Black Panther "Community Organizers" Should Be Prosecuted...

Panthers are civil rights heroes opposite of kkk.

You might want to talk to Alex Rackley about that. Oh wait, you can't because he's dead! He was a 19 year old member of the New York chapter of the BPP and was torured and killed by Warren Kimbro, George Sams Jr., and Lonnie McLucas because they suspected he was a FBI plant. The only problem was it was actually SAMS who was the plant. They murdered an innocent man.

Yep, those are heros all right.

it seems as if there was a sort of "implied intimidation" as well. the real story is the cover up if there is one. the name "black panthers" still frightens people and has since the sixties. they certainly didn't need to have a club, presumably to subdue any renegade senior citizen grandmothers that wanted to vote republican twice. so their presence is dubious. follow the money. were they paid? by whom. were they briefed on what to do? by whom? did anyone ask the panthers who they voted for? was there enough stuff for arraignment? did anyone press charges? i tell you that i grew up in chicago in the sixties... and it's the grey panthers you should be worried about, they're some tough hombres, some of them o ladies can punch really hard.
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When confronted by Philadelphia Police, Black Panther Jerry Jackson stated that he was “an official watcher” - meaning that he had been appointed by a party or candidate to observe the election at the polling location. Only voters, election board workers, and watchers may enter a polling location. The New Black Panther Party isn’t an officially recognized political party in Philadelphia, so they couldn’t appoint him. So who gave this guy a credential?

We already reported here that Jackson is an elected member of the Philadelphia Democratic Committee. And a document obtained from the Philadelphia Board of Elections confirms he was “representing the Democratic Party” at the polls in November.

AND 4 days after charges were dropped in May he was issued another watcher certificate that was good for “any ward and division in Philadelphia.” (we are not making any of this up, if you didn’t know it you need to add EJ to your RSS feed).

Black Panthers | Election Journal

This is the sign on Jackson's house:


Do you have evidence anyone was intimidated? You can't see it on your clip. These two gentlemen were politely asked to leave and did so.

Where in God's name did you hear that?

Are you telling me you did not hear the testimony of a civil rights attorney under RFK that witnessed the intimidation tactics?

Are you telling me that you did not hear the eye witness accounts of others that tried to enter the building?

RW. I need to ask you. What news do you watch?

All I know is what is presented..

Two gentlemen standing outside the polling place. The one with the club is violating polling regulations and is told to leave. He does so peacefully

In the annals of civil rights violations.....a minor blip

I guess when the KKK shows up at polling places around the country this November dressed in white hoods saying & doing the same things your response will be the same when the justice department dismisses all of them?

[ame=""]"You're gonna be ruled by the black man"[/ame]

[ame=""]Philadelphia WHITE POLL WATCHER[/ame]

[ame=""]"A black man is going to win this election no matter what...were tired of white supremacy"[/ame]

[ame=""]ACORN campaigning for Obama inside the polling place.[/ame]
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Maybe we can have a "Black Panther" subforum for a "fair and balanced" discussion on racism. After all, we have "Tea Party" forum where the same photoshopped pic of the n-word is posted. :eek:
Maybe we can have a "Black Panther" subforum for a "fair and balanced" discussion on racism. After all, we have "Tea Party" forum where the same photoshopped pic of the n-word is posted. :eek:

Theycould call it the Terrorist/Terrorism SubForum. They are a Terrorist organization after all.
I think "the T". is consistently right on the money. i have enjoyed your carefully thought out comments T. you are sort of a voice of reason at this forum. a political barometer if you will. i'm not just blowing smoke up your ass, i really like the calm reasoning in your phrasing, any chance you would run for office?, i know the RNC may have an opening soon. i liked michael steel until yesterday, he's not as smart as i thought. i think we need more folks, such as yourself, that are conservative, therefore undramatic, or hysterical by nature. cheers mate... scott e.
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This whole mess demonstrates perfectly the fucked up ideals, and the arrogance, of this administration. If this were anything but a democratic administration the media would be throwing a never ending fit, (and rightly so), but these assholes get a pass by most media.
Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

That might work if the story wasn't from Nov 2008. This is the third thread that discussed it just since I joined the board, so he should know all the information about it by now.

Third thread?

In a year and a half? Its more like the tenth thread rehashing the same minor incident like it was the murder of Emmett Till.

Two scary looking "Black Panthers" (you know how scary they can be) stand outside of ONE polling place for ONE hour and we get it ressurrected after over a year and a half. Its a minor polling place incident, they were told to move along and they did.

Let me find a dead horse that you can beat


here is the affidavit

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let me ask a general question; how comfortable do you think the DOJ would be with 2 guys dressed in para military garb, one with a baton, with aryan brotherhood patches affixed to their jackets in front of a polling place?

how comfortable would you be? is this something we want to encourage?
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Adams will be destroyed for speaking up. If I were him, I'd hire a few Pagans for security.

Call it Panthergate, call it what you will. The Department of Justice (or its minions) is already attempting to slime its whistleblower J. Christian Adams — the attorney who recently resigned from the Department over its abandonment of the New Black Panther case.

Now Adams has struck back, telling Pajamas Media that the DOJ’s smears were a “blatant lie.”

Adams appeared on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News show to tell his story Tuesday, following which a “source familiar with the case” came forward, trying to tarnish the lawyer’s reputation. Pajamas Media was informed by a Fox producer:

The person said that any story should include the fact that Adams only left DOJ after being put into a job he disliked, and that he has long been an advocate of conservative views. Source also says Adams’ claims are “willfully inaccurate.”

This battle had been brewing for several days since Adams — using the Panther case as an example — asserted in the Washington Times, and then in more detail in Pajamas Media, that institutionalized bias had infiltrated Eric Holder’s Justice Department. Civil rights complaints would only be pursued when initiated by people of color against white people.

When it was the other way around, the complaints, even when well-substantiated as with the New Black Panthers, would disappear in a bureaucratic morass.

The attacks on Adams — whether from the “anonymous source” or from DOJ spokesperson Tracy Schmaler — were of surprising ferocity, indicating nervousness on the part of the Department.

Adams told Pajamas Media:

I was appalled and disappointed by the DOJ yesterday. They included a blatant lie in their response to my interview. They told Fox News I had been “unhappy with my position.” Not only would this be a personnel matter they aren’t supposed to discuss, it’s a fairy tale. In fact on April 28 I got a promotion, so maybe they can let me know what position I was unhappy with.


The problem with smearing me is that there are many others who know the truth inside the Department. Documents which they refuse to turn over pursuant to subpoenas from the Civil Rights Commission prove it. Testimony from other DOJ employees, which they refuse to allow, would also prove it.

Roger L. Simon DOJ Slimes Whistleblower Adams in Panthergate Case

It looks like it's more than the Panther case. Those stories could get interesting.
That might work if the story wasn't from Nov 2008. This is the third thread that discussed it just since I joined the board, so he should know all the information about it by now.

Third thread?

In a year and a half? Its more like the tenth thread rehashing the same minor incident like it was the murder of Emmett Till.

Two scary looking "Black Panthers" (you know how scary they can be) stand outside of ONE polling place for ONE hour and we get it ressurrected after over a year and a half. Its a minor polling place incident, they were told to move along and they did.

Let me find a dead horse that you can beat


here is the affidavit

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let me ask a general question; how comfortable do you think the DOJ would be with 2 guys dressed in para military garb, one with a baton, with aryan brotherhood patches affixed to their jackets in front of a polling place?

how comfortable would you be? is this something we want to encourage?

I think the aryan brotherhood guys should be told to leave the premise....just like the black panthers were.

When told to leave....the black panthers left without incident
Third thread?

In a year and a half? Its more like the tenth thread rehashing the same minor incident like it was the murder of Emmett Till.

Two scary looking "Black Panthers" (you know how scary they can be) stand outside of ONE polling place for ONE hour and we get it ressurrected after over a year and a half. Its a minor polling place incident, they were told to move along and they did.

Let me find a dead horse that you can beat


here is the affidavit

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let me ask a general question; how comfortable do you think the DOJ would be with 2 guys dressed in para military garb, one with a baton, with aryan brotherhood patches affixed to their jackets in front of a polling place?

how comfortable would you be? is this something we want to encourage?

I think the aryan brotherhood guys should be told to leave the premise....just like the black panthers were.

When told to leave....the black panthers left without incident

Voter intimidation is perfectly acceptable as long they leave once the police finally arrive.

First post, hello board!
here is the affidavit

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let me ask a general question; how comfortable do you think the DOJ would be with 2 guys dressed in para military garb, one with a baton, with aryan brotherhood patches affixed to their jackets in front of a polling place?

how comfortable would you be? is this something we want to encourage?

I think the aryan brotherhood guys should be told to leave the premise....just like the black panthers were.

When told to leave....the black panthers left without incident



Why are we still whining about it 18 months later?
I think the aryan brotherhood guys should be told to leave the premise....just like the black panthers were.

When told to leave....the black panthers left without incident



Why are we still whining about it 18 months later?

because it appears that a judgment was basically left to wither on the vine and the case dropped, and that appears inconsistent with what we created and why; a civil rights committee, bureaus, laws etc. to do and follow through on.

so 18 months is your benchmark or tolerance level for issues before they become whine factors? Okay thats cool, I'll keep that in mind. Thx for the heads up.
Let some Tea Party fool get caught anywhere near a polling place in November and watch these same silly assholes screaming about voter intimidation. Guarantee that.


Why are we still whining about it 18 months later?

because it appears that a judgment was basically left to wither on the vine and the case dropped, and that appears inconsistent with what we created and why; a civil rights committee, bureaus, laws etc. to do and follow through on.

so 18 months is your benchmark or tolerance level for issues before they become whine factors? Okay thats cool, I'll keep that in mind. Thx for the heads up.

Do you have legal precedent showing where similar cases were handled differently?

What sentences did they receive?

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