"Black" Names

Admiral Rockwell Tory
"Yeah, and you believe my 5 foot 5 black ex-son-in-law mechanic can whip the ass of my current 6 foot 7 white son-in-law firefighter. Keep thinking your stupidity. It's hilarious!"

The aftermath of Admiral Rockwell Tory getting in Paul Essiens face

View attachment 328327
This what your friends would be like.

"Yeah he was n asshole that Admiral Rockwell Tory I didnt wish death on him though, but he pushed essien to far and he paid the price"


View attachment 328432

Who is making you guilty ?

If it don't apply to you, then why are you getting defensive ?

No person has ever been able to give an example of anything anyone has said that promoted white people feeling guilty.

It's completely in your head. It's a big impotent rage party going on inside of you.

Maybe you just can't bear white people being seen in negative light ?

And it's the old


But frankly. I agree with you. Most whites are like guy in that picture when it comes racism.

Black ppl have long realized that whites have heart of stone when it comes to blk ppl.

So don't EVER think I'm trying to persuade you or appeal to any compassion.

Don't EVER think that.

You hear me ?

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true.

So I agree with that whites feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it.

In fact they ENJOY ( secretly ) the doings of the past BECAUSE of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.

The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.
"Only 3 out of the UFCs Champions are black. The current heavyweight boxing champion of the world is a white Irishman. You dont know what youre talking about"

Jon Jones.
Yep, he is 1 of the 3 black champions out of 11 total champions. Most of their champions are NOT black.

The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it.
Actually before Jones, Anderson Silva was considered the GOAT.


And the fact here is that right now the majority of blacks who fight professionally are boxers. The MMA is a relatively new sport to America and if you wanted to be honest about martial arts as a sport, it probably has not been historically dominated by whites.
"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

"Your pretense that every white is a white supremacists is just you being a racist asshole"

Another white supremacist tactic. Always accuse the person of what you are yourself.

I used to know this white supremacist guy who was affiliated to some group for more than 20 years.

He is open with me. He is proud to be a white racist and finds guys like you hilarious just like I do.

He calls guys like you “cowards” and “whimps”. Words of a racist, not mine.

And no, he is not a junkie, drunk, alchoholic, unemployed or any of that. He is educated, has his own business etc. But still, he finds guys like you pathetic and extremely funny, and I must agree with him on this one.

Guy like you and westwall n harmonica n mudwhistle n Admiral Rockwell Tory who like to hid their racism behind "stats"

You know this kinda racism means, you can slip it into conversation at the cocktail parties, “by the way, I am realistic about race n when you look at the facts.....”, unlike “by the way, I am a racist”

You know most people will laugh at you if you say you are a racist.

You also know that you might get into a real fight for that. I mean real, physical fight.

But as long as you can act civilized, talk about “science” "DOJ stats" you can still sneak around the halls of Academia and b safe.

The big question is the same my that real racist dude I know asks when he is listening n reading guys like you or reading your “scientific” babbling.

What are these guys affraid of??

I think you are not there yet. For some very strange reason you are not proud of what you really are: White racists defending the rights of the white race.

Hmmmm, hiding racism behind stats. What does that mean. I wonder. When an idiot, like you, posts "all white people are racist" that is a blanket racist statement. When you claim that whitey runs from black dudes, and that in a stand up fight a black dude will beat a white dude....bbeeeeecause he's black.....that is racist. So, we see, yet again, that you, and im2 are the real racists here.

Thanks for pointing that out again.
No, you are the real racist. The stats you point out are fake. Your false equivalence is noted. You look for weak shit to claim our racism when we are talking about a system that was created by whites to deny us of equal rights that has lasted for close to 250 years. Paul making statements about blacks whipping whites is not the same as implementing laws and public policy designed to insure that people who are not white can have the same opportunity as whites. If a blanket statement was all that stood in our way, we wouldn't whine about racism like your punk white ass. But white blanket statements turn into white over incarceration, black unemployment, less funds for black community development, education and health care.

When blacks start doing that to whites for 243 years, come talk to us about our racism. Until then you can shut the fuck up with that whining.

Nobody's been doing a fuckin' thing to you for 243 years, so piss off...
Like I have said white fragility boy, when blacks do to whites what whites have done to blacks for 243 years come talk to us about our racism. And don't try that shit with me saltine. You know good and fucking well what I am talking about and your denial of it is the same thing your parents, grandparents and great grandparents did. Therefore you are doing the same thing they did.
Again, nobody alive today treated blacks badly for 243 years. You talk like all whites are alike. What people did in the past is NOT give anyone else, aka blacks, the right to be racist towards whites. You make excuses because of the past, which we did not do. Racism doesn't mean each race has to be treated badly for the same amount of time in history.

View attachment 328432

Who is making you guilty ?

If it don't apply to you, then why are you getting defensive ?

No person has ever been able to give an example of anything anyone has said that promoted white people feeling guilty.

It's completely in your head. It's a big impotent rage party going on inside of you.

Maybe you just can't bear white people being seen in negative light ?

And it's the old

View attachment 328448

But frankly. I agree with you. Most whites are like guy in that picture when it comes racism.

Black ppl have long realized that whites have heart of stone when it comes to blk ppl.

So don't EVER think I'm trying to persuade you or appeal to any compassion.

Don't EVER think that.

You hear me ?

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains.

Most would never admit it.

But deep down they know it’s true.

So I agree with that whites feel no guilt about the past and how they benefit from it.

In fact they ENJOY ( secretly ) the doings of the past BECAUSE of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.

The white man feels no burden to anyone but himself.
You don't know most whites, so you lied.

View attachment 328432

Who is making you guilty ?

If it don't apply to you, then why are you getting defensive ?


You and IM2, are talking a lot of crazy shit about all white people being white supremacist or racist or some shit like that.

The only way such crazy talk is ever treated as having ANY weight, is when the whites nearby, are stupid libs wallowing in white guilt, and play along.

So, I just wanted to let you know, that I have none of that so all that talk, where you pretend that all whites are white supremacists, I just consider the worst type of nonsense.
Canon Shooter
"Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor"

And it should be noted that art doesnt depict life

View attachment 328382

This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being Floyd being smaller, ten years older at nearly 40, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch he landed snapped Conor's head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish b*tch into deep waters and drowned him
If Conor had been allowed to use elbows knees and kicks, Mayweather wouldnt have lasted more than 5 rounds. Mayweather only won because they were playing a game, rather than having a real fight. Conor wins a real fight every time against Mayweather.
"Only 3 out of the UFCs Champions are black. The current heavyweight boxing champion of the world is a white Irishman. You dont know what youre talking about"

Jon Jones.
Yep, he is 1 of the 3 black champions out of 11 total champions. Most of their champions are NOT black.

The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it.
Actually before Jones, Anderson Silva was considered the GOAT.

View attachment 328452

And the fact here is that right now the majority of blacks who fight professionally are boxers. The MMA is a relatively new sport to America and if you wanted to be honest about martial arts as a sport, it probably has not been historically dominated by whites.
This guy was more of a GOAT than Silva.

"Only 3 out of the UFCs Champions are black. The current heavyweight boxing champion of the world is a white Irishman. You dont know what youre talking about"

Jon Jones.
Yep, he is 1 of the 3 black champions out of 11 total champions. Most of their champions are NOT black.

The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it.
Actually before Jones, Anderson Silva was considered the GOAT.

View attachment 328452

And the fact here is that right now the majority of blacks who fight professionally are boxers. The MMA is a relatively new sport to America and if you wanted to be honest about martial arts as a sport, it probably has not been historically dominated by whites.
MMA has been dominated by white people since the beginning. There have been elite fighters of all races, but most of the elites have been white. That is simply a fact.
"Only 3 out of the UFCs Champions are black. The current heavyweight boxing champion of the world is a white Irishman. You dont know what youre talking about"

Jon Jones.
Yep, he is 1 of the 3 black champions out of 11 total champions. Most of their champions are NOT black.

The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it.
Actually before Jones, Anderson Silva was considered the GOAT.

View attachment 328452

And the fact here is that right now the majority of blacks who fight professionally are boxers. The MMA is a relatively new sport to America and if you wanted to be honest about martial arts as a sport, it probably has not been historically dominated by whites.
MMA has been dominated by white people since the beginning. There have been elite fighters of all races, but most of the elites have been white. That is simply a fact.

Yes, but that is only because it is a sport that whites like more. If more blacks competed the ratio would change. Once again, it's not about the fighters color, it's about their skill set, and their tactics on the day.
Canon Shooter
"Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor"

And it should be noted that art doesnt depict life

View attachment 328382

This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being Floyd being smaller, ten years older at nearly 40, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch he landed snapped Conor's head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish b*tch into deep waters and drowned him
If Conor had been allowed to use elbows knees and kicks, Mayweather wouldnt have lasted more than 5 rounds. Mayweather only won because they were playing a game, rather than having a real fight. Conor wins a real fight every time against Mayweather.
*If* white supreamacist are the biggest *if* ppl in the world.

Look. There is a simple way to resolve this.

What does the MMA fighter train that a boxer also similarly trains? STAND UP.

Basically u can't prove anything about Whose the better fighter when u make it a boxing match or mma rules fight.

Rather put them in a K1 fight with MMA gloves, stand up rules( punching , kicking , elbows knees ) , in this way the boxer doesn't have to worry about ground fighting and with the mma gloves punching power.

The MMA fighter can use his knees elbows kicks and is used to MMA gloves.

Mayweather would still have won.
Canon Shooter
"Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor"

And it should be noted that art doesnt depict life

View attachment 328382

This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being Floyd being smaller, ten years older at nearly 40, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch he landed snapped Conor's head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish b*tch into deep waters and drowned him
If Conor had been allowed to use elbows knees and kicks, Mayweather wouldnt have lasted more than 5 rounds. Mayweather only won because they were playing a game, rather than having a real fight. Conor wins a real fight every time against Mayweather.
*If* white supreamacist are the biggest *if* ppl in the world.

Look. There is a simple way to resolve this.

What does the MMA fighter train that a boxer also similarly trains? STAND UP.

Basically u can't prove anything about Whose the better fighter when u make it a boxing match or mma rules fight.

Rather put them in a K1 fight with MMA gloves, stand up rules( punching , kicking , elbows knees ) , in this way the boxer doesn't have to worry about ground fighting and with the mma gloves punching power.

The MMA fighter can use his knees elbows kicks and is used to MMA gloves.

Mayweather would still have won.
Youve lost your god damn mind if you think Mayweather wins a K1 match against Conor. He would leg kick him to death, which would keep him far away from Mayweather's fragile pillow hands. All that pretty head movement wont do him a lick of good, and the range you get from kicks would be unlike anything Mayweather has ever experienced. He would constantly be out of position. The boxers stance is a leg kickers dream come true.

When it comes to Muay Thai, We’ve got one major difference, Kicks! If you stand in your boxing stance and try to spar in muay thai, you’ll quickly learn that legs kicks hurt.

Your lead leg will be be a sitting target for heavy low kicks and you wont be able to defend kicks to the body.

If sparring your partner will be wearing shin pads, in a fight they will not. Not only will keeping the lead leg forward lead to you getting kicked a lot, you will also be open to sweeps that will land you on your ass fast.

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Canon Shooter
"Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor"

And it should be noted that art doesnt depict life

View attachment 328382

This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being Floyd being smaller, ten years older at nearly 40, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch he landed snapped Conor's head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish b*tch into deep waters and drowned him
If Conor had been allowed to use elbows knees and kicks, Mayweather wouldnt have lasted more than 5 rounds. Mayweather only won because they were playing a game, rather than having a real fight. Conor wins a real fight every time against Mayweather.
*If* white supreamacist are the biggest *if* ppl in the world.

Look. There is a simple way to resolve this.

What does the MMA fighter train that a boxer also similarly trains? STAND UP.

Basically u can't prove anything about Whose the better fighter when u make it a boxing match or mma rules fight.

Rather put them in a K1 fight with MMA gloves, stand up rules( punching , kicking , elbows knees ) , in this way the boxer doesn't have to worry about ground fighting and with the mma gloves punching power.

The MMA fighter can use his knees elbows kicks and is used to MMA gloves.

Mayweather would still have won.
Youve lost your god damn mind if you think Mayweather wins a K1 match against Conor. He would leg kick him to death, which would keep him far away from Mayweather's fragile pillow hands. All that pretty head movement wont do him a lick of good, and the range you get from kicks would be unlike anything Mayweather has ever experienced. He would constantly be out of position. The boxers stance is a leg kickers dream come true.

When it comes to Muay Thai, We’ve got one major difference, Kicks! If you stand in your boxing stance and try to spar in muay thai, you’ll quickly learn that legs kicks hurt.

Your lead leg will be be a sitting target for heavy low kicks and you wont be able to defend kicks to the body.

If sparring your partner will be wearing shin pads, in a fight they will not. Not only will keeping the lead leg forward lead to you getting kicked a lot, you will also be open to sweeps that will land you on your ass fast.

Yup, Mayweather is great at shulkin and jiving, and looking pretty, but an mma fighter, fighting an mma fight, would demolish him.

That's not a slight on Mayweather, he just has never trained for that sort of fight.
Canon Shooter
"Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor"

And it should be noted that art doesnt depict life

View attachment 328382

This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being Floyd being smaller, ten years older at nearly 40, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch he landed snapped Conor's head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish b*tch into deep waters and drowned him
If Conor had been allowed to use elbows knees and kicks, Mayweather wouldnt have lasted more than 5 rounds. Mayweather only won because they were playing a game, rather than having a real fight. Conor wins a real fight every time against Mayweather.
*If* white supreamacist are the biggest *if* ppl in the world.

Look. There is a simple way to resolve this.

What does the MMA fighter train that a boxer also similarly trains? STAND UP.

Basically u can't prove anything about Whose the better fighter when u make it a boxing match or mma rules fight.

Rather put them in a K1 fight with MMA gloves, stand up rules( punching , kicking , elbows knees ) , in this way the boxer doesn't have to worry about ground fighting and with the mma gloves punching power.

The MMA fighter can use his knees elbows kicks and is used to MMA gloves.

Mayweather would still have won.
Youve lost your god damn mind if you think Mayweather wins a K1 match against Conor. He would leg kick him to death, which would keep him far away from Mayweather's fragile pillow hands. All that pretty head movement wont do him a lick of good, and the range you get from kicks would be unlike anything Mayweather has ever experienced. He would constantly be out of position. The boxers stance is a leg kickers dream come true.

When it comes to Muay Thai, We’ve got one major difference, Kicks! If you stand in your boxing stance and try to spar in muay thai, you’ll quickly learn that legs kicks hurt.

Your lead leg will be be a sitting target for heavy low kicks and you wont be able to defend kicks to the body.

If sparring your partner will be wearing shin pads, in a fight they will not. Not only will keeping the lead leg forward lead to you getting kicked a lot, you will also be open to sweeps that will land you on your ass fast.

Yup, Mayweather is great at shulkin and jiving, and looking pretty, but an mma fighter, fighting an mma fight, would demolish him.

That's not a slight on Mayweather, he just has never trained for that sort of fight.
We were talking about K1, which is kickboxing. He would absolutely lose if it was kickboxing, but if it was an MMA fight, Mayweather loses in the first round with ease.
Youve lost your god damn mind if you think Mayweather wins a K1 match against Conor.

If Mayweather trained in MMA. He would have a good chance of beating Conor. We are talking about Floyd Mayweather.

2 punches on the chin and it’s nite nite for McGregor.

McGregor better take him down in the first 45seconds because if he tries to act tough and trade he will be put to sleep.

Everyone SAW the difference in striking when they fought.

McGregor is a level 2 pity pat striker floyd is on level 10 accuracy and power.

A boxer can kill with thick gloves and that has been the case in the past.

Imagine a boxer without gloves ?Just one punch and you'll end up in hospital

I don't see it being a walkover for McGregor.

He would leg kick him to death, which would keep him far away from Mayweather's fragile pillow hands.

And that would be Conor's downfall bcoz Floyd would bring in dozens of sparring partners whose job it was 2 kick and try n take him down.

Everyone said the same thing about 50 year old Ray Mercer. But he ktfo of Sylvia.

All that pretty head movement wont do him a lick of good, and the range you get from kicks would be unlike anything Mayweather has ever experienced.

Floyd has a better chance at winning in an Octagon fight, than Connor had or still has, in a boxing ring.

He would constantly be out of position. The boxers stance is a leg kickers dream come true.

You're not getting this are you ?

Mayweather would train for it.

Floyd is by far the best and sharpest boxer there has been in recent memory.

If he took the time to learn how to throw knees, block them, throw elbows, block them, throw kicks, block them, and avoid takedowns, he could do it.

Throwing elbows, kicks, knees is not rocket science.
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Rather put them in a K1 fight with MMA gloves, stand up rules( punching , kicking , elbows knees ) , in this way the boxer doesn't have to worry about ground fighting and with the mma gloves punching power.

The MMA fighter can use his knees elbows kicks and is used to MMA gloves.

Mayweather would still have won.

Again, get off the weed, kid.
Because grappling tops all forms of unarmed combat.

Grappling is a poor form of combat if there is more than one attacker.

It's also a poor form of combat if you need to take people out quickly.

Grappling is non striking.

So you have to get close to someone. Getting close sum1 in life n death fight can go the wrong way even for a pro wrestler.

Me ? I prefer the striking. Then you can take ppl out quickly.
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Ignorant kid. The main function of gloves is to protect the boxer's hands, dumbass.

And what has you telling me the main function of a boxer's glove got to do with anything I said ?

Stop straw manning. You know what straw manning dont you ?

It's where a person makes up an argument that no one said and then thinks hes making a point by knocking down the argument, despite no one bringing that argument.
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