Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

Ahhh, nothing like death threats from crazy-assed anonymous loons on a forum to liven up the day, what?
I thought you once professed to be a Christian. My bad.
It's not a threat.

Sure it was, duncehead. Here, let's replay it for your worm-infested RWNJ brain:

If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.

I do love it when Righties, after displaying their stupidity, do it again, and again.
Not even man enough to admit it was a threat, what?
It's ok, I'm used to this from RWNJ pussies all over the place.

Carry on, little Adolph.
It's not a threat. It's a promise, jackass!

If you feel that way, well, ok. The Republican party needs lots of people like you in the 2016 campaign. Please volunteer.
Mean looks OMG!!

I don't know about "mean looks," but what I see going on in the above photo really pisses me off -- whatever you choose to call it. And I believe the attitude reeking from the sneering scumbag on the right is the very reason for much if not most of what Blacks regard as racist brutality by White cops.

If I were a cop I would find some way to get that sonofabitch alone and beat the living shit out of him. And if you can't understand why, that's the difference between us.

White Racist Rightie Rage (WRRR): 'how dare that black man get so close to a real American!'

My Lord, WRRR's really are like scared little children.
I think I would go to a sign maker and put a couple grand in "Stupid IS As Stupid Does" signs and pass them out where ever there are "protesters." Whites should have their say, too.

Ahh, the extremely and unfortunately very limited thinking of many on the Right: you really think this is just a black/white thing? And you really think that Whites, of which I am one, and which represent the overwhelming majority of our great Union, don't have a say? Really?

Come on, stop smoking that dope and come back down to reality!!

What I cant believe is those meathead white people with their families just sat there sipping their coffee with their thumbs up their asses. What the fuck is wrong with those limpwisted fucks?
Im spending good money at a restaurant and somebody comes standing over my family shouting and screaming, theres gonna be a confrontation.................duh.

Sovereign citizens, what???

These individuals disrupting others' breakfasts are only harming black people as a whole, by adding fuel to those stereotypes. Behaving like an obnoxious piece of ghetto trash is only going to piss people off, and it shames other black people who have done no wrong.
Coming from a real black person right?

Wake needs to wake the fuck up

I hate to break this to you, but this IS his awoken state. WYSIWYG.
Chaos all over the country, all about racial shit too. This is exactly what the progressives want to see. No one cares or listens to their shit, so now they have to force themselves onto random people in order to be heard.

Well guess what assholes, we have the right to ignore you and reject your stupid Agenda.
If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.

Ahhh, nothing like death threats from crazy-assed anonymous loons on a forum to liven up the day, what?
I thought you once professed to be a Christian. My bad.

the Whites are not going into the black patroned restaurants and disrupting their breakfast or lunch. Nothing gets accomplished by this misplaced anger. Nothing except more backlash from whites.

The head chef should have sent them back to the kitchen but, they don't want jobs

If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.
Blacks have a problem ------lots of their activists are idiots

Do you guys have some ability that does not see white faces in pictures or something?
White *******?

That says a lot about you, but I expect this from racist scum like you.

Carry on.
Just repeating your favorite Democrat, Robert KKK Byrd, when he said there were "white *******". You wouldn't call him racist, so neither was what I said.

Hmmm, fascinating. So, you admit that what you write is not only a threat, it is rabidily racist. Ok, I'm cool with that, because every sane person here already knows that what you wrote is racist.

And then you justify it by claiming you are repeating Robert Byrd, a Democrat who is now dead. But actually, you are not repeating him. He never said that he would send people to New York in body bags, and unlike you, for his racism, he profusely apologized in later years. So, you have to go back more than 60 years in history to quote one man in order to feel good about your racism.

Wow. Racist Righties really ARE that weak in mind and spirit. Even a dead Democrat controls their behavior. Whodathunk.

Racism is a lot to do about nothing. Just more smoke and mirrors. Here's an idea. If someone is being exposed to racism only a fool would keep up his act instead of trying to improve themselves.. And who knows? Obama has set the new standard in that those with racist agendas will eventually get ticket to the Oval Office.

If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.

Ahhh, nothing like death threats from crazy-assed anonymous loons on a forum to liven up the day, what?
I thought you once professed to be a Christian. My bad.

the Whites are not going into the black patroned restaurants and disrupting their breakfast or lunch. Nothing gets accomplished by this misplaced anger. Nothing except more backlash from whites.

The head chef should have sent them back to the kitchen but, they don't want jobs


Who is "they"?
If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.

Ahhh, nothing like death threats from crazy-assed anonymous loons on a forum to liven up the day, what?
I thought you once professed to be a Christian. My bad.

the Whites are not going into the black patroned restaurants and disrupting their breakfast or lunch. Nothing gets accomplished by this misplaced anger. Nothing except more backlash from whites.

The head chef should have sent them back to the kitchen but, they don't want jobs


Who is "they"?

They - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
MAKE NO MISTAKE! There is a far left liberal agenda here. It lines up with Barry's buddy Saul- his tactics are to alienate, discourage and throw false accusations at whites and conservatives.
Agreed. They're not fooling anybody. Blacks aren't routinely criticized; it's just when Al Sharpton gets active like he's planning to do today in NYC and the morons start protesting again. Their protest was based on a lie in Ferguson.
MAKE NO MISTAKE! There is a far left liberal agenda here. It lines up with Barry's buddy Saul- his tactics are to alienate, discourage and throw false accusations at whites and conservatives.
Agreed. They're not fooling anybody. Blacks aren't routinely criticized; it's just when Al Sharpton gets active like he's planning to do today in NYC and the morons start protesting again. Their protest was based on a lie in Ferguson.

where is AL going to be today in NYC?-------be of good cheer--- it is very cold in NYC today-----ain't nutthin' gonna
happen ovah der nooo yoookas will stay home wit der' bottles all day.
The people should of threw their food at them and then walked out. These people (paid for protesters) are now causing mom and pop BUSINESSES to lose money
The people should of threw their food at them and then walked out. These people (paid for protesters) are now causing mom and pop BUSINESSES to lose money

Stephanie-----don't get annoyed with me------SHOULD HAVE THROWN-------ok? do not fret----the businesses were hot shot places and NOO YOOKAS have survived far worse
The people should of threw their food at them and then walked out. These people (paid for protesters) are now causing mom and pop BUSINESSES to lose money

Stephanie-----don't get annoyed with me------SHOULD HAVE THROWN-------ok? do not fret----the businesses were hot shot places and NOO YOOKAS have survived far worse

did I direct my post at You? no
but let me correct myself since you kindly pointed it out. SHOULD HAVE. now I'm annoyed are you happy?
Hmmm, fascinating. So, you admit that what you write is not only a threat, it is rabidily racist. Ok, I'm cool with that, because every sane person here already knows that what you wrote is racist.

And then you justify it by claiming you are repeating Robert Byrd, a Democrat who is now dead. But actually, you are not repeating him. He never said that he would send people to New York in body bags, and unlike you, for his racism, he profusely apologized in later years. So, you have to go back more than 60 years in history to quote one man in order to feel good about your racism.

Wow. Racist Righties really ARE that weak in mind and spirit. Even a dead Democrat controls their behavior. Whodathunk.
Horseshit Nazigirl. If I blew up a white balloon, you'd call that racist. You've overplayed the race card to a point it means nothing. You can call me and my dog racists. It won't shut me up. People of goodwill are beginning to fight back against you LibNazis.The fact is YOU'RE the racist based on low expectations of black folks. We pray they will open their eyes and know who is really on their side. Tough love and it's called for.
The people should of threw their food at them and then walked out. These people (paid for protesters) are now causing mom and pop BUSINESSES to lose money

Stephanie-----don't get annoyed with me------SHOULD HAVE THROWN-------ok? do not fret----the businesses were hot shot places and NOO YOOKAS have survived far worse

did I direct my post at You? no
but let me correct myself since you kindly pointed it out. SHOULD HAVE. now I'm annoyed are you happy?

no------I am a mother-------nothing annoys me.
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

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