Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

Looking back, this is simply a cowardly issue that I personally find repulsive.

I don't support anything that tries to interfere with meals. You're to act like an adult. Not a child. Who do these bastards think they are to barge into private businesses and scream at and harass patrons? Sue these idiots for harassment, make ultimatums to these businesses to throw out these disturbances, and call the police for disturbing the peace. Whether you're a Tea Partier, a liberal, a conservative, an anti-police-violence protester, whatever, you don't pull this kind of crap. Now you've just lost all credibility, and people aren't going to want to associate with the freaks who think messing with peoples' meals is A-OK. I highly doubt certain black people and liberals would appreciate it if their breakfast was disrupted by Tea Partiers and conservatives.

How about having some class?

This is a fringe element like the WBC we're talking about. They make no effort to be fair, honest, or decent, and these are the kinds of people that are a disgrace compared to civil rights heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What a disgrace. Nothing like ruining people's breakfast to make them want to listen to you. #NoSympathy
Yeah, and fuck the original protestors that stole privately owned tea and destroyed it by throwing it in the harbor. :thup:

Wait, didnt we establish already that if its white its right? Its right there in the USMB handbook


Yeah, this is constructive.

Congratulations, PC Police.

I really don't see the problem. they didn't go in there kicking things over. The like mentions that the 'momentarily' disrupted meals. That reads to me like they walked in, made a statement and walked out. Ohhhh, really must have messed up their days.

Kind of a silly way to protest but I don't really care all that much. Certainly better than the rioting that seems to be so damn popular nowadays.

They did it on private property. I care when they violate the rights of the owner and his customers
I hope these "black activists" and other leftists who tagged along keep doing this. At this point, these protests are becoming more and more far left and fringe and are alienating good will.

I find it funny they are only going to protest in liberal areas where mostly white hipsters and "sjws" congregate. They know they wouldn't be able to get away with this behavior intimidating people in conservative white areas.

You reap the behavior you sow you liberal faggots.
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”


I can see how scared these people were......they probably got desserts to go.
These individuals disrupting others' breakfasts are only harming black people as a whole, by adding fuel to those stereotypes. Behaving like an obnoxious piece of ghetto trash is only going to piss people off, and it shames other black people who have done no wrong.

Black folks sure are lucky to have so many concerned white folks around to offer them friendly advise.
Wait, even the white people are black people? Poor diners were they ook? Was their meal unpalatable after hearing about black deaths at the hands of police officers?

We should be more sensitive to people
If we couldn't eat every time a black thug gets killed, we would literally starve.
If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.
Who are you kidding? Those corn fed farmers couldn't out run Chris Chrissie.

Yeah, this is constructive.

Congratulations, PC Police.

I really don't see the problem. they didn't go in there kicking things over. The like mentions that the 'momentarily' disrupted meals. That reads to me like they walked in, made a statement and walked out. Ohhhh, really must have messed up their days.

Kind of a silly way to protest but I don't really care all that much. Certainly better than the rioting that seems to be so damn popular nowadays.

They did it on private property. I care when they violate the rights of the owner and his customers
Sure you do.
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”


What about their own brothers and sisters who are kept in slavery on the Continent of Africa and elsewhere? Why don't they speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves? Why is that not a priority for African Americans? It should be.
Danny, not all black people are like these rabble-rousers. Please acknowledge that each group out there has bad apples.

Caption, the way these guys are going about this is completely wrong. Please stop justifying their s***** behavior. They're barging into businesses and disrupting people's breakfast. That's f****** rude, and a surefire way to piss people off. If you have a message, there are far better ways to send it than burning bridges and making people of all colors and creeds hate you. Just imagine if I had a political gripe and made it a point to disrupt your daily meals with screaming and a megaphone. After the 20th day of doing my level best to make life suck for you, are you going to sit there and be alright with it? Imagine if these same rude tactics were used against you, CC. Regardless of ideology, this tactic is an unwise one, and is the wrong way to go about causing change.
What change? What changes are they asking for, and who is supposed to make those changes? So many of the black community's problems are self-inflicted and can best be changed from within. That's something these protesters seem unwilling, or unable, to do.
The same people who didn't support the protests now don't support the protests! Something must be done!
Mean looks OMG!!

I don't know about "mean looks," but what I see going on in the above photo really pisses me off -- whatever you choose to call it. And I believe the attitude reeking from the sneering scumbag on the right is the very reason for much if not most of what Blacks regard as racist brutality by White cops.

If I were a cop I would find some way to get that sonofabitch alone and beat the living shit out of him. And if you can't understand why, that's the difference between us.
That diner in red (woman) certainly doesn't look white to me? Is the guy treating his maid to a cruller.
QUICK: What percentage of Americans is actually harassed or inconvenienced by these protests?

What fraction of 1% do you guess?

the protestors rights end where others begin you dope

try learning Colonial American history where citizens tared and feathered people they despised
The same people who didn't support the protests now don't support the protests! Something must be done!
So what was the point of the protests? To reaffirm that you are annoying naggers?

You guys seem socially autistic as well. You are now "invading white spaces", like commeration events for WW2 veterans. Really winning the hearts and minds guys.
100-Year-Old Veteran Tells Protesters Give Me A Chance The Daily Caller

My opinion is, go for it guys, keep "raising awareness", and see what happens.
I think I would go to a sign maker and put a couple grand in "Stupid IS As Stupid Does" signs and pass them out where ever there are "protesters." Whites should have their say, too.
So, because these protesters can't stand the GJ decisions, some of them decide to harass people based on the color of their skin. What an excellent way to go about getting your way. Not. All they're doing is making a whole lot more enemies, among various races including their own, and doing nothing but making themselves look like lowlife scum who have no problem harassing over their own pet issues. Wonder how they'd behave if the shoe were on the other foot. These classless morons deserve no sympathy for their disgusting behavior, and to even try to compare this with the legitimate civil rights issues of the 60's is nothing short of being a laughingstock to Dr. King's legacy. They go out and harass people based on the color of their skin. That is racism.

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