Black Mobs Are Only Reinforcing Past Warnings From Racists

The murder rate is 5 in 100,000 people.

Which means that there is a 99.99% survival rate.


So about the same as with the coronavirus right?

Covid is around 92% survival for those who have tested positive. But you did catch on to what logic I was satirizing. :)
Yes, I did, and it was funny, but what's the percentage of white people dying who come in contact with a violent racist black mob looking for white victims?
#64: Very much badger2's sentiments sentiments also.
#63: If your going to divide BLM into denominations, one may as well go for gender, too. There is a caucasoid silverback female who runs one BLM installation in Wisconsin, although we don't know which party. Suggested reading, of course, is Jessica Mann, Deadlier Than The Male.
The "mobs" as you call them are made up of people of all colors and ages.


People are not stupid.

They keep their mouths shut in public.

But such pictures speak volumes.

You can be sure that liberal politicians and ordinary liberals would never dare walk among those gentlemen pictured above.
Thugs come in all colors. They are all wrong.
The murder rate is 5 in 100,000 people.

Which means that there is a 99.99% survival rate.


So about the same as with the coronavirus right?

Covid is around 92% survival for those who have tested positive. But you did catch on to what logic I was satirizing. :)
Yes, I did, and it was funny, but what's the percentage of white people dying who come in contact with a violent racist black mob looking for white victims?

I don't have any statistics for what goes on in your imagination
The "mobs" as you call them are made up of people of all colors and ages.
That's another part of this. The staged ANTIFA attacks going on in Portland.
What I'm talking about is mobs of blacks that are attacking whites in big cities just because they feel they can get away with it.
The mobs of looters breaking into stores and burning down Wendy's restaurants.
The thugs walking up to 72 year old ladies and cold-cocking them.

They had a chance to prove to us they weren't what racists have been saying about them.....that they're decent human-beings like everyone else.....and what do they do instead?
Join in and act exactly as advertised.
Topping it off....Democrats are egging them on to do if this is what they planned all along.
A vote for a Democrat is a vote for mob violence.....that much has become crystal-clear.
And yet the media driven polls claim that Democrats are popular.
How could they be after the last 6 weeks of mob violence in the streets?

You tell yourself they are staged if it makes you feel better. It's not.

The staged part is a given
That is not in dispute.
The "mobs" as you call them are made up of people of all colors and ages.
That's another part of this. The staged ANTIFA attacks going on in Portland.
What I'm talking about is mobs of blacks that are attacking whites in big cities just because they feel they can get away with it.
The mobs of looters breaking into stores and burning down Wendy's restaurants.
The thugs walking up to 72 year old ladies and cold-cocking them.

They had a chance to prove to us they weren't what racists have been saying about them.....that they're decent human-beings like everyone else.....and what do they do instead?
Join in and act exactly as advertised.
Topping it off....Democrats are egging them on to do if this is what they planned all along.
A vote for a Democrat is a vote for mob violence.....that much has become crystal-clear.
And yet the media driven polls claim that Democrats are popular.
How could they be after the last 6 weeks of mob violence in the streets?

You tell yourself they are staged if it makes you feel better. It's not.

The staged part is a given
That is not in dispute.

These dope addled deviants and morons actually think they're fooling people with that fake posturing. These simpletons couldn't run a water hose competently, but they they think they should be running the country n stuff.

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