Black Lives Matters Member Murders KY State Trooper

A Black Lives Matter Member emptied his gun into a KY State Trooper's car two days ago and murdered the officer inside during a routine traffic stop. I imagine the left will say that the cop had it coming. Definently, Black Lives Matter thinks so. If they didn't, they wouldn't be calling for the murder of cops and then carrying it out. The Democrat Party shows no indication of pulling their endorsement of this pack of cop killers.

bigotry is ugly......

should we post pictures of the white trash Texan who assassinated the officer there?
Is that the white guy who started blm?
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
No, but before Obama race relation were a lot better. Now Obama has divided us further. King would've hated Obama. He said be known by the content of your character, not the color of your skin. Well if Obama wasn't black he wouldn't be anything.
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!

Still living in 1960 huh. By the was Democrats who opposed MLKs dream and the civil rights era. Fact.
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
No, but before Obama race relation were a lot better. Now Obama has divided us further. King would've hated Obama. He said be known by the content of your character, not the color of your skin. Well if Obama wasn't black he wouldn't be anything.

I remember 2004-2005 era. Hell....the whole 1995-2008 era. Racism seemed to be dying off. An occasional flash that people would condemn. But man....Obama brought the 60s roaring back.
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!

Still living in 1960 huh. By the was Democrats who opposed MLKs dream and the civil rights era. Fact.

I just want to know how Obama has traversed the time space continum to being forth racial strife in history
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!

Still living in 1960 huh. By the was Democrats who opposed MLKs dream and the civil rights era. Fact.

I just want to know how Obama has traversed the time space continum to being forth racial strife in history

Easy. He and Sharpton and people Iike you....still live with the 60s mentality. You still hold this silly grudge against white people.

And when you put a moron like that into the most powerful office in our solar system.....he can spew stupidity and validate nonsensical ideas that slowly grows like a wildfire amongst morons. Like you. Until the fire is beyond control.

"Police acted stupidly"...small little spark...was followed by many more actions that have 7 years later resulted in #BlackLivesMatter murdering cops.
Time to round up the leaders of this BLM movement or there will be open season on all blacks. These blacks seem determined to have a race war. It won't take much for white supremists to get involved.
You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!

Still living in 1960 huh. By the was Democrats who opposed MLKs dream and the civil rights era. Fact.

I just want to know how Obama has traversed the time space continum to being forth racial strife in history

Stop being obtuse. Of course race relations are worse today than they were in 2007.

Both blacks and whites played a part in that, but to pretend like things are better now is just stupid.
"Black Lives Matter" is a Terrorist Organization & should be treated as such.

If you see anyone carrying that sign or wearing that shirt, kill them before they kill you.
If indeed this is a member of BLM, then this organization really needs to monitored closely, to not only track their whereabouts, but to also listen carefully to see what they are inciting.
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!

Still living in 1960 huh. By the was Democrats who opposed MLKs dream and the civil rights era. Fact.

I just want to know how Obama has traversed the time space continum to being forth racial strife in history

Stop being obtuse. Of course race relations are worse today than they were in 2007.

Both blacks and whites played a part in that, but to pretend like things are better now is just stupid.

According to what? Your race relations-ometer? You sound stupid...You werent so butthurt back then so you thought it was all good. Now black people saying stuff hurts you so bad
What is really sad is the officer was trying to help the guy, he had a suspended license and so did the two females that were with him, the cop was trying to get them a motel room.
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!

Still living in 1960 huh. By the was Democrats who opposed MLKs dream and the civil rights era. Fact.

I just want to know how Obama has traversed the time space continum to being forth racial strife in history

Stop being obtuse. Of course race relations are worse today than they were in 2007.

Both blacks and whites played a part in that, but to pretend like things are better now is just stupid.

According to what? Your race relations-ometer? You sound stupid...You werent so butthurt back then so you thought it was all good. Now black people saying stuff hurts you so bad
Ole butt hurt? Nope I'm not, race relations aren't bad here. Not a bunch of liberals that hate live here.

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