Black Preacher warns: Whites Will Riot!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
[ame=]WHITE FOLKS READY TO RIOT! ~Pastor James David Manning - YouTube[/ame]

I watched this video this morning and have never heard a preacher like this before. He warns his black congregation about Obama, Sharpton, Jackson & white riots. This sermon will leave you speechless!
This black preacher says he is going to join the whites if they riot! I've never heard anything like him before. Have you?
At the end he is asking where is Larry Sinclair. Didn't Larry Sinclair die recently? I thought I heard he had died. Does anyone know?
before white people riot, some ncca basketball team needs to win the tournament

it's a rule of the white people's club. true story
You do all realise that Pastor Manning originally uploaded this video onto his YouTube channel (ATLAHWorldwide) in 2009, don't you?

This has been doing the rounds for over three years now; and has nothing to do with Zimmerman's acquittal, in case any of you were wondering/hoping.

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