Black Monopolize Wanted Posters

Everyday I drive to work and along the highway there are wanted posters on a few billboards. The prep on the billboard is always Black and is always wanted for homicide. Literally 99% are black. I think there was one white guy wanted for drug trafficking and one Hispanic for rape! All the rest are thuggish looking ni##ers!

The realist knows why, blacks are predisposed towards violence and have no mercy for their victims. Yet the liberal and black race hustler will say it is racism. Yep it is racism that blacks kill each other and other races in droves!
Wherever you have high concentrations of blacks, you find high crime rates. This is not only true in the USA, it is true around the world. However, stating this fact gets one labelled a racist.

Compare the crime rates of Iceland to say the Ivory Coast. Iceland is 100% white and Ivory Coast is 100% black.

Iceland - 1 murder per 300,000 people
Ivory Coast - 56.9 murders per 100,000
No. Iceland is not 100% white nor is the Ivory Coast 100% Black. You racists are illiterate or you are liars. Most likely you are both.

Research it please before posting ignorance.
I dont have to research it. I already corrected you.
You didn't correct anything smokey.

Why not compare the lslands of Haiti and Jamica with Iceland? Both Haiti and Jamica are crime infested shitholes with black populations north of 95% and Iceland has a white population north of 99%.

Jamica and Haiti have many more natural advantages in tropical temperatures then Iceland, but the people of those countries blow it!

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