Black Privilege again : 3 black adults beat white teen to death

Do you wet yourself when around groups of blacks?

Around blacks? Not at all. Blacks are decent, hard working people.

Negroes are thugs.

I know you've read my posts in which I discuss having had to use my legal concealed weapon to defend myself and my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend.

In the second instance, where I actually had to fire the weapon, our three assailants were negroes. One fled, another was arraigned in his hospital bed and is still in prison, and the third one is in the ground.

I don't fear negroes at all...
^ Hurling homophobic slur while accusing someone else of being a bigot...
He's hiding his own urges he learned in prison

Around blacks? Not at all. Blacks are decent, hard working people.

Negroes are thugs.

I know you've read my posts in which I discuss having had to use my legal concealed weapon to defend myself and my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend.

In the second instance, where I actually had to fire the weapon, our three assailants were negroes. One fled, another was arraigned in his hospital bed and is still in prison, and the third one is in the ground.

I don't fear negroes at all...
Nice shooting brother
Around blacks? Not at all. Blacks are decent, hard working people.

Negroes are thugs.

I know you've read my posts in which I discuss having had to use my legal concealed weapon to defend myself and my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend.

In the second instance, where I actually had to fire the weapon, our three assailants were negroes. One fled, another was arraigned in his hospital bed and is still in prison, and the third one is in the ground.

I don't fear negroes at all...
I have been around thugs all my life and never was armed.
Not racist since there is no provision for charges since there is no law.

hate crime
[hate crime]


  1. a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds:
    "legislation to stiffen penalties for persons convicted of hate crimes"
I never lost anything if you want hate crimes for white victims then lobby your Congress members.
Why would I lobby for unconstitutional laws. I want equality under the law for everyone. That means you commit murder you get charged with murder which these thugs should have got. The fact they destroyed a phone being used to call for help then stole their car compounds the sentence and shows the barbarity of these hoodlums
hate crime
[hate crime]


  1. a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds:
    "legislation to stiffen penalties for persons convicted of hate crimes"
Now show us the actual law.
Why would I lobby for unconstitutional laws. I want equality under the law for everyone. That means you commit murder you get charged with murder which these thugs should have got. The fact they destroyed a phone being used to call for help then stole their car compounds the sentence and shows the barbarity of these hoodlums
They are being charged with murder.
I have been around thugs all my life and never was armed.

Well, had I not been armed I'm rather certain we would've been, if not killed, gravely injured.

Perhaps you possess the same type of personality as those thugs you've been around. That could certainly be one reason why you've never been targeted...

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