Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!

Protesting on someone else's private property is not your right. Last I checked, there are dozens of codes and forms to follow and fill out in order to be able to legally stage a protest even on public property.

Very true, and if the business owner stood by and continually allowed protesters to disrupt his/her customers, you can bet his/her business would eventually suffer.
Looking back, this is simply a cowardly issue that I personally find repulsive.

I don't support anything that tries to interfere with meals. You're to act like an adult. Not a child. Who do these bastards think they are to barge into private businesses and scream at and harass patrons? Sue these idiots for harassment, make ultimatums to these businesses to throw out these disturbances, and call the police for disturbing the peace. Whether you're a Tea Partier, a liberal, a conservative, an anti-police-violence protester, whatever, you don't pull this kind of crap. Now you've just lost all credibility, and people aren't going to want to associate with the freaks who think messing with peoples' meals is A-OK. I highly doubt certain black people and liberals would appreciate it if their breakfast was disrupted by Tea Partiers and conservatives.

How about having some class?

This is a fringe element like the WBC we're talking about. They make no effort to be fair, honest, or decent, and these are the kinds of people that are a disgrace compared to civil rights heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What a disgrace. Nothing like ruining people's breakfast to make them want to listen to you. #NoSympathy
Yeah, and fuck the original protestors that stole privately owned tea and destroyed it by throwing it in the harbor. :thup:

Collectivist action by a bunch of whining rebels
Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!

Protesting on someone else's private property is not your right. Last I checked, there are dozens of codes and forms to follow and fill out in order to be able to legally stage a protest even on public property.


So? So your comment is based on a false premise, are you to dense to understand even that? If they were exercising their rights in a lawful manner, you may have had a point, but even then it's doubtful!

They were. And people had a problem with that. Then they did it another City and people had a problem with that...then marches, problem. Meetings, problem. Protests, problem. Blocking Traffic, problem

You get the point. The problem isnt HOW they are protesting. Its that they are protesting AT ALL just like every republican has done in the last 60 years of protests. They find fault and dont support ANY of them.

So no surprise they follow suit and again dont support another one
Mean looks OMG!!

I don't know about "mean looks," but what I see going on in the above photo really pisses me off -- whatever you choose to call it. And I believe the attitude reeking from the sneering scumbag on the right is the very reason for much if not most of what Blacks regard as racist brutality by White cops.

If I were a cop I would find some way to get that sonofabitch alone and beat the living shit out of him. And if you can't understand why, that's the difference between us.
Mean looks OMG!!

I don't know about "mean looks," but what I see going on in the above photo really pisses me off -- whatever you choose to call it. And I believe the attitude reeking from the sneering scumbag on the right is the very reason for much if not most of what Blacks regard as racist brutality by White cops.

If I were a cop I would find some way to get that sonofabitch alone and beat the living shit out of him. And if you can't understand why, that's the difference between us.
He's reading something off a piece of paper.

Thankfully, you aren't a cop. That there are people like you that ARE cops is the problem.
Mean looks OMG!!

I don't know about "mean looks," but what I see going on in the above photo really pisses me off -- whatever you choose to call it. And I believe the attitude reeking from the sneering scumbag on the right is the very reason for much if not most of what Blacks regard as racist brutality by White cops.

If I were a cop I would find some way to get that sonofabitch alone and beat the living shit out of him. And if you can't understand why, that's the difference between us.

You mean the gay attitude? I mean he is standing there I can see how that just makes a cop pissed off mad...Look at him and his face...How dare his face do like, facial stuff!?
Oh boy, more backlash. Guess who.


Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams today lashed out at anti-police brutality activists who barged into several expensive restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Ca. and loudly protested in a social media-organized campaign hashtagged #BlackBrunchNYC.

Mr. Adams, an African-American former NYPD captain and founder of the group 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, told Geraldo Rivera on 77 WABC radio that he thought the demonstrators who interrupted mid-day meals yesterday at spots like Maialino and Pershing Square—among other locations—were out of line.

“I think it’s unacceptable,” Mr. Adams said. “My private time is my private time. And I want to sit down and enjoy.”

He went on to say that he personally would have confronted protesters had he been present.

“I still need my moments of self-reflection and to re-energize myself, and I would tell them when is the appropriate time to speak with me,” he said, adding that he did not yet have all the details about the incidents. “I’m trying to learn more about what happened, but I don’t like to be disturbed at any time, and I don’t think anyone wants that.”
Mean looks OMG!!

I don't know about "mean looks," but what I see going on in the above photo really pisses me off -- whatever you choose to call it. And I believe the attitude reeking from the sneering scumbag on the right is the very reason for much if not most of what Blacks regard as racist brutality by White cops.

If I were a cop I would find some way to get that sonofabitch alone and beat the living shit out of him. And if you can't understand why, that's the difference between us.
He's reading something off a piece of paper.

Thankfully, you aren't a cop. That there are people like you that ARE cops is the problem.

Well thats a justified head beating if I ever seen it. Mike is for police beatings if they sense an attitude. Congrats on your love of humanity and liberty
Protesting the death of street thugs by the police will win you no friends.
Especially if you do it, while I have taken my family out for breakfast.
Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!

it's alright to be rude and inconsiderate if you are black

black skin privilege
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Wait, even the white people are black people? Poor diners were they ook? Was their meal unpalatable after hearing about black deaths at the hands of police officers?

We should be more sensitive to people
If we couldn't eat every time a black thug gets killed, we would literally starve.
If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.
Ahhh, nothing like death threats from crazy-assed anonymous loons on a forum to liven up the day, what?
I thought you once professed to be a Christian. My bad.
It's not a threat. Those liberal extremists would not dare try this in fly-over country. You certainly wouldn't find our diners applauding the protesting like some of the white liberals did in the videos.
If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.
Blacks have a problem ------lots of their activists are idiots

Do you guys have some ability that does not see white faces in pictures or something?
White *******?

That says a lot about you, but I expect this from racist scum like you.

Carry on.
Ahhh, nothing like death threats from crazy-assed anonymous loons on a forum to liven up the day, what?
I thought you once professed to be a Christian. My bad.
It's not a threat.

Sure it was, duncehead. Here, let's replay it for your worm-infested RWNJ brain:

If those liberal blacks tried disrupting our farmers eating breakfast at the town cafes of Iowa, we'd send them back to New York in body bags.

I do love it when Righties, after displaying their stupidity, do it again, and again.
Not even man enough to admit it was a threat, what?
It's ok, I'm used to this from RWNJ pussies all over the place.

Carry on, little Adolph.
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