"Black" Names

Shut your mouth.

You put a 100 regular untrained unarmed white man, similar age, size n build against 100 equivalent blk men, n they're told to go at it.

Those white men would get beaten to within an inch of their lives.

And you know it.

White men know not to go 1 on 1 on with a blk man on a fair one. You'll get fked up. You wouldn't do shit.

That's a nice little fantasy world you live in.

My experience has shown that blacks want no part of a fight with anyone of any other race unless they enjoy at least a 3 to 1 advantage. Yeah, they're real brave...

White supreamacist are fking cowards. Look at the white supreamacist who killed 16 ppl in Canada today. Just typical white Male coward fking pussy shit.

Where does it say anywhere that the shooter in Canada was a white "supreamacist" [sic]?

Why do you feel you have to lie?

That is not true. Some of the best professional boxers in history have been black.

One opponent, one referee, no help from anyone else.

Have you ever boxed competitively?

No; I would presume that most people haven't. Then again, I don't believe that boxing is what Paul Essien, the dipshit I was conversing with, was talking about.

I've been in plenty of fights in my day. Far more often than not, when the fight would be with a black guy, the black guy runs away unless he's got others to fight alongside him.

Essien seems to think that blacks are just better natural fighters, and they're not...
Whites are fking pussy cowards unless they have n advantage. Even bk in day, when the Klan would lynch blk ppl 1 on 1. They all came tooled up.

Fk outta here. You put a white man in a room full of black men, man, they'd b shitting themselves, unless they had n advantage.

White men don't step to black men on a fair one. Coz u know what wood happen. Ud get your fkin face caved in.

Hmmm, we see hundreds of videos of black gangs attacking randome people, white, other blacks, hispanics, and Asians, but we don't see a similar amount of videos of white people doing the same kind of cowardly shit like your famous "knock out game".

In other words, you are an imbecile, and look at you all acting tough, and threatening people. What a clown!

And a wimp. Bitch....
lol. The UCR annual hate crime numbers do not reflect all these attacks you talk about. Every year they show that the exact opposite of what you say is true.
"My experience has shown that blacks want no part of a fight with anyone of any other race unless they enjoy at least a 3 to 1 advantage. Yeah, they're real brave..."

I really don't think somebody white should be making this kind of comment.

Well, perhaps you should leave the "thinking" part to those who are good at it...

Like I said, I think whites like you need to shut the fuck up about this kind of thing.

Not going to happen. We will be in your face, forever.
"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

Hmmmm, hiding racism behind stats. What does that mean. I wonder. When an idiot, like you, posts "all white people are racist" that is a blanket racist statement. When you claim that whitey runs from black dudes, and that in a stand up fight a black dude will beat a white dude....bbeeeeecause he's black.....that is racist. So, we see, yet again, that you, and im2 are the real racists here.

Thanks for pointing that out again.
No, you are the real racist. The stats you point out are fake. Your false equivalence is noted. You look for weak shit to claim our racism when we are talking about a system that was created by whites to deny us of equal rights that has lasted for close to 250 years. Paul making statements about blacks whipping whites is not the same as implementing laws and public policy designed to insure that people who are not white can have the same opportunity as whites. If a blanket statement was all that stood in our way, we wouldn't whine about racism like your punk white ass. But white blanket statements turn into white over incarceration, black unemployment, less funds for black community development, education and health care.

When blacks start doing that to whites for 243 years, come talk to us about our racism. Until then you can shut the fuck up with that whining.

Nobody's been doing a fuckin' thing to you for 243 years, so piss off...
You put a white man in a room full of black men, man, they'd b shitting themselves, unless they had n advantage.

Of course, because that's the only time blacks have the balls to confront a white man.

One on one? Your nary little black ass would be runnin' like a bitch. You don't have the balls to fight a white man one on one...

White men don't step to black men on a fair one. Coz u know what wood happen. Ud get your fkin face caved in.

Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy.

With a group, though? This is what these pigs do:

One of my oldest, dearest friends happens to be black. You should hear how he talks about little shits like you...

We all can find a film and lie. This forum is an example of how whites have operated. You guys gang up on blacks who oppose your racism and that's because you can't even debate one on one.

Oh, I'm more than happy to debate one on one.

Bring it on...

I doubt if you are. There are other threads here. Come on in.

You challenged me here, we debate here.

Or you can just admit to what everyone here already seems to know: That you're nothing but a racist pussy.

Your choice...
You put a white man in a room full of black men, man, they'd b shitting themselves, unless they had n advantage.

Of course, because that's the only time blacks have the balls to confront a white man.

One on one? Your nary little black ass would be runnin' like a bitch. You don't have the balls to fight a white man one on one...

White men don't step to black men on a fair one. Coz u know what wood happen. Ud get your fkin face caved in.

Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy.

With a group, though? This is what these pigs do:

One of my oldest, dearest friends happens to be black. You should hear how he talks about little shits like you...

We all can find a film and lie. This forum is an example of how whites have operated. You guys gang up on blacks who oppose your racism and that's because you can't even debate one on one.

Oh, I'm more than happy to debate one on one.

Bring it on...

I doubt if you are. There are other threads here. Come on in.

You challenged me here, we debate here.

Or you can just admit to what everyone here already seems to know: That you're nothing but a racist pussy.

Your choice...

I am not going to debate about black names. I have to laugh at a bunch of stormfront homosexuals calling someone a racist. LOL!
"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

Hmmmm, hiding racism behind stats. What does that mean. I wonder. When an idiot, like you, posts "all white people are racist" that is a blanket racist statement. When you claim that whitey runs from black dudes, and that in a stand up fight a black dude will beat a white dude....bbeeeeecause he's black.....that is racist. So, we see, yet again, that you, and im2 are the real racists here.

Thanks for pointing that out again.
No, you are the real racist. The stats you point out are fake. Your false equivalence is noted. You look for weak shit to claim our racism when we are talking about a system that was created by whites to deny us of equal rights that has lasted for close to 250 years. Paul making statements about blacks whipping whites is not the same as implementing laws and public policy designed to insure that people who are not white can have the same opportunity as whites. If a blanket statement was all that stood in our way, we wouldn't whine about racism like your punk white ass. But white blanket statements turn into white over incarceration, black unemployment, less funds for black community development, education and health care.

When blacks start doing that to whites for 243 years, come talk to us about our racism. Until then you can shut the fuck up with that whining.

Nobody's been doing a fuckin' thing to you for 243 years, so piss off...
Like I have said white fragility boy, when blacks do to whites what whites have done to blacks for 243 years come talk to us about our racism. And don't try that shit with me saltine. You know good and fucking well what I am talking about and your denial of it is the same thing your parents, grandparents and great grandparents did. Therefore you are doing the same thing they did.
"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

Hmmmm, hiding racism behind stats. What does that mean. I wonder. When an idiot, like you, posts "all white people are racist" that is a blanket racist statement. When you claim that whitey runs from black dudes, and that in a stand up fight a black dude will beat a white dude....bbeeeeecause he's black.....that is racist. So, we see, yet again, that you, and im2 are the real racists here.

Thanks for pointing that out again.
No, you are the real racist. The stats you point out are fake. Your false equivalence is noted. You look for weak shit to claim our racism when we are talking about a system that was created by whites to deny us of equal rights that has lasted for close to 250 years. Paul making statements about blacks whipping whites is not the same as implementing laws and public policy designed to insure that people who are not white can have the same opportunity as whites. If a blanket statement was all that stood in our way, we wouldn't whine about racism like your punk white ass. But white blanket statements turn into white over incarceration, black unemployment, less funds for black community development, education and health care.

When blacks start doing that to whites for 243 years, come talk to us about our racism. Until then you can shut the fuck up with that whining.

Nobody's been doing a fuckin' thing to you for 243 years, so piss off...
Like I have said white fragility boy, when blacks do to whites what whites have done to blacks for 243 years come talk to us about our racism. And don't try that shit with me saltine. You know good and fucking well what I am talking about and your denial of it is the same thing your parents, grandparents and great grandparents did. Therefore you are doing the same thing they did.

"White fragility boy?


Oh, I get it. Those names were supposed to offend me, right?

LOL!! That's pretty pathetic on your part. Like I could give a shit what some douchebag on the internet calls me.

See, you have to matter to me for me to care, and you don't. I mean, if you dropped dead right now, I wouldn't care.

Like, at all...
"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

Hmmmm, hiding racism behind stats. What does that mean. I wonder. When an idiot, like you, posts "all white people are racist" that is a blanket racist statement. When you claim that whitey runs from black dudes, and that in a stand up fight a black dude will beat a white dude....bbeeeeecause he's black.....that is racist. So, we see, yet again, that you, and im2 are the real racists here.

Thanks for pointing that out again.
No, you are the real racist. The stats you point out are fake. Your false equivalence is noted. You look for weak shit to claim our racism when we are talking about a system that was created by whites to deny us of equal rights that has lasted for close to 250 years. Paul making statements about blacks whipping whites is not the same as implementing laws and public policy designed to insure that people who are not white can have the same opportunity as whites. If a blanket statement was all that stood in our way, we wouldn't whine about racism like your punk white ass. But white blanket statements turn into white over incarceration, black unemployment, less funds for black community development, education and health care.

When blacks start doing that to whites for 243 years, come talk to us about our racism. Until then you can shut the fuck up with that whining.

Paul making statements about anything is just lame. Like him. Your cute facts, aren't. They are fantasy derived from loons, like you, who want freebies because you are lazy bums.
I remember 2 female hood rats the company I worked for was forced to hire in order to fill the government mandated minority quota. They both had the requisite ghetto names like Shaniqua and Starquisha with attitude to match.

Unfortunately, they were on my production line and I was their supervisor. One day I ask one of them to move some material to another area. She responded with, "who are you to tell me what to do?", and I said "because I'm your boss". (and had been for several weeks)

I finally got feed up and went to HR and complained about their laziness and substandard work. I also told HR that in my opinion, all these two women wanted to do was work there long enough to qualify for unemployment and possibly sue the company for something, anything.

HR told me there was nothing they could do. The company had to keep them.

And guess what? Both of them quit at the same time and them sued the company for some kind of BS racial discrimination. Thankfully the judge saw their nonsense was bogus and threw the case out of court. ....:thup:

You're so full of shit.
You put a white man in a room full of black men, man, they'd b shitting themselves, unless they had n advantage.

Of course, because that's the only time blacks have the balls to confront a white man.

One on one? Your nary little black ass would be runnin' like a bitch. You don't have the balls to fight a white man one on one...

White men don't step to black men on a fair one. Coz u know what wood happen. Ud get your fkin face caved in.

Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy.

With a group, though? This is what these pigs do:

One of my oldest, dearest friends happens to be black. You should hear how he talks about little shits like you...

We all can find a film and lie. This forum is an example of how whites have operated. You guys gang up on blacks who oppose your racism and that's because you can't even debate one on one.

Oh, I'm more than happy to debate one on one.

Bring it on...

I doubt if you are. There are other threads here. Come on in.

You challenged me here, we debate here.

Or you can just admit to what everyone here already seems to know: That you're nothing but a racist pussy.

Your choice...

I am not going to debate about black names. I have to laugh at a bunch of stormfront homosexuals calling someone a racist. LOL!

There is no debate on stupid black names. They are universally thought of as classless, corny and just plain dumb.
Canon Shooter
"Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy"

The history of boxing shows blk guy will generally fk up a white guy in 1 on 1 unarmed combat.

Hell even MMA n UFC the best guys r blk.

BITCH - I'd fuckin kill you !!!!
Canon Shooter
"Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy"

The history of boxing shows blk guy will generally fk up a white guy in 1 on 1 unarmed combat.

Hell even MMA n UFC the best guys r blk.

BITCH - I'd fuckin kill you !!!!

Canon Shooter
"Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy"

The history of boxing shows blk guy will generally fk up a white guy in 1 on 1 unarmed combat.

Hell even MMA n UFC the best guys r blk.

BITCH - I'd fuckin kill you !!!!
I thought I told you two racist idiots to grow up. Single combat is not about race. Never has been. If we're talking about boxing, historically it has been an indicator of what groups are poor and desperate enough to try and make a living that way.
Just to reiterate, anyone with actual experience in some form of single combat (in the context of sports, not actually killing people) knows that there is no place for racist nonsense because one man wins and one man loses, having to do with skill, strength, conditioning, strategy, speed, determination, but most certainly not some bullshit made up idea of 'race.'
"I thought I told you two racist idiots to grow up. Single combat is not about race. Never has been. If we're talking about boxing, historically it has been an indicator of what groups are poor and desperate"

You wanna go 1 on 1 with the great 1 ?

Coz I'd show you what unarmed combat is about.

I'd give you a fight you wouldn't believe.
"I thought I told you two racist idiots to grow up. Single combat is not about race. Never has been. If we're talking about boxing, historically it has been an indicator of what groups are poor and desperate"

You wanna go 1 on 1 with the great 1 ?

Coz I'd show you what unarmed combat is about.

I'd give you a fight you wouldn't believe.

Sure you would! You have no idea what you're saying! :lol:
"I thought I told you two racist idiots to grow up. Single combat is not about race. Never has been. If we're talking about boxing, historically it has been an indicator of what groups are poor and desperate"

You wanna go 1 on 1 with the great 1 ?

Coz I'd show you what unarmed combat is about.

I'd give you a fight you wouldn't believe.

Yeah, and you believe my 5 foot 5 black ex-son-in-law mechanic can whip the ass of my current 6 foot 7 white son-in-law firefighter. Keep thinking your stupidity. It's hilarious!
"Sure you would! You have no idea what you're saying!"

The Babylonians once believed man was created from the essence of divine energy, mana, blood or in some cases a strong breath from a powerful deity.

These gladiators surely understand on a subconscious level that what they do may someday cause them great harm.

If the polytheistic ancestors from Babylon put faith in man to depict portions of their fabled greatness through combat then are you able 2 b given a seat at a table exhibiting the finest ambrosia of ancient delicacies ?

I AM !!

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