"Black" Names

Canon Shooter
"Exactly. It's like when Floyd Mayweather fought Conor McGregor in a boxing match. Blacks saw it as proof positive that Mayweather was the best ever, yet they ignored that he beat a guy who's not a boxer in a boxing match

It should be noted that Mayweather refused to get into the octagon with McGregor"

And it should be noted that art doesnt depict life

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This fight showed that MMA power is very overrated and MMA chins are very weak. Even if they would have let Connor use his 4oz mma gloves, he still couldn't hurt Floyd.

Floyd did something Conor hadn't seen before : stalked him down, stalked him, stalked him, stalked him.

He didn't let Conor get the separation he wanted for his longer punches and counter punches, made him miss, and basically didn't have to throw for 3 rounds.

Despite being Floyd being smaller, ten years older at nearly 40, two years away and carrying those brittle hands, literally EVERY punch he landed snapped Conor's head back and everyone was saying Floyd punches are not gonna hurt Conor because he's accustomed to taking shin bones to the face.

Yet every punch Floyd landed snapped Conor's stupid potato head backwards. Once Floyd turned up the pressure, Conor was out on his feet.

Conor has never heard the ref in a fight say

“Round 7”
“Round 8”
“Round 9”
“Round 10”

So Floyd simply took the Irish b*tch into deep waters and drowned him
If Conor had been allowed to use elbows knees and kicks, Mayweather wouldnt have lasted more than 5 rounds. Mayweather only won because they were playing a game, rather than having a real fight. Conor wins a real fight every time against Mayweather.
*If* white supreamacist are the biggest *if* ppl in the world.

Look. There is a simple way to resolve this.

What does the MMA fighter train that a boxer also similarly trains? STAND UP.

Basically u can't prove anything about Whose the better fighter when u make it a boxing match or mma rules fight.

Rather put them in a K1 fight with MMA gloves, stand up rules( punching , kicking , elbows knees ) , in this way the boxer doesn't have to worry about ground fighting and with the mma gloves punching power.

The MMA fighter can use his knees elbows kicks and is used to MMA gloves.

Mayweather would still have won.
Youve lost your god damn mind if you think Mayweather wins a K1 match against Conor. He would leg kick him to death, which would keep him far away from Mayweather's fragile pillow hands. All that pretty head movement wont do him a lick of good, and the range you get from kicks would be unlike anything Mayweather has ever experienced. He would constantly be out of position. The boxers stance is a leg kickers dream come true.

When it comes to Muay Thai, We’ve got one major difference, Kicks! If you stand in your boxing stance and try to spar in muay thai, you’ll quickly learn that legs kicks hurt.

Your lead leg will be be a sitting target for heavy low kicks and you wont be able to defend kicks to the body.

If sparring your partner will be wearing shin pads, in a fight they will not. Not only will keeping the lead leg forward lead to you getting kicked a lot, you will also be open to sweeps that will land you on your ass fast.

Yup, Mayweather is great at shulkin and jiving, and looking pretty, but an mma fighter, fighting an mma fight, would demolish him.

That's not a slight on Mayweather, he just has never trained for that sort of fight.
We were talking about K1, which is kickboxing. He would absolutely lose if it was kickboxing, but if it was an MMA fight, Mayweather loses in the first round with ease.
Not really since striking is part of mma.
So is grappling. Conor would take him down with ease and then it would be all over.

As I have said, boxers come off the streets, they have grappled. And to grapple you have to get inside. By the time he tried getting into Mayweather to grapple, he would have gotten punched in the head 50 timers and probably knocked out. You just can't rush a boxer. But lets stop talking about Mayweather and put him against a boxer his age and who is fighting right now. Terrence Crawford would fuck McGregor up in both disciplines. McGregor got his ass kicked by Nurimageddov, so lets stop talking like McGregor can't be beat. And I don't think he wants any part of Jon Jones.
"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.

Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.
Mike Tyson would end Fedor in a street fight. We are talking about a street fight. No rules and that's where D'Amato found Tyson. a 15 year old kid fighting on the streets for food.

Ignorant kid. The main function of gloves is to protect the boxer's hands, dumbass.

And what has you telling me the main function of a boxer's glove got to do with anything I said ?

Stop straw manning. You know what straw manning dont you ?

It's where a person makes up an argument that no one said and then thinks hes making a point by knocking down the argument, despite no one bringing that argument.
Boxers, especially defensive boxers, are at a disadvantage when they go to smaller gloves. You cant turtle up the same way with 4 oz gloves, so many of their defensive instincts are dangerous. Shoulder rolling is a major problem for boxers in MMA too. Those giant 12 oz gloves in boxing can be deflected by shoulder rolling, but MMA gloves will slip past the shoulder and catch you clean. Boxers have a lot of instincts that will get them hurt in MMA.
Striking is part of the MMA and most MMA fighters lack good striking skills. Their defense against punches are bad as most of then keep their hands low. I used to wrestle and you just can't shoot double legs against champion boxers without getting punched in the head. Nor are you going to get to walk up on them and tie them up trying to gain inside control in order to get a trip or a throw. And you can use your legs all you want, but usually when MMA fighters throw legs low, they open themselves up for getting counter punched. The MMA isn't all that and showing a video of a fat, old, out of shape James Toney isn't the argument to use in order to defend the MMA.
Canon Shooter
"Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy"

The history of boxing shows blk guy will generally fk up a white guy in 1 on 1 unarmed combat.

Hell even MMA n UFC the best guys r blk.

BITCH - I'd fuckin kill you !!!!

If that's your face in your avi I guarantee you that would run and hide. You remind me of the billy bob Thornton character in Tombstone, all mouth, no balls.
IM2 it is not that one man can beat the shit out of another. It is the technology that wins. One tough black guy or others may go into a TV center and beat the crap out of the whole dais of people spouting their political views. That is true. One of those guys on a dais who is weak can use a machine gun to take out 20 tough black guys or others and not even break a sweat. That is the way of empires also. China having the same technology as us in many ways. Better in some less in others, used a bit of it and seems to have brought us to our knees. Of course it is not over yet, we hope.
Some people don't consider weapons of war as great technology.
Canon Shooter
"Listen up, Cindy. Don't talk to me about how badass you think black guys are. Left to defend themselves, they're largely complete pussies. They'll run away like little chickenshits before squaring off with a single white guy"

The history of boxing shows blk guy will generally fk up a white guy in 1 on 1 unarmed combat.

Hell even MMA n UFC the best guys r blk.

BITCH - I'd fuckin kill you !!!!

If that's your face in your avi I guarantee you that would run and hide. You remind me of the billy bob Thornton character in Tombstone, all mouth, no balls.
IM2 it is not that one man can beat the shit out of another. It is the technology that wins. One tough black guy or others may go into a TV center and beat the crap out of the whole dais of people spouting their political views. That is true. One of those guys on a dais who is weak can use a machine gun to take out 20 tough black guys or others and not even break a sweat. That is the way of empires also. China having the same technology as us in many ways. Better in some less in others, used a bit of it and seems to have brought us to our knees. Of course it is not over yet, we hope.
Some people don't consider weapons of war as great technology.
Its power though. IM2, world history is not of peace with periods of war. Its more like war with periods of peace. Internal conflict is constant in this world.
As I have said, boxers come off the streets, they have grappled. And to grapple you have to get inside. By the time he tried getting into Mayweather to grapple, he would have gotten punched in the head 50 timers and probably knocked out. You just can't rush a boxer. But lets stop talking about Mayweather and put him against a boxer his age and who is fighting right now. Terrence Crawford would fuck McGregor up in both disciplines. McGregor got his ass kicked by Nurimageddov, so lets stop talking like McGregor can't be beat. And I don't think he wants any part of Jon Jones.
No one in the history of the world has learned grappling in the streets. You learn grappling by drilling techniques over and over again with a partner who isnt trying to hurt you.

This is what happens when you try to learn grappling "in the streets". You have no idea how to defend a heel hook so your shit gets broken.

...and you absolutely can rush a boxer and take him down. If he is dumb enough to try and hit you "50 times" as you come in for a double or single leg take down, he is going down for sure. You defend take downs with your hands and underhooks. If you are punching, you cant do that.

Khabib beat Conor with grappling. He is a superior grappler to Conor, but his superiority isnt even close to the experience difference between an untrained grappler like Mayweather of Crawford against Conor. Conor would eat those boxers lunch if they tried grappling with him.
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"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.

Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.
Mike Tyson would end Fedor in a street fight. We are talking about a street fight. No rules and that's where D'Amato found Tyson. a 15 year old kid fighting on the streets for food.
Fedor made his bones by beating the best in the world at the World Sambo Championships in Russia, for multiple consecutive years. In sambo they wear gi's, so they are trained perfectly for street fights because, people are generally wearing clothes in street fights. Mike Tyson would have no idea how to defend against an Ogoshi throw (Fedor is a master of the Ogoshi throw), and once Tyson is on the ground his punching power is no longer a factor.

Your shirt or coat becomes a weapon for an experienced gi grappler.

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Because grappling tops all forms of unarmed combat.

Paul Essien
Grappling is a poor form of combat if there is more than one attacker.

So is every other form of unarmed combat.

Dumb shit.

Let's take what Steven Segal specialises in "Akido" a master in that could waste five guys in ten seconds. There guys who know how to lock or snap your wrist in seconds.

It's brutal, brutal martial art. Same with Krav Maga or Mutay Thai. There are many guys who could fk up most guys on there knees or even sitting down.
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Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.
"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.

Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.
Mike Tyson would end Fedor in a street fight. We are talking about a street fight. No rules and that's where D'Amato found Tyson. a 15 year old kid fighting on the streets for food.
Fedor made his bones by beating the best in the world at the World Sambo Championships in Russia, for multiple consecutive years. In sambo they wear gi's, so they are trained perfectly for street fights because, people are generally wearing clothes in street fights. Mike Tyson would have no idea how to defend against an Ogoshi throw (Fedor is a master of the Ogoshi throw), and once Tyson is on the ground his punching power is no longer a factor.

Your shirt or coat becomes a weapon for an experienced gi grappler.

Sambo wrestling depends on being able to use clothing to trip and throw. Before you can trip or throw you have to establish an inside hand position. Fedor would get hit by a Tyson bomb trying to do that and it would be over. I used to wrestle. Collegiate style, freestyle and greco roman. We played around with sambo a few times in summer practices but there is no way Fedor in his prime is going to be able to grab Tyson in his prime and throw him without taking a straight punch. Mike Tyson was 5'11 230 pounds of rock. He was a very strong man,. so don't think Fedor was just going to walk up on tyson and muscle him into some kind of throw.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Mike Tyson punched a hole in a hotel wall and you could see outside through the hole. If he hit a man in the face with 4 oz gloves full power he's breaking bones.
As I have said, boxers come off the streets, they have grappled. And to grapple you have to get inside. By the time he tried getting into Mayweather to grapple, he would have gotten punched in the head 50 timers and probably knocked out. You just can't rush a boxer. But lets stop talking about Mayweather and put him against a boxer his age and who is fighting right now. Terrence Crawford would fuck McGregor up in both disciplines. McGregor got his ass kicked by Nurimageddov, so lets stop talking like McGregor can't be beat. And I don't think he wants any part of Jon Jones.
No one in the history of the world has learned grappling in the streets. You learn grappling by drilling techniques over and over again with a partner who isnt trying to hurt you.

This is what happens when you try to learn grappling "in the streets". You have no idea how to defend a heel hook so your shit gets broken.

...and you absolutely can rush a boxer and take him down. If he is dumb enough to try and hit you "50 times" as you come in for a double or single leg take down, he is going down for sure. You defend take downs with your hands and underhooks. If you are punching, you cant do that.

Khabib beat Conor with grappling. He is a superior grappler to Conor, but his superiority isnt even close to the experience difference between an untrained grappler like Mayweather of Crawford against Conor. Conor would eat those boxers lunch if they tried grappling with him.

Son, I wrestled competitively at the collegiate level as a young man. I know how to defend against a double leg and single leg. You are not just going to get to shoot on a world class boxer without getting hit. Most likely with an uppercut. I defended many a shot by sprawling and a hard cross face.

Mayweather is a trained fighter. If you put you arms down too low, he will bust you with 5 jabs to the face. You have to get inside of them to wrestle, you would get hit with all manner of bombs trying to do that against a world class championship boxer. They train too and they wouldn't need to grapple with Mcgregor to beat him.
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Look, there are plenty of tough, hard nosed white men out there. But when whites like you guys want to diss us talking about how we can't fight unless we have a group, well that's been proven to be a lie in boxing and in MMA. Same with football. Most of the hardest hitters and most violent running backs in the NFL have been black. Night Train Lane made the rules change because he was trying to break necks. Dick Butkus was hard, but he doesn't compare to Ray Lewis. Doug Plank would bust you up, but then there is Jack Tatum. You can talk about Cszonka, but we can talk about Earl Campbell or Jim Brown. So just drop the whites are badder than everyone argument because it ain't so.

Dude. You have this silly idea that Fedor would just throw Tyson ground and job done.

You really think itd be that easy ?
You really think Tyson wouldn't come prepared for that ?
You really think Tyson can't grapple himself ?

Boxers are used to pain. You get knockdown in boxing and your allowed to get bk up n fight. In MMA first sign of danger n the ref calls it off.

Fact is: Fedor would have to fight with Tyson. Hed have throw hands.

This is what you're not getting.

Even Fedor n his team wouldnt be stupid to focus on being a one trick pony n 100% focus on getting Tyson to the ground.

And by the way. Tyson was a fking RHINO. He was doing 10reps in a minute of 160kg deadlifts at sixteen.

Most men, even guys who go the gym would struggle to do one 160kg deadlift, never mind 10.

But yet you think it's just gonna be so easy for Fedor to ground Tyson so easy?

You dont know fighting.
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"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.

Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.
Mike Tyson would end Fedor in a street fight. We are talking about a street fight. No rules and that's where D'Amato found Tyson. a 15 year old kid fighting on the streets for food.

No, he really wouldn't. Fedor has a chin like no other, and he too grew up in a dog eat dog world.

Add to that fedor is far more rounded as a fighter and there is no one who could beat him in his prime.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Mike Tyson punched a hole in a hotel wall and you could see outside through the hole. If he hit a man in the face with 4 oz gloves full power he's breaking bones.

That's not that impressive. I have done that when I was mad.
"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.

Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.
Mike Tyson would end Fedor in a street fight. We are talking about a street fight. No rules and that's where D'Amato found Tyson. a 15 year old kid fighting on the streets for food.
Fedor made his bones by beating the best in the world at the World Sambo Championships in Russia, for multiple consecutive years. In sambo they wear gi's, so they are trained perfectly for street fights because, people are generally wearing clothes in street fights. Mike Tyson would have no idea how to defend against an Ogoshi throw (Fedor is a master of the Ogoshi throw), and once Tyson is on the ground his punching power is no longer a factor.

Your shirt or coat becomes a weapon for an experienced gi grappler.

Finally, someone who knows what he's talking about! :beer:

Let's take what Steven Segal specialises in "Akido" a master in that could waste five guys in ten seconds. There guys who know how to lock or snap your wrist in seconds.

It's brutal, brutal martial art. Same with Krav Maga or Mutay Thai. There are many guys who could fk up most guys on there knees or even sitting down.

Hold crap, you are painfully ignorant, kid. Your 'experience' is clearly limited to watching bad movies. That you could proclaim that aikido is "a brutal, brutal martial art" really says it all about your level of understanding.

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