
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Tim Wise Public Group | Facebook

FBer Eugenia Henry Freeman writes, *"I'm not racist. I am really angry and suspicious though."*

Hi, Eugenia. I too am angry that for the past few decades a significant number of nationally and internationally POPULAR African American music performers have been traveling abroad and all around our country speaking/rapping to American children as well as our foreign neighbors, informing them AMERICAN WOMEN, aka the MATERNAL HALF of our population, are less than human ^itches and ^whores unworthy of respect.

Eugenia, I am angry that many of these mega-popular American music performers speak/rap about witnessing or personally engaging in gun violence that EMOTIONALLY and/or PHYSICALLY harms (or worse) OUR peaceful American neighbors, as well as perpetuating stereotypes about people of African descent being violence prone humans who have no respect for human life including their own lives.

Eugenia, I am angry and sad that many of these nationally and internationally popular American music performers joyously rap/speak about peddling or witnessing their family members, friends and/or neighbors peddling addictive, life-sapping drugs to OUR depressed American neighbors, regardless of OUR depressed neighbor's AGE, emotional or physical condition.

Eugenia, I am angry and sad I spent twelve years of my adult life regularly witnessing a significant number of grossly immature Brooklyn, NY teen and adult moms INTENTIONALLY and IRRESPONSIBLY introducing newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens to a childhood of emotional pain, struggle, hardship, anxiety and fear that far too often results with depressed American children maturing into depressed, angry, frustrated, hostile, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* teens and adults who far too often vent their pent-up negative emotions on OUR peaceful American neighbors. Often resulting with OUR criminal justice and prison systems becoming involved in the lives of emotionally damaged people who harm OUR peaceful neighbors.

Eugenia, I am really angry and upset that many of these grossly irresponsible, immature teen and adult single-moms slowly condition their children to believe the police are OPPRESSORS and that EVERYONE under our sun, EXCEPT THEMSELVES, are responsible for their children experiencing a childhood fraught with pain, hardships, struggles and fear.

Eugenia, I am angry and sad that on a near daily basis I was forced to witness and deal with the NEEDLESS emotional and/or physical (or worse) DAMAGE caused to OUR peaceful American neighbors by depressed, emotionally scarred Americans who as children who were HORRIBLY ABUSED, NEGLECTED and MALTREATED by their primary *MATERNAL CAREGIVERS who WILLFULLY DISREGARD* their parental responsibility and obligation to their children, as well as their moral, ethical, societal duty and responsibility to their neighbors and community to raise and nurture a fairly or wonderfully happy reasonably well adjusted American child maturing into a reasonably happy, responsible teen and adult respecting themselves, their neighbors and the authority responsible for maintaining peace in all American neighborhoods.

Eugenia, I am happy to see more and more of my responsible African American neighbors producing videos sharing their thoughts, concerns and pain related to the social issue I write about.

Video Archive – American Men & Women Sharing Thoughts About Some African American Women & Moms

Though when I see responsible African Americans being trashed, demeaned and threatened by other African Americans who DO NOT want to hear or recognize the PAINFUL TRUTHS shared by my responsible American neighbors of African descent, I become sad, disappointed and angry.

Eugenia, I am angry, saddened and perplexed by the FACT that as our human species continues learning about our human condition, evolving toward becoming a more educated, enlightened, peaceful people wanting to see ALL our neighbors experience a safe, happy, prosperous American life, virtually none of my responsible, caring, educated neighbors are taking ANY REAL MEANINGFUL ACTION to protect American children like Kendrick Lamar and the late Tupac Shakur from experiencing CHILDHOOD TRAUMA that Dr. Robert K. Ross, CEO of the California Endowment, and many scientists believe is currently OUR nation's # 1 MENTAL HEALTH DISEASE affecting far too many of our Nation's children...as evidenced by our prison populations.

During the 80s-90s, severely depressed early victim of OUR nation's expanding health and social crisis Tupac Shakur, born in 1971, intelligently addressed the health and social crisis responsible for UNJUSTLY OPPRESSING and DEPRIVING untold numbers of American kids from experiencing a fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood with SAFE STREETS to travel and play on.


Tupac was well aware that not only are American kids being UNJUSTLY OPPRESSED and DEPRIVED from experiencing their full human potential, Tupac realized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by reasonably well adjusted kids maturing into responsible teens and adults who care about the future of OUR Nation.

However, an admittedly depressed, suicidal thinking Kendrick Lamar, born in 1987, continues sharing with our world his emotional mental illness caused by the CHILDHOOD TRAUMA he experienced and the trauma he witnessed his siblings as well as numerous cousins being harmed by.


Sadly, Kendrick is MUCH LIKE the population of Americans wishing to IGNORE the fact that a significant number of grossly immature, selfish American teen and adult moms continue UNJUSTLY OPPRESSING, ABUSING, NEGLECTING & MALTREATING American children who far too often mature into depressed, angry teens and adults writing music or ADMIRING American recording artists creating popular American music characterizing our moms, sisters, grandmas, aunts and nieces as less than human creatures undeserving of respect...which sadly, is how many early Euro Americans who purchased African people from African tribe leaders characterized the African people they enslaved.

Eugenia, I am angry and sad that a significant number of my American neighbors WILLFULLY IGNORE the legit concerns and real pain shared by these responsible Americans who realize that American racism has *largely* been replaced with a more current form of UNJUST HUMAN OPPRESSION & INDIGNITIES responsible for IMPEDING far too many American children from experiencing their full human potential.

Video Archive – American Men & Women Sharing Thoughts About Some African American Women & Moms

Eugenia, I'm sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the *primary caregivers* we look to keep us safe, cared for and loved right from our start.

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of *Emotionally Troubled* and chronically ill American teens and adults.

At 2:12:25 in this documentary about Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Childhood Trauma/Abuse, Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why young Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man who did not give a frig about anyone else, including his wife and kids.


Tagged: Jamyla Bolden, Tyshawn Lee, Julie Dombo
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Yo, it`s been that way every since the "Socialist Democrat Party" first proposed "Free Stuff" for the freeloaders!!! So, it`s really nothing new, these idiots are too stupid to read and understand History!!! Why do you think they Vote "Socialist Democrat Party" in a block? Now you know why there are Ghetto`s!!! Let them rot there!!! Not all Blacks stay stupid? Some work hard and get an education, and then become Republicans, because then, and only then, they see the True Light!!!

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anyone who claims they don't have some prejudice against anyone will be lying.

it's that way what ever your color, race, etc. it's HUMAN nature for one and exist in all societies.
Yo, it`s been that way every since the "Socialist Democrat Party" first proposed "Free Stuff" for the freeloaders!!!

Hello, 1st.

What you wrote is true.

However, characterizing as "freeloaders', a population of depressed human beings who for centuries were viewed and treated as less than human, enslaved, subjected to in-human atrocities, denied the basic respect ALL peaceful, loving humans deserve, is in my opinion an ignorant characterization of people having a legit beef and right to be angry about the UNJUST OPPRESSION and HUMAN IGNORANCE of our not to distant past.

Frankly, I am not happy that well-intentioned, yet flawed social assistance programs resulted with depressed, angry people abusing flawed social service programs, though being a human, I understand the human emotions involved when we feel unjustifiably cheated or denied basic human respect.

1st, instead further slamming a population of depressed Americans, shouldn't we be actively seeking ways for improving flawed social assistance programs and creating laws that prevent depressed Americans from raising more depressed Americans...just as we changed ignorant laws and human attitudes that OPPRESSED for centuries people who shared with our world music like this:

Yo, it`s been that way every since the "Socialist Democrat Party" first proposed "Free Stuff" for the freeloaders!!!

Hello, 1st.

What you wrote is true.

However, characterizing as "freeloaders', a population of depressed human beings who for centuries were viewed and treated as less than human, enslaved, subjected to in-human atrocities, denied the basic respect ALL peaceful, loving humans deserve, is in my opinion an ignorant characterization of people having a legit beef and right to be angry about the UNJUST OPPRESSION and HUMAN IGNORANCE of our not to distant past.

Frankly, I am not happy that well-intentioned, yet flawed social assistance programs resulted with depressed, angry people abusing flawed social service programs, though being a human, I understand the human emotions involved when we feel unjustifiably cheated or denied basic human respect.

1st, instead further slamming a population of depressed Americans, shouldn't we be actively seeking ways for improving flawed social assistance programs and creating laws that prevent depressed Americans from raising more depressed Americans...just as we changed ignorant laws and human attitudes that OPPRESSED for centuries people who shared with our world music like this:


Yo, who treated them that way? The Socialist Progressive Democrat Party!!! Truth is truth!!!


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