Black Mobs Are Only Reinforcing Past Warnings From Racists

No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

Aside from the damage, that's why these people have to stop. You're helping the ignorant bigots; you're giving them an excuse to keep being ignorant bigots.
Yeah....racism on the right forced these kids to act this way. BULLCRAP!!!

The truth to the matter is after years of constant race-baiting by the leftist media many blacks think whites have a problem with them in greater numbers than is real. So as a result Blacks are the true racists and whites have become their target. The days of a white person being able to say openly that he hates blacks is past. The days of blacks being able to openly say they hate whites is here and literally celebrated by government and by Hollywood media.
Yeah, the Right's just a bunch of misunderstood victims:
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
We arent the ones out there burning down cities. Dont even try to compare us to democrats. You people are fucking violent and murderous.
You folks have your own issues. But you choose not to see them, so you never will.

And yet it is people like you who can never see your own hypocrisy.

Funny that....
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

Aside from the damage, that's why these people have to stop. You're helping the ignorant bigots; you're giving them an excuse to keep being ignorant bigots.
Yeah....racism on the right forced these kids to act this way. BULLCRAP!!!

The truth to the matter is after years of constant race-baiting by the leftist media many blacks think whites have a problem with them in greater numbers than is real. So as a result Blacks are the true racists and whites have become their target. The days of a white person being able to say openly that he hates blacks is past. The days of blacks being able to openly say they hate whites is here and literally celebrated by government and by Hollywood media.
Yeah, the Right's just a bunch of misunderstood victims:
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
We arent the ones out there burning down cities. Dont even try to compare us to democrats. You people are fucking violent and murderous.
You folks have your own issues. But you choose not to see them, so you never will.

And yet it is people like you who can never see your own hypocrisy.

Funny that....
You're certainly free to point it out.

And quote me, please. You guys have a propensity for just making things up.
The way that black kids are acting in America only causes people to hate them and it proves that everything your racist grandfather said 50 years ago is true.
You can't eliminate hate with more hate.
The Democrat Party isn't trying to get rid of racism in America. They're trying to use it to destroy our economy so they can replace Capitalism with Socialism.
Blacks have been suckered once again.
They're doing exactly what every stone-cold racist white man has said they would do.
There was a time that people would be more understanding.
But what we're seeing every day isn't a fight for freedom.
We're seeing thugs subjecting everyone around them to their inconsiderate criminal behavior.
What Hollywood showed in movies like Robocop and Death Wish III has become an every day event in cities like Chicago and New York.
At the same time....Nancy Pelosi and every other Democrat acts like this is all just peaceful protesting.....literally trying to stand in the way of anyone who tries to bring back order and peace.

It's a classic communist move.

It has been done in more countries that I can count throughout history.
The days of trying to work with these people is over.
The time to start cracking heads is soon approaching.

It's a semi-unique type of divisive Democrat Socialism that Chavez used in Venezuela to dismantle their country.
Chavez was an indigenous Indian that used identity politics within their own cultural context to rise to power.
Today's Dimm Party is using his template to establish their own Marxist Political Class in America.
And will have a similar result if the American electorate falls for it!
Chavez used gangs called 'colectivo's' to deal with political opponents.
Whereas, today's Dimms use BLM and Antifa to deal with their political opponents.
America you better wake up before we embark on our own Marxist nightmare!
The way that black kids are acting in America only causes people to hate them and it proves that everything your racist grandfather said 50 years ago is true.
You can't eliminate hate with more hate.
The Democrat Party isn't trying to get rid of racism in America. They're trying to use it to destroy our economy so they can replace Capitalism with Socialism.
Blacks have been suckered once again.
They're doing exactly what every stone-cold racist white man has said they would do.
There was a time that people would be more understanding.
But what we're seeing every day isn't a fight for freedom.
We're seeing thugs subjecting everyone around them to their inconsiderate criminal behavior.
What Hollywood showed in movies like Robocop and Death Wish III has become an every day event in cities like Chicago and New York.
At the same time....Nancy Pelosi and every other Democrat acts like this is all just peaceful protesting.....literally trying to stand in the way of anyone who tries to bring back order and peace.

It's a classic communist move.

It has been done in more countries that I can count throughout history.
The days of trying to work with these people is over.
The time to start cracking heads is soon approaching.

The Cuban revolution comes closest as an example to what and how it is unfolding now.
The way that black kids are acting in America only causes people to hate them and it proves that everything your racist grandfather said 50 years ago is true.
You can't eliminate hate with more hate.
The Democrat Party isn't trying to get rid of racism in America. They're trying to use it to destroy our economy so they can replace Capitalism with Socialism.
Blacks have been suckered once again.
They're doing exactly what every stone-cold racist white man has said they would do.
There was a time that people would be more understanding.
But what we're seeing every day isn't a fight for freedom.
We're seeing thugs subjecting everyone around them to their inconsiderate criminal behavior.
What Hollywood showed in movies like Robocop and Death Wish III has become an every day event in cities like Chicago and New York.
At the same time....Nancy Pelosi and every other Democrat acts like this is all just peaceful protesting.....literally trying to stand in the way of anyone who tries to bring back order and peace.

It's a classic communist move.

It has been done in more countries that I can count throughout history.
The days of trying to work with these people is over.
The time to start cracking heads is soon approaching.
Nancy is near 80 years old. She has family...grandchildren.. ..maybe even great grandchildren. She must be safe in her mind that the elites will protect her if things head south.

She has a wall around her house, a private army guarding her as well as the SF police dept., the local NG and military people, and no worries at all. It's you unwashed rabble that are the problem with America.
The way that black kids are acting in America only causes people to hate them and it proves that everything your racist grandfather said 50 years ago is true.
You can't eliminate hate with more hate.
The Democrat Party isn't trying to get rid of racism in America. They're trying to use it to destroy our economy so they can replace Capitalism with Socialism.
Blacks have been suckered once again.
They're doing exactly what every stone-cold racist white man has said they would do.
There was a time that people would be more understanding.
But what we're seeing every day isn't a fight for freedom.
We're seeing thugs subjecting everyone around them to their inconsiderate criminal behavior.
What Hollywood showed in movies like Robocop and Death Wish III has become an every day event in cities like Chicago and New York.
At the same time....Nancy Pelosi and every other Democrat acts like this is all just peaceful protesting.....literally trying to stand in the way of anyone who tries to bring back order and peace.

It's a classic communist move.

It has been done in more countries that I can count throughout history.
The days of trying to work with these people is over.
The time to start cracking heads is soon approaching.
Nancy is near 80 years old. She has family...grandchildren.. ..maybe even great grandchildren. She must be safe in her mind that the elites will protect her if things head south.

She has a wall around her house, a private army guarding her as well as the SF police dept., the local NG and military people, and no worries at all. It's you unwashed rabble that are the problem with America.

The political class never suffers.
Ever see the ice cream in Pelosi's twin fridges?
Chavez used gangs called 'colectivo's' to deal with political opponents.
Whereas, today's Dimms use BLM and Antifa to deal with their political opponents.
America you better wake up before we embark on our own Marxist nightmare!

It's a little too late for that now; I could be wrong but I don't think so. We have an entire political Party backed by Wall street and Red China in control of our Congress and many cities, and some 300 major global corporations all behind tanking this country into Third World shithole status. The only way you're going to 'change' that trend is by deporting almost an entire political Party of traitors and its followers, and arrest a substantial number of corporate officers on criminal and treason charges.
Chavez used gangs called 'colectivo's' to deal with political opponents.
Whereas, today's Dimms use BLM and Antifa to deal with their political opponents.
America you better wake up before we embark on our own Marxist nightmare!

What did these gangs do? Run around kidnapping people off the streets?
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

What a fucking crock of shit. I graduated high school 20 years ago in an overwhelmingly red, rural area. Despite the locale we had a fair share of asian, latino, and black students. Do you know how many racial incidents there were during my 4 years of attendance? ZERO.

Do you know why? Because all that racial shit had been settled 40 years prior. My entire generation was born in the post civil rights era. Nobody cared what color you were. Hands were extended in friendship to anyone and everyone. Now they're being slapped away by a militant left that's intent on fomenting tribalism. Your tribe's relentless disparagement and demonization of white people is sending race relations back to 1920. So when push comes to shove, who the fuck do you think I'm going to stand with? Minorities and their self-loathing minions who hate me for no other reason than I'm a white male? Or other like-minded whites?

You have nobody to blame but yourselves for this monster you're creating.
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

What a fucking crock of shit. I graduated high school 20 years ago in an overwhelmingly red, rural area. Despite the locale we had a fair share of asian, latino, and black students. Do you know how many racial incidents there were during my 4 years of attendance? ZERO.

Do you know why? Because all that racial shit had been settled 40 years prior. My entire generation was born in the post civil rights era. Nobody cared what color you were. Hands were extended in friendship to anyone and everyone. Now they're being slapped away by a militant left that's intent on fomenting tribalism. Your tribe's relentless disparagement and demonization of white people is sending race relations back to 1920. So when push comes to shove, who the fuck do you think I'm going to stand with? Minorities and their self-loathing minions who hate me for no other reason than I'm a white male? Or other like-minded whites?

You have nobody to blame but yourselves for this monster you're creating.
I know. Racism no longer exists on the Right. You're the innocent victims.

I'm aware of this group pathology. I get it.
Chavez used gangs called 'colectivo's' to deal with political opponents.
Whereas, today's Dimms use BLM and Antifa to deal with their political opponents.
America you better wake up before we embark on our own Marxist nightmare!

It's a little too late for that now; I could be wrong but I don't think so. We have an entire political Party backed by Wall street and Red China in control of our Congress and many cities, and some 300 major global corporations all behind tanking this country into Third World shithole status. The only way you're going to 'change' that trend is by deporting almost an entire political Party of traitors and its followers, and arrest a substantial number of corporate officers on criminal and treason charges.

But they still need the consent of the electorate who votes them in to make decisions for them.
Afterall, we are still a representational Republic; if we can keep it.
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

What a fucking crock of shit. I graduated high school 20 years ago in an overwhelmingly red, rural area. Despite the locale we had a fair share of asian, latino, and black students. Do you know how many racial incidents there were during my 4 years of attendance? ZERO.

Do you know why? Because all that racial shit had been settled 40 years prior. My entire generation was born in the post civil rights era. Nobody cared what color you were. Hands were extended in friendship to anyone and everyone. Now they're being slapped away by a militant left that's intent on fomenting tribalism. Your tribe's relentless disparagement and demonization of white people is sending race relations back to 1920. So when push comes to shove, who the fuck do you think I'm going to stand with? Minorities and their self-loathing minions who hate me for no other reason than I'm a white male? Or other like-minded whites?

You have nobody to blame but yourselves for this monster you're creating.
I know. Racism no longer exists on the Right. You're the innocent victims.

I'm aware of this group pathology. I get it.

There you go, keep deflecting and conveniently ignore the white hate that cascades from your side every. fucking. day.
Chavez used gangs called 'colectivo's' to deal with political opponents.
Whereas, today's Dimms use BLM and Antifa to deal with their political opponents.
America you better wake up before we embark on our own Marxist nightmare!

What did these gangs do? Run around kidnapping people off the streets?

Intimidate, strike fear, and do just what you stated. In Venezuela. Soon, God forbid, not here!
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

What a fucking crock of shit. I graduated high school 20 years ago in an overwhelmingly red, rural area. Despite the locale we had a fair share of asian, latino, and black students. Do you know how many racial incidents there were during my 4 years of attendance? ZERO.

Do you know why? Because all that racial shit had been settled 40 years prior. My entire generation was born in the post civil rights era. Nobody cared what color you were. Hands were extended in friendship to anyone and everyone. Now they're being slapped away by a militant left that's intent on fomenting tribalism. Your tribe's relentless disparagement and demonization of white people is sending race relations back to 1920. So when push comes to shove, who the fuck do you think I'm going to stand with? Minorities and their self-loathing minions who hate me for no other reason than I'm a white male? Or other like-minded whites?

You have nobody to blame but yourselves for this monster you're creating.
I know. Racism no longer exists on the Right. You're the innocent victims.

I'm aware of this group pathology. I get it.

There you go, keep deflecting and conveniently ignore the white hate that cascades from your side every. fucking. day.
What I see from the Left is what I've seen for a long time: The Regressive, illiberal, authoritarian Left weaponizing Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture to cynically put their targets on the defensive to control the conversation.

So this "conveniently ignore" line of yours is completely wrong.

The difference here is that I can see both sides of this, and you either can't, or you refuse to. I can't make you open both of your eyes.

So find a nice Regressive Lefty to try this stuff with. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations. They bore me.
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

What a fucking crock of shit. I graduated high school 20 years ago in an overwhelmingly red, rural area. Despite the locale we had a fair share of asian, latino, and black students. Do you know how many racial incidents there were during my 4 years of attendance? ZERO.

Do you know why? Because all that racial shit had been settled 40 years prior. My entire generation was born in the post civil rights era. Nobody cared what color you were. Hands were extended in friendship to anyone and everyone. Now they're being slapped away by a militant left that's intent on fomenting tribalism. Your tribe's relentless disparagement and demonization of white people is sending race relations back to 1920. So when push comes to shove, who the fuck do you think I'm going to stand with? Minorities and their self-loathing minions who hate me for no other reason than I'm a white male? Or other like-minded whites?

You have nobody to blame but yourselves for this monster you're creating.
I know. Racism no longer exists on the Right. You're the innocent victims.

I'm aware of this group pathology. I get it.

There you go, keep deflecting and conveniently ignore the white hate that cascades from your side every. fucking. day.
What I see from the Left is what I've seen for a long time: The Regressive, illiberal, authoritarian Left weaponizing Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture to cynically put their targets on the defensive to control the conversation.

So this "conveniently ignore" line of yours is completely wrong.

The difference here is that I can see both sides of this, and you either can't, or you refuse to. I can't make you open both of your eyes.

So find a nice Regressive Lefty to try this stuff with. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations. They bore me.

Funny how you say this yet in virtually every thread I see you in you're just trashing the right.

Sorry, not buying it. Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

What a fucking crock of shit. I graduated high school 20 years ago in an overwhelmingly red, rural area. Despite the locale we had a fair share of asian, latino, and black students. Do you know how many racial incidents there were during my 4 years of attendance? ZERO.

Do you know why? Because all that racial shit had been settled 40 years prior. My entire generation was born in the post civil rights era. Nobody cared what color you were. Hands were extended in friendship to anyone and everyone. Now they're being slapped away by a militant left that's intent on fomenting tribalism. Your tribe's relentless disparagement and demonization of white people is sending race relations back to 1920. So when push comes to shove, who the fuck do you think I'm going to stand with? Minorities and their self-loathing minions who hate me for no other reason than I'm a white male? Or other like-minded whites?

You have nobody to blame but yourselves for this monster you're creating.
I know. Racism no longer exists on the Right. You're the innocent victims.

I'm aware of this group pathology. I get it.

There you go, keep deflecting and conveniently ignore the white hate that cascades from your side every. fucking. day.
What I see from the Left is what I've seen for a long time: The Regressive, illiberal, authoritarian Left weaponizing Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture to cynically put their targets on the defensive to control the conversation.

So this "conveniently ignore" line of yours is completely wrong.

The difference here is that I can see both sides of this, and you either can't, or you refuse to. I can't make you open both of your eyes.

So find a nice Regressive Lefty to try this stuff with. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations. They bore me.

Funny how you say this yet in virtually every thread I see you in you're just trashing the right.

Sorry, not buying it. Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

That's all this closet Marxist does.
No doubt, violence only feeds into the real racism that obviously still exists on the Right.

What a fucking crock of shit. I graduated high school 20 years ago in an overwhelmingly red, rural area. Despite the locale we had a fair share of asian, latino, and black students. Do you know how many racial incidents there were during my 4 years of attendance? ZERO.

Do you know why? Because all that racial shit had been settled 40 years prior. My entire generation was born in the post civil rights era. Nobody cared what color you were. Hands were extended in friendship to anyone and everyone. Now they're being slapped away by a militant left that's intent on fomenting tribalism. Your tribe's relentless disparagement and demonization of white people is sending race relations back to 1920. So when push comes to shove, who the fuck do you think I'm going to stand with? Minorities and their self-loathing minions who hate me for no other reason than I'm a white male? Or other like-minded whites?

You have nobody to blame but yourselves for this monster you're creating.
I know. Racism no longer exists on the Right. You're the innocent victims.

I'm aware of this group pathology. I get it.

There you go, keep deflecting and conveniently ignore the white hate that cascades from your side every. fucking. day.
What I see from the Left is what I've seen for a long time: The Regressive, illiberal, authoritarian Left weaponizing Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture to cynically put their targets on the defensive to control the conversation.

So this "conveniently ignore" line of yours is completely wrong.

The difference here is that I can see both sides of this, and you either can't, or you refuse to. I can't make you open both of your eyes.

So find a nice Regressive Lefty to try this stuff with. I'm done with asymmetrical conversations. They bore me.

Funny how you say this yet in virtually every thread I see you in you're just trashing the right.

Sorry, not buying it. Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
Here we go again: The search function works just fine here. Type in "regressive" and my name, and you'll find hundreds of examples of my point.

But you won't do that, because you're calcified in your binary thinking pattern.

I can see, understand and argue either end of an issue, because I'm curious and I pay attention. People like you don't. Or can't.

Go ahead. Tell me what you find.

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