black market weed


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
the black marketers says thanks to Colorado for legalizing it

and taxing the snot out of it

the black market weed boom


The black market for weed in Colorado is still thriving, despite the existence of retail shops that sell it legally, according to exclusive interviews with growers, dealers and weed industry experts.

There are a number of reasons that people still call their dealers instead of visiting one of the state's 37 new Amsterdam-style dispensaries, which opened for business Jan. 1. Number one is the price: retail weed in Colorado generally sells for roughly $65, on average, depending on quality, according to

Those high prices are mostly due to sky-high sales and excise taxes. Even though much of those taxes go to a good cause, the price on the black market is much lower for the same amount. Steven, a University of Colorado Boulder student who sells weed illegally, told The Huffington Post he only charges $30 an eighth for top-quality herb -- less than half the price it would cost at a recreational dispensary. (Steven's name has been changed to protect his identity.)

There are a handful of other reasons that might compel Colorado state residents to buy their pot on the black market. One reason, according to several sources, is that the quality of retail herb isn't always as good as the marijuana grown for medicinal purposes, which is often also sold illicitly.

Black Market For Weed Still Thriving In Colorado
I buy mine black market. Im in Washington, so its not selling in stores yet anyway, but when it does, I will likely buy my weed for much cheaper on the "black market". I get an ounce for $200 as opposed to the $300+ youll see in shops. If you tax the shit out of it, then people will grow it themselves. The legalization of weed is great because I never used to be able to get top quality weed for $200 an ounce.
the black marketers says thanks to Colorado for legalizing it

and taxing the snot out of it

the black market weed boom


The black market for weed in Colorado is still thriving, despite the existence of retail shops that sell it legally, according to exclusive interviews with growers, dealers and weed industry experts.

There are a number of reasons that people still call their dealers instead of visiting one of the state's 37 new Amsterdam-style dispensaries, which opened for business Jan. 1. Number one is the price: retail weed in Colorado generally sells for roughly $65, on average, depending on quality, according to

Those high prices are mostly due to sky-high sales and excise taxes. Even though much of those taxes go to a good cause, the price on the black market is much lower for the same amount. Steven, a University of Colorado Boulder student who sells weed illegally, told The Huffington Post he only charges $30 an eighth for top-quality herb -- less than half the price it would cost at a recreational dispensary. (Steven's name has been changed to protect his identity.)

There are a handful of other reasons that might compel Colorado state residents to buy their pot on the black market. One reason, according to several sources, is that the quality of retail herb isn't always as good as the marijuana grown for medicinal purposes, which is often also sold illicitly.

Black Market For Weed Still Thriving In Colorado

I don't get it, why would the black marketers say thank you? The difference in price is temporary, it just hasn't had time to work itself out yet.

On top of that, the legalization didn't strengthen the black marketers. It's not like they can start posting adds in the newspaper if they're still selling the shit illegally. So the legalization didn't allow black marketers to increase their clientelle in any new significant way, but it did give their clients another option that will eventually get their supply needs met and price the shady fucks out of the market.

Not sure if you watch the news, but the supply lines are still low enough for the legal sellers that the state straight sold out of weed last week. The pricing hasn't even provided a bottle neck yet.
I buy mine black market. Im in Washington, so its not selling in stores yet anyway, but when it does, I will likely buy my weed for much cheaper on the "black market". I get an ounce for $200 as opposed to the $300+ youll see in shops. If you tax the shit out of it, then people will grow it themselves. The legalization of weed is great because I never used to be able to get top quality weed for $200 an ounce.

of course almost anyone would

a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks

the black market cigarette trade is alive and well also

for the same reasons
the black marketers says thanks to Colorado for legalizing it

and taxing the snot out of it

the black market weed boom


The black market for weed in Colorado is still thriving, despite the existence of retail shops that sell it legally, according to exclusive interviews with growers, dealers and weed industry experts.

There are a number of reasons that people still call their dealers instead of visiting one of the state's 37 new Amsterdam-style dispensaries, which opened for business Jan. 1. Number one is the price: retail weed in Colorado generally sells for roughly $65, on average, depending on quality, according to

Those high prices are mostly due to sky-high sales and excise taxes. Even though much of those taxes go to a good cause, the price on the black market is much lower for the same amount. Steven, a University of Colorado Boulder student who sells weed illegally, told The Huffington Post he only charges $30 an eighth for top-quality herb -- less than half the price it would cost at a recreational dispensary. (Steven's name has been changed to protect his identity.)

There are a handful of other reasons that might compel Colorado state residents to buy their pot on the black market. One reason, according to several sources, is that the quality of retail herb isn't always as good as the marijuana grown for medicinal purposes, which is often also sold illicitly.

Black Market For Weed Still Thriving In Colorado

I don't get it, why would the black marketers say thank you? The difference in price is temporary, it just hasn't had time to work itself out yet.

On top of that, the legalization didn't strengthen the black marketers. It's not like they can start posting adds in the newspaper if they're still selling the shit illegally. So the legalization didn't allow black marketers to increase their clientelle in any new significant way, but it did give their clients another option that will eventually get their supply needs met and price the shady fucks out of the market.

Not sure if you watch the news, but the supply lines are still low enough for the legal sellers that the state straight sold out of weed last week. The pricing hasn't even provided a bottle neck yet.

The difference in price is temporary

the black marketers says thanks to Colorado for legalizing it

and taxing the snot out of it

the black market weed boom


The black market for weed in Colorado is still thriving, despite the existence of retail shops that sell it legally, according to exclusive interviews with growers, dealers and weed industry experts.

There are a number of reasons that people still call their dealers instead of visiting one of the state's 37 new Amsterdam-style dispensaries, which opened for business Jan. 1. Number one is the price: retail weed in Colorado generally sells for roughly $65, on average, depending on quality, according to

Those high prices are mostly due to sky-high sales and excise taxes. Even though much of those taxes go to a good cause, the price on the black market is much lower for the same amount. Steven, a University of Colorado Boulder student who sells weed illegally, told The Huffington Post he only charges $30 an eighth for top-quality herb -- less than half the price it would cost at a recreational dispensary. (Steven's name has been changed to protect his identity.)

There are a handful of other reasons that might compel Colorado state residents to buy their pot on the black market. One reason, according to several sources, is that the quality of retail herb isn't always as good as the marijuana grown for medicinal purposes, which is often also sold illicitly.

Black Market For Weed Still Thriving In Colorado

I don't get it, why would the black marketers say thank you? The difference in price is temporary, it just hasn't had time to work itself out yet.

On top of that, the legalization didn't strengthen the black marketers. It's not like they can start posting adds in the newspaper if they're still selling the shit illegally. So the legalization didn't allow black marketers to increase their clientelle in any new significant way, but it did give their clients another option that will eventually get their supply needs met and price the shady fucks out of the market.

Not sure if you watch the news, but the supply lines are still low enough for the legal sellers that the state straight sold out of weed last week. The pricing hasn't even provided a bottle neck yet.

The difference in price is temporary


IT's basic economics, man. Now that the shit's legal, people are going to start growing their own crops. As more farmers get into the dispensary game, the competition will eventually (and it usually happens pretty quickly) start inspiring various farmers to undercut their competition. The dispensaries will do the same as their cost of operating comes down via farmer competition, and eventually the market will find its balance. Very similar to the process that happens with any new product, only I'd imagine this one will be faster. With most new stuff, the cost of production comes down as new technology becomes available. With marijuana, the technology's already there, the only reason there's supply shortages is because up to this point it's been illegal, so nobody's been able to truly go all-out in farming the shit. Give it a few more months and I'll wager supply lines will stabilize and legal prices will start moving south.
This was always going to happen. The black market can always undercut the legal market whether it's weed or knockoff handbags!

Next, the cartels will move in if they haven't started already.

Colorado pot shops likely targets of cartels, say experts | Fox News

That's silly. Legalization doesn't strengthen the black market. It doesn't necessarily eliminate it (as you said, there's a black market for cigarettes for people that want to avoid taxes), but it sure as fuck doesn't strengthen it.

If the cartels didn't move in when they had no legal competition, why would they move in now? When they could have operated under the radar against only other people operating under the radar, those other people having, as a result, no legal recourse to the cartel's tactics, that would have been the profitable time to do it. Now that shit's legal, the cartels would be facing lots more competition with lots more legal recourse should those cartels decide to get violent.

If legalization of an illicit substance strengthened the black market, you would think that by now our streets would be absolutely flooded with the corpses remaining from alcohol turf disputes. That didn't happen, now did it?
This was always going to happen. The black market can always undercut the legal market whether it's weed or knockoff handbags!

Next, the cartels will move in if they haven't started already.

Colorado pot shops likely targets of cartels, say experts | Fox News

And this article you quoted is a fucking coward's abomination. "We can't legalize this stuff because the cartel guys will come and hurt us to retaliate!"

Are you shitting me? Why don't we roll over for the Jihadi's while we're at it. No more pork products in the US, no more skirts that don't hang below a lady's knees. IF we don't comply with their demands, US citizens might be targets of violent retaliation! OH NO! Seeing conservative republicans use this, "we'd better not piss those guys off or they'll hurt us" reasoning seriously makes me physically ill.
I don't know. When I went to Amsterdam in my youth, the pot was pretty inexpensive and of high quality, same with the shrooms! The dealers on the street were trying to sell other drugs like herion, coke and E! I didn't have one person ask if I wanted to buy pot.

The same I heard for the pot shops in California!
the black marketers says thanks to Colorado for legalizing it

and taxing the snot out of it

the black market weed boom


The black market for weed in Colorado is still thriving, despite the existence of retail shops that sell it legally, according to exclusive interviews with growers, dealers and weed industry experts.

There are a number of reasons that people still call their dealers instead of visiting one of the state's 37 new Amsterdam-style dispensaries, which opened for business Jan. 1. Number one is the price: retail weed in Colorado generally sells for roughly $65, on average, depending on quality, according to

Those high prices are mostly due to sky-high sales and excise taxes. Even though much of those taxes go to a good cause, the price on the black market is much lower for the same amount. Steven, a University of Colorado Boulder student who sells weed illegally, told The Huffington Post he only charges $30 an eighth for top-quality herb -- less than half the price it would cost at a recreational dispensary. (Steven's name has been changed to protect his identity.)

There are a handful of other reasons that might compel Colorado state residents to buy their pot on the black market. One reason, according to several sources, is that the quality of retail herb isn't always as good as the marijuana grown for medicinal purposes, which is often also sold illicitly.

Black Market For Weed Still Thriving In Colorado

It hasn't even been two weeks!!

You can't be serious??!!

I'm sure bootleggers stuck around for a few years after prohibition ended.

That's the problem with this high-speed internet microwave dinner society, people can't wait longer than 10 seconds for anything...
Well then it appears the dispensaries are destined to fail if they don't crack down hard on the black market. In the ought-70's the push was for decriminalization. When states realized this would never bring them any revenues, the notion of legalization surfaced. And I think it will spread for this very reason.
I don't get it, why would the black marketers say thank you? The difference in price is temporary, it just hasn't had time to work itself out yet.

On top of that, the legalization didn't strengthen the black marketers. It's not like they can start posting adds in the newspaper if they're still selling the shit illegally. So the legalization didn't allow black marketers to increase their clientelle in any new significant way, but it did give their clients another option that will eventually get their supply needs met and price the shady fucks out of the market.

Not sure if you watch the news, but the supply lines are still low enough for the legal sellers that the state straight sold out of weed last week. The pricing hasn't even provided a bottle neck yet.

The difference in price is temporary


IT's basic economics, man. Now that the shit's legal, people are going to start growing their own crops. As more farmers get into the dispensary game, the competition will eventually (and it usually happens pretty quickly) start inspiring various farmers to undercut their competition. The dispensaries will do the same as their cost of operating comes down via farmer competition, and eventually the market will find its balance. Very similar to the process that happens with any new product, only I'd imagine this one will be faster. With most new stuff, the cost of production comes down as new technology becomes available. With marijuana, the technology's already there, the only reason there's supply shortages is because up to this point it's been illegal, so nobody's been able to truly go all-out in farming the shit. Give it a few more months and I'll wager supply lines will stabilize and legal prices will start moving south.

the black market will always be cheaper
This was always going to happen. The black market can always undercut the legal market whether it's weed or knockoff handbags!

Next, the cartels will move in if they haven't started already.

Colorado pot shops likely targets of cartels, say experts | Fox News

That's silly. Legalization doesn't strengthen the black market. It doesn't necessarily eliminate it (as you said, there's a black market for cigarettes for people that want to avoid taxes), but it sure as fuck doesn't strengthen it.

If the cartels didn't move in when they had no legal competition, why would they move in now? When they could have operated under the radar against only other people operating under the radar, those other people having, as a result, no legal recourse to the cartel's tactics, that would have been the profitable time to do it. Now that shit's legal, the cartels would be facing lots more competition with lots more legal recourse should those cartels decide to get violent.

If legalization of an illicit substance strengthened the black market, you would think that by now our streets would be absolutely flooded with the corpses remaining from alcohol turf disputes. That didn't happen, now did it?

black market cigs are a booming business

no taxes =cheaper
The difference in price is temporary


IT's basic economics, man. Now that the shit's legal, people are going to start growing their own crops. As more farmers get into the dispensary game, the competition will eventually (and it usually happens pretty quickly) start inspiring various farmers to undercut their competition. The dispensaries will do the same as their cost of operating comes down via farmer competition, and eventually the market will find its balance. Very similar to the process that happens with any new product, only I'd imagine this one will be faster. With most new stuff, the cost of production comes down as new technology becomes available. With marijuana, the technology's already there, the only reason there's supply shortages is because up to this point it's been illegal, so nobody's been able to truly go all-out in farming the shit. Give it a few more months and I'll wager supply lines will stabilize and legal prices will start moving south.

the black market will always be cheaper

And far more dangerous. But surely no one will care about that :cuckoo:
the black marketers says thanks to Colorado for legalizing it

and taxing the snot out of it

the black market weed boom


The black market for weed in Colorado is still thriving, despite the existence of retail shops that sell it legally, according to exclusive interviews with growers, dealers and weed industry experts.

There are a number of reasons that people still call their dealers instead of visiting one of the state's 37 new Amsterdam-style dispensaries, which opened for business Jan. 1. Number one is the price: retail weed in Colorado generally sells for roughly $65, on average, depending on quality, according to

Those high prices are mostly due to sky-high sales and excise taxes. Even though much of those taxes go to a good cause, the price on the black market is much lower for the same amount. Steven, a University of Colorado Boulder student who sells weed illegally, told The Huffington Post he only charges $30 an eighth for top-quality herb -- less than half the price it would cost at a recreational dispensary. (Steven's name has been changed to protect his identity.)

There are a handful of other reasons that might compel Colorado state residents to buy their pot on the black market. One reason, according to several sources, is that the quality of retail herb isn't always as good as the marijuana grown for medicinal purposes, which is often also sold illicitly.

Black Market For Weed Still Thriving In Colorado

It hasn't even been two weeks!!

You can't be serious??!!

I'm sure bootleggers stuck around for a few years after prohibition ended.

That's the problem with this high-speed internet microwave dinner society, people can't wait longer than 10 seconds for anything...

they will stick around as long as they have customers

right of the bat the state popped a 25 percent tax on it
I think most folks are initially going to the dispensaries for the novelty of it. It won't be long before the home-growns and black marketers squeeze these operations out. The state governments will be in denial (as usual) and start dumping massive amounts of tax dollars into such operations.

It's destined to be a losing proposition.

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