Zone1 Black People Killed by Cops Everyday

Why does nobody care when black people are killed by cops?

  • Because it isn't a presidential election year

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  • Because it is not a presidential election year

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Because the year it happens isn't a presidential election year

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  • It is related to the lack of it being a presidential election year

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  • Other. I am a delusional idiot.

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Please explain how 3 black men being beaten or die almost 30 years apart equates to "cops kill black men every day?" Floyd died from fentanyl overdose--not a beating. Martin was shot while trying to kill the guy who shot him--self defense as clearly as the nose on your face and Rodney King was beaten for violently resisting arrest. Even HE eventually admitted that.

You totally missed my point.
The OP implies that, since the OP is only concerned with cops shooting blacks.

Tons of white people are shot by cops. Tons of black people are shot by cops but in 30 years of thousands of incidents only 3 incidents have mattered.
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More whites than blacks are killed by cops every day. More blacks are killed by other blacks than by cops every day. NOW who's the delusional idiot?

Blacks make up around 14% of America's population yet commit more than 50% of the violent crimes. Stop committing crimes and the cops won't have any reason to stop you. Stop pointing guns at cops when you get stopped and the cops won't have a reason to shoot you.

Really, really, really simple stuff. Just control your emotions and use a little common sense (and getting a job would help) and everything will be just fine.

You missed my point.
Black people are violently beaten or killed by cops almost every single day. Why does nobody care?

George Floyd killed by cops in 2020
Travon Martin killed by neighborhood watch 2012
Rodney King violently beat by cops in 1992

People only cared about these three instances out of thousands of others with the same story. Anybody have a theory as to why these three instances mattered and nobody gives two butt stinkies about the thousands of other situations?

Been to Chicago lately? All those assholes ever do is riot. Or loot. Young blacks commit 90 % of crimes. Time more PRISONS were built.
More whites than blacks are killed by cops every day. More blacks are killed by other blacks than by cops every day. NOW who's the delusional idiot?

Blacks make up around 14% of America's population yet commit more than 50% of the violent crimes. Stop committing crimes and the cops won't have any reason to stop you. Stop pointing guns at cops when you get stopped and the cops won't have a reason to shoot you.

Really, really, really simple stuff. Just control your emotions and use a little common sense (and getting a job would help) and everything will be just fine.
More whites are killed by other whites than by cops. Blacks do not commit 50 percent of the violent crimes and whites commit the most crimes. So if all lives matter and more whites are getting killed by police, why aren't whites marching and protessting about the problem? The only time whittes sseem to speak up is to bring up how more whites get shot to dismiss our grievances.

Black unemployment is 6 percent. That means 94 percent of all blacks eligible to work do so. Whites have fought police, pulled guns and have shot police and lived. So you need to just shut your mouth trying to tell us how to act.
Like I said, it's a llie. How about you visit, Tulsa, Bakersfield, Jacksonville, or almost any entire red state?
Bakersfield is in California. Buy a map. PS ,Einstein. All "Red States" have BLUE Cities. Full of black thugs.
whites commit the most crimes.

U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics November 2011

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—  Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000)

More whites are killed by other whites than by cops. Blacks do not commit 50 percent of the violent crimes and whites commit the most crimes. So if all lives matter and more whites are getting killed by police, why aren't whites marching and protessting about the problem? The only time whittes sseem to speak up is to bring up how more whites get shot to dismiss our grievances.

Black unemployment is 6 percent. That means 94 percent of all blacks eligible to work do so. Whites have fought police, pulled guns and have shot police and lived. So you need to just shut your mouth trying to tell us how to act.

We don't treat disgusting criminals like martyrs. We think these white people that are shot by cops deserved it so we ignore it and go about our day. The black culture says that doing idiotic things that gets you shot by cops makes you a hero. The black culture makes it crystal clear to their children that the highest honor they can achieve in life is to be shot by a cop. The white culture has different values that we teach our children. This isn't rocket science. White people value different things. Being shot by cops is not one of our highest honors and we actually find that mindset odd. We prefer our children grow up to attend college, find a successful career, or to become extremely wealthy financially. Getting shot by cops kinda hinders those achievements. Criminals are gods to the black culture. You worship disgusting filthy criminals that are shot by cops and fight tooth and nail to make sure those who gave their lives in the line of duty of crime are honored. It is gross as shit. I'm surprised you don't agree. If I was black I'd start acting like a white person. Honestly, it is so crazy that you can't see the flaw in the logic of defending a black man that forced the cop to shoot him. He didn't have to do it. Maybe he didn't deserve to be shot but the behaviors that get white and black people shot by cops are identical. The difference is that white people call it stupid. Black people call it normal. Weird. Getting shot by cops is not normal. Almost all people white and black avoid it on a daily basis and know exactly how to avoid it. Someone who doesn't know how to avoid being shot by a cop is pure dumb and probably would have died some other way eventually. I mean, how can you be that dumb? It seems impossible that people really are that stupid and don't know how to avoid it. Because the dumbness required to be killed by a cop is so great I always assume these people are committing suicide by cop because...... well..... you know...... some black people were taught from their youth up that this is an entirely honorable way to go. It is mind boggling that you can't think. I am like everybody else around here though. I don't think you are as stupid as you pretend to be. You are probably a white KKK member sitting in your momma's basement laughing your butt off at all of us ripping into you so passionately.
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I do NOT know whether cops kill & beat many of that demographic every day.

But -- sadly -- many of that demographic act very badly every day (and on weekends!),

Maybe if that demographic would not be so defiant and violent, the cops would not have to react with "forceful" means.

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