"Black" Names

I have written in this space previously that much of Black "inequality" can be reasonably attributed to voluntary behaviors by individual Blacks - mainly bastardy, school drop-out tendency, and petty criminality - and I have recently come upon another one, also a total mystery to me.

It is "common knowledge" in the Black community that having a "Black" name can often lead to, for example, employment applications being discarded, and other similar forms of discrimination. Indeed, I have read some first-person accounts of white people having Black-sounding names (e.g., "Jamal") and experiencing such discrimination "unfairly"(?).

And yet, the trend toward bizarre Christian names among Blacks seems to be increasing as time goes by.

Malik. LaShonda. Trayvon. LaToya. Names with mis-placed capital letters, and apostrophes. I pity the inner-city Kindergarten teacher who must address these children in school for the first time, trying to figure out how to pronounce some of these bizarre names, and to do so without laughing. I have occasionally thought that mothers invent them in the hope that one day the child will be a mega-super-star of one form or another who can be known simply by that first name. Shaquille. OJ. Michael. Et cetera. (Oops. Has anybody used that one?)

But seriously, is this not an utterly stupid thing to do? Why would you - even potentially - saddle your kid with a name that will label him/her as Black, sight unseen, for the rest of his or her life, knowing that it is likely that the name will result in negative discrimination in at least some circumstances? You might as well put a tattoo on your child's forehead saying, "My Mother is an Idiot."

Were I a Black parent, I would go to the other extreme, naming my kid with the most Wasp-ish name I could imagine ("Chatsworth Osborne Smith"), in the hope that it might open a door somewhere in the future. If you want to CALL your kid something more creative, knock yourself out. But to put "D'boneHead" on a Birth Certificate is almost criminally stupid.

"Christian" names?

I have no problem with Malik or Trayvon. But when a set of parents deliberately names their son "Plaxico" I do have to question what the fuck they were thinking.
Good Football player
Won us a Super Bowl

Is that before or after the dumb ass shot himself?
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.
On that night Douglas would have beat Fedor. Douglas was not a chump junior, the average man would have got destroyed by Douglass. Fedor was not trained to go 12 rounds. Ever. And Tyson took blows for 8-9 rounds before he got knocked out by Douglass. I have seen Fedors fights in his prime. He was far too slow to beat Tyson.
Douglas won because Tyson barely trained for that fight and was doing coke throughout his "training camp". Tyson in his prime destroys anyone you can name, in boxing.
No, Muhammad Ali would do to Tyson like he did Joe Frazier, but it would be that type of great fight.
I have written in this space previously that much of Black "inequality" can be reasonably attributed to voluntary behaviors by individual Blacks - mainly bastardy, school drop-out tendency, and petty criminality - and I have recently come upon another one, also a total mystery to me.

It is "common knowledge" in the Black community that having a "Black" name can often lead to, for example, employment applications being discarded, and other similar forms of discrimination. Indeed, I have read some first-person accounts of white people having Black-sounding names (e.g., "Jamal") and experiencing such discrimination "unfairly"(?).

And yet, the trend toward bizarre Christian names among Blacks seems to be increasing as time goes by.

Malik. LaShonda. Trayvon. LaToya. Names with mis-placed capital letters, and apostrophes. I pity the inner-city Kindergarten teacher who must address these children in school for the first time, trying to figure out how to pronounce some of these bizarre names, and to do so without laughing. I have occasionally thought that mothers invent them in the hope that one day the child will be a mega-super-star of one form or another who can be known simply by that first name. Shaquille. OJ. Michael. Et cetera. (Oops. Has anybody used that one?)

But seriously, is this not an utterly stupid thing to do? Why would you - even potentially - saddle your kid with a name that will label him/her as Black, sight unseen, for the rest of his or her life, knowing that it is likely that the name will result in negative discrimination in at least some circumstances? You might as well put a tattoo on your child's forehead saying, "My Mother is an Idiot."

Were I a Black parent, I would go to the other extreme, naming my kid with the most Wasp-ish name I could imagine ("Chatsworth Osborne Smith"), in the hope that it might open a door somewhere in the future. If you want to CALL your kid something more creative, knock yourself out. But to put "D'boneHead" on a Birth Certificate is almost criminally stupid.

"Christian" names?

I have no problem with Malik or Trayvon. But when a set of parents deliberately names their son "Plaxico" I do have to question what the fuck they were thinking.
Good Football player
Won us a Super Bowl

Is that before or after the dumb ass shot himself?

Well to be fair if my parents named me friggin' "Plaxico" I'd want to shoot myself too.
Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.

Get the fk outta here dude.

Mixed martial artist are generalists. They dont have power and that was shown in the McGregor Mayweather fight.

Gregor is considered a KO puncher in the MMA world. He is UFC's hardest 155 pound puncher fight, yet his punching power is laughable in the boxing world.

He was getting his head snapped bk by Mayweather who is known to be a light hitter. Floyd ate Conors punches up like a midnight snack.

Mayweather is a defensive genius, slipping, shoulder rolling, make you miss n countering.

But against McGregor he felt he didnt need to use any of that.

Mayweather wasn't avoiding a lot of shots he was simply laughing at them as he kept the pressure on.

More should have been made of the fact that McGregor (20+ pounds bigger and 11 years younger) spent the last 5 rounds running and looking for a place to hide in the ring. He was helpless in there and the feather fisted smaller guy just kept coming.

Put Conor in with a young, prime boxing champion his same weight like Canelo and the difference in punching power and ability to take a punch would be so wide apart as to be ridiculous.

When it comes to punching power and chin the best pro boxers beat the best MMA guys their weight by a mile. That's why they are champion boxers making many times more money per fight than the best UFC fighters make.

So getting bk to Tyson n Fedor

Tyson would INVITE fedor to hit him. If you can't take a punch as a boxer you get weeded out real fast.

I can't say this point enough. If a prime Tyson punched Fedor with 4oz gloves.

I'm not saying this for my argument.

But I'm not even sure I'd allow the fight to be happen. Tyson would cause horrific damage to fedor.

Majority of MMA guys come from wrestling, bjj, judo, and other grappling backgrounds. A lot of these guys don't get punched until they are over 18 years old.
This is true.
As I have said, boxers come off the streets, they have grappled. And to grapple you have to get inside. By the time he tried getting into Mayweather to grapple, he would have gotten punched in the head 50 timers and probably knocked out. You just can't rush a boxer. But lets stop talking about Mayweather and put him against a boxer his age and who is fighting right now. Terrence Crawford would fuck McGregor up in both disciplines. McGregor got his ass kicked by Nurimageddov, so lets stop talking like McGregor can't be beat. And I don't think he wants any part of Jon Jones.
No one in the history of the world has learned grappling in the streets. You learn grappling by drilling techniques over and over again with a partner who isnt trying to hurt you.

This is what happens when you try to learn grappling "in the streets". You have no idea how to defend a heel hook so your shit gets broken.

...and you absolutely can rush a boxer and take him down. If he is dumb enough to try and hit you "50 times" as you come in for a double or single leg take down, he is going down for sure. You defend take downs with your hands and underhooks. If you are punching, you cant do that.

Khabib beat Conor with grappling. He is a superior grappler to Conor, but his superiority isnt even close to the experience difference between an untrained grappler like Mayweather of Crawford against Conor. Conor would eat those boxers lunch if they tried grappling with him.

Son, I wrestled competitively at the collegiate level as a young man. I know how to defend against a double leg and single leg. You are not just going to get to shoot on a world class boxer without getting hit. Most likely with an uppercut. I defended many a shot by sprawling and a hard cross face.

Mayweather is a trained fighter. If you put you arms down too low, he will bust you with 5 jabs to the face. You have to get inside of them to wrestle, you would get hit with all manner of bombs trying to do that against a world class championship boxer. They train too and they wouldn't need to grapple with Mcgregor to beat him.

Randy Coutre took down James Toney, a world champion heavy weight boxer, without getting hit by a single blow. He did it on the first try.

This happens EVERY time a boxer goes up against an elite wrestler.

James Toney was fat, old and out of shape. Toney was never even really a heavyweight. I wrestled in college against future olympians and a couple of eventual world champs. I am saying that you are not just going to get to walk up on a boxer and get take downs. You are going to have to set him up by boxing and that's where you have a problem. Had Couture boxed Lennix Lewis who ran the decision when Toney was boxing, he would have had major problems trying to get in close enough to take down 6'6 inch Lewis.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.
IF he hits Fedor before the clinch. Once the clinch happens, the fight is already over.

Not really. Tyson can punch in the clinch and fedor would have to get inside position in order to throw Tyson. That's a matter of pummeling and boxers pummel too.
Aikido is almost a fake martial art. It doesnt generally work well in a real fight. There are many videos online where you can see these guys fail, but the biggest indicator that it doesnt work is, not one aikido practitioner exists in MMA. If it really worked, people would be making money with it.

Once again. Like Unkotare you're making a straw man argument.

That is your creating an argument that I did not say and then knocking down the argument.

For one there is no such as a fake martial art.

If you master ANY form of combat sport you'd be able to beat 99% of civilians. That was my point.

Not comparing aikido to other martial arts or its merit in the UFC.

My point was a master in Aikido is going to be far more effective against more than 1 attacker than a grappler ever would.
Show me the proof. Show me one video of effective aikido use. Not one of the many bullshit videos of "masters" throwing around their cooperative students. Im talking about one real video, even against a single person.
I have written in this space previously that much of Black "inequality" can be reasonably attributed to voluntary behaviors by individual Blacks - mainly bastardy, school drop-out tendency, and petty criminality - and I have recently come upon another one, also a total mystery to me.

It is "common knowledge" in the Black community that having a "Black" name can often lead to, for example, employment applications being discarded, and other similar forms of discrimination. Indeed, I have read some first-person accounts of white people having Black-sounding names (e.g., "Jamal") and experiencing such discrimination "unfairly"(?).

And yet, the trend toward bizarre Christian names among Blacks seems to be increasing as time goes by.

Malik. LaShonda. Trayvon. LaToya. Names with mis-placed capital letters, and apostrophes. I pity the inner-city Kindergarten teacher who must address these children in school for the first time, trying to figure out how to pronounce some of these bizarre names, and to do so without laughing. I have occasionally thought that mothers invent them in the hope that one day the child will be a mega-super-star of one form or another who can be known simply by that first name. Shaquille. OJ. Michael. Et cetera. (Oops. Has anybody used that one?)

But seriously, is this not an utterly stupid thing to do? Why would you - even potentially - saddle your kid with a name that will label him/her as Black, sight unseen, for the rest of his or her life, knowing that it is likely that the name will result in negative discrimination in at least some circumstances? You might as well put a tattoo on your child's forehead saying, "My Mother is an Idiot."

Were I a Black parent, I would go to the other extreme, naming my kid with the most Wasp-ish name I could imagine ("Chatsworth Osborne Smith"), in the hope that it might open a door somewhere in the future. If you want to CALL your kid something more creative, knock yourself out. But to put "D'boneHead" on a Birth Certificate is almost criminally stupid.

"Christian" names?

I have no problem with Malik or Trayvon. But when a set of parents deliberately names their son "Plaxico" I do have to question what the fuck they were thinking.
Are you okay with Braxton? Or Paxton?

Personally, I think it's cruel to name your child after the sound of a cat coughing up a hairball. I'd probably rather have Plaxico. Then I could have siblings named Texaco and Mexico and we'd all rhyme.
As I have said, boxers come off the streets, they have grappled. And to grapple you have to get inside. By the time he tried getting into Mayweather to grapple, he would have gotten punched in the head 50 timers and probably knocked out. You just can't rush a boxer. But lets stop talking about Mayweather and put him against a boxer his age and who is fighting right now. Terrence Crawford would fuck McGregor up in both disciplines. McGregor got his ass kicked by Nurimageddov, so lets stop talking like McGregor can't be beat. And I don't think he wants any part of Jon Jones.
No one in the history of the world has learned grappling in the streets. You learn grappling by drilling techniques over and over again with a partner who isnt trying to hurt you.

This is what happens when you try to learn grappling "in the streets". You have no idea how to defend a heel hook so your shit gets broken.

...and you absolutely can rush a boxer and take him down. If he is dumb enough to try and hit you "50 times" as you come in for a double or single leg take down, he is going down for sure. You defend take downs with your hands and underhooks. If you are punching, you cant do that.

Khabib beat Conor with grappling. He is a superior grappler to Conor, but his superiority isnt even close to the experience difference between an untrained grappler like Mayweather of Crawford against Conor. Conor would eat those boxers lunch if they tried grappling with him.

Son, I wrestled competitively at the collegiate level as a young man. I know how to defend against a double leg and single leg. You are not just going to get to shoot on a world class boxer without getting hit. Most likely with an uppercut. I defended many a shot by sprawling and a hard cross face.

Mayweather is a trained fighter. If you put you arms down too low, he will bust you with 5 jabs to the face. You have to get inside of them to wrestle, you would get hit with all manner of bombs trying to do that against a world class championship boxer. They train too and they wouldn't need to grapple with Mcgregor to beat him.

Randy Coutre took down James Toney, a world champion heavy weight boxer, without getting hit by a single blow. He did it on the first try.

This happens EVERY time a boxer goes up against an elite wrestler.

James Toney was fat, old and out of shape. Toney was never even really a heavyweight. I wrestled in college against future olympians and a couple of eventual world champs. I am saying that you are not just going to get to walk up on a boxer and get take downs. You are going to have to set him up by boxing and that's where you have a problem. Had Couture boxed Lennix Lewis who ran the decision when Toney was boxing, he would have had major problems trying to get in close enough to take down 6'6 inch Lewis.

Why would a boxer be good at defending take downs from elite wrestlers? That is preposterous. That would be like saying an elite wrestler would do well in a boxing match against a professional boxer. Neither one is trained to do the others sport.
Aikido is almost a fake martial art. It doesnt generally work well in a real fight. There are many videos online where you can see these guys fail, but the biggest indicator that it doesnt work is, not one aikido practitioner exists in MMA. If it really worked, people would be making money with it.

Once again. Like Unkotare you're making a straw man argument.

That is your creating an argument that I did not say and then knocking down the argument.

For one there is no such as a fake martial art.

If you master ANY form of combat sport you'd be able to beat 99% of civilians. That was my point.

Not comparing aikido to other martial arts or its merit in the UFC.

My point was a master in Aikido is going to be far more effective against more than 1 attacker than a grappler ever would.
Show me the proof. Show me one video of effective aikido use. Not one of the many bullshit videos of "masters" throwing around their cooperative students. Im talking about one real video, even against a single person.

Real Aikido masters have no illusions of being street fighters or any of that nonsense from bad movies. Real Aikido masters recognize the art for what it is, and that is quite valuable in itself.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.
IF he hits Fedor before the clinch. Once the clinch happens, the fight is already over.

Not really. Tyson can punch in the clinch and fedor would have to get inside position in order to throw Tyson. That's a matter of pummeling and boxers pummel too.
Unlike in boxing, on the street you arent wearing giant gloves. Fedor would control the wrist (or sleeve) of one hand, and have an underhook under the other arm. Tyson isnt going to be able to effectively strike in that position, and he would be on the ground immediately after that.
"The GOAT of MMA is also a white guy from Russia. Fedor Emelianenko went undefeated for a decade and is widely considered the best to ever do it"

I'm not gonna lie.

It's hard to comprehend now, just how amazing Fedor was at his best - dominant at a time when MMA was the wild west - next to no regulation, every man and their dog on the juice. Fedor was a fking animal. He was a throw back. Some sort of Cro magon human was

But prime Tyson vs prime Fedor in a street fight? Mike all the way.

And I know they were different weights.

But (pound 4 pound) prime Jon Jones Vs prime Fedor in cage ? Jon Jones all the way.

Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.
Mike Tyson would end Fedor in a street fight. We are talking about a street fight. No rules and that's where D'Amato found Tyson. a 15 year old kid fighting on the streets for food.

No, he really wouldn't. Fedor has a chin like no other, and he too grew up in a dog eat dog world.

Add to that fedor is far more rounded as a fighter and there is no one who could beat him in his prime.
I think you give Fedor too much credit and Tyson not enough.

Not at all, both have amazing athletic ability, both are strong willed and strong, both are warriors in the truest sense of the word, Fedor is just a more rounded fighter.

I think it would have been an amazing fight, and it would either end in the first round with Fedor breaking Mike's arm, or it would go the distance and Fedor would simply wear Mike down.

And Mike always has a chance to win. Nothing is a forgone conclusion.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. Fedor has a chin like no one Mike ever fought. Mike lost to Buster Douglas for gosh sakes. And that was in his near prime.
On that night Douglas would have beat Fedor. Douglas was not a chump junior, the average man would have got destroyed by Douglass. Fedor was not trained to go 12 rounds. Ever. And Tyson took blows for 8-9 rounds before he got knocked out by Douglass. I have seen Fedors fights in his prime. He was far too slow to beat Tyson.

That is laughable. I actually won a couple of thousand dollars on that bout because I could see Tyson not respecting Douglas and taking the fight for granted.

Yes, Tyson was outmatched by Douglas, and Douglas was no doubt at his absolute best in that fight, but he would have been demolished by Fedor.
Show me the proof. Show me one video of effective aikido use.

Once again you're straw manning. My argument is not about the effectiveness of Aikido. My argument was that a master of Aikido would be more effective against more than one attacker than a master grappler.

Not one of the many bullshit videos of "masters" throwing around their cooperative students. Im talking about one real video, eve

Once again. You're not listening. Try to read what I'm saying. My argument is grappling is pretty useless against multiple attackers and aikido is far better.
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As I have said, boxers come off the streets, they have grappled. And to grapple you have to get inside. By the time he tried getting into Mayweather to grapple, he would have gotten punched in the head 50 timers and probably knocked out. You just can't rush a boxer. But lets stop talking about Mayweather and put him against a boxer his age and who is fighting right now. Terrence Crawford would fuck McGregor up in both disciplines. McGregor got his ass kicked by Nurimageddov, so lets stop talking like McGregor can't be beat. And I don't think he wants any part of Jon Jones.
No one in the history of the world has learned grappling in the streets. You learn grappling by drilling techniques over and over again with a partner who isnt trying to hurt you.

This is what happens when you try to learn grappling "in the streets". You have no idea how to defend a heel hook so your shit gets broken.

...and you absolutely can rush a boxer and take him down. If he is dumb enough to try and hit you "50 times" as you come in for a double or single leg take down, he is going down for sure. You defend take downs with your hands and underhooks. If you are punching, you cant do that.

Khabib beat Conor with grappling. He is a superior grappler to Conor, but his superiority isnt even close to the experience difference between an untrained grappler like Mayweather of Crawford against Conor. Conor would eat those boxers lunch if they tried grappling with him.

Son, I wrestled competitively at the collegiate level as a young man. I know how to defend against a double leg and single leg. You are not just going to get to shoot on a world class boxer without getting hit. Most likely with an uppercut. I defended many a shot by sprawling and a hard cross face.

Mayweather is a trained fighter. If you put you arms down too low, he will bust you with 5 jabs to the face. You have to get inside of them to wrestle, you would get hit with all manner of bombs trying to do that against a world class championship boxer. They train too and they wouldn't need to grapple with Mcgregor to beat him.

Randy Coutre took down James Toney, a world champion heavy weight boxer, without getting hit by a single blow. He did it on the first try.

This happens EVERY time a boxer goes up against an elite wrestler.

James Toney was fat, old and out of shape. Toney was never even really a heavyweight. I wrestled in college against future olympians and a couple of eventual world champs. I am saying that you are not just going to get to walk up on a boxer and get take downs. You are going to have to set him up by boxing and that's where you have a problem. Had Couture boxed Lennix Lewis who ran the decision when Toney was boxing, he would have had major problems trying to get in close enough to take down 6'6 inch Lewis.

Why would a boxer be good at defending take downs from elite wrestlers? That is preposterous. That would be like saying an elite wrestler would do well in a boxing match against a professional boxer. Neither one is trained to do the others sport.

I guess you've never wrestled or boxed. I did both growing up. And you have to be able to do things in order to get into a position where you can use wrestling against a boxer. There is a distance you must be able to achieve in order to set up your takedown and if you try walking up on a boxer to establish that position you are going to get punched.
Iron Mike would lose, but it would be a hell of a fight.

Are you seriously trying to say that prime Fedor would beat prime Mike Tyson ?

Prime Tyson hits anybody with 4 oz gloves on they would never wake up again.
IF he hits Fedor before the clinch. Once the clinch happens, the fight is already over.

Not really. Tyson can punch in the clinch and fedor would have to get inside position in order to throw Tyson. That's a matter of pummeling and boxers pummel too.
Unlike in boxing, on the street you arent wearing giant gloves. Fedor would control the wrist (or sleeve) of one hand, and have an underhook under the other arm. Tyson isnt going to be able to effectively strike in that position, and he would be on the ground immediately after that.
Again, tyson was fighting on the streets before he started boxing. You just seem to think that Fedor is going to be able to grab tysons wrist, then get inside enough on Tyson to get an underhook and Tyson is just going to be standing there unaware of what's happening. LOL!

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