Black man stabs 12-Year-Old boy at McDonalds' whilst ranting about white devils

They will probably say the white kid provoked the black man.

To be fair, he paid for his Happy Meal (tm) with his White Privilege Card

I need to get me one of those. I still haven't received one. :D

Presumably, you were born with it.

I guess joining the military because my parents were to poor to send me to college doesn't count. Most of my young life I enjoyed living in a trailer. But I guess that makes me white trailer trash. :auiqs.jpg:
A 12 year old boy gets his throat slashed. A four year old is kidnapped from his bed and stabbed to death. Blacks are expanding their list of targets from the old and Asian to children. No child is now safe from black murder.
This sort of thing is a direct resut of the msm constantly promoting whites as evil and blacks as innocent victims.

It's because of systemic racism and white priviledge.

Black skin is a disadvantage. We need a separate justice system that give extreme leniency for people with black skin. Just ask those with black skin and the leftists exploiting them.
This false perpetual victim narrative that libs are selling for blacks is unleashing the addled and this sort of anti society narrative should be banned.
The lil white bastard probably butted into the "coloreds" bathroom line
Another example of someone that just needs to be shot in the head and thrown away to improve our society.

This sort of thing is a direct resut of the msm constantly promoting whites as evil and blacks as innocent victims.

Will he be charged with a hate crime?

Nope, in today's world the only people that are capable of hate crimes are whites when attacking blacks.
Hopefully the boy is ok.

The police arrested the guy quickly and I'm sure he's not going anywhere for a while.
If shithole cities don't start punishing these animals, this country could degenerate into the middle east.

They ain't satisfied with beating elderly Asians to a pulp but are now even stabbing little Caucasian boys.

Well, how can you blame them when even the Speaker of the House falls to her (wizened) knees and asks for forgiveness?

Yes, China is laughing at how the Dems have turned Americans against Americans.

No doubt the Chinese dictators are thinking: We'll just sit back and let that country implode of its own accord.

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