Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

The people should of threw their food at them and then walked out. These people (paid for protesters) are now causing mom and pop BUSINESSES to lose money

Stephanie-----don't get annoyed with me------SHOULD HAVE THROWN-------ok? do not fret----the businesses were hot shot places and NOO YOOKAS have survived far worse

did I direct my post at You? no
but let me correct myself since you kindly pointed it out. SHOULD HAVE. now I'm annoyed are you happy?

no------I am a mother-------nothing annoys me.

Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

I'm not sure that improving things is what they actually want.

They definitely want to punish, but improve, who knows.

The people should of threw their food at them and then walked out. These people (paid for protesters) are now causing mom and pop BUSINESSES to lose money

Stephanie-----don't get annoyed with me------SHOULD HAVE THROWN-------ok? do not fret----the businesses were hot shot places and NOO YOOKAS have survived far worse

did I direct my post at You? no
but let me correct myself since you kindly pointed it out. SHOULD HAVE. now I'm annoyed are you happy?

no------I am a mother-------nothing annoys me.


thank you
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

It won't help and it won't hurt------it is very trivial-----a bit silly
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

It won't help and it won't hurt------it is very trivial-----a bit silly

wont hurt huh? maybe they'll invade your home next. then you might be singing a different tune. It's not hurting you because you weren't a customer there being abused by these people
where is AL going to be today in NYC?-------be of good cheer--- it is very cold in NYC today-----ain't nutthin' gonna
happen ovah der nooo yoookas will stay home wit der' bottles all day.
They be bustin' in on those White Only diners and protesting indoors.
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

It won't help and it won't hurt------it is very trivial-----a bit silly

wont hurt huh? maybe they'll invade your home next. then you might be singing a different tune. It's not hurting you because you weren't a customer there being abused by these people

I did not hear of any actual abuse------if you imagine I have
not experienced blacks rioting-----think again-----far far far
more serious stuff. For that matter-----blacks carry a very
huge legacy of having been abused. -----by people like you---
people who say "should of......"
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

It won't help and it won't hurt------it is very trivial-----a bit silly

wont hurt huh? maybe they'll invade your home next. then you might be singing a different tune. It's not hurting you because you weren't a customer there being abused by these people

I did not hear of any actual abuse------if you imagine I have
not experienced blacks rioting-----think again-----far far far
more serious stuff. For that matter-----blacks carry a very
huge legacy of having been abused. -----by people like you---
people who say "should of......"

lol, show me one instance of me abusing blacks? You're a joke. have a nice day
where is AL going to be today in NYC?-------be of good cheer--- it is very cold in NYC today-----ain't nutthin' gonna
happen ovah der nooo yoookas will stay home wit der' bottles all day.
They be bustin' in on those White Only diners and protesting indoors.

ain't no white only dinaass in NOO YAWK--------an' sunday is de ony day NOO YAWKAS eat brunch sitting down-----weekdays ---a bagel on the run
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

It won't help and it won't hurt------it is very trivial-----a bit silly

wont hurt huh? maybe they'll invade your home next. then you might be singing a different tune. It's not hurting you because you weren't a customer there being abused by these people

I did not hear of any actual abuse------if you imagine I have
not experienced blacks rioting-----think again-----far far far
more serious stuff. For that matter-----blacks carry a very
huge legacy of having been abused. -----by people like you---
people who say "should of......"

lol, show me one instance of me abusing blacks? You're a joke. have a nice day

good girl......
Hmmm, fascinating. So, you admit that what you write is not only a threat, it is rabidily racist. Ok, I'm cool with that, because every sane person here already knows that what you wrote is racist.

And then you justify it by claiming you are repeating Robert Byrd, a Democrat who is now dead. But actually, you are not repeating him. He never said that he would send people to New York in body bags, and unlike you, for his racism, he profusely apologized in later years. So, you have to go back more than 60 years in history to quote one man in order to feel good about your racism.

Wow. Racist Righties really ARE that weak in mind and spirit. Even a dead Democrat controls their behavior. Whodathunk.
Horseshit Nazigirl. If I blew up a white balloon, you'd call that racist. You've overplayed the race card to a point it means nothing. You can call me and my dog racists. It won't shut me up. People of goodwill are beginning to fight back against you LibNazis.The fact is YOU'RE the racist based on low expectations of black folks. We pray they will open their eyes and know who is really on their side. Tough love and it's called for.

Ok, let's look at your quote again, for the third time:

If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.

Poor little dude, you don't even have enough courage to admit your own racism, even to admit that is a direct threat. Instead, in the tradition of so many other racists, you accuse the person who calls you out for this shit a "racist". That is just totally entertaining.

And it only goes to show the world how utterly batshit crazy raging Righties like you are. And I mean, really, really batshit crazy. You are so far gone due to your racism and Right-Wingism sickness that you cannot even see that "body bags" in the context that you wrote is a threat, and that you levelled it only against blacks.

Please, by all means, carry on, entertain us some more. And by all means, the GOP needs YOU in it's PR team for the 2016 prez election, you really should apply.
paid Militants folks. wake up
the site is still down

Hackers have taken down a conservative website over THIS “BLACKS ONLY” manual for ‘Black Brunch’ protests!
Posted on Jan 5, 2015 at 4:42 PM in Politics | 1253 Comments
By soopermexican

When hackers attack a website because they’re angry about information being spread, you can bet we won’t back down.
That’s exactly what happened to our friends at when their incontinent writer @DefendWallSt discovered and published a manual for the stupid “black brunch” protests this weekend.

HERE are the screenshots they don’t want you to see!! (screw em!)

The term “diaspora” means “scattering” and usually is applied to Jews being cast out of Israel, but it has been co-opted by black activists to apply to those who were taken out of Africa to other countries. So in other words, no white eyeballs are supposed to look at this page or your face will melt like at the end of Indiana Jones!!
Oh here’s more:

ALL of it here:
Read more:
Hmmm, fascinating. So, you admit that what you write is not only a threat, it is rabidily racist. Ok, I'm cool with that, because every sane person here already knows that what you wrote is racist.

And then you justify it by claiming you are repeating Robert Byrd, a Democrat who is now dead. But actually, you are not repeating him. He never said that he would send people to New York in body bags, and unlike you, for his racism, he profusely apologized in later years. So, you have to go back more than 60 years in history to quote one man in order to feel good about your racism.

Wow. Racist Righties really ARE that weak in mind and spirit. Even a dead Democrat controls their behavior. Whodathunk.
Horseshit Nazigirl. If I blew up a white balloon, you'd call that racist. You've overplayed the race card to a point it means nothing. You can call me and my dog racists. It won't shut me up. People of goodwill are beginning to fight back against you LibNazis.The fact is YOU'RE the racist based on low expectations of black folks. We pray they will open their eyes and know who is really on their side. Tough love and it's called for.

Ok, let's look at your quote again, for the third time:

If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.

Poor little dude, you don't even have enough courage to admit your own racism, even to admit that is a direct threat. Instead, in the tradition of so many other racists, you accuse the person who calls you out for this shit a "racist". That is just totally entertaining.

And it only goes to show the world how utterly batshit crazy raging Righties like you are. And I mean, really, really batshit crazy. You are so far gone due to your racism and Right-Wingism sickness that you cannot even see that "body bags" in the context that you wrote is a threat, and that you levelled it only against blacks.

Please, by all means, carry on, entertain us some more. And by all means, the GOP needs YOU in it's PR team for the 2016 prez election, you really should apply.

The message is becoming more clear every day. Most whites are NOT racist, but with Obama, the media, and secular progressives here, you would never know it

White whiners bore me to tears -- tear up their assholes

looks like the whiners are the black idiots who thought it was necessary to go disrupt innocent people's lunch.

it seems to me that not really too long ago a white man, with help from friends and ME connections, showed his protest over the governments handling of the situation at Waco. He did it in a very expolosive way. Me thinks I rather have my coffee interrupted by blather then explosion. Which does not justify either action only points out that when people get frustrated they sometimes resort to doing stupid things.
You wonder why the protesters aren't going into the "red" states to barge in on people eating? lol
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

It won't help and it won't hurt------it is very trivial-----a bit silly

wont hurt huh? maybe they'll invade your home next. then you might be singing a different tune. It's not hurting you because you weren't a customer there being abused by these people

I did not hear of any actual abuse------if you imagine I have
not experienced blacks rioting-----think again-----far far far
more serious stuff. For that matter-----blacks carry a very
huge legacy of having been abused. -----by people like you---
people who say "should of......"
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

People just want to be left alone. Do these progressives feel that imposing on them is going to help their cause?

It won't help and it won't hurt------it is very trivial-----a bit silly

wont hurt huh? maybe they'll invade your home next. then you might be singing a different tune. It's not hurting you because you weren't a customer there being abused by these people

I did not hear of any actual abuse------if you imagine I have
not experienced blacks rioting-----think again-----far far far
more serious stuff. For that matter-----blacks carry a very
huge legacy of having been abused. -----by people like you---
people who say "should of......"
They're only 50 years too late.
Published on Jan 4, 2015
The *peaceful* Ferguson protesters threaten to punch a public safety officer at a Senator Ron Wyden town hall, as the protesters started to flood the room. They find another door that someone opens for them, and complete chaos erupts inside, as the protesters take over the town hall and proclaim "It's our town hall now!"

Published on Jan 4, 2015
The *peaceful* Ferguson protesters threaten to punch a public safety officer at a Senator Ron Wyden town hall, as the protesters started to flood the room. They find another door that someone opens for them, and complete chaos erupts inside, as the protesters take over the town hall and proclaim "It's our town hall now!"

Be careful when you follow the masses.

Sometimes the 'M' is silent.

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