Black Lives Matters Member Murders KY State Trooper

MLK was certainly NOT A REPUBLICAN

Another Republican claims that Martin Luther King Jr. was part of the GOP

"Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican."
Charlotte Bergmann on Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 in a campaign billboard along I-240.

Michael K. Honey, a professor at the University of Washington-Tacoma and author of "Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign" (2007), said in an email: "Do they now make things up out of whole cloth or do they fabricate based on assumptions with no actual knowledge. In either case, not very good qualifications for office."

Honey, who edited a collection of King’s speeches released last year as "All Labor Has Dignity," said the idea that King was a Republican is "laughable...His interest was in getting both parties to do the right thing on issues. The Democrats certainly disappointed him on the (Vietnam) war, and the Republicans had an orthodox conservatism opposed to most of the changes he wanted to see."

PolitiFact Texas looked into a similar claim in 2011 and interviewed David J. Garrow, author of the Pulitzer Prize winning King biography "Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference" (1986). He said in told them: "It is simply incorrect to call Dr. King a Republican."
Time to round up the leaders of this BLM movement or there will be open season on all blacks. These blacks seem determined to have a race war. It won't take much for white supremists to get involved.
You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?
Al Capone was white.
If indeed this is a member of BLM, then this organization really needs to monitored closely, to not only track their whereabouts, but to also listen carefully to see what they are inciting.
They won't be monitored while Obama is in office and his Attry General is in charge of the FBI.
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
No, but before Obama race relation were a lot better. Now Obama has divided us further. King would've hated Obama. He said be known by the content of your character, not the color of your skin. Well if Obama wasn't black he wouldn't be anything.
Obama didn't divide anything , it's these motherfucking racist ass whites that are pissed because he's sitting in the WH, and and an old white guy isn't..

And if George the drunk Bush wasn't born with a silver spoon in his pie hole, he would be a janitor in some dive bar..

And if all us racist whites didn't vote for Obama....he never would've been president. Hmmmm. Idiot.
And if all of them so called anchor babies, the evil Browns your hero the Rug wants to send back to Mayheeco, and the Blacks (yea the people ) the Repugs hate so much didn't vote for that Fu@king stupid ass drunk Bush in 2004 , he would have lost BADLY to Kerry..

Your point it Horseshit...
Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
Police weren't murdering MLK marchers. How fucking stupid! Are you black and biased?

I know all they did was beat them...sheesh, and it was all because of Obama. The people the cops did murder back then all deserved it too!! That's the difference duuuurrr
This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!

Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Time to round up the leaders of this BLM movement or there will be open season on all blacks. These blacks seem determined to have a race war. It won't take much for white supremists to get involved.
You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?
Al Capone was white.
You get the point. Don't poke a tiger then by surprised how it reacts.

I see both sides of this issue. And that's where the solution lies.
You're exactly right. Race relations in the South are 100x better than anywhere else in America...despite the self righteous liberal media's portrayal otherwise.

Can I borrow that feelsometer too?

Sure. It's child proof you won't get it to work.

Ok Thanks, Oh look....Its says that whites are more full of shit than anytime in history. I figured as much...
So you think race relations are the same or better?

I dont think it changed at all for blacks but now whites have to be burdened with minorities wanting rights and justice and it really burns their patootey. So of course they feel like its worst, they used to be the only player in the game.

If this Nation was all black and then about 50 years ago white people demanded justice it would be the same way just in reverse
You sound like you want preferred rights. My democrat neighbor in the 60s was right.
A Black Lives Matter Member emptied his gun into a KY State Trooper's car two days ago and murdered the officer inside during a routine traffic stop. I imagine the left will say that the cop had it coming. Definently, Black Lives Matter thinks so. If they didn't, they wouldn't be calling for the murder of cops and then carrying it out. The Democrat Party shows no indication of pulling their endorsement of this pack of cop killers.




Suspect in trooper’s death was a ‘Black Lives Matter’ backer

A Missouri man suspected offatally shooting a Kentucky state trooperwas an active supporter of the "Black Lives Matter" movement who advocated against violence, a Facebook page shows.

Joseph Thomas Johnson-Shanks, who was shot dead by police Monday morning, appears to have regularly posted videos and articles on police shootings under the pseudonym "Jay MileHigh,"Vocativ reported.

On that Facebook page, photos appear to show the 25-year-old St. Louis man attending a funeral service for Michael Brown, who was shot dead by a Ferguson police officer in 2014. It also shows him attending local protests in the days and weeks after.

In several photos, Johnson-Shanks is seen with his hands raised in the air with the caption, "hands up don't shoot" — a phrase that originated from the unarmed teen's death.

"Some of y'all don't understand the more violence that occurs is less justice for Mike Brown the focus should be on him," heposted on a "Justice for Mike Brown"Facebook page on Aug. 14, 2014, one week after Brown's death.

The BLM Cult is nothing beyond a Communist front group... organized by the same idiots that brought you "The Arab Spring"... and of course The Ferguson Riots, the Clinton and obama Cults.

It is a symbol of the murderous nature of The Ideological Left as comprised by the Communist Cult of Chi-Town.

Such stems from the 1960s Peace, Love and Dope movement which produced the Cloward-Piven Strategy... which sponsored the "Weather Underground" cult... which targeted and subsequently murdered police officers in hopes of igniting a race war.

The head of that Cult was one Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn; the Chicago Communist that pushed barack hussein obama into public office.

So it is no surprise that they're continuing to do today, through obama, what they failed to do 50 years ago.

I for one have my fingers crossed in undying hope that they succeed this time, so we can get to work doing the unenviable work to rid the US of the Ideological Left... entirely.
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Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!

Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Maybe if you got your head out of your ass and stopped repeating bogus talking-points you'd be able to use a little bit of that grey matter you have in your skull.

The whole police-brutality shtick was used back in the 60s and has been recycled by a bunch of communists counting on using white guilt to force government sponsored reparations....and maybe to cause a few brothers to bust some caps into some pigs' asses.

Seems to be working pretty well.....

It there was one of these staged riots every other month I would think they were trying to cause a race-war.....but it's really just about cash money.
Last edited: the shootings are staged?

Lmao...the beatings then and now are a figment of my imagination?

People complaining about cop abuse don't really care about personal's about money? :rofl: Well golly gee Walley, all the police have to do is stop going Rambo on people and the money scheme is over, right? :rofl: the shootings are staged?

Lmao...the beatings then and now are a figment of my imagination?

People complaining about cop abuse don't really care about personal's about money? :rofl: Well golly gee Walley, all the police have to do is stop going Rambo on people and the money scheme is over, right? :rofl:
I said the riots were Obama and by local government officials.

Quit being an imbecile.
Last year, Obama held a meeting after the 2014 midterms, telling event (protest) organizers to stay the course. Even though public opinion was against them, he encouraged them to keep raising Hell in Ferguson over the Gentile Giant (thug) Michael Brown. Then this spring, Baltimore set up a series of drug arrests, and one of the suspects (Freddy Grey) did what he had done many times, started banging off of the walls of the van, only this time he seriously injured himself and died several days later from his injuries. The weird thing is the prosecutor that claimed this was all police brutality and made a very public indictment announcement, literally sent cops to that street to make arrests herself.
The whole thing was a setup. Then the mayor of Baltimore, who is black, said on camera that she was going to give rioters room to destroy. Whoopsie. Then walked it back and tried to say she didn't say what everyone knows she said. So now this Black Lies Matter group shows up and starts raising all kinds of Hell, calling for cop killings. Turns out the BLM creator is a white guy who used to be in ACORN....Obama's group.

Now blacks are killing cops in increasing numbers, blacks are attacking officials and other players during football games. Last week it was two black hs players who sandwiched a referee, claiming he had uttered ethnic slurs, and this week a black player took off a white player's helmet and bashed him in the face with it, needing 10 stitches.
I expect this to spread throughout the country. Blacks wanting to commit violence because our president and black congressional members feel that thugs are upstanding citizens and cops are criminals. I guess these nappy-haired mouth-breathers have fallen for the rhetoric.
All the while, Obama isn't asking for calm....he's talking about Glowbull Fucking Warming.
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This is the fault of blacks everywhere! Even Obama!
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
After 911 Americans were united better than we ever had been. Did you forget?
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
No, but before Obama race relation were a lot better. Now Obama has divided us further. King would've hated Obama. He said be known by the content of your character, not the color of your skin. Well if Obama wasn't black he wouldn't be anything.
Obama didn't divide anything , it's these motherfucking racist ass whites that are pissed because he's sitting in the WH, and and an old white guy isn't..

And if George the drunk Bush wasn't born with a silver spoon in his pie hole, he would be a janitor in some dive bar..

And if all us racist whites didn't vote for Obama....he never would've been president. Hmmmm. Idiot.
And if all of them so called anchor babies, the evil Browns your hero the Rug wants to send back to Mayheeco, and the Blacks (yea the people ) the Repugs hate so much didn't vote for that Fu@king stupid ass drunk Bush in 2004 , he would have lost BADLY to Kerry..

Your point it Horseshit...
Are you drunk? What the hell are you saying?
Holy cow, you finally tell the truth for once. Yes, Obama shares in the responsibility in this mess. Starting with treyvon could be his son, and ending with his support of Farrakhan.

Yeah and when police were murdering blacks during MLK marches that was Obama's fault...or MLK's fault cause he was super violent!
MLK has been dead since 68', shitstain.

MLK was a Republican.....and he was killed by a Democrat.

And 9/11 was in 2001, shitstain.

Now since we're finished with naming dates of events. There were race problems even then and I want to know how that's Obama's fault. Or will you place those race problems on another, any, black person?
You were the one talking about ancient history motherfucker....not me.

So STFU!!!

Lol...sorry goober. The point is police have been abusing blacks and it wasn't the fault of Obama then or now.
Oh but how blacks act when being questioned by police has nothing to do with the way they are treated?

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