Black pastors group launches anti-Obama campaign around gay marriage


This could be interesting. I heard this pastor on the TV yesterday and on the radio report. IIRC (and I do) he's calling for blacks to sit out the election. Not vote for Romney but to sit out the election.

OK, so there are 4 states with ballot votes on Same-sex Civil Marriage this fall (Washington, Maine, Minnesota, and Maryland). The thought is that religious people are a demographic that votes heavily against equal treatment for same-sex couples under Civil Law, this translates into a high percentage of blacks who then vote against Same-sex Civil Marriage. I say it this way because I don't believe that blacks vote predominately against Same-sex Civil Marriage based on the color of their skin, but more based on religious influence.

So if the pastor is successful, blacks sit out the vote, if they sit out the vote they are not voting on the Civil Marriage ballot questions. If a demographic that is influential in the outcome of these questions (the position against Same-sex Civil Marriage) isn't as big of an influence - then that will make it easier for the other demographics that support the issue to pass them in November.

All in all, the pastors actions could (notice I say "could" has my crystal ball needs more polish) actually help Same-sex Civil Marriage in the voting both.

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One potential problem with your argument.

It is very possible that the USSC will rule such bans on same sex marriages unconstitutional.
One potential problem with your argument.

It is very possible that the USSC will rule such bans on same sex marriages unconstitutional.

Not until homosexuality becomes a protected class.

Good luck with that.
Watch, in the next few months, for gay blacks to become more vocal/visable...and encourage others to come out of the closet.
One potential problem with your argument.

It is very possible that the USSC will rule such bans on same sex marriages unconstitutional.

Not likely this session, the only cases in the pipeline (IIRC) are a couple of DOMA cases and the Prop 8 case. The Justices ruling on DOMA will not be a blanket overturning of laws against Same-sex Civil Marriage at the state level as DOMA is federal legislation. If they accept the DOMA cases and rule against the law, it will only impact Section 3 which has to do with the federal government not recognizing legal Civil Marriages entered into under state law.

I think the Justices are likely to overturn Prop 8, but I will bet dollars-to-donuts that it will not be a full implementation of Same-sex Civil Marriage like the Loving case did for Interracial Civil Marriage. I predict that if they overturn it, it will be written in such a way as to make it only applicable within the borders of California. Equal Treatment right recognized by the State Supreme Court based on the State Constitution and then a Constitutional Amendment specifically to deny that Equal Treatment - those circumstances will be used to limit the scope. However, if they turn down the Prop 8 case, then the 9th decision stands and Same-sex Civil Marriage becomes legal in California, ah, again.

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Watch, in the next few months, for gay blacks to become more vocal/visable...and encourage others to come out of the closet.

I don't think there are 3000 gay black men, lol. I don't see the gay black vote being a huge game changer.
Republicans giggle and squeal...

Look everyone, blacks hate Obama, that means they will vote for us!

wrong...but it must make you all sad you might not have all the black voters who the Democrat party talks about them as if they "OWN" them voting for Obama..

tsk tsk

The question is...

Do blacks hate gays more than they love having a black man as President?
i work with 3 black ladies RW who were very happy with Obama when he got in.....2 of them said they aint so sure of this guy now and would not say if they will vote for him said he is ignoring problems in the black community that he said he would at least see what he can do.....she said she is still waiting....
wrong...but it must make you all sad you might not have all the black voters who the Democrat party talks about them as if they "OWN" them voting for Obama..

tsk tsk

The question is...

Do blacks hate gays more than they love having a black man as President?
i work with 3 black ladies RW who were very happy with Obama when he got in.....2 of them said they aint so sure of this guy now and would not say if they will vote for him said he is ignoring problems in the black community that he said he would at least see what he can do.....she said she is still waiting....

I work with dozens of blacks who have some picture of Obama on their desk. They are not going to take it down because of Gay Marriage

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