Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

Hmmm, fascinating. So, you admit that what you write is not only a threat, it is rabidily racist. Ok, I'm cool with that, because every sane person here already knows that what you wrote is racist.

And then you justify it by claiming you are repeating Robert Byrd, a Democrat who is now dead. But actually, you are not repeating him. He never said that he would send people to New York in body bags, and unlike you, for his racism, he profusely apologized in later years. So, you have to go back more than 60 years in history to quote one man in order to feel good about your racism.

Wow. Racist Righties really ARE that weak in mind and spirit. Even a dead Democrat controls their behavior. Whodathunk.
Horseshit Nazigirl. If I blew up a white balloon, you'd call that racist. You've overplayed the race card to a point it means nothing. You can call me and my dog racists. It won't shut me up. People of goodwill are beginning to fight back against you LibNazis.The fact is YOU'RE the racist based on low expectations of black folks. We pray they will open their eyes and know who is really on their side. Tough love and it's called for.
Hey, AG! Stats is an expat posting from the safety of some place other than the good old USA. Sure, he loves this country, he'll tell you so all day long, but when push comes to shove, he's residing overseas and his allegedly white Jewish ass is safely distanced from the destruction of OUR country. But then, Stats is a stereotypical libtard hypocrite.
Actually, you know nothing about me except my current geography. But your writing is typical for the butthurt Right: personal attacks but no real content. Carry on.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
True, I know only what you have revealed on a very anonymous forum. So, what is your truth? Or do you prefer your mythical online persona?

Oh, I have revealed those things, but it shows what a low-life type of person YOU are when you start to use them again a person in personal attacks instead dealing with issues. Yet another whacked out RWNJ is all that you are.
Hmmm, fascinating. So, you admit that what you write is not only a threat, it is rabidily racist. Ok, I'm cool with that, because every sane person here already knows that what you wrote is racist.

And then you justify it by claiming you are repeating Robert Byrd, a Democrat who is now dead. But actually, you are not repeating him. He never said that he would send people to New York in body bags, and unlike you, for his racism, he profusely apologized in later years. So, you have to go back more than 60 years in history to quote one man in order to feel good about your racism.

Wow. Racist Righties really ARE that weak in mind and spirit. Even a dead Democrat controls their behavior. Whodathunk.
Horseshit Nazigirl. If I blew up a white balloon, you'd call that racist. You've overplayed the race card to a point it means nothing. You can call me and my dog racists. It won't shut me up. People of goodwill are beginning to fight back against you LibNazis.The fact is YOU'RE the racist based on low expectations of black folks. We pray they will open their eyes and know who is really on their side. Tough love and it's called for.
Hey, AG! Stats is an expat posting from the safety of some place other than the good old USA. Sure, he loves this country, he'll tell you so all day long, but when push comes to shove, he's residing overseas and his allegedly white Jewish ass is safely distanced from the destruction of OUR country. But then, Stats is a stereotypical libtard hypocrite.
Actually, you know nothing about me except my current geography. But your writing is typical for the butthurt Right: personal attacks but no real content. Carry on.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
True, I know only what you have revealed on a very anonymous forum. So, what is your truth? Or do you prefer your mythical online persona?

Oh, I have revealed those things, but it shows what a low-life type of person YOU are when you start to use them again a person in personal attacks instead dealing with issues. Yet another whacked out RWNJ is all that you are.
Its like anotha shoah...
Horseshit Nazigirl. If I blew up a white balloon, you'd call that racist. You've overplayed the race card to a point it means nothing. You can call me and my dog racists. It won't shut me up. People of goodwill are beginning to fight back against you LibNazis.The fact is YOU'RE the racist based on low expectations of black folks. We pray they will open their eyes and know who is really on their side. Tough love and it's called for.
Hey, AG! Stats is an expat posting from the safety of some place other than the good old USA. Sure, he loves this country, he'll tell you so all day long, but when push comes to shove, he's residing overseas and his allegedly white Jewish ass is safely distanced from the destruction of OUR country. But then, Stats is a stereotypical libtard hypocrite.
Actually, you know nothing about me except my current geography. But your writing is typical for the butthurt Right: personal attacks but no real content. Carry on.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
True, I know only what you have revealed on a very anonymous forum. So, what is your truth? Or do you prefer your mythical online persona?

Oh, I have revealed those things, but it shows what a low-life type of person YOU are when you start to use them again a person in personal attacks instead dealing with issues. Yet another whacked out RWNJ is all that you are.
Its like anotha shoah...

Only in your strange anti-semitic wet-dreams.
Hey, AG! Stats is an expat posting from the safety of some place other than the good old USA. Sure, he loves this country, he'll tell you so all day long, but when push comes to shove, he's residing overseas and his allegedly white Jewish ass is safely distanced from the destruction of OUR country. But then, Stats is a stereotypical libtard hypocrite.
Actually, you know nothing about me except my current geography. But your writing is typical for the butthurt Right: personal attacks but no real content. Carry on.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
True, I know only what you have revealed on a very anonymous forum. So, what is your truth? Or do you prefer your mythical online persona?

Oh, I have revealed those things, but it shows what a low-life type of person YOU are when you start to use them again a person in personal attacks instead dealing with issues. Yet another whacked out RWNJ is all that you are.
Its like anotha shoah...

Only in your strange anti-semitic wet-dreams.
Stop coming onto me, take your gay nazi fetish elsewhere sicko.
So I checked the Twitter page of these Black Brunch idiots, and they seem to be winding down with their little fad. I think it takes a lot of gall and disrespect to storm in and ruin your breakfast with screaming and shouting and, no matter how much I disagree with you, I'm not going to mess with you on that sort of personal level. Oddly, screwing with people's breakfast is a really good way to get hated and, perhaps, each time these idiots pull this crap they turn a few more liberals more conservative-minded.

Boy, wouldn't it be something if their medicine was handed over to them in the exact same way. What are blacks spaces, and where can we ruin their breakfast for being black and scream at them while f****** with their breakfast? And not just the idiots within the black community, but any black person in "a black space" simply for being black. Would love to be a fly on the wall if they tried this crap in a gay bar or biker bar. But yeah, the nerve of those white (and non-white) people, eating out with family and friends on a Sunday.
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Oh, gee, a development.

Bill O'Keefe ‏@DefendWallSt 2m2 minutes ago
#BlackBrunch Pull Seats Up To Customers Tables And Stare At Them To “Make Them Uncomfortable”


That'll make 'em care.
So I checked the Twitter page of these Black Brunch idiots, and they seem to be winding down with their little fad. I think it takes a lot of gall and disrespect to storm in and ruin your breakfast with screaming and shouting and, no matter how much I disagree with you, I'm not going to mess with you on that sort of personal level. Oddly, screwing with people's breakfast is a really good way to get hated and, perhaps, each time these idiots pull this crap they turn a few more liberals more conservative-minded.

Boy, wouldn't it be something if their medicine was handed over to them in the exact same way. What are blacks spaces, and where can we ruin their breakfast for being black and scream at them while f****** with their breakfast? And not just the idiots within the black community, but any black person in "a black space" simply for being black. Would love to be a fly on the wall if they tried this crap in a gay bar or biker bar. But yeah, the nerve of those white (and non-white) people, eating out with family and friends on a Sunday.

These people protesting must have a very strange idea of what ' White People ' are thinking. It amazes me, Im sure if the shoe was on the other foot, they wouldnt stand for their breakfst to be interrupted for even 10 seconds.
When they tried the little stunt with gay guys the blacklivesmatter protesters got bar stools and trash cans thrown at them. That's the way it should be.
When they tried the little stunt with gay guys the blacklivesmatter protesters got bar stools and trash cans thrown at them. That's the way it should be.

Wow, that actually happened. :D

Reading up on that story now.
Why aren't blacks protesting something that is tangible? Always chasing shadows instead of going after the low hanging fruit. That's their dysfunctional culture within the walls of a home by definition only


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