Black Panther "Community Organizers" Should Be Prosecuted...

Horseshit gay boy. Conservatives jumped up and down saying it was ok for tea baggers to go to protest strapped with automatic rifles. Faux outrage is gay

Are you talking about the black man who was carrying that semi-automatic weapon? (I am assuming it is a semi because I know that he was carrying legally, and I know fully automatic weapons are often illegal to carry.)
No one has to be intimidated. The attempt is illegal.
Brandishing a weapon while wearing paramilitary gear outside a polling place is an attempt to intimidate. There is no credible way to deny it.

And that is what he was charged with. The vague "attempt to intimidate". Given the circumstances, he was banned from polling places for two years and no other charges were pursued.

Do you have similar case law at polling places where a defendent received a harsher penalty?

You see what you want to see. And you don't want to see wrongdoing by Democrats.

I've asked for specific things these guys allegedly did. Are you going to give me the "your going to lose cracker" quote too?
You guys post a youtube that just show them standing outside politely answering questions. They left when asked to do so.

I have conceded all along that carrying a baton outside a polling place is not allowed. Simply show me where in similar cases, poll violators were not simply asked to leave.
Show me how this has been prosecuted in the past to a higher degree than this one was.
Carrying a weapon where it is legal is not intimidation. Showing weapons and being dressed in urban war gear on election day at a polling place is about as anti-American as you can be.

You moonbats are about as fucking stupid as a turkey. Nah, even the turkey is smarter.
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Do you have evidence anyone was intimidated? You can't see it on your clip. These two gentlemen were politely asked to leave and did so.
No one has to be intimidated. The attempt is illegal.
The first type of vote suppression, direct threats of intimidation, is subject to criminal punishment under both federal and state law. Among the federal laws that can be used to challenge direct intimidation, the most important is the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act states that "no person […] shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote."
Brandishing a weapon while wearing paramilitary gear outside a polling place is an attempt to intimidate. There is no credible way to deny it.

daveman, I thought that was YOU with the billyclub yelling for the crackers to bow down to the black man!
So you are not aware of the testimonies of eye witnesses including a registered democrat who was a CIVIL RIGHTS attorney working under RFK back in the 60's?

Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

That might work if the story wasn't from Nov 2008. This is the third thread that discussed it just since I joined the board, so he should know all the information about it by now.

Third thread?

In a year and a half? Its more like the tenth thread rehashing the same minor incident like it was the murder of Emmett Till.

Two scary looking "Black Panthers" (you know how scary they can be) stand outside of ONE polling place for ONE hour and we get it ressurrected after over a year and a half. Its a minor polling place incident, they were told to move along and they did.

Let me find a dead horse that you can beat

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Carrying a weapon where it is legal is not intimidation. Showing weapons and being dressed in urban war gear on election day at a polling place is about as anti-American as you can be.

You moonbats are about as fucking stupid as a turkey. Nah, even the turkey is smarter.

Best post of the day.
in light of a recent SCOTUS ruling some buddies and I would like to join the Black Panthers

Do you have evidence anyone was intimidated? You can't see it on your clip. These two gentlemen were politely asked to leave and did so.
No one has to be intimidated. The attempt is illegal.
The first type of vote suppression, direct threats of intimidation, is subject to criminal punishment under both federal and state law. Among the federal laws that can be used to challenge direct intimidation, the most important is the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act states that "no person […] shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote."
Brandishing a weapon while wearing paramilitary gear outside a polling place is an attempt to intimidate. There is no credible way to deny it.

daveman, I thought that was YOU with the billyclub yelling for the crackers to bow down to the black man!

:lol: Obama and his merry band of assorted thugs do quite nicely on their own. ;)
This is another "putting myself in the other person's shoes" thang,

but this wasn't a "normal" election and those folks probably just wanted some extra security to prevent any violence from occurring.

They were afraid of us, people, of what they foresaw could happen in a "worst case scenario" of one of the most controversial elections EVER,

and got carried away.

And, see? THIS is what scares me about it ~ are we going to "drink the Kool Aid" that makes US forget how we'd react in the same situation, to the extent that we have to scream for blood from the Other Side for mistakes made by individuals?

If this had been SOP throughout the city, or state, or nation,

YES, I'd be right beside y'all.

But it wasn't. (It could very well have been that the poll ladies asked their younger family members to come to PREVENT any trouble, and they went a little over-board with the program.)

Yes, it is illegal to do that, but let's face it ~ it's "illegal" to do a LOT of things that WE do, and if WE were caught,

WE'd want the other folks to understand where we were coming from, and to be lenient with us for our MISTAKES.

Much as I hate to have to say this, RightWinger has an Excellent Point in asking for other examples of the prosecution of similar cases, and the outcomes OF those hearings.
And that is what he was charged with. The vague "attempt to intimidate". Given the circumstances, he was banned from polling places for two years and no other charges were pursued.

Do you have similar case law at polling places where a defendent received a harsher penalty?

You see what you want to see. And you don't want to see wrongdoing by Democrats.

I've asked for specific things these guys allegedly did. Are you going to give me the "your going to lose cracker" quote too?
You guys post a youtube that just show them standing outside politely answering questions. They left when asked to do so.

I have conceded all along that carrying a baton outside a polling place is not allowed. Simply show me where in similar cases, poll violators were not simply asked to leave.
Show me how this has been prosecuted in the past to a higher degree than this one was.
I think if a white guy wearing a Confederate T-shirt stood outside an inner city polling place holding a baseball bat, acting exactly as these "gentlemen" did, you'd be calling for his head on a platter.

Do you have evidence anyone was intimidated? You can't see it on your clip. These two gentlemen were politely asked to leave and did so.
No one has to be intimidated. The attempt is illegal.
The first type of vote suppression, direct threats of intimidation, is subject to criminal punishment under both federal and state law. Among the federal laws that can be used to challenge direct intimidation, the most important is the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act states that "no person […] shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote."
Brandishing a weapon while wearing paramilitary gear outside a polling place is an attempt to intimidate. There is no credible way to deny it.

daveman, I thought that was YOU with the billyclub yelling for the crackers to bow down to the black man!
Hey, Billy! You know Adolph pussed out and killed himself, right? What a sissy bedwetter he was! :lol:
This is another "putting myself in the other person's shoes" thang,

but this wasn't a "normal" election and those folks probably just wanted some extra security to prevent any violence from occurring.

They were afraid of us, people, of what they foresaw could happen in a "worst case scenario" of one of the most controversial elections EVER,

and got carried away.

And, see? THIS is what scares me about it ~ are we going to "drink the Kool Aid" that makes US forget how we'd react in the same situation, to the extent that we have to scream for blood from the Other Side for mistakes made by individuals?

If this had been SOP throughout the city, or state, or nation,

YES, I'd be right beside y'all.

But it wasn't. (It could very well have been that the poll ladies asked their younger family members to come to PREVENT any trouble, and they went a little over-board with the program.)

Yes, it is illegal to do that, but let's face it ~ it's "illegal" to do a LOT of things that WE do, and if WE were caught,

WE'd want the other folks to understand where we were coming from, and to be lenient with us for our MISTAKES.

Much as I hate to have to say this, RightWinger has an Excellent Point in asking for other examples of the prosecution of similar cases, and the outcomes OF those hearings.

yeah that's it, they were just afraid of us. That must explain them saying. "get ready to be ruled by the black man, Cracker" while brandishing a baton and slapping it in his hand in an intimidating fashion.

He did all that because we are bad bad people.


yeah that's it, they were just afraid of us. That must explain them saying. "get ready to be ruled by the black man, Cracker" while brandishing a baton and slapping it in his hand in an intimidating fashion.

He did all that because we are bad bad people.




YOU've never been boastful, nor full of yourself?

And, sadly, you've proven that some of us HAVE drunk of that cup...

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