Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

Published on Jan 4, 2015
The *peaceful* Ferguson protesters threaten to punch a public safety officer at a Senator Ron Wyden town hall, as the protesters started to flood the room. They find another door that someone opens for them, and complete chaos erupts inside, as the protesters take over the town hall and proclaim "It's our town hall now!"

'Hands up, don't shoot.'

Too bad they protested (and ultimately rioted) over lies. I guess the truth wasn't all that important.
So, yeah.

I'm guessing some of the liberals here championing these bastardly tactics would find it swell if, say, Tea Partiers were doing the exact same thing to them. Maybe I shouldn't hold my breathe on that. Chances are, if a majority of white people did this in majority black neighborhoods, they'd likely be singing a different tune, and be whining about the mean tactics at play.

Also, what are 'white spaces' and 'black spaces'? If some liberals are ok with white people getting harassed because they're white, then I guess they're also ok with black people getting harassed because they're black. Right? Riiight? Turnabout is fair play I guess.

You know, I'm getting a bit annoyed by how some liberals keep justifying that stereotype that liberals as a whole are hypocritical as hell. I know there are fair and honest people that are liberal out there. For pete's sake, where are you? If you're a liberal and you can see that double standards are wrong, please speak up. I don't mind if you disagree. Just speak up and show everyone that the hypocritical liberals posting in this thread aren't the majority of liberals at all. Reason with me that if the shoe were on the foot it'd be treated the same way, without a blind eye or a partisan excuse.
I think I would go to a sign maker and put a couple grand in "Stupid IS As Stupid Does" signs and pass them out where ever there are "protesters." Whites should have their say, too.

Ahh, the extremely and unfortunately very limited thinking of many on the Right: you really think this is just a black/white thing? And you really think that Whites, of which I am one, and which represent the overwhelming majority of our great Union, don't have a say? Really?

Come on, stop smoking that dope and come back down to reality!!


They have to ignore the whites to continue to make this a black and white issue. Then tell everyone else that THEY are obsessed with race waka waka
So, yeah.

I'm guessing some of the liberals here championing these bastardly tactics would find it swell if, say, Tea Partiers were doing the exact same thing to them. Maybe I shouldn't hold my breathe on that. Chances are, if a majority of white people did this in majority black neighborhoods, they'd likely be singing a different tune, and be whining about the mean tactics at play.

Did you forget when the Tea Party were going places with rifles strapped to them to make a point? I'm sure you dont. If you do remember I'm sure thats just is!

Also, what are 'white spaces' and 'black spaces'? If some liberals are ok with white people getting harassed because they're white, then I guess they're also ok with black people getting harassed because they're black. Right? Riiight? Turnabout is fair play I guess.

White people were there too. Do you see them or do you have a ability that doesnt allow you to hold whites to the same standard?

You know, I'm getting a bit annoyed by how some liberals keep justifying that stereotype that liberals as a whole are hypocritical as hell. I know there are fair and honest people that are liberal out there. For pete's sake, where are you? If you're a liberal and you can see that double standards are wrong, please speak up. I don't mind if you disagree. Just speak up and show everyone that the hypocritical liberals posting in this thread aren't the majority of liberals at all. Reason with me that if the shoe were on the foot it'd be treated the same way, without a blind eye or a partisan excuse.

Speaking of double standards did you see the white people there? Are they harassing white people? Because you seem to miss that
You wonder why the protesters aren't going into the "red" states to barge in on people eating? lol
Ya. I'd LOVE to see what happens when a bunch of feral negro professional agitators attempts to disrupt a Sunday brunch in Decatur.
Just think if these fools put this much effort into inward reflection. Fix your black culture problem first, then address injustice.


Obama/Sharpton/Holder and De Blasio know there are more ways than one to destroy private businesses. Stir the pot and get stupid haters to help in ways they don't even realize.
White Racist Rightie Rage (WRRR): 'how dare that black man get so close to a real American!'

My Lord, WRRR's really are like scared little children.
As is typical of this kind of anti-racist lament, your complaint conveniently overlooks a critical component. If you were concerned with accuracy and validity you would have said, "How dare that Black man get so close for the clear purpose of harassing a White couple who are minding their own business and bothering no one."

Now, isn't that version much closer to the facts at hand? If not, what do you find wrong with it?

I don't know what your definition of racism is, but I do not believe I am a racist. The simple fact is I have absolutely nothing against peaceful, law-abiding Black people -- but I can't stand n!ggers. And what I see in the photo is a bunch of n!ggers aggressively annoying a White couple who has done absolutely nothing to them.

What is it you see?
"Black Folks Only."


Want To Organize Your Own BlackBrunch Here s How The Daily Caller

So, yeah, this is a racist fringe element worming its way through this racial divide.
AquaAthena, MikeK, dannyboys, Stephanie, Manonthestreet, FA_Q2.

Please indulge me, guys. I've got a question for you. :D

How do you think ClosedCaption would respond if Tea Partiers barged into the restaurant where he and his family was having breakfast (which he paid for with his own money), and were screaming at him because of what he believed in?

Pissed, ranting and raving about those Inconsiderate People
two faced hypocrites always do
AquaAthena, MikeK, dannyboys, Stephanie, Manonthestreet, FA_Q2.

Please indulge me, guys. I've got a question for you. :D

How do you think ClosedCaption would respond if Tea Partiers barged into the restaurant where he and his family was having breakfast (which he paid for with his own money), and were screaming at him because of what he believed in?
That's not true. These diners are being screamed at because they are white. Not because of what he believes in. No one knows what these customers believe in beyond a fondness for brunch.

Brunch is a white space. It is a symbol of white supremacy. Those who eat don't recognize the suffering of black people.
Way to turn people against your cause.

Hard working people just trying to enjoy a meal and these animals have to come disrupt it.

Hey protesters. ...fewere and fewer of us give a fuck about your cause with each passing day.

You never gave a fuck in the first place. That's why they are going to predominately white neighbors and doing quick protests to get your attention.
Way to turn people against your cause.

Hard working people just trying to enjoy a meal and these animals have to come disrupt it.

Hey protesters. ...fewere and fewer of us give a fuck about your cause with each passing day.

You never gave a fuck in the first place. That's why they are going to predominately white neighbors and doing quick protests to get your attention.

give us your address we'll give it them so they can come visit your neighborhood. and we'll make a sign that stated you invited them there. K
I'm sure they'll all just say, oh how lovely they are just there to get our attention
Way to turn people against your cause.

Hard working people just trying to enjoy a meal and these animals have to come disrupt it.

Hey protesters. ...fewere and fewer of us give a fuck about your cause with each passing day.

You never gave a fuck in the first place. That's why they are going to predominately white neighbors and doing quick protests to get your attention.

give us your address we'll give it them so they can come visit your neighborhood. and we'll make a sign that stated you invited them there. K
I'm sure they'll all just say, oh how lovely they are just there to get our attention

I already attend the protests. Unlike you, I don't hide behind a computer screen and tell other people how to act and look down upon them. I help in the community. You aren't going to save everyone but you can dame sure help a few.
The diners are acting inappropriately. They should pick up their chairs and start teaching the protesters how to behave with a chair upside the head.

Notice that they don't start their crap in a biker bar. Just places where the audience is assumed to be docile.
The diners are acting inappropriately. They should pick up their chairs and start teaching the protesters how to behave with a chair upside the head.

Notice that they don't start their crap in a biker bar. Just places where the audience is assumed to be docile.

So you react to non-violent protests with violence? Yeah that's totally okay.

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