Zone1 Black People Killed by Cops Everyday

Why does nobody care when black people are killed by cops?

  • Because it isn't a presidential election year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Because it is not a presidential election year

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Because the year it happens isn't a presidential election year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It is related to the lack of it being a presidential election year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other. I am a delusional idiot.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
When blacks are killed it gets reported more

How many black people were killed in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, or 2023?

Basically zero. Does that mean it happened 0 times? Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, and George Floyd was the only three that ever happened according to the media but I highly doubt that. I am trying to make the point that individual cases are over sensationalized because of their timing. There have been thousands of black people killed by cops yet only 3 stories were chosen. Those three incidents helped Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden Get elected. Presidential candidates in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2016 didn't use racism as part of their campaign. Barrack Obama didn't use race for his first campaign. Bill Clinton didn't use race for his second campaign. In my lifetime, 1979 and beyond, there have only been 3 years where America was a racist country. That was 1992, 2012, and 2020. This is theatre and psychological warfare. Racism died decades ago. There are still racist people but as far as government instituted racism, it doesn't exist.
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Black people are violently beaten or killed by cops almost every single day. Why does nobody care?

George Floyd killed by cops in 2020
Travon Martin killed by neighborhood watch 2012
Rodney King violently beat by cops in 1992

People only cared about these three instances out of thousands of others with the same story. Anybody have a theory as to why these three instances mattered and nobody gives two butt stinkies about the thousands of other situations?

Technically, more whites are killed by cops than blacks by cops. First, for the most part, the vast majority of cops are just enforcing the laws enacted by congress and their states:
1. If you exceed the speed limit, you're going to get pulled over and get a ticket. If you start bitching at the cop rather than cooperating, it could very easily escalate to a more negative encounter.
2. If you are driving without a license or on a suspended license, he/she/it can't let you off and walk away. It's an arrestable offense, thus he/she/it must arrest you. If you listen to those idiots who tell you to "resist cops," you either have a really low IQ, or are delusional that it will go well for you. As long as it's a minor vehicle/license issue, you will be out of jail in no up for your court date and be cooperative.
3. The latest stupidity is to steal or carjack a car as some sort of gang initiative and gain "street-cred," and go to jail or prison as some deranged idea of increase in status. All that happens is more and more incarceration time and eventually being locked up in a cage for many years, as eventually, you'll kill someone that you steal the car from, or you will get killed by the cops, justifiably.
4. Shoot a cops and be guaranteed an early grave. Not their fault, yours.
5. I just recently watched a video where the driver was as cooperative and polite as possible with the cop and still ended up getting dragged out of the car, handcuffed and arrested. Why? Not because he was black, but because in the state he was in, the cop could smell the drugs on the guy and in the car. If the state you are in forbids the use of certain substances and you still use them, the fault's on you, not the cop. Remember, being under the influence of drugs while driving is illegal in all states, even states that allow recreational marijuana, still handle the use while driving as the same as drinking and driving. Use it at home, not on the road.
You know, a lot of the "pulled over while black" is actually people going through stop signs, a headlight or taillight out, an improper u-turn, or speeding. The pulling over someone for their race is extremely rare and those cops need to be fired.
Bottom line, if you don't want to get shot by a cop....COOPERATE!
How many black people were killed in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, or 2023?

Basically zero. Does that mean it happened 0 times? Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, and George Floyd was the only three that ever happened according to the media but I highly doubt that. I am trying to make the point that individual cases are over sensationalized because of their timing. There have been thousands of black people killed by cops yet only 3 stories were chosen. Those three incidents helped Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden Get elected. Presidential candidates in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2016 didn't use racism as part of their campaign. Barrack Obama didn't use race for his first campaign. Bill Clinton didn't use race for his second campaign. In my lifetime, 1979 and beyond, there have only been 3 years where America was a racist country. That was 1992, 2012, and 2020. This is theatre and psychological warfare. Racism died decades ago. There are still racist people but as far as government instituted racism, it doesn't exist.
Technically, more whites are killed by cops than blacks by cops. First, for the most part, the vast majority of cops are just enforcing the laws enacted by congress and their states:
1. If you exceed the speed limit, you're going to get pulled over and get a ticket. If you start bitching at the cop rather than cooperating, it could very easily escalate to a more negative encounter.
2. If you are driving without a license or on a suspended license, he/she/it can't let you off and walk away. It's an arrestable offense, thus he/she/it must arrest you. If you listen to those idiots who tell you to "resist cops," you either have a really low IQ, or are delusional that it will go well for you. As long as it's a minor vehicle/license issue, you will be out of jail in no up for your court date and be cooperative.
3. The latest stupidity is to steal or carjack a car as some sort of gang initiative and gain "street-cred," and go to jail or prison as some deranged idea of increase in status. All that happens is more and more incarceration time and eventually being locked up in a cage for many years, as eventually, you'll kill someone that you steal the car from, or you will get killed by the cops, justifiably.
4. Shoot a cops and be guaranteed an early grave. Not their fault, yours.
5. I just recently watched a video where the driver was as cooperative and polite as possible with the cop and still ended up getting dragged out of the car, handcuffed and arrested. Why? Not because he was black, but because in the state he was in, the cop could smell the drugs on the guy and in the car. If the state you are in forbids the use of certain substances and you still use them, the fault's on you, not the cop. Remember, being under the influence of drugs while driving is illegal in all states, even states that allow recreational marijuana, still handle the use while driving as the same as drinking and driving. Use it at home, not on the road.
You know, a lot of the "pulled over while black" is actually people going through stop signs, a headlight or taillight out, an improper u-turn, or speeding. The pulling over someone for their race is extremely rare and those cops need to be fired.
Bottom line, if you don't want to get shot by a cop....COOPERATE!
More whites are arrested, esp for violent crimes.

There are no excuses for this. White cops have been recorded talking about how they wish they could beat and lynch blacks. So all you're doing is making excuses.

Whites have refused to cooperate and lived. So again, drop the lectures and start listening.
Apparently you failed to notice the part where I acknowledged that there are bad cops, just as there are bad employees in all occupations. Because there are bad cops, which is more in the public eye than most occupations, it can be seen. I'm not excusing any of the bad cops, whether acting individually or in concert with other bad cops, HOWEVER, the majority of cops are just enforcing the laws of their respective states and those just properly enforcing the laws in their states, don't need to get grief from those idiots out there who believe the laws aren't for them, regardless of race. So.....NO to Defund the Police and.....YES to weeding out the bad ones, but not the ones who justifiably give a person a ticket, or arrest them for criminal behavior.
More whites are arrested, esp for violent crimes.

There are no excuses for this. White cops have been recorded talking about how they wish they could beat and lynch blacks. So all you're doing is making excuses.

Whites have refused to cooperate and lived. So again, drop the lectures and start listening.
Blacks have refused to cooperate and lived. Just because some cops were recorded saying negative things about blacks doesn’t make it the norm, all cops aren’t the same.
The first part was a question. How many black people are killed by cops over a 44 year period? Would you say more than 3? I'd say it is closer to 10,000 or more. So why do only three cases matter and why do they coincidentally occur at such a convenient time? Nobody can be stupid enough to ignore this obvious trend. The only way you could be that stupid would be to intentionally choose to be stupid. People do that in religions so I guess it is possible. These over sensationalized stories make the other 10,000+ black people killed by cops to be 100% irrelevant. What hypocracy!

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