Black man attacks two unsuspecting white women in Portland laundromat with large saw, surveillance shows

Portland is the place where that white supremacist murdered 3 blacks on the Maxx light rail train. It is the place where Tom Metzgers crew bashed in an Africans skull. Portland is a place that is surrounded by white supremacists who live in the outlying areas. You idiots talk about a mob, but the protests there were peaceful until trump sent in the gestapo to throw tear gas at people, detain people for nothing and shoot non violent protesters. The only mob there is the secret police trump sent to that city without permission from anyone.

Now you bitches have always ran your fucking mouths about government overreach and here it is in your mf-ing faces and you support it only because it's being done by a republican.

Did tom ridge say he would allow a leftist summer of (violent) love on his state without putting a stop to it?

if democrats were doing their job trump would not have to do it for them
Portland is the place where that white supremacist murdered 3 blacks on the Maxx light rail train. It is the place where Tom Metzgers crew bashed in an Africans skull. Portland is a place that is surrounded by white supremacists who live in the outlying areas. You idiots talk about a mob, but the protests there were peaceful until trump sent in the gestapo to throw tear gas at people, detain people for nothing and shoot non violent protesters. The only mob there is the secret police trump sent to that city without permission from anyone.

Now you bitches have always ran your fucking mouths about government overreach and here it is in your mf-ing faces and you support it only because it's being done by a republican.

ws my ass. you talk shit, all the time.
The video says it all. OMG, Portland is unsafe at any speed.


A black Portland man was arrested last week after assaulting two white women in a laundromat a large handsaw, an attack that was captured on video.

On the afternoon of July 17, several people called 911 to report a man armed with a large handsaw and carrying a bag assaulting people and breaking out vehicle windshields, according to the Portland Police Bureau.


Demonstrations that began in the wake of the George Floyd incident in May have since morphed into nightly attacks against federal officers deployed to protect the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland.

The attacks against federal agents are a new development. For weeks prior to the Trump administration deploying additional protection officers, Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists were in the streets nightly starting fires, painting graffiti, and attacking Portland police facilities, even as local Democratic leaders like Mayor Ted Wheeler deny it is happening.
Was he on drugs?

or has the contant hate speech directed toward whites driven him over the edge?

Its the constant hate speech promulgated by the media setting these people off edge. The underlying message is all white people are bad.They are creating a culture that in the distant future will become increasingly hateful and vengeful sadly to say. They portray these high profile incidents as if they represent millions of people who are just trying to live their life. We are seeing the effects of the social poison they are dosing out among us. Couple that with years of indoctrination dosed out in our schools and colleges and its something thats impossible to stop. I dont have a good feeling for the future of all innocent civilians. Black, white, Asian... we will all suffer for this in the future.
You are lying.

Bull SHIT. You give your opinion and Ill give mine. Granted, there is an amount of subjectivity to what is going on. This is the way I see it. If you sir want to call me a liar for my opinion. Go fuck off .
with all due respect.
OMG, grow up and get a life!

A crowd tried to prevent police from arresting him after he attacked two women. So hey, lets all give in to the mob. SO what you obviously do not understand is that this is becoming a new way of thinking in society. If this someday happened to your wife you wouldnt be playing the tough guy on the internet.
The crowd wanted the attack on the women to continue. Those women have to die as revenge for black men being punished in the past.
The video says it all. OMG, Portland is unsafe at any speed.


A black Portland man was arrested last week after assaulting two white women in a laundromat a large handsaw, an attack that was captured on video.

On the afternoon of July 17, several people called 911 to report a man armed with a large handsaw and carrying a bag assaulting people and breaking out vehicle windshields, according to the Portland Police Bureau.


Demonstrations that began in the wake of the George Floyd incident in May have since morphed into nightly attacks against federal officers deployed to protect the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland.

The attacks against federal agents are a new development. For weeks prior to the Trump administration deploying additional protection officers, Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists were in the streets nightly starting fires, painting graffiti, and attacking Portland police facilities, even as local Democratic leaders like Mayor Ted Wheeler deny it is happening.
Was he on drugs?

or has the contant hate speech directed toward whites driven him over the edge?

Its the constant hate speech promulgated by the media setting these people off edge. The underlying message is all white people are bad.They are creating a culture that in the distant future will become increasingly hateful and vengeful sadly to say. They portray these high profile incidents as if they represent millions of people who are just trying to live their life. We are seeing the effects of the social poison they are dosing out among us. Couple that with years of indoctrination dosed out in our schools and colleges and its something thats impossible to stop. I dont have a good feeling for the future of all innocent civilians. Black, white, Asian... we will all suffer for this in the future.
You are lying.

Bull SHIT. You give your opinion and Ill give mine. Granted, there is an amount of subjectivity to what is going on. This is the way I see it. If you sir want to call me a liar for my opinion. Go fuck off .
with all due respect.
Your opinion is a lie. That is the way I see it.
One could go in anyplace, and anywhere and a person on drugs or mentally deficient could attack them. Your just picking on Portland because tramp sent feds in. It could of just as easily been a white man, curious if he was a vet, many vets have PTSD.

These anarchists better get used to it because THE MAN is sending in the troops to stop the criminals tearing up federal properties and hopefully every other place they are ruining.

President Trump is escalating his fight with city leaders as he looks to send federal law enforcement agents beyond Portland, Ore., and into Chicago and other U.S. cities.

Trump on Wednesday announced that the Justice Department’s “Operation Legend” — an effort to help local police combat violent crime — is expanding from Kansas City, Mo., to Chicago, Albuquerque, N.M., and other U.S. cities.

All for his re-election. He ran on Law & Order in 2016 too, and he has done a word about cleaning the inner cities up, except self enrich himself.
OMG, grow up and get a life!

A crowd tried to prevent police from arresting him after he attacked two women. So hey, lets all give in to the mob. SO what you obviously do not understand is that this is becoming a new way of thinking in society. If this someday happened to your wife you wouldnt be playing the tough guy on the internet.
The crowd wanted the attack on the women to continue. Those women have to die as revenge for black men being punished in the past.
Here is the crazy.
One could go in anyplace, and anywhere and a person on drugs or mentally deficient could attack them. Your just picking on Portland because tramp sent feds in.

Yes that's it
It has nothing to do with the fact that they have been rioting continuously for almost 2 months.

No it hasn't noting to with it. Also the Feds (ICE) instigated it, and they have been protesting ice since last year.

You really are a fucking brain dead twit.

That's good if it coming from you! :laugh:
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You are lying.
The record of black on white violence is there

just today we had a black man attacking two white women in a laundromat
The 244 year record of white on black violence is there too. And it far exceeds black on white violence to the point that we will never catch up even if we tried.
Is there something in the water in the Northwest? Maybe the Japanese Fukashima radiation is drifting to the U.S. These people are going plumb birdshit crazy.
OMG, grow up and get a life!

A crowd tried to prevent police from arresting him after he attacked two women. So hey, lets all give in to the mob. SO what you obviously do not understand is that this is becoming a new way of thinking in society. If this someday happened to your wife you wouldnt be playing the tough guy on the internet.
The crowd wanted the attack on the women to continue. Those women have to die as revenge for black men being punished in the past.
Here is the crazy.

Really crazy , but they all believe conspiracy theories.
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Portland is the place where that white supremacist murdered 3 blacks on the Maxx light rail train. It is the place where Tom Metzgers crew bashed in an Africans skull. Portland is a place that is surrounded by white supremacists who live in the outlying areas. You idiots talk about a mob, but the protests there were peaceful until trump sent in the gestapo to throw tear gas at people, detain people for nothing and shoot non violent protesters. The only mob there is the secret police trump sent to that city without permission from anyone.

Now you bitches have always ran your fucking mouths about government overreach and here it is in your mf-ing faces and you support it only because it's being done by a republican.

Did tom ridge say he would allow a leftist summer of (violent) love on his state without putting a stop to it?

if democrats were doing their job trump would not have to do it for them
If trump was doing his job there would be no protests.
OMG, grow up and get a life!

A crowd tried to prevent police from arresting him after he attacked two women. So hey, lets all give in to the mob. SO what you obviously do not understand is that this is becoming a new way of thinking in society. If this someday happened to your wife you wouldnt be playing the tough guy on the internet.
The crowd wanted the attack on the women to continue. Those women have to die as revenge for black men being punished in the past.
Here is the crazy.

Really crazy , but they all believe conspiracy theories.
The video says it all. OMG, Portland is unsafe at any speed.


A black Portland man was arrested last week after assaulting two white women in a laundromat a large handsaw, an attack that was captured on video.

On the afternoon of July 17, several people called 911 to report a man armed with a large handsaw and carrying a bag assaulting people and breaking out vehicle windshields, according to the Portland Police Bureau.


Demonstrations that began in the wake of the George Floyd incident in May have since morphed into nightly attacks against federal officers deployed to protect the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland.

The attacks against federal agents are a new development. For weeks prior to the Trump administration deploying additional protection officers, Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists were in the streets nightly starting fires, painting graffiti, and attacking Portland police facilities, even as local Democratic leaders like Mayor Ted Wheeler deny it is happening.
Was he on drugs?

or has the contant hate speech directed toward whites driven him over the edge?

Its the constant hate speech promulgated by the media setting these people off edge. The underlying message is all white people are bad.They are creating a culture that in the distant future will become increasingly hateful and vengeful sadly to say. They portray these high profile incidents as if they represent millions of people who are just trying to live their life. We are seeing the effects of the social poison they are dosing out among us. Couple that with years of indoctrination dosed out in our schools and colleges and its something thats impossible to stop. I dont have a good feeling for the future of all innocent civilians. Black, white, Asian... we will all suffer for this in the future.
You are lying. And what exactly do whites like the OP do here with stories like this they post all the time. Millions of blacks are not looking to attack white people. This is what pisses me off about whites like you. That one sided whites are getting a bad rap bullshit. All my fucking life I've had to put up with bullshit from whites who have been taught the message that all blacks are bad. We see that here in this forum when we show white failure, the response is black crime. Whites are being taught that they made mistakes, and that's what you're crying about. I went from k-12 learning that blacks were slaves and G.W. Carver made things from peanuts. Had I not found the 5th floor at the University library, I'd still would not know about the many thing other races besides whites have done. So stop whining. Because if you don't like how whites are being portrayed then maybe you should consider the fact that whites should not have done or continue to do the things they have done.
You sure are full of hate

we are seeing in idents of black men wantonly attacking whites

even 92 year old ladies

if you dont think that makes black people look bad you are delusional
Portland is the place where that white supremacist murdered 3 blacks on the Maxx light rail train. It is the place where Tom Metzgers crew bashed in an Africans skull. Portland is a place that is surrounded by white supremacists who live in the outlying areas. You idiots talk about a mob, but the protests there were peaceful until trump sent in the gestapo to throw tear gas at people, detain people for nothing and shoot non violent protesters. The only mob there is the secret police trump sent to that city without permission from anyone.

Now you bitches have always ran your fucking mouths about government overreach and here it is in your mf-ing faces and you support it only because it's being done by a republican.

Did tom ridge say he would allow a leftist summer of (violent) love on his state without putting a stop to it?

if democrats were doing their job trump would not have to do it for them

For the end of protesting, my the Proud Boys would not like that!!
The video says it all. OMG, Portland is unsafe at any speed.


A black Portland man was arrested last week after assaulting two white women in a laundromat a large handsaw, an attack that was captured on video.

On the afternoon of July 17, several people called 911 to report a man armed with a large handsaw and carrying a bag assaulting people and breaking out vehicle windshields, according to the Portland Police Bureau.


Demonstrations that began in the wake of the George Floyd incident in May have since morphed into nightly attacks against federal officers deployed to protect the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland.

The attacks against federal agents are a new development. For weeks prior to the Trump administration deploying additional protection officers, Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists were in the streets nightly starting fires, painting graffiti, and attacking Portland police facilities, even as local Democratic leaders like Mayor Ted Wheeler deny it is happening.
Again , I hope the two white girls were washing the tear gas out of their clothes from the previous nights Antifa rally.

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