Blacks and whites don't know each other well ... at all.

It's clear from threads like this that some people (on all sides) don't want anything to get better. In fact, they fear improvement more than anything as it represents an existential threat to their entire identity.
. People can have individual or group identities, but when those identities clash is when the trouble begins. Taking personal responsibility is the biggest issue facing those who love to blame others, but so far that appears to be the biggest obstacle we as a nation face in the social experiment that has become America today.
We live in a system of global system of racism -white supremacy and that system is global. And there is not one country, one blade of grass, one molecule of air you can point to, that has not been affected by the system of racism - white supremacy
So why can't you go to a black-run country and live there? Where are all the blacks running away from the USA and Western Europe to go live in a black-run African country? Instead they're drowning to get to Europe.
There is no such thing as a black run country that is not subject to white supremacy. And if I'm wrong. Name one ? The white supremacist have Africa and the Carribbean in their pocket. We see the prime example of this with Robert Mugabe who tried to return the land back to the natives. There is no were to go on this planet. We are totally and completly dominated by white supremacy on this plane.

Now do not take that to mean that white people are better. That means they are in a superior position. That is all it means and they use that position to enforce there white supremacy.
Could you elaborate by what you mean when you say "not subject to white supremacy?" I vaguely remember doing some research and seeing numerous countries where blacks are the majority, in addition to being in government, but before I get some actual countries, I'd like to know what you mean when you say that.
And you want that reversed ?? Now how do you suppose that you are going to accomplish that since Obama failed you here as a start ??
Obama was the best thing EVER for white people and the white supremacists.

Power isn’t given, it must be taken. So knowing that we also know President Obama being “given” a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually means he has zero power at all.

How do we know this is true?

By the lack of respect he receives from people with less powerful positions, like the white male federal judge who said publicly that President Obama’s mother had sex with a dog and that’s how he was born

and the white female Jan Brewer, Arizona governor, who wagged her finger in his face in full view of TV cameras

and the white male civil servant cop who was “invited” to the White House after he arrested Harvard Professor Gates (a black male) in his own home — as a way of President Obama apologizing for saying “…the police behaved stupidly…”

Yet when Vice-Prez Cheney (a white male) shot a man in the face in a hunting accident, the man (with less power) apologized to Cheney for “…causing his family so much trouble…”

That’s what REAL power looks like.

We KNOW that President Obama didn’t come from us and wasn’t raised by us, which means the first thing we should have asked is who sent him to represent us?

Why would we compare him to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X both of who came from the streets, from the BLACK grassroots and were selected BY black people — and who were ultimately punished (murdered) — NOT rewarded with cushy book deals, Harvard degrees and high political offices.

Two thoughts that should be axioms in the minds of all black people:

#1 — No one rewards their enemies

#2 — Any oppressed people that allow their oppressors to choose their leaders will remain oppressed

We also KNOW that no black person in the U.S. is giving orders to the most powerful whites. So why would the WHITE HOUSE be an exception??

We know that no group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power

“First black” symbols hide the reality of the so-called civil rights clock turning backwards in the form of

sky-high black unemployment

“gentrification” (racial dislocation) to move blacks out of prime inner-city areas

more black schools closing

more black people incarcerated

increasing racism in the workplace, and in the media

Could you elaborate by what you mean when you say "not subject to white supremacy?".
It means the white supremacy control Africa. They controls the minerals, the oil. the land.

For example ? The mobile phone or laptop you anyone reading this is using needs a mineral called Congolese coltan or it will not work.

Who do you think controls the Coltan deposits in the Congo ? The white supremacist.

That chocolate bar you are eating probably came from cocoa beans picked by black hands as the Ivory Coast is the world biggest supplier of cocoa

Now when they talk global cocoa prices. Do you think black people are at the table ? The white supremacist control it all. They control the gold in south Africa. They control the blood diamonds in Sierra Leone.

The white supremacists are the ones who put corrupt leaders in powers in Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who poison the water supply causing droughts in Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who raise the debt if any Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who are into organ trafficking.

I could go on. But I think you get the jist.
And you want that reversed ?? Now how do you suppose that you are going to accomplish that since Obama failed you here as a start ??
Obama was the best thing EVER for white people and the white supremacists.

Power isn’t given, it must be taken. So knowing that we also know President Obama being “given” a powerful position by the most powerful white people in the U.S actually means he has zero power at all.

How do we know this is true?

By the lack of respect he receives from people with less powerful positions, like the white male federal judge who said publicly that President Obama’s mother had sex with a dog and that’s how he was born

and the white female Jan Brewer, Arizona governor, who wagged her finger in his face in full view of TV cameras

and the white male civil servant cop who was “invited” to the White House after he arrested Harvard Professor Gates (a black male) in his own home — as a way of President Obama apologizing for saying “…the police behaved stupidly…”

Yet when Vice-Prez Cheney (a white male) shot a man in the face in a hunting accident, the man (with less power) apologized to Cheney for “…causing his family so much trouble…”

That’s what REAL power looks like.

We KNOW that President Obama didn’t come from us and wasn’t raised by us, which means the first thing we should have asked is who sent him to represent us?

Why would we compare him to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X both of who came from the streets, from the BLACK grassroots and were selected BY black people — and who were ultimately punished (murdered) — NOT rewarded with cushy book deals, Harvard degrees and high political offices.

Two thoughts that should be axioms in the minds of all black people:

#1 — No one rewards their enemies

#2 — Any oppressed people that allow their oppressors to choose their leaders will remain oppressed

We also KNOW that no black person in the U.S. is giving orders to the most powerful whites. So why would the WHITE HOUSE be an exception??

We know that no group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power

“First black” symbols hide the reality of the so-called civil rights clock turning backwards in the form of

sky-high black unemployment

“gentrification” (racial dislocation) to move blacks out of prime inner-city areas

more black schools closing

more black people incarcerated

increasing racism in the workplace, and in the media

. All this you wrote because Obama failed ?? Seems that your group had to much confidence in the "man", and now you are homeless in so many words ?? Good grief. So where do you go from here ??
Could you elaborate by what you mean when you say "not subject to white supremacy?".
It means the white supremacy control Africa. They controls the minerals, the oil. the land.

For example ? The mobile phone or laptop you anyone reading this is using needs a mineral called Congolese coltan or it will not work.

Who do you think controls the Coltan deposits in the Congo ? The white supremacist.

That chocolate bar you are eating probably came from cocoa beans picked by black hands as the Ivory Coast is the world biggest supplier of cocoa

Now when they talk global cocoa prices. Do you think black people are at the table ? The white supremacist control it all. They control the gold in south Africa. They control the blood diamonds in Sierra Leone.

The white supremacists are the ones who put corrupt leaders in powers in Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who poison the water supply causing droughts in Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who raise the debt if any Africa. The white supremacists are the ones who are into organ trafficking.

I could go on. But I think you get the jist.
So who controls the Coltan in the Congo? Who owns all of the land suitable for growing cocoa beans in the Ivory Coast? I clicked on the first link and didn't find any references to "white supremacists."

Both are suspicious of the other. The media likes to make it seem like it's white peoples' fault, that we don't listen. But from everything I've read and heard, black folks seem to make plenty of assumptions about us as well, many of which are just downright ridiculous.
So true.

I often wonder what Black/White relations in America would be like were it not for the toxic effect of the slavery era. But it's too late for more than wondering about it. The damage is done. The scars, the distrust and suspicions are not, for the most part, reparable.

Think you know white people, huh? Well ask your question, or state your supposition, and find out. I'll give you as straight an answer as I can, as long as it's not something lame like, "Why do you smell like wet dogs?" Dude; 1. I don't know, and 2. That's kinda rude.
Actually the issue of offensively disparate ethnic body odors is neither lame nor rude but is academically significant.

Because of the difference in a specific biochemical (pheromone) composition body odor is but one of the subtle characteristics which distinguish the various human sub-species (races). So it is perfectly natural for Blacks to find the body odor of Whites repulsive, and vice/versa.

You don’t need to tell me how white people act when black people are not around. We know dude....We know.

If you're not around -- how do you know? Or are we talking about one of the assumptions you say you don't harbor?

I know white people would be basically to sh*t scared to say anything to a black man’s face. If a white man was to say anything to me, that would not end well for that white man. I wouldn’t just punch him in the face….I think you know where I’m coming from.

Wow! For someone who claims to make no assumptions it seems you've made a rather outstanding assumption in the above statement.

So, If a White man was to say anything (presumably offensive) to you it wouldn't end well for him and you wouldn't just punch him in the face. That is not only an angry declaration, unless your contempt for White men is so complete you believe yourself to be capable of physically punishing each, every, and all of them at your will.

I wonder if it's ever occurred to you that some Whites are reluctant to speak their minds in the presence of Blacks because, rather than being fearful, they either don't wish to injure feelings or they simply wish to avoid an ugly, uncivilized confrontation.

I know white people would be basically to sh*t scared to say anything to a black man’s face. If a white man was to say anything to me, that would not end well for that white man. I wouldn’t just punch him in the face….I think you know where I’m coming from.

Wow! For someone who claims to make no assumptions it seems you've made a rather outstanding assumption in the above statement.

So, If a White man was to say anything (presumably offensive) to you it wouldn't end well for him and you wouldn't just punch him in the face. That is not only an angry declaration, unless your contempt for White men is so complete you believe yourself to be capable of physically punishing each, every, and all of them at your will.

I wonder if it's ever occurred to you that some Whites are reluctant to speak their minds in the presence of Blacks because, rather than being fearful, they either don't wish to injure feelings or they simply wish to avoid an ugly, uncivilized confrontation.
He knows white people talk about his violent nature when he's not around, apparently.

But most white people are blind to their racism, but many of those who are not keep quiet because they must get along with other white people, most of whom are racist and who can make things ugly for anyone who calls them on it.

Having read your messages I'm convinced you are intelligent. So I wonder if you will agree that the word, racism, is broadly over-used and that it means different things to different people. And I'd like you to tell me what that word means to you. I'm asking this question because I honestly don't know if those Blacks who call me a racist are right or not.

Thanks in advance for an honest reply.

White ppl claim they are victims of all kinds of things: taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, secular humanism, gay marriage, “radical Islam,” you name it. Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count

I'm White and while I complain about taxes as much as anyone who works for a living and/or owns some real property is inclined to do I don't feel that I'm a victim of taxes. Nor have I ever heard another White person realistically complain that he or she is a victim of taxation.

I also complain about the occasional failings of big government (don't you?) as many other Whites I know do. But I don't believe that means we feel we are victims of it.

As for immigrants, I've never been victimized by one, nor do I know any other White person who has, but I have read and heard of some Whites, mainly in the Southwest, who have been robbed, raped and/or beaten by Mexican illegals. So I'm sure there are some Whites who quite justifiably feel they have been victims of immigrants, but certainly not White people in general.

But because of what presently is happening in Europe and Scandinavia I am extremely concerned about existing and potential problems with the flood of Middle-Eastern, Indonesian, Asian and African "refugees," the majority of whom may properly be called invaders and should be removed asap by any means necessary. These people represent a demonstrated and self-professed lethal threat to the existing social structure of White Western culture and they should be dealt with accordingly.

I've never been affected in any way by "reverse discrimination," but I have read about some Whites who have, mainly by Affirmative Action hiring practices, civil service test scores, and the like, all of which are ultimately counterproductive to the overall quality of American society. So I can't blame anyone for complaining about it.

I personally wouldn't care if some people want to marry farm animals, and I don't believe that most White people are really concerned about gay marriage. What we have seen with regard to that is nothing more or less than public shock to its sudden popular revelation. But I certainly don't believe White people feel victimized by it.

As for secular humanism; why in the world would you think anyone, Black or White, would feel victimized by that?

As for radical Islam, I think you'd be right in saying Whites (but not Blacks) certainly feel threatened but as of now not at all victimized by it. But unless something is done very soon to reverse what we see happening in Europe and Scandinavia I have no doubt that a lot of American Whites will be every bit as victimized as are an increasing number of Europeans, Swedes, and Norwegians.

Bottom line: it's clear to me that you don't know as much about White people as you seem to think you do. It appears that you see what you want to see rather than what really is there.
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Though they think they do.

Both are suspicious of the other. The media likes to make it seem like it's white peoples' fault, that we don't listen. But from everything I've read and heard, black folks seem to make plenty of assumptions about us as well, many of which are just downright ridiculous.

So here I am. While I can only represent myself, I do know a lot of white people, and I know how they act when black folks aren't around.. I know how we operate to the last little detail. At least, in the middle-upper middle class. Rich white people might as well be from a different planet than us, which is why it's so aggravating that we get lumped in with them.

Think you know white people, huh? Well ask your question, or state your supposition, and find out. I'll give you as straight an answer as I can, as long as it's not something lame like, "Why do you smell like wet dogs?" Dude; 1. I don't know, and 2. That's kinda rude.

Oh, ask me questions about sex and dating. I love those spicy ones.
Middle class whites don't get lumped in with rich whites.

Rich whites are the GOP elite. They run the party.

Middle class and poor whites are the minions.
I'm a Millennial, and I'm more racist than my parents.

Perhaps it's because I'm of a Polish heritage?

In Poland Millennials are more racist than their parents too.

I think Western Europeans are beyond bizarre.
These people went nuts with racism to extreme brutality.

Now, when we really need racism to combat the Western World's decline, Western Europeans have their heads up their butts, with anti-racism.

Now, when it becomes more, and more apparent that certain groups are inferior, when they still cause issues in spite of relative tolerance, Western Europeans have their heads up their butts, with anti-racism.

I don't really grasp, Western Europeans sometimes say Poles are dumb, I think Western Europeans are dumb.
I think what is going on in Western Europe is having a powerful effect on the attitude of most European Whites where non-Whites, especially Middle-Eastern and African are concerned. I won't be surprised if the veritable invasion of Germany doesn't provoke a dramatic rise in neo-Nazi activity.

Aside from that I must extend my strongest compliments to the Poles for the anti-immigrant stand they've taken.
It's funny how you guys think. You want us to ignore racism pretend it no longer exists while you still practice it. We have to have chips on our shoulder but when you guys are expressing all manner of hate and falsehoods about us, you don't have a chip on yours.
If you have been negatively affected by racism, please tell us the specifics. I'm asking this because I really don't know what the word "racism" means. I believe it is the most over-used and misunderstood word in the American lexicon and I think it means different things to different people.
It's funny how you guys think. You want us to ignore racism pretend it no longer exists while you still practice it. We have to have chips on our shoulder but when you guys are expressing all manner of hate and falsehoods about us, you don't have a chip on yours.
If you have been negatively affected by racism, please tell us the specifics. I'm asking this because I really don't know what the word "racism" means. I believe it is the most over-used and misunderstood word in the American lexicon and I think it means different things to different people.

No. What racism has done is documented.You whites are the ones who conflate the word to mean anything you want it to mean.
We live in a system of global system of racism -white supremacy and that system is global. And there is not one country, one blade of grass, one molecule of air you can point to, that has not been affected by the system of racism - white supremacy
So why can't you go to a black-run country and live there? Where are all the blacks running away from the USA and Western Europe to go live in a black-run African country? Instead they're drowning to get to Europe.
There is no such thing as a black run country that is not subject to white supremacy. And if I'm wrong. Name one ? The white supremacist have Africa and the Carribbean in their pocket. We see the prime example of this with Robert Mugabe who tried to return the land back to the natives. There is no were to go on this planet. We are totally and completly dominated by white supremacy on this plane.

Now do not take that to mean that white people are better. That means they are in a superior position. That is all it means and they use that position to enforce there white supremacy.

How far back in history are you going to find it? You go back far enough, it was all primitive tribal warfare and chaos and lawlessness.

I think 20th Century countries around the world shook most of that off. Even the underdeveloped ones. From the Caribbean to Africa..
We live in a system of global system of racism -white supremacy and that system is global. And there is not one country, one blade of grass, one molecule of air you can point to, that has not been affected by the system of racism - white supremacy
So why can't you go to a black-run country and live there? Where are all the blacks running away from the USA and Western Europe to go live in a black-run African country? Instead they're drowning to get to Europe.
There is no such thing as a black run country that is not subject to white supremacy. And if I'm wrong. Name one ? The white supremacist have Africa and the Carribbean in their pocket. We see the prime example of this with Robert Mugabe who tried to return the land back to the natives. There is no were to go on this planet. We are totally and completly dominated by white supremacy on this plane.

Now do not take that to mean that white people are better. That means they are in a superior position. That is all it means and they use that position to enforce there white supremacy.

How far back in history are you going to find it? You go back far enough, it was all primitive tribal warfare and chaos and lawlessness.

I think 20th Century countries around the world shook most of that off. Even the underdeveloped ones. From the Caribbean to Africa..

He's gone back as far as he needs to go back. And he is right. No these nations have not shook that off.

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