Black Panther "Community Organizers" Should Be Prosecuted...

funny how they see a black man with a stick as threatening but think its just great to see white men with guns and unthreatening

another asshole. Show me the white men in front of a polling place with visible guns, and then show me ever saying that would be ok with me.

Pigeonholing assholes like you suck.

people like you are the racists now. Letting these guys off precisely because they are black, and claiming anyone who would find a "black" man with a weapon intimidating a racists. Anyone with a billy club in front of a polling place would intimidate those going in. Why can't you people be honest.

Weapons are weapons. Their purpose there was for but one purpose...intimidation. And you are quite correct. The Colour matters not to most of us...leave that task to the true usurpers of Liberty...they are what is known as the Democrat Party that are the ones that posess a guilt trip of their past wrongs while they try to imbue their past deeds onto others.

From me they get no sale.

But plenty of assumptions, opinions and propaganda.:lol:
All I know is what is presented..

Two gentlemen standing outside the polling place. The one with the club is violating polling regulations and is told to leave. He does so peacefully

In the annals of civil rights violations.....a minor blip

So you are not aware of the testimonies of eye witnesses including a registered democrat who was a CIVIL RIGHTS attorney working under RFK back in the 60's?

Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?
another asshole. Show me the white men in front of a polling place with visible guns, and then show me ever saying that would be ok with me.

Pigeonholing assholes like you suck.

people like you are the racists now. Letting these guys off precisely because they are black, and claiming anyone who would find a "black" man with a weapon intimidating a racists. Anyone with a billy club in front of a polling place would intimidate those going in. Why can't you people be honest.

Weapons are weapons. Their purpose there was for but one purpose...intimidation. And you are quite correct. The Colour matters not to most of us...leave that task to the true usurpers of Liberty...they are what is known as the Democrat Party that are the ones that posess a guilt trip of their past wrongs while they try to imbue their past deeds onto others.

From me they get no sale.

But plenty of assumptions, opinions and propaganda.:lol:

The KKK, The Panthers, and many more like them are nothing but Domestic terrorists.
Weapons are weapons. Their purpose there was for but one purpose...intimidation. And you are quite correct. The Colour matters not to most of us...leave that task to the true usurpers of Liberty...they are what is known as the Democrat Party that are the ones that posess a guilt trip of their past wrongs while they try to imbue their past deeds onto others.

From me they get no sale.

But plenty of assumptions, opinions and propaganda.:lol:

The KKK, The Panthers, and many more like them are nothing but Domestic terrorists.

Which does not address the point of my reply to your post. Care to try again?.

Do you have evidence anyone was intimidated? You can't see it on your clip. These two gentlemen were politely asked to leave and did so.

How about eyewitness testimony? Does that count as evidence, or are you simply going to defend Obama who can do no wrong?

Career lawyers pursued the case for months, including obtaining an affidavit from a prominent 1960s civil rights activist who witnessed the confrontation and described it as "the most blatant form of voter intimidation" that he had seen, even during the voting rights crisis in Mississippi a half-century ago.

EXCLUSIVE: Career lawyers overruled on voting case - Washington Times

I am in awe of the "prominent 1960s civil rights activist" and would apreciate anyone providing an excerpt of his affidavit saying precisely what these gentlemen did to intimidate. I would be interested to find out how it exceeded the voting rights crisis of the Mississippi. As I remember, blacks attempting to vote had their heads beaten in, were arrested and had their houses burned down.

It must be an interesting affidavit detailing shocking actions by the two. I'm sure somebody must have read it
funny how they see a black man with a stick as threatening but think its just great to see white men with guns and unthreatening

They didn't say outside a polling place, I believe they may have been referring to the white guys showing up at town hall meetings and public rallies that were packing. Why don't you find out before you spew?

Spoken like a true pigeonholing asshole.

people like you are the racists now. Letting these guys off precisely because they are black, and claiming anyone who would find a "black" man with a weapon intimidating a racists. Anyone with a billy club in front of a polling place would intimidate those going in. Why can't you people be honest.

Why can't you?

Why can't you see that by claiming I would not be intimidated by White men with guns, But am by a black man, She is being the racist.

She is making an invalid comparison as the white people in question were not near a polling place, therefore no voter intimidation could have happened.
So you are not aware of the testimonies of eye witnesses including a registered democrat who was a CIVIL RIGHTS attorney working under RFK back in the 60's?

Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

because a crime was commited and is now in the process of being covered up like cat shit in a litter box. I just lost all sympathy for the "civil rights movement" it's either civil rights for all or civil rights for none. You can't be a hypocrite about it any longer.
So you are not aware of the testimonies of eye witnesses including a registered democrat who was a CIVIL RIGHTS attorney working under RFK back in the 60's?

Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

so if i dress up as a neo-nazi and stand outside a polling place with a batton and don't approach or harass anyone you are cool with that....
Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

because a crime was commited and is now in the process of being covered up like cat shit in a litter box. I just lost all sympathy for the "civil rights movement" it's either civil rights for all or civil rights for none. You can't be a hypocrite about it any longer.

Thanks for posting with the grownups Willow...
It is always a pleasure to hear your childlike opinions
Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

so if i dress up as a neo-nazi and stand outside a polling place with a batton and don't approach or harass anyone you are cool with that....

You will be asked to leave.....just like these two guys were
Read his reply, he said "what is presented". All that was presented was a video clip. If the guy who started this thread wanted to prove a point, he should have contributed something more substantiual.

What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

because a crime was commited and is now in the process of being covered up like cat shit in a litter box. I just lost all sympathy for the "civil rights movement" it's either civil rights for all or civil rights for none. You can't be a hypocrite about it any longer.

What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

because a crime was commited and is now in the process of being covered up like cat shit in a litter box. I just lost all sympathy for the "civil rights movement" it's either civil rights for all or civil rights for none. You can't be a hypocrite about it any longer.

Thanks for posting with the grownups Willow...
It is always a pleasure to hear your childlike opinions

eat shit and die racist pig.
What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

so if i dress up as a neo-nazi and stand outside a polling place with a batton and don't approach or harass anyone you are cool with that....

You will be asked to leave.....just like these two guys were

How about if we shout "now you'll see what it's like when whites rule **--er" that would be cool..
so if i dress up as a neo-nazi and stand outside a polling place with a batton and don't approach or harass anyone you are cool with that....

You will be asked to leave.....just like these two guys were

How about if we shout "now you'll see what it's like when whites rule **--er" that would be cool..

You are so cute when you show how gullible you are when presented with right wing propaganda.........thanks for sharing it with the rest of us
What we have is two black men standing in front of a polling place and one of them is carrying a club. The video does not show them approach or harass anyone. The guy with the club is holding it down. If you have more evidence....please provide it
When asked questions they reply politely. The guy with the club was issued a citation and ordered to stay away from polling places for two years. The other guy broke no law.

Now.....why is FoxNews still highlighting this story 18 months after it happened?

so if i dress up as a neo-nazi and stand outside a polling place with a batton and don't approach or harass anyone you are cool with that....

You will be asked to leave.....just like these two guys were

According to witnesses they were there for more than an hour calling people "cracker" and telling them a black man was winning the election no matter what. They were only asked to leave shortly after cameras arrived.
so if i dress up as a neo-nazi and stand outside a polling place with a batton and don't approach or harass anyone you are cool with that....

You will be asked to leave.....just like these two guys were

According to witnesses they were there for more than an hour calling people "cracker" and telling them a black man was winning the election no matter what. They were only asked to leave shortly after cameras arrived. you have a credible link?
or should I just take your word for it?

Where is YouTube when you need it? Its a shame that in the video that was posted, when the local college kid reporter tries to provoke a reaction from the two.....all he got was polite responses
Didn't hear them call the college kid a cracker. As a matter of fact, I have never heard a young black male of today calling anyone a "cracker"...they usually have more profane words at their disposal
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