moral compass. This is a fact. I do feel badyl for black children being raised with such poor role models. It sucks for them. Your disregaurd for the truth in this societal situation does no one including the blacks any good. You are just repeating lies which fuel the media to blame the victims and those attempting to keep the situation from getting totally out of hand.
I forgot how retarded you are until I just read your post. What can you say to such ignorance other than get some help?

I'm sure, that when white people that actually work with blacks in bad areas like I do and know what time it really is, it must suck.

I don't do it to hurt your feelings because I have better things to do than insult annoymous people on the internet. I call you out because you lie about something when I'm sure you know very well that I am telling the truth. If you REALLY cared about your black brothers you would actually help them create better neighborhoods. You wouldn't perpetuate the fraud that whitey is keeping you down.

Let me guess. You once had a white friend that turned his back on you. He had to cut you loose because of something you did that destroyed his trust in you. You compared him to your black so-called friends that accept bad behavior and decided that he wasn't really a friend. If I am correct what you failed to understand is that a friend supports you when you do good and remands you when you fail to do good. What I believe is that you are a person of poor character and poor judgement about others and more importantly of your own actions. You are quicker to tell yourself that no one is perfect...especially someone from the ghetto...than correct your own behavior and own up to mistakes. It has gotten so easy to listen to the media that makes it's bread and butter from controversy instead of rejecting what is said that plays on your own weaknesses.

Do you want to know what white people think of when they see an angry black man?

They remember the angry black men that pulled Reginald Deny from his truck and murdered him out in the street by smashing his head in with bricks. This was captured from a helecopter by a Los Angeles TV news crew. I imagine you laughed at that ..right? Now tell me...who is the racist piece of shit?
Interesting. 85% of white homocides are at the hands of another White. So much for your theory.

But welcome to the club of racists who love to beat up on the black race cuz, well, ok, you can tell us why, shortbus.
That still doesn't change the fact that the majority of the 2.3 million people in jail are people of color. If 85% of white homicides are at the hands of other white people then why aren't they in jail? Why is it that colored people are sent to jail for petty crimes, and white people get away with homicides. I mean, just look at the white cops who are killing African American males without reason and getting away with it. Why do they get special treatment? Because of their skin color?
Interesting. 85% of white homocides are at the hands of another White. So much for your theory.

But welcome to the club of racists who love to beat up on the black race cuz, well, ok, you can tell us why, shortbus.

Your reply is dissengenuous. I'm certain that white on white murder numbers not counting the rise in Eastern European immigrants who are mobbed up are very significantly lower in their population than the populations of blacks in America.

I have interaction with YBM's every day in North Seattle and they are about 99% disrespectfull of the other people THEY interact with and any property they happen to be passing through at any given moment.

The same area I work in the YWM's although usually in the same circumstance as the YBM's are far more respectfull of the people they come into contact with.

I know this because I am charged with protecting a large chunk of real estate and an ongoing business that serves hundreds of people in the neighborhood every day. In this effort I observe these YB&YW M's and F's and their actions up close and at a distance. When trying to prevent crimes it is smarter to attempt to see bad things coming than just wait for bad things to happen.

The idea that all people are the same and should be treated the same is a myth that crybabies such as yourself hide behind. They are NOT. Blacks are 3 or 4 times more likely to commit a violent crime than whites where I live from my own observations. There is good reason why blacks are and should be watched more closely. Their level of respect for others is far lower to non existant compared to most whites. This is an unconvenient truth you refuse to believe but is a fact of life which police must consider when working closely with them.

Certainly there are blacks with excellent character and living styles. Unfortunately far too many blacks percentage wise lack character and a moral compass. This is a fact. I do feel badyl for black children being raised with such poor role models. It sucks for them. Your disregaurd for the truth in this societal situation does no one including the blacks any good. You are just repeating lies which fuel the media to blame the victims and those attempting to keep the situation from getting totally out of hand.
I forgot how retarded you are until I just read your post. What can you say to such ignorance other than get some help?

I'm sure, that when white people that actually work with blacks in bad areas like I do and know what time it really is, it must suck.

I don't do it to hurt your feelings because I have better things to do than insult annoymous people on the internet. I call you out because you lie about something when I'm sure you know very well that I am telling the truth. If you REALLY cared about your black brothers you would actually help them create better neighborhoods. You wouldn't perpetuate the fraud that whitey is keeping you down.

Let me guess. You once had a white friend that turned his back on you. He had to cut you loose because of something you did that destroyed his trust in you. You compared him to your black so-called friends that accept bad behavior and decided that he wasn't really a friend. If I am correct what you failed to understand is that a friend supports you when you do good and remands you when you fail to do good. What I believe is that you are a person of poor character and poor judgement about others and more importantly of your own actions. You are quicker to tell yourself that no one is perfect...especially someone from the ghetto...than correct your own behavior and own up to mistakes. It has gotten so easy to listen to the media that makes it's bread and butter from controversy instead of rejecting what is said that plays on your own weaknesses.

Do you want to know what white people think of when they see an angry black man?

They remember the angry black men that pulled Reginald Deny from his truck and murdered him out in the street by smashing his head in with bricks. This was captured from a helecopter by a Los Angeles TV news crew. I imagine you laughed at that ..right? Now tell me...who is the racist piece of shit?

"Check yourself before you wreck yourself". Reginald Denny was beaten which was wrong by any definition, but, he WAS NOT murdered. In fact two black men came to his aid and got him to a hospital where a black sururgeon operated on him sucessfully.

L.A. riots Good Samaritan remembers his scary truck-driver rescue The Lookout - Yahoo News
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Interesting. 85% of white homocides are at the hands of another White. So much for your theory.

But welcome to the club of racists who love to beat up on the black race cuz, well, ok, you can tell us why, shortbus.

He said it" black males acting with fatal stupidity in encounters with police"

That's all these cases are. If you don't want your kids shot tell them not to fight or run when the cops pull them over or tell them to put their hands behind their backs. You say "you're all being picked on?". I saw the tape. I don't know all the details but what I do know is you have to put your hands behind your back when the cops tells you to.

Cops didnt tell him too...So I guess you have to put your hands behind your back whether they tell you to or not.

Pretend I'm a jplaced id a e cop approaches you for whatever reason he approaches you and for whatever reason tells you to put your hands behind your back and you don't and you want sympathy? I will give you some. I might even charge the cop or might fire him for killing you. But what I'm telling you is you can't say, "he was picking on me" as a defense for fighting a cop. Do you think you can get away with that?

Not sympathy...you can take your sympathy and shove it up your ass. What we are talking about is not your feelings, your sympathy or anything else. We are talking about abuse by the police towards blacks a majority of the time.

Now your stance is basically that blacks made them abuse them a majority of the time. Which is exactly the reason it continues...you dont find fault with police you find it with the victims so much so that you just assume that most of the abuse happens because blacks "asked for it" basically

I guess you refuse to acknowledge that in every case where a black gets shot, in EVERY case, the black guy is acting like a n*#$r.

We need to hire and train cops better. We need to put cameras on them. We need to hire more black cops to patrol black neighborhoods. We need the cops to do better community outreach.

I bet there is not one suggestion you make that I will disagree with you on.

All I'm saying is you guys need to treat the cops with more respect and listen to what they tell you.

Think about it. In our country if a cop says put your hands behind your back never mind why just do it, guess what? You have to put your hands behind your back. So yes cops need training, but so do young black men. Be better teachers/educators/parents/role models.

What aspiring police officers need is more rigid psychoanalysis prior to being placed in the field as well as the educational requirements raised. A longtime friend of mine who was with LAPD on the vice squad, stated that far too many young officers are overly zealous, as well as agressive, and have a militaristic "kick ass and take names" attitude....particularly those who patrol the inner cities.
Black Lives Matter!

To who?
It should matter to everyone. Ignorant people like you are the ones who have been supporting the torture towards African Americans. Anybody's life matters. Why should African American's lives be less of a value than anybody else's? We're all people.

I don't give a shit about black lives anymore than other blacks gives a shit. If they really cared they'd stop killing each other, start being responsible for their own actions and stop blaming the white man for their bad choices.
Black Lives Matter!

To who?
It should matter to everyone. Ignorant people like you are the ones who have been supporting the torture towards African Americans. Anybody's life matters. Why should African American's lives be less of a value than anybody else's? We're all people.

I don't give a shit about black lives anymore than other blacks gives a shit. If they really cared they'd stop killing each other, start being responsible for their own actions and stop blaming the white man for their bad choices.

I guess no one cares about anyone then because every species in the world kill each other
Black Lives Matter!

To who?
It should matter to everyone. Ignorant people like you are the ones who have been supporting the torture towards African Americans. Anybody's life matters. Why should African American's lives be less of a value than anybody else's? We're all people.

I don't give a shit about black lives anymore than other blacks gives a shit. If they really cared they'd stop killing each other, start being responsible for their own actions and stop blaming the white man for their bad choices.

I guess no one cares about anyone then because every species in the world kill each other

People kill for a variety of reasons. Then you have the blacks who kill for stupid shit like sneakers.
Black Lives Matter!

To who?
It should matter to everyone. Ignorant people like you are the ones who have been supporting the torture towards African Americans. Anybody's life matters. Why should African American's lives be less of a value than anybody else's? We're all people.

I don't give a shit about black lives anymore than other blacks gives a shit. If they really cared they'd stop killing each other, start being responsible for their own actions and stop blaming the white man for their bad choices.

I guess no one cares about anyone then because every species in the world kill each other

People kill for a variety of reasons. Then you have the blacks who kill for stupid shit like sneakers.

But thats not what you said...you said no lives matter because people kill each other. You didnt say no lives matter because people kill for reasons I deem unacceptable. You want to edit your previous post?

Btw, white people kill for being bullied...or for no reason at all. Pretty stupid

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