Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities

You have eyes, CC, and you know full well that I wasn't speaking only of black people when it comes to these childish tactics.

Sorry I used my eyes to see everyone else bring up blacks only. My bad I had the nerve to point that out. I'm sorry, not sorry.

That you seem to be ignoring this is indicative of you being dishonest in this thread while not being truly interested in a fair and honest discussion with everyone else here. What I do wonder is whether or not this is a typical thing. These select protesters are being stupid, disruptive, crazed, obnoxious, and annoying. They're a stain on the legacy of the black race. Whether you acknowledge it or not I don't care, because my message is far more important than your reception of it.

Wait, am I to use my eyes again and see you are once again making this about BLACKS Only? Or am I being dishonest by once again noticing this?

The underlined statement. FUCK YEAH, The message IS more important than your reception of it. YOU ARE RIGHT!

Now, hear me. I never said it was solely the fault of the black protesters within this group. There are lackeys within it that are being just as stupid, but they are far fewer in number and just as crazy.

No you just see it as a "stain on the legacy of the black race" :rolleyes" Totally reasonable

Did you not read their signs. or are you ignorant of what is being said by this group of people? These idiots have said that they can't be racist because they are black. They also use the term "white spaces," which is just as s***** and racist as saying "black spaces, etc. You know this. If you took an hour or two to actually read the #blackbrunch link, you would see that some in this group are saying that white people have no right to be in this country. That is racist, and just as wicked if the shoe were on the other foot.

If this is the totality of your problem "white spaces" and declarations of "I cant be racist" consider yourself lucky.

What they think is murder is explicitly a matter of opinion. If you think it is, that does not mean it is. Belief is not synonymous with fact, and each political side has its fair share of crazies, as history has shown. And furthermore, Mr. Caption, I could very well "believe" that some things are murder that you may not think are. See how faulty your naive declarations are? I feel you should step back and re-evaluate what you're saying, because what you so strongly believe may not actually be the case.

Ok you can believe murder is ok...Fine, congrats I guess

And as for your later segment I dismiss it outright, because I am not the same kind of person you're probably fond of debating. I do not automatically assume that every black man shot to death by police must have been a thug. Not all. Judgment rushes from the Right, like those from the Left, are detrimental and plain wrong. There are some cases that leave me wondering, as they should, but there are also cases that are pretty obvious and shouldn't be some rallying point for certain protesters to champion. Being shot for playing loud music is wrong, shooting into a dark stairway without knowing who's there is damned dubious, and strangling someone to death who was resisting arrest I do find excessive. That does not mean the other cases are legitimate, nor does it give these childish protesters a right to ruin other peoples' Sundays.

Great so if you think there is some "there there" then what you complaining about? someones goddam brunch? Be serious.

There certainly are those protesting justified use of deadly force, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. Someone tried running police down with a car and was shot dead, and I do remember hearing on the news that some protesters were throwing rocks about it.

I did hear that some Tea Party people called Obama a monkey but I'm constantly told they are "individuals" and shouldnt be judged as the attitude of all Teapers. Seems like different rules here

What you believe is murder may or may not actually be murder. It doesn't matter what you believe, but what can be ascertained as true based on the objective evidence. Are you really going to stand aside when some crazy conservative comes at you and screams about how some on your side of the aisle are murderers, and stand down because "oh, he believes it so it must be true. Let's be real here.

No thats stupid. I'm talking about actual murders...not someone believes murder

No sane and reasonable person cares about what these select protesters want. They give a bad name to black people, they give a bad name for civil protesters, and they give a bad name for humanity in general. Behaving like a low-life loser while messing with people's breakfast is a surefire way to get hated by everyone, including other black people and Leftists.

I'll use your own words here: Whether you acknowledge it or not I don't care, because my message is far more important than your reception of it.

You really think these patrons like spending $$$ for a good meal only to get screamed and shouted at mid-meal and harassed? What world are you living in where you have no consideration or respect for others? Who do you think you are? You have the right to behave like a vile piece of excrement, and you have every conceivable right to be mocked for decades to come.

I do hope your breakfast you paid for gets ruined in the same way by the people you ardently support. Wouldn't that be ironic.

Again: Whether you acknowledge it or not I don't care, because my message is far more important than your reception of it.
They're only going to alienate more people with this crappy behavior.
alienate upper middle class whites? oh my!

Take a gander at the people being harassed, and those responding back on Twitter.

It certainly isn't just upper class white people that are being alienated, Dante.
Now I want some bacon and eggs.

Same here, as long as no idiot disturbs the peace. :D

Hash browns and orange juice too, please! And hot coffee. :)
Two eggs over easy, hash browns scattered & smothered, bacon, wheat toast, a glass of water & coffee


We should go out for breakfast sometime.

I like fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice in the morning, too. Breakfast sans harassment sounds so good right about now.
Laurel Lieb ‏@laureldlieb 5m5 minutes ago
On what planet do ppl think interrupting others meals in restaurants is going to gain any sympathy for protestors? #

Army Vet ‏@oldusarmyvet 5m5 minutes ago
Motto for the so-called movement: "Because it's always someone else's fault." #blackbrunchnyc #

UnfortunateNecessity ‏@DireNecessity 5m5 minutes ago
#blackbrunch = RACIST mobs targeting "white people" for harassment : Try intimidation in (Ramos) Hispanic and (Lieu) Chinese neighborhoods
Oh on....White people have a problem with blacks exercising their rights? (not the white ones tho)

Shoulda just kept their mouth shut and indifference would've gone away a long time ago.

Speaking of personal responsibility. Its not their fault they are tired of hearing about murders....its black peoples fault. Take responsibility!....Black people!
The problem I see is the problem faced by blacks. Poverty and the social economic situation most find themselves in. Which leads to very little of a chance of making it out. Yes, many do and they do quite well for themselves, but a proportion never will.

I see the problem as being that these protests seem to me to indicate that blacks think that they are unfairly targeted by police, and I am not sure that is the case in the majority of the incidents. Were either of the two black killed recently killed because they were black or because they were doing something illegal?

What I see happening is that these protests are putting both black and white police officer's lives at risk. I see less law enforcement in predominately black communities. I see distrust between blacks and whites growing. I do not see the situation improving because of these protests.

Ever thought that the blacks that don't do well cause a lot of it themselves? The illegitimate birth rate among blacks is over 70%.

If the protests are about blacks indating they think they are unfairly targeted by police, why don't they protest and do what they do at teh police stations? Burning down and looting businesses that have nothing to do with why they say they are protesting makes no sense. It's hard to trust someone who says they are being mistreated then target things that aren't part of where they say the mistreatment if coming from.
There's a reason negroes only loot and burn down businesses in their own shitholes. B/c the innocent lady who runs the local beauty salon is too shit scared to call the cops. The feral sub-humans know this. They are fucking low-life cowards who always act in mobs. Not one of them has the spine to take on someone individually.
If I had been eating brunch and a fucking mob of negroes came in and ONE of them fucking touched me that person would be fucking dead now.
That is a growing sentiment among Whites. One day soon the shit will hit the fan and they'll be forty feral negroes piled up dead in a deli somewhere.

They do it because they know bleeding hearts in government will provide them with someone else's money to rebuild it under the concept of "community redevelopment". I recently saw it where I lived. About 40 years ago a Section 8 housing project was built in the town where I lived and where a well known race pimp is from. The apartment complex was named after him. It became a shithole very quickly thanks to the residents that occupied it. Crime was rampant. Recently, they were rebuilt with taxpayer money. I'm guessing it will turn out the same as crime is still rampant in it.
They're only going to alienate more people with this crappy behavior.
alienate upper middle class whites? oh my!

Take a gander at the people being harassed, and those responding back on Twitter.

It certainly isn't just upper class white people that are being alienated, Dante.
Twitter? High end diners?

Get a life!
You;re black or white trash if you think there are high-end diners. That's either funny or sad.
Nothing will help your cause more than screaming at people who are just trying to relax and have a meal.

Yep, I'm definitely onboard now !
They're only going to alienate more people with this crappy behavior.
alienate upper middle class whites? oh my!

Take a gander at the people being harassed, and those responding back on Twitter.

It certainly isn't just upper class white people that are being alienated, Dante.
Twitter? High end diners?

Get a life!
You;re black or white trash if you think there are high-end diners. That's either funny or sad.
restaurant Lallisse is in Murray Hill? I worked for a friend and business partner of Steve Jobs who lived in Murray Hill
They're only going to alienate more people with this crappy behavior.
alienate upper middle class whites? oh my!

Take a gander at the people being harassed, and those responding back on Twitter.

It certainly isn't just upper class white people that are being alienated, Dante.
Twitter? High end diners?

Get a life!
You;re black or white trash if you think there are high-end diners. That's either funny or sad.
restaurant Lallisse is in Murray Hill? I worked for a friend and business partner of Steve Jobs who lived in Murray Hill
So that means you are white trash or black? Not clear.
Nothing will help your cause more than screaming at people who are just trying to relax and have a meal.

Yep, I'm definitely onboard now !

The same people who object to the protests now object to the protests? Wow, thats a shocker

They can protest all they want, but when a mob of any race enters a restaurant and starts disrupting diners, don't be surprised if those trying to dine aren't happy about the disruption.

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