Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

The problem I see is the problem faced by blacks. Poverty and the social economic situation most find themselves in. Which leads to very little of a chance of making it out. Yes, many do and they do quite well for themselves, but a proportion never will.

I see the problem as being that these protests seem to me to indicate that blacks think that they are unfairly targeted by police, and I am not sure that is the case in the majority of the incidents. Were either of the two black killed recently killed because they were black or because they were doing something illegal?

What I see happening is that these protests are putting both black and white police officer's lives at risk. I see less law enforcement in predominately black communities. I see distrust between blacks and whites growing. I do not see the situation improving because of these protests.

Ever thought that the blacks that don't do well cause a lot of it themselves? The illegitimate birth rate among blacks is over 70%.

If the protests are about blacks indating they think they are unfairly targeted by police, why don't they protest and do what they do at teh police stations? Burning down and looting businesses that have nothing to do with why they say they are protesting makes no sense. It's hard to trust someone who says they are being mistreated then target things that aren't part of where they say the mistreatment if coming from.
There's a reason negroes only loot and burn down businesses in their own shitholes. B/c the innocent lady who runs the local beauty salon is too shit scared to call the cops. The feral sub-humans know this. They are fucking low-life cowards who always act in mobs. Not one of them has the spine to take on someone individually.
If I had been eating brunch and a fucking mob of negroes came in and ONE of them fucking touched me that person would be fucking dead now.
That is a growing sentiment among Whites. One day soon the shit will hit the fan and they'll be forty feral negroes piled up dead in a deli somewhere.
Wait, even the white people are black people? Poor diners were they ook? Was their meal unpalatable after hearing about black deaths at the hands of police officers?

We should be more sensitive to people
Way to turn people against your cause.

Hard working people just trying to enjoy a meal and these animals have to come disrupt it.

Hey protesters. ...fewere and fewer of us give a fuck about your cause with each passing day.

Sorry death should never get in the way of a good brunch
Danny, not all black people are like these rabble-rousers. Please acknowledge that each group out there has bad apples.

Caption, the way these guys are going about this is completely wrong. Please stop justifying their s***** behavior. They're barging into businesses and disrupting people's breakfast. That's f****** rude, and a surefire way to piss people off. If you have a message, there are far better ways to send it than burning bridges and making people of all colors and creeds hate you. Just imagine if I had a political gripe and made it a point to disrupt your daily meals with screaming and a megaphone. After the 20th day of doing my level best to make life suck for you, are you going to sit there and be alright with it? Imagine if these same rude tactics were used against you, CC. Regardless of ideology, this tactic is an unwise one, and is the wrong way to go about causing change.

Yeah, this is constructive.

Congratulations, PC Police.

I really don't see the problem. they didn't go in there kicking things over. The like mentions that the 'momentarily' disrupted meals. That reads to me like they walked in, made a statement and walked out. Ohhhh, really must have messed up their days.

Kind of a silly way to protest but I don't really care all that much. Certainly better than the rioting that seems to be so damn popular nowadays.

It's what they are protesting as well as the way they are going about it.
In other words....You're going to screw up my lunch over some dead thug who got what he deserved?
Danny, not all black people are like these rabble-rousers. Please acknowledge that each group out there has bad apples.

Caption, the way these guys are going about this is completely wrong. Please stop justifying their s***** behavior. They're barging into businesses and disrupting people's breakfast. That's f****** rude, and a surefire way to piss people off. If you have a message, there are far better ways to send it than burning bridges and making people of all colors and creeds hate you. Just imagine if I had a political gripe and made it a point to disrupt your daily meals with screaming and a megaphone. After the 20th day of doing my level best to make life suck for you, are you going to sit there and be alright with it? Imagine if these same rude tactics were used against you, CC. Regardless of ideology, this tactic is an unwise one, and is the wrong way to go about causing change.

Wow...So lets get this straight. You see white and black people there but black people are the problem....ok?

They are "protesting wrong" and despite the fact that you dont believe they should be protesting at all, you have a better way of doing it that you forgot to type in that paragraph.

OH NO! NOT BREAKFAST! They shouldnt be inconvienced with facts about murder over an English Muffin! Guess what? Anyway any black person decides to say something about the system will "piss people off" so what?....Protests are about getting out a message, not about hoping that everyone loves you for it.
Part of the problem I'm seeing... is that these disrupters are more of a fringe element based on the #blackbrunch link.

I think they're not the same as the peaceful Michael Brown protesters. The signs and messages they carry are different, and some of what they're saying reminds me of the racist Malik Shabbaz nut.
Danny, not all black people are like these rabble-rousers. Please acknowledge that each group out there has bad apples.

Caption, the way these guys are going about this is completely wrong. Please stop justifying their s***** behavior. They're barging into businesses and disrupting people's breakfast. That's f****** rude, and a surefire way to piss people off. If you have a message, there are far better ways to send it than burning bridges and making people of all colors and creeds hate you. Just imagine if I had a political gripe and made it a point to disrupt your daily meals with screaming and a megaphone. After the 20th day of doing my level best to make life suck for you, are you going to sit there and be alright with it? Imagine if these same rude tactics were used against you, CC. Regardless of ideology, this tactic is an unwise one, and is the wrong way to go about causing change.

Wow...So lets get this straight. You see white and black people there but black people are the problem....ok?

They are "protesting wrong" and despite the fact that you dont believe they should be protesting at all, you have a better way of doing it that you forgot to type in that paragraph.

OH NO! NOT BREAKFAST! They shouldnt be inconvienced with facts about murder over an English Muffin! Guess what? Anyway any black person decides to say something about the system will "piss people off" so what?....Protests are about getting out a message, not about hoping that everyone loves you for it.

sunday morning------doing a protest in the faces of people who are eating breakfast------is not nice
Danny, not all black people are like these rabble-rousers. Please acknowledge that each group out there has bad apples.

Caption, the way these guys are going about this is completely wrong. Please stop justifying their s***** behavior. They're barging into businesses and disrupting people's breakfast. That's f****** rude, and a surefire way to piss people off. If you have a message, there are far better ways to send it than burning bridges and making people of all colors and creeds hate you. Just imagine if I had a political gripe and made it a point to disrupt your daily meals with screaming and a megaphone. After the 20th day of doing my level best to make life suck for you, are you going to sit there and be alright with it? Imagine if these same rude tactics were used against you, CC. Regardless of ideology, this tactic is an unwise one, and is the wrong way to go about causing change.

Wow...So lets get this straight. You see white and black people there but black people are the problem....ok?

They are "protesting wrong" and despite the fact that you dont believe they should be protesting at all, you have a better way of doing it that you forgot to type in that paragraph.

OH NO! NOT BREAKFAST! They shouldnt be inconvienced with facts about murder over an English Muffin! Guess what? Anyway any black person decides to say something about the system will "piss people off" so what?....Protests are about getting out a message, not about hoping that everyone loves you for it.

sunday morning------doing a protest in the faces of people who are eating breakfast------is not nice

I'm sorry I didnt realize it was on a Sunday :rolleyes: Republicans have shit on every protest that happened in the past 60 years and youre surprised they are shitting on another one hahahahaha
Wait, even the white people are black people? Poor diners were they ook? Was their meal unpalatable after hearing about black deaths at the hands of police officers?

We should be more sensitive to people
If we couldn't eat every time a black thug gets killed, we would literally starve.

Dont worry, you can still eat
Yeah, I don't lose my appetite when thugs get killed, that's why I put it in the conditional. I'm sure your food stamps will last longer if you lose yours though.

Yeah, this is constructive.

Congratulations, PC Police.

I really don't see the problem. they didn't go in there kicking things over. The like mentions that the 'momentarily' disrupted meals. That reads to me like they walked in, made a statement and walked out. Ohhhh, really must have messed up their days.

Kind of a silly way to protest but I don't really care all that much. Certainly better than the rioting that seems to be so damn popular nowadays.

It's what they are protesting as well as the way they are going about it.
In other words....You're going to screw up my lunch over some dead thug who got what he deserved?

Not quite the way I'd put it, but I agree with the point.

Both Garner and Brown resisted arrest. Both Garner and Brown were breaking the law. You can't get a leftie to admit this, because they're too busy ignoring those facts and pointing the finger elsewhere (which, of course, enables further bad behavior).

When you defend people who are breaking the law, well, you're not helping yourself.

Did the cops behave incorrectly? Yeah, that's my opinion, but ignoring law-breaking does not help your case.

Wait, even the white people are black people? Poor diners were they ook? Was their meal unpalatable after hearing about black deaths at the hands of police officers?

We should be more sensitive to people
If we couldn't eat every time a black thug gets killed, we would literally starve.

Dont worry, you can still eat
Yeah, I don't lose my appetite when thugs get killed, that's why I put it in the conditional. I'm sure your food stamps will last longer if you lose yours though.

Ok, I didnt think anything would get between you and a plate anyway

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