Black Student Union Makes Outrageous Demand


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
This illustrates just another problem though a big one....the avoidance of using racial descriptions even when a search is on for a is a issue of public safety....however the pc groups had rather sacrifice public safety in the name of political correctness....obviously because they do not want the black community or any other community to know the magnitude of black crime

?U? Students Want Crime Alerts To Avoid Using Racial Descriptions « CBS Minnesota
Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq, costing America thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars, and he tried to legalize torture. All "black crime" combined doesn't compare to that.
I don't think we have enough threads about this. Someone should make at least a few more.
Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq, costing America thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars, and he tried to legalize torture. All "black crime" combined doesn't compare to that.

3 Congressional Investigations all agreed no one lied about Iraq. Moron.
This is not verbatim, but I have literally heard on my local radio news "the suspect is described as a 6 foot tall male wearing a grey sweatshirt".

Wow, let's get right on that manhunt. :piss2:
This is not verbatim, but I have literally heard on my local radio news "the suspect is described as a 6 foot tall male wearing a grey sweatshirt".

Wow, let's get right on that manhunt. :piss2:

Yes, we dare not mention that a perp or a suspect is black....we cannot insult the black community by announcing that....uh whut dat you say bout the safety of the public? Forget that....whites are racist anyhow....who cares about a bunch of white racists.
this is the height of stupidity. of course using racial description is important when describing someone. good lord. can these idiots be any more sensitive....
Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq, costing America thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars, and he tried to legalize torture. All "black crime" combined doesn't compare to that.

There was a vote. Democrats backed him. Where is your outrage towards them? You cannot rewrite history until after the people who have lived it are dead, but I admire your jump start ... or Alzheimers, whichever.
Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq, costing America thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars, and he tried to legalize torture. All "black crime" combined doesn't compare to that.

There was a vote. Democrats backed him. Where is your outrage towards them? You cannot rewrite history until after the people who have lived it are dead, but I admire your jump start ... or Alzheimers, whichever.

Ah the usual con retort. That's like saying that it was Republicans idea a few months ago to raise the debt limit and give money to Obamacare :rolleyes:
This illustrates just another problem though a big one....the avoidance of using racial descriptions even when a search is on for a is a issue of public safety....however the pc groups had rather sacrifice public safety in the name of political correctness....obviously because they do not want the black community or any other community to know the magnitude of black crime

?U? Students Want Crime Alerts To Avoid Using Racial Descriptions « CBS Minnesota

The liberal media already stopped reporting on the race of any perp who happens to be black.

If the person was white, it was always reported. When it wasn't reported, you knew why. The left probably thought that people were stupid and wouldn't figure that out, but now that we have, they don't want any mention of race. The whole point of police getting a description from witnesses is so they can find the person and the public can be on the look out. It's clear that actually finding the perp isn't a priority with the left.

It's the same deal with politicians. When they don't mention party affiliation, you know damn well it's a Democrat.

Liberal bias has become institutionalized. Don't Know the Party of a Politician Caught in a Scandal? He's Probably a Democrat | NewsBusters

All the liberals pretend to be about truth and justice, yet they are willing to do away with the whole 'truth' part if it doesn't fit their agenda.

This is bullshit. The media should report facts and quit trying to shape public opinion or hide things that don't look good. If we don't face the problems head on and deal with it then things just get worse.
This illustrates just another problem though a big one....the avoidance of using racial descriptions even when a search is on for a is a issue of public safety....however the pc groups had rather sacrifice public safety in the name of political correctness....obviously because they do not want the black community or any other community to know the magnitude of black crime

?U? Students Want Crime Alerts To Avoid Using Racial Descriptions « CBS Minnesota

The liberal media already stopped reporting on the race of any perp who happens to be black.

If the person was white, it was always reported. When it wasn't reported, you knew why. The left probably thought that people were stupid and wouldn't figure that out, but now that we have, they don't want any mention of race. The whole point of police getting a description from witnesses is so they can find the person and the public can be on the look out. It's clear that actually finding the perp isn't a priority with the left.

It's the same deal with politicians. When they don't mention party affiliation, you know damn well it's a Democrat.

Liberal bias has become institutionalized. Don't Know the Party of a Politician Caught in a Scandal? He's Probably a Democrat | NewsBusters

All the liberals pretend to be about truth and justice, yet they are willing to do away with the whole 'truth' part if it doesn't fit their agenda.

This is bullshit. The media should report facts and quit trying to shape public opinion or hide things that don't look good. If we don't face the problems head on and deal with it then things just get worse.

Exactly.....and since the great majority of dupes listen to the media and without much discernment....there needs to be a congressional investigation into the media in regards to how they spin, distort and lie....this should not be allowed ....the media has too much power to shape peoples minds to allow them not to be completely the facts and cease and desist with the spin and propaganda.
Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq, costing America thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars, and he tried to legalize torture. All "black crime" combined doesn't compare to that.

There was a vote. Democrats backed him. Where is your outrage towards them? You cannot rewrite history until after the people who have lived it are dead, but I admire your jump start ... or Alzheimers, whichever.

Ah the usual con retort. That's like saying that it was Republicans idea a few months ago to raise the debt limit and give money to Obamacare :rolleyes:

Does that mean that you deny BOTH parties came together on this one?
Here is the sort of person way tooooo many people in the black community as well as in the white liberal circles do their best to the video will shock some no doubt....but those familiar with our innercities and what goes on there understands all to well that this sort of persona is all too common in the black thug culture....that can only exist because of misguided liberals.

Veterans Today - Military Veterans and Foreign Affairs Journal ? VA ? Veterans Administration
Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq, costing America thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars, and he tried to legalize torture. All "black crime" combined doesn't compare to that.

While you have your head up your ass, do yourself a favor and check for polyps.
Bush lied to the entire world to invade Iraq, costing America thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars, and he tried to legalize torture. All "black crime" combined doesn't compare to that.

Talk about trying to change the subject.
The media has long since abandoned any shame or interest in doing its job.

If you read carefully, you'll notice that when some dumb-ass Republican Congressman gets caught buying coke or a hooker or some such shit the story always BEGINS with: "Republican Congressman Stan Stanford was caught..." When a democrat politician is caught in some uncompromising situation it tends to start (on page 38D after the used car section): Representative Dick Iceman's home was searched today and $900,000 was allegedly found in his freezer. Iceman was also accused of sending pictures of his wiener to young women, exposing himself to uninterested parties, selling votes for personal favors, stuffing wads of cash into his undies at a dinner with a contractor in his district, etc... His party affiliation apparently not as worthy of mention up front, if at all.
Soon, reports will be "Someone did something somewhere at some point over the past 24 hours. Keep your eye out for this someone please, this someone is very danger....hold on, I'm getting the producer in my ear...oh, I can't say that they are dangerous? Ok...back to the story. Someone did something somewhere at some point over the past 24 hours...alls well, go back to sleep."
Be on the lookout for a male, human suspect, not White, not Hispanic, not Asian, not Polynesian. Approximately 6' tall, wearing...

There... Does that work?

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