"Black" Names

Admiral Rockwell Tory
"Yeah, and you believe my 5 foot 5 black ex-son-in-law mechanic can whip the ass of my current 6 foot 7 white son-in-law firefighter. Keep thinking your stupidity. It's hilarious!"

The aftermath of Admiral Rockwell Tory getting in Paul Essiens face


This what your friends would be like.

"Yeah he was n asshole that Admiral Rockwell Tory I didnt wish death on him though, but he pushed essien to far and he paid the price"
Canon Shooter
"Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy"

The history of boxing shows blk guy will generally fk up a white guy in 1 on 1 unarmed combat.

Hell even MMA n UFC the best guys r blk.

BITCH - I'd fuckin kill you !!!!
Only 3 out of the UFCs Champions are black. The current heavyweight boxing champion of the world is a white Irishman.

You dont know what youre talking about.
"Only 3 out of the UFCs Champions are black. The current heavyweight boxing champion of the world is a white Irishman. You dont know what youre talking about"

Jon Jones.
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"Only 3 out of the UFCs Champions are black. The current heavyweight boxing champion of the world is a white Irishman. You dont know what youre talking about"

Jon Jones.
Yep, he is 1 of the 3 black champions out of 11 total champions. Most of their champions are NOT black.

The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it.
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Canon Shooter
"Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy"

The history of boxing shows blk guy will generally fk up a white guy in 1 on 1 unarmed combat.

Hell even MMA n UFC the best guys r blk.

BITCH - I'd fuckin kill you !!!!

You're funny, but in a tragically funny kind of way.

I'd hit you so hard you'd shit your diaper...
Fedor in his prime would beat anyone who ever lived in a hand to hand combat. There has never been a greater fighter.

"I thought I told you two racist idiots to grow up. Single combat is not about race. Never has been. If we're talking about boxing, historically it has been an indicator of what groups are poor and desperate"

You wanna go 1 on 1 with the great 1 ?

Coz I'd show you what unarmed combat is about.

I'd give you a fight you wouldn't believe.

Undoubtedly I'd be standing there saying "I can't believe he thinks this is a fight".

See, this is why you're foolish. You keep talking about boxing and MMA. Well, see, there are rules in boxing and MMA. When I fight, there are no rules. I got into a mix with this wannabe rastafarian piece of shit who thought he was going to "box" me. As his dreads swung around, I grabbed them, and pulled on them as hard as I could, and pulled that whiny little bitch into a concrete wall.

Fight over.

When I fight there are no rules...
Fedor in his prime would beat anyone who ever lived in a hand to hand combat. There has never been a greater fighter.

Great fighter.

Mean as Hell, tough as nails, and one of the most respectful people to ever step into the ring. Rarely, if ever, did he ever gloat over a win...
"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.
"Sure you would! You have no idea what you're saying!"

The Babylonians once believed man was created from the essence of divine energy, mana, blood or in some cases a strong breath from a powerful deity.

These gladiators surely understand on a subconscious level that what they do may someday cause them great harm.

If the polytheistic ancestors from Babylon put faith in man to depict portions of their fabled greatness through combat then are you able 2 b given a seat at a table exhibiting the finest ambrosia of ancient delicacies ?

I AM !!
Put down the bong and go take a nap.
"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.
Tyson and Fedor weighed in roughly at the same weight (220ish). Fedor would smoke Mike Tyson in a street fight though. Mike has no idea how to grapple, and Fedor is one of the greatest grapplers ever.

Prime Fedor vs Jones is a terrible match-up for Jones. I cant see Jones winning that fight.
Tyson and Fedor weighed in roughly at the same weight (220ish). Fedor would smoke Mike Tyson in a street fight though. Mike has no idea how to grapple, and Fedor is one of the greatest grapplers ever.

Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match.

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor...
Canon Shooter
"Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor"

And it should be noted that art doesnt depict life


This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being Floyd being smaller, ten years older at nearly 40, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch he landed snapped Conor's head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish b*tch into deep waters and drowned him
You're one stupid motherfucker, I'll give you that.

McGregor's not a boxer. THAT'S why he lost the fight. He was actually ahead on all judges cards early in the fight.

Mayweather refused to step into the octagon because he's not an MMA fighter. McGregor would've ripped him to pieces, and Mayweather knows it. You can question the wisdom of McGregor getting into a boxing ring, but he pocketed around $130 million for doing so, and that's tough to argue with.

I'll state with conviction that you didn't even watch that fight. If you had, you'd never say something as stupid as
"Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say "Round 7”, “Round 8”, “Round 9”, “Round 10” ", because the fight was stopped by the referee in the tenth round, you stupid fuck.

Oh, and lastly, McGregor has said he's willing to fight Mayweather again, but Mayweather has said he wants no part of that.

Doesn't sound too fuckin' brave to me...
Canon Shooter
"You're one stupid motherfucker, I'll give you that"


Canon Shooter
"McGregor's not a boxer. THAT'S why he lost the fight"

But McGregor wasnt talking like that b4 the fight.

Canon Shooter
"Mayweather refused to step into the octagon because he's not an MMA fighter. McGregor would've ripped him to pieces, and Mayweather knows it.

Na son. Mayweather would have done this in a cage too.


But. Look of course floyd wouldn't step into the octagon at FORTY and no experience in it because it's a dumb idea. It doesn't even make competitive sense and neither did this fight.

Canon Shooter
"You can question the wisdom of McGregor getting into a boxing ring, but he pocketed around $130 million for doing so, and that's tough to argue with"

Look. Floyd was minding his own business retired. It was Mcgregor with all that mouth that SOUGHT out a fight. That's not balls that's: inflated ego, greed.

You're giving McGregor way to much credit for basically pulling a Steve-o from jackass.

Canon Shooter
"I'll state with conviction that you didn't even watch that fight"

Mother fker ! I'm a student of WAR !

That's all I ever studied. The art of fighting. The art of war. Of course I watched the fight.

You're not just talking to a huge boxing fan. You're talking to a boxing nerd.

Canon Shooter
"If you had, you'd never say something as stupid as
"Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say "Round 7”, “Round 8”, “Round 9”, “Round 10” ", because the fight was stopped by the referee in the tenth round, you stupid fuck.:"

Eh ? Conor still heard the ref say round 10 imbecile.

Canon Shooter
"He was actually ahead on all judges cards early in the fight"

And that comes bk to my point of Conor never hearing a ref say "round 9, 10". He didn't have good conditioning.

Canon Shooter
"McGregor has said he's willing to fight Mayweather again"

Don't they all ?

And that's why Mayweather is 50 - 0. But I'm not a huge fan of MMA but if you like watching two guys lay on top of each other in spandex's, all sweaty then go a head and watch MMA
Na son. Mayweather would have done this in a cage too.

View attachment 328410

Made up pictures are meaningless...

Floyd was minding his own business retired. It was Mcgregor with all that mouth that SOUGHT out a fight. That's not balls that's: inflated ego, greed.

Hey, I'm not about to argue that McGregor's a loudmouth.

But the fact of the matter is that Mayweather wanted nothing to do with the octagon...

Mother fker ! I'm a student of WAR !

LOLOL!!! Oh my God, someone make this motherfucker stop... LOLOL!!!!

That's all I ever studied. The art of fighting. The art of war. Of course I watched the fight.

You're not just talking to a huge boxing fan. You're talking to a boxing nerd.

Maybe you should've studied shit like math and science and English and, you know, gotten a real education so you wouldn't have to live in your Mommy's basement...

Canon Shooter
"If you had, you'd never say something as stupid as
"Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say "Round 7”, “Round 8”, “Round 9”, “Round 10” ", because the fight was stopped by the referee in the tenth round, you stupid fuck.:"

Eh ? Conor still heard the ref say round 10 imbecile.

And you just said he didn't.

I believe there's an imbecile here. And that imbecile would be you...

"McGregor has said he's willing to fight Mayweather again"

Don't they all ?

Mayweather's too big a pussy to step back into the ring...

And that's why Mayweather is 50 - 0. But I'm not a huge fan of MMA but if you like watching two guys lay on top of each other in spandex's, all sweaty then go a head and watch MMA

I actually don't watch much of it, but I can still understand when someone like you is full of shit when they try to discuss it intelligently...

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