Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

Nothing will help your cause more than screaming at people who are just trying to relax and have a meal.

Yep, I'm definitely onboard now !

The same people who object to the protests now object to the protests? Wow, thats a shocker

They can protest all they want, but when a mob of any race enters a restaurant and starts disrupting diners, don't be surprised if those trying to dine aren't happy about the disruption.

Actually not any race...the white people there seem to be free from scorn. So its all good
Nothing will help your cause more than screaming at people who are just trying to relax and have a meal.

Yep, I'm definitely onboard now !

The same people who object to the protests now object to the protests? Wow, thats a shocker

They can protest all they want, but when a mob of any race enters a restaurant and starts disrupting diners, don't be surprised if those trying to dine aren't happy about the disruption.

Actually not any race...the white people there seem to be free from scorn. So its all good

Doesn't matter what race it is to me, if a mob comes in and tries to disrupt my dining experience, I'm going to be pissed off and I'll be extremely turned off for their cause BECAUSE of their methods.
Nothing will help your cause more than screaming at people who are just trying to relax and have a meal.

Yep, I'm definitely onboard now !

The same people who object to the protests now object to the protests? Wow, thats a shocker

They can protest all they want, but when a mob of any race enters a restaurant and starts disrupting diners, don't be surprised if those trying to dine aren't happy about the disruption.

Actually not any race...the white people there seem to be free from scorn. So its all good

Doesn't matter what race it is to me, if a mob comes in and tries to disrupt my dining experience, I'm going to be pissed off and I'll be extremely turned off for their cause BECAUSE of their methods.

Of course it doesnt got blaming blacks for everyone else down pat.

I wish blacks just would take personal responsibilty for the way that you feel and for white people who join them. Its clear that you and those whites there are not responsible for your own actions or feelings
The protesters shot themselves in the foot. (Pun intended).

I'm hungry and cranky in the morning. "Hangry" as we call it in our family. My fuse is very short until I've eaten. I imagine I'm not alone. Not a good time to be rude to someone you're trying to sway. I can't believe this tactic got past the planning stage.

Heaven forbid these protesters confront my wife before her first cup of coffee.

Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!

Protesting on someone else's private property is not your right. Last I checked, there are dozens of codes and forms to follow and fill out in order to be able to legally stage a protest even on public property.
Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!

Protesting on someone else's private property is not your right. Last I checked, there are dozens of codes and forms to follow and fill out in order to be able to legally stage a protest even on public property.
Why can't black people just act like white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!

Protesting on someone else's private property is not your right. Last I checked, there are dozens of codes and forms to follow and fill out in order to be able to legally stage a protest even on public property.

Looking back, this is simply a cowardly issue that I personally find repulsive.

I don't support anything that tries to interfere with meals. You're to act like an adult. Not a child. Who do these bastards think they are to barge into private businesses and scream at and harass patrons? Sue these idiots for harassment, make ultimatums to these businesses to throw out these disturbances, and call the police for disturbing the peace. Whether you're a Tea Partier, a liberal, a conservative, an anti-police-violence protester, whatever, you don't pull this kind of crap. Now you've just lost all credibility, and people aren't going to want to associate with the freaks who think messing with peoples' meals is A-OK. I highly doubt certain black people and liberals would appreciate it if their breakfast was disrupted by Tea Partiers and conservatives.

How about having some class?

This is a fringe element like the WBC we're talking about. They make no effort to be fair, honest, or decent, and these are the kinds of people that are a disgrace compared to civil rights heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What a disgrace. Nothing like ruining people's breakfast to make them want to listen to you. #NoSympathy
Looking back, this is simply a cowardly issue that I personally find repulsive.

I don't support anything that tries to interfere with meals. You're to act like an adult. Not a child. Who do these bastards think they are to barge into private businesses and scream at and harass patrons? Sue these idiots for harassment, make ultimatums to these businesses to throw out these disturbances, and call the police for disturbing the peace. Whether you're a Tea Partier, a liberal, a conservative, an anti-police-violence protester, whatever, you don't pull this kind of crap. Now you've just lost all credibility, and people aren't going to want to associate with the freaks who think messing with peoples' meals is A-OK. I highly doubt certain black people and liberals would appreciate it if their breakfast was disrupted by Tea Partiers and conservatives.

How about having some class?

This is a fringe element like the WBC we're talking about. They make no effort to be fair, honest, or decent, and these are the kinds of people that are a disgrace compared to civil rights heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What a disgrace. Nothing like ruining people's breakfast to make them want to listen to you. #NoSympathy
Yeah, and fuck the original protestors that stole privately owned tea and destroyed it by throwing it in the harbor. :thup:
Looking back, this is simply a cowardly issue that I personally find repulsive.

I don't support anything that tries to interfere with meals. You're to act like an adult. Not a child. Who do these bastards think they are to barge into private businesses and scream at and harass patrons? Sue these idiots for harassment, make ultimatums to these businesses to throw out these disturbances, and call the police for disturbing the peace. Whether you're a Tea Partier, a liberal, a conservative, an anti-police-violence protester, whatever, you don't pull this kind of crap. Now you've just lost all credibility, and people aren't going to want to associate with the freaks who think messing with peoples' meals is A-OK. I highly doubt certain black people and liberals would appreciate it if their breakfast was disrupted by Tea Partiers and conservatives.

How about having some class?

This is a fringe element like the WBC we're talking about. They make no effort to be fair, honest, or decent, and these are the kinds of people that are a disgrace compared to civil rights heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What a disgrace. Nothing like ruining people's breakfast to make them want to listen to you. #NoSympathy
Yeah, and fuck the original protestors that stole privately owned tea and destroyed it by throwing it in the harbor. :thup:

Wait, didnt we establish already that if its white its right? Its right there in the USMB handbook
Looking back, this is simply a cowardly issue that I personally find repulsive.

I don't support anything that tries to interfere with meals. You're to act like an adult. Not a child. Who do these bastards think they are to barge into private businesses and scream at and harass patrons? Sue these idiots for harassment, make ultimatums to these businesses to throw out these disturbances, and call the police for disturbing the peace. Whether you're a Tea Partier, a liberal, a conservative, an anti-police-violence protester, whatever, you don't pull this kind of crap. Now you've just lost all credibility, and people aren't going to want to associate with the freaks who think messing with peoples' meals is A-OK. I highly doubt certain black people and liberals would appreciate it if their breakfast was disrupted by Tea Partiers and conservatives.

How about having some class?

This is a fringe element like the WBC we're talking about. They make no effort to be fair, honest, or decent, and these are the kinds of people that are a disgrace compared to civil rights heroes like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What a disgrace. Nothing like ruining people's breakfast to make them want to listen to you. #NoSympathy
you are far too easily repulsed. you ought to stay home most of the time -- oh wait -- you already do. take your fat arse back to school and lifting other fat arses off toilets

# ??? this ain't twitter you nit-twit
Why can't black people just act like white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They do and then they get attacked for it. other black people.
by whites --

see? It's all about perspective. Dante was referring to how when blacks take over city government like Irish, Italians, and Jews have they get attacked -- you see it from a racist stand point and are clueless to it.
Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!

Protesting on someone else's private property is not your right. Last I checked, there are dozens of codes and forms to follow and fill out in order to be able to legally stage a protest even on public property.


So? So your comment is based on a false premise, are you to dense to understand even that? If they were exercising their rights in a lawful manner, you may have had a point, but even then it's doubtful!
So? So your comment is based on a false premise, are you to dense to understand even that? If they were exercising their rights in a lawful manner, you may have had a point, but even then it's doubtful!

Newby, they're not interested in an honest discussion. Best to ignore the trolling and wait for members actually interested in worthwhile discussion.
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”



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