Black man kills twin babies in their mom's arms

And the fact he's black is relevant why?
Because blacks act this way quite often

So do white men.

Very often.

Usually when the wife files for divorce.
Statistically speaking, blacks disproportionately shoot their own.

And they do it in heavy gun control locales.
As do whites...
Statistically speaking, blacks disproportionately....wait didn't I already say that?
And the fact he's black is relevant why?
Because blacks act this way quite often

Overwhelming majority of serial murderers are white.

So are scientists, doctors, inventors, teachers, composers, engineers, authors, playwrights, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, airline pilots, donors to worthwhile causes, and any and all endeavors where physical attributes and brute strength are not the determining factor.

BTW, the overwhelming majority of judges who sentence those serial killers are also white.

Thank God for that.

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