Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

Wait, even the white people are black people? Poor diners were they ook? Was their meal unpalatable after hearing about black deaths at the hands of police officers?

We should be more sensitive to people
If we couldn't eat every time a black thug gets killed, we would literally starve.

Dont worry, you can still eat
Why are YOU not doing anything about it?
Oh, that's right. It's to easy to sit at your Commodore 64 and spew your sewage
Danny, not all black people are like these rabble-rousers. Please acknowledge that each group out there has bad apples.

Caption, the way these guys are going about this is completely wrong. Please stop justifying their s***** behavior. They're barging into businesses and disrupting people's breakfast. That's f****** rude, and a surefire way to piss people off. If you have a message, there are far better ways to send it than burning bridges and making people of all colors and creeds hate you. Just imagine if I had a political gripe and made it a point to disrupt your daily meals with screaming and a megaphone. After the 20th day of doing my level best to make life suck for you, are you going to sit there and be alright with it? Imagine if these same rude tactics were used against you, CC. Regardless of ideology, this tactic is an unwise one, and is the wrong way to go about causing change.

Wow...So lets get this straight. You see white and black people there but black people are the problem....ok?

They are "protesting wrong" and despite the fact that you dont believe they should be protesting at all, you have a better way of doing it that you forgot to type in that paragraph.

OH NO! NOT BREAKFAST! They shouldnt be inconvienced with facts about murder over an English Muffin! Guess what? Anyway any black person decides to say something about the system will "piss people off" so what?....Protests are about getting out a message, not about hoping that everyone loves you for it.

sunday morning------doing a protest in the faces of people who are eating breakfast------is not nice

I'm sorry I didnt realize it was on a Sunday :rolleyes: Republicans have shit on every protest that happened in the past 60 years and youre surprised they are shitting on another one hahahahaha
Genius. This is in NYC....Most of the diners are flaming LIBS......
Danny, not all black people are like these rabble-rousers. Please acknowledge that each group out there has bad apples.

Caption, the way these guys are going about this is completely wrong. Please stop justifying their s***** behavior. They're barging into businesses and disrupting people's breakfast. That's f****** rude, and a surefire way to piss people off. If you have a message, there are far better ways to send it than burning bridges and making people of all colors and creeds hate you. Just imagine if I had a political gripe and made it a point to disrupt your daily meals with screaming and a megaphone. After the 20th day of doing my level best to make life suck for you, are you going to sit there and be alright with it? Imagine if these same rude tactics were used against you, CC. Regardless of ideology, this tactic is an unwise one, and is the wrong way to go about causing change.

Wow...So lets get this straight. You see white and black people there but black people are the problem....ok?

They are "protesting wrong" and despite the fact that you dont believe they should be protesting at all, you have a better way of doing it that you forgot to type in that paragraph.

OH NO! NOT BREAKFAST! They shouldnt be inconvienced with facts about murder over an English Muffin! Guess what? Anyway any black person decides to say something about the system will "piss people off" so what?....Protests are about getting out a message, not about hoping that everyone loves you for it.

Oh, I do understand that there are also wayward whites and other minorities within this group of protesters.

Wayward whites? What happened to being stupid and disruptive? Jeez, two people doing the same thing and you only find fault with the black people influencing these nice white people? :rofl:

As we can both see the majority of these specific disruptors are black, and they're peddling a decidedly extremist view with racist elements. It's reminiscent of the racism of activist whites in decades past and, as you know, all racism no matter the skin color is wrong.

Is it racist when white people are joining them? Or is an inconvenient fact that you dont want to address?

As for your second paragraph, I think you should rephrase it, because it's not quite clear. In spite of that I'll try to pick out the discernible bits within it. These protesters are protesting what they believe are bad things that happened to people of their own skin color.

Actually I'm pretty sure, wait, no yep...I'm positive that murder is actually a bad thing.

Do note that they don't appear to be protesting in favor of white "victims" of police violence. We both know that there are legitimate cases of police violence, but we also know that there are thugs, black and white, who made very stupid decisions that ended up with them getting killed. Consider that one young black man who pulled out a gun at police and was shot to death.

Also consider the black man who didnt and was shot to death....Which do you think they are protesting? Of course you'll say they are siding with criminals and choose to ignore death by cop who are unarmed but boy oh boy....I bet you can make an arguement about how "scarey" they were to justify it tho

Some of the more radicalized protesters are now protesting against that, as if even truly justified uses of deadly force are out of bounds. There's also the matter of how clearly these protesters are seeing things, or if they're simply ranting and raving based on what they see through tinted glasses. You know the type, I'm sure.

No one, not one person is protesting lawful shooting, but continue pretending tho

Ruining peoples' breakfasts is going to make them legitimately angry at you, and hate you. Instead of behaving maturely and civilly, they go about being obnoxious, crass, rude, and in-your-face. How do you expect people to want to give you any credence when you're acting like a loser?

Those are small minded people. If talking about murder makes you hate the messenger then those people can go fuck themselves. think about it like this. Did anyone care when the 2nd amendment folks walked around with guns? Did someone not like that? Did the gun nuts give a fuck if someone didnt like them exercising their rights?

Do you think screaming at me like some crazed animal is going to make me feel any sympathy for you whatsoever? I do not think so. I'm going to feel sorry for you, and feel bad for the other people of your skin color that you are shamelessly embarrassing. They bring disgrace to their race, like the KKK does to white people. If you think burning bridges is what you do to get what you want, that is an outdated and bad way of thinking, and is something toddlers do when they are mad. I am willing to listen to you if you behave like a civil, respectful, and responsible adult.

No one cares abotu your sympathy...obviously you dont know the goal of protesting. Again, the right has not supported ANY PROTEST in the last 60 years. So its no wonder they dont support this one. LOL..the "doing it wrong" is just an excuse when they really mean "dont do it at all"
Get this through your thick liberal skull.
These people are not protesting anything. They are disrupting. They are using their so called rights to usurp the rights of others who have precisely DICK to do with anything to which these assholes object. That is other than trying to enjoy a meal they purchased.
I'd like to see these assholes walk into a Social Club in Brooklyn and try this shit. Every God damned one them would be leaving with a severe limp. Or on a stretcher.
These "protesters" are nothing but thugs using an excuse to be thugs. Period. Otherwise, they would be organizing and marching and "protesting" at the places where such actions can be argued. Instead, they are rioting, looting, burning, disrupting and in general...making themselves look like complete idiots.
Is there not ONE intelligent person amongst them that can "lead" them? No other Martin luther Kings out there? Oh. Wait. He had a dream. And it damn sure wasn't what is being done now.
Hmmm, fascinating. So, you admit that what you write is not only a threat, it is rabidily racist. Ok, I'm cool with that, because every sane person here already knows that what you wrote is racist.

And then you justify it by claiming you are repeating Robert Byrd, a Democrat who is now dead. But actually, you are not repeating him. He never said that he would send people to New York in body bags, and unlike you, for his racism, he profusely apologized in later years. So, you have to go back more than 60 years in history to quote one man in order to feel good about your racism.

Wow. Racist Righties really ARE that weak in mind and spirit. Even a dead Democrat controls their behavior. Whodathunk.
Horseshit Nazigirl. If I blew up a white balloon, you'd call that racist. You've overplayed the race card to a point it means nothing. You can call me and my dog racists. It won't shut me up. People of goodwill are beginning to fight back against you LibNazis.The fact is YOU'RE the racist based on low expectations of black folks. We pray they will open their eyes and know who is really on their side. Tough love and it's called for.
Hey, AG! Stats is an expat posting from the safety of some place other than the good old USA. Sure, he loves this country, he'll tell you so all day long, but when push comes to shove, he's residing overseas and his allegedly white Jewish ass is safely distanced from the destruction of OUR country. But then, Stats is a stereotypical libtard hypocrite.
Actually, you know nothing about me except my current geography. But your writing is typical for the butthurt Right: personal attacks but no real content. Carry on.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Yeah, this is constructive.

Congratulations, PC Police.

I really don't see the problem. they didn't go in there kicking things over. The like mentions that the 'momentarily' disrupted meals. That reads to me like they walked in, made a statement and walked out. Ohhhh, really must have messed up their days.

Kind of a silly way to protest but I don't really care all that much. Certainly better than the rioting that seems to be so damn popular nowadays.
And if it were you who had your morning ruined by these douchebags?
One thing you people seem to forget. There are limits to everything.
Including the right to freedom of speech....These so called protesters are nothing but a bunch of troublemakers whose sole purpose is to push the envelope to get a rise out of the people they are bothering.
I'd like to see just once someone stand up to these assholes and call them out for what they are. Useless drones of society. And promptly run them out of the establishment
Bet you didn't think that when tea partners were screaming the n word.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Does anyone else remember such a racial divide in the bush Jr years ?
No. It's not in the nature of Republicans to racially divide a country. Democrats have done that since day one to perpetuate their party's power. It's not like blacks benefit from this. Decades since the GOP passed civil rights legislation and the plight of blacks for the most part haven't improved due to Democrats racism of low expectations.

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