Black Lives Matters Member Murders KY State Trooper the shootings are staged?

Lmao...the beatings then and now are a figment of my imagination?

People complaining about cop abuse don't really care about personal's about money? :rofl: Well golly gee Walley, all the police have to do is stop going Rambo on people and the money scheme is over, right? :rofl:
I said the riots were Obama and by local government officials.

Quit being an imbecile.

Ok the riots were staged but the feelings involved....Those were staged too? People really like to be shot by police?

Last year, Obama held a meeting after the 2014 midterms, telling event (protest) organizers to stay the course. Even though public opinion was against them, he encouraged them to keep raising Hell in Ferguson over the Gentile Giant (thug) Michael Brown. Then this spring, Baltimore set up a series of drug arrests, and one of the suspects (Freddy Grey) did what he had done many times, started banging off of the walls of the van, only this time he seriously injured himself and died several days later from his injuries. The weird thing is the prosecutor that claimed this was all police brutality and made a very public indictment announcement, literally sent cops to that street to make arrests herself.
The whole thing was a setup. Then the mayor of Baltimore, who is black, said on camera that she was going to give rioters room to destroy. Whoopsie. Then walked it back and tried to say she didn't say what everyone knows she said. So now this Black Lies Matter group shows up and starts raising all kinds of Hell, calling for cop killings. Turns out the BLM creator is a white guy who used to be in ACORN....Obama's group.

So Obama made a cop shoot MB and that resulted in people objecting to killing someone in a hail of bullets. Because if Obama wasnt involved they wouldnt have a problem? Uh Ok, Then the Mayor said "go down there and make arrests" and you're saying that she made them kill Gray because *wink* she KNEW they were going to kill someone *wink*

Its fascinating to watch your gears grind out such silly shit. So far actions of the officers involve have nothing to do with anything...

[Now blacks are killing cops in increasing numbers, blacks are attacking officials and other players during football games. Last week it was two black hs players who sandwiched a referee, claiming he had uttered ethnic slurs, and this week a black player took off a white player's helmet and bashed him in the face with it, needing 10 stitches.

Football is violent...but not until now has anyone tried to link football violence with...I dont know what you're actually trying to tie together here. Maybe that football players fight because Obama told them? :spinner:

I expect this to spread throughout the country. Blacks wanting to commit violence because our president and black congressional members feel that thugs are upstanding citizens and cops are criminals. I guess these nappy-haired mouth-breathers have fallen for the rhetoric.
All the while, Obama isn't asking for calm....he's talking about Glowbull Fucking Warming.

Try again, you did this same song and dance when someone complained about warrantless wiretapping of citizens by the govt. You ignored the wiretapping and went for some made up spin that people are FOR the terrorist. Same thing here. Every black is a thug in your eyes. So when the police gun someone down...Someone sees it and says it wasnt right. You show up to yell at the person who saw it as being a defender of thugs instead of a defender of rights.

Nice try tho, but your bullshit wont fly here
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
After 911 Americans were united better than we ever had been. Did you forget?

No...Whats your point? Obama created police brutality from the 60's until now? Or is it like a movie where every new generation that gets abused involves the fault of a new black guy enemy?
Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!

Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Oh but how blacks act when being questioned by police has nothing to do with the way they are treated?

Is it Obamas fault or all blacks fault throughout history for police abuse? This is like saying maybe if the Jews were nicer they would've been treated better. Thats not how racism works
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
After 911 Americans were united better than we ever had been. Did you forget?

No...Whats your point? Obama created police brutality from the 60's until now? Or is it like a movie where every new generation that gets abused involves the fault of a new black guy enemy?
The cops acted stupidly, treyvon could be my son before he realized he was a thug. He is good friends with Jackson, sharpton, and Farrakhan. All that needs to be known that he is a racist queer.
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!

Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Oh but how blacks act when being questioned by police has nothing to do with the way they are treated?

Is it Obamas fault or all blacks fault throughout history for police abuse? This is like saying maybe if the Jews were nicer they would've been treated better. Thats not how racism works
I'm not saying that every cop is good, but most of the time you are treated how you treat others. Obama is a racist queer and his friends prove it.
Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
After 911 Americans were united better than we ever had been. Did you forget?

No...Whats your point? Obama created police brutality from the 60's until now? Or is it like a movie where every new generation that gets abused involves the fault of a new black guy enemy?
The cops acted stupidly, treyvon could be my son before he realized he was a thug. He is good friends with Jackson, sharpton, and Farrakhan. All that needs to be known that he is a racist queer.

What about before Obama? Was that his fault too or is this when you name another black guy and put it on him? Maybe you want to start with Nat Turner?
And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!

Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Oh but how blacks act when being questioned by police has nothing to do with the way they are treated?

Is it Obamas fault or all blacks fault throughout history for police abuse? This is like saying maybe if the Jews were nicer they would've been treated better. Thats not how racism works
I'm not saying that every cop is good, but most of the time you are treated how you treat others. Obama is a racist queer and his friends prove it.

Yes, thats exactly what youre saying. You find no fault with any cop anywhere. You put it all on the actions of just blacks despite whites being shot MORE.

So if its everyone elses fault but the cop, thats saying none of them are wrong you.

You cant even follow your own logic
Oh but how blacks act when being questioned by police has nothing to do with the way they are treated?
What exactly do you see in this video that indicates wrong behavior by the Black man being arrested...this is a Policeman on steroids attacking a citizen..

They said THAT was cool too! Do you know what he was suspected of doing to warrant a running slam like that?

Killer? Nope
Had a gun? Nope
Kidnapper? Nuh uh

IDENTITY THEFT!! I mean, come the fuck on..
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
After 911 Americans were united better than we ever had been. Did you forget?

No...Whats your point? Obama created police brutality from the 60's until now? Or is it like a movie where every new generation that gets abused involves the fault of a new black guy enemy?
The cops acted stupidly, treyvon could be my son before he realized he was a thug. He is good friends with Jackson, sharpton, and Farrakhan. All that needs to be known that he is a racist queer.

What about before Obama? Was that his fault too or is this when you name another black guy and put it on him? Maybe you want to start with Nat Turner?
I don't remember another president talk badly about cops the way Obama has. Congradulations you elected another first! You must be proud.
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!

Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Oh but how blacks act when being questioned by police has nothing to do with the way they are treated?

Is it Obamas fault or all blacks fault throughout history for police abuse? This is like saying maybe if the Jews were nicer they would've been treated better. Thats not how racism works
I'm not saying that every cop is good, but most of the time you are treated how you treat others. Obama is a racist queer and his friends prove it.

Yes, thats exactly what youre saying. You find no fault with any cop anywhere. You put it all on the actions of just blacks despite whites being shot MORE.

So if its everyone elses fault but the cop, thats saying none of them are wrong you.

You cant even follow your own logic
What are you saying? I admit there are some bad cops, but in the inner city most are treated like shit. So like I said before. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Maybe Obama needs to tell his brothers and sisters that. Instead of sending Jackson and sharpton in to flame the fires. You blindly following Obama shows how stupid you and your kind are.
I don't remember another president talk badly about cops the way Obama has. Congradulations you elected another first! You must be proud.
Over the last 7 years there has been an unprecedented expansion of technology as to cameras and videos that have allowed documentation of Police abuses. These abuses are not new. What is new is the documentation of it via cameras and technology.... Obama has not "talked badly about cops"...that is simply an "inoperative statement"...
Hasty generalization fallacy.

I don't remember another president talk badly about cops the way Obama has. Congradulations you elected another first! You must be proud.
Over the last 7 years there has been an unprecedented expansion of technology as to cameras and videos that have allowed documentation of Police abuses. These abuses are not new. What is new is the documentation of it via cameras and technology.... Obama has not "talked badly about cops"...that is simply an "inoperative statement"...
And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
After 911 Americans were united better than we ever had been. Did you forget?

No...Whats your point? Obama created police brutality from the 60's until now? Or is it like a movie where every new generation that gets abused involves the fault of a new black guy enemy?
The cops acted stupidly, treyvon could be my son before he realized he was a thug. He is good friends with Jackson, sharpton, and Farrakhan. All that needs to be known that he is a racist queer.

What about before Obama? Was that his fault too or is this when you name another black guy and put it on him? Maybe you want to start with Nat Turner?
I don't remember another president talk badly about cops the way Obama has. Congradulations you elected another first! You must be proud.

Yeah but what about before Obama? Who's fault was it then? And when is it ok to say "please dont shoot or abuse me" that would please you dumbass?
Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Oh but how blacks act when being questioned by police has nothing to do with the way they are treated?

Is it Obamas fault or all blacks fault throughout history for police abuse? This is like saying maybe if the Jews were nicer they would've been treated better. Thats not how racism works
I'm not saying that every cop is good, but most of the time you are treated how you treat others. Obama is a racist queer and his friends prove it.

Yes, thats exactly what youre saying. You find no fault with any cop anywhere. You put it all on the actions of just blacks despite whites being shot MORE.

So if its everyone elses fault but the cop, thats saying none of them are wrong you.

You cant even follow your own logic
What are you saying? I admit there are some bad cops, but in the inner city most are treated like shit. So like I said before. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Maybe Obama needs to tell his brothers and sisters that. Instead of sending Jackson and sharpton in to flame the fires. You blindly following Obama shows how stupid you and your kind are.

How they are treated has nothing to do with it....again, you are saying they are all good unless they arent and then thats because they are treated bad.

They have no responsibility in your entire scenario and this is the 2nd time you're attempting this circular logic or "I didnt say they are all good but if they arent, its your fault" bullshit

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