Blacks Are Victims...Donald Trump is Responsible for All Our Problems.. or Perhaps it’s Dems?

Dude . gop is the party of racists . It’s a deal breaker .

Live with it.
The Democrats are the Party of division, and victimhood. Every solution they have is a big government solution requiting lots of tax dollars. The promise these solutions to BUY VOTES.
The Democrats are the Party of division, and victimhood. Every solution they have is a big government solution requiting lots of tax dollars. The promise these solutions to BUY VOTES.
Right because you now pay zero taxes.
Democratic ploy of playing black people as victims for votes is bullshit and validated.. Liberal media perpetuates it as well.

The Democrat Party has been feasting the octave of identity politics for over a century and a half while playing on repeat the tune of oppressing minorities for fortunes in political currency otherwise known as votes. Despite the truth of this, historical revisionists would have our young, impressionable minds believe the opposite, that in fact American Conservatives historically filled the role of national racists. As has been mentioned ad nauseum here and across the inter-webs, whatever the radical American Left accuses its staunchest opponents of doing, it does itself and does it chronically, habitually. The chains now worn by American minorities are not forged of iron but the name stamped on them remains Democrat nevertheless.
Democratic ploy of playing black people as victims for votes is bullshit and validated.. Liberal media perpetuates it as well.
The blacks in this country had ancestors who were first betrayal victims in Africa. There, the chiefs and witchdoctors decided to get rid of the people in their villages they disliked the most and turned them over to slavers, to sell these people to the highest bidders far, far away from mother Africa.

If blacks want restitution, they need to trace it back to where it got started. It got started at the behest of their black political leaders wanting to get rid of people who made them unhappy or even upset. The second abusers were the slave ships that put a minimum of 100 slaves in the ship's galley, chained like dogs to either oars or unbelievable small cubicles. Their conditions were often more foul than animals transported on the ships.

Now Trump is making America great again. He's bringing home the bacon and the jobs. Blacks have this amazing opportunity under Trumps fiscal planning and making America a good place to do business. That means more jobs, better jobs, better money for the young who just graduated from high school or college. Go get 'em young 'uns!
Dude . gop is the party of racists . It’s a deal breaker .

Live with it.
The Democrats are the ones who threatened the lives of Republicans for passing laws to free blacks from slavery, for giving them the vote and the right to hold public office, for making equal education available to blacks, and equal pay for equal work. Martin Luther King would be happy to see his people getting this fair shake and a President looking out for everybody's having equal chances to gain profit from saving money to equal chances in the workplace. The Democrats didn't get on board without kicking and screaming when Lyndon Baines Johnson told John Kennedy the blacks would make them win elections, so the Kennedy clan got on board (thank Heaven) or the Demmies would still run active KKK clubs.The Republicans are the same as ever. Equal chances for all. Equal rights, One man one vote, Equal pay for equal work. We're endless friends to all American citizens. It's when a group decides they should have BETTER rights than anybody else that we still say "equal pay for equal work." That pisses some people off. Tough bananas. Equality is what it is--equality.
Democratic ploy of playing black people as victims for votes is bullshit and validated.. Liberal media perpetuates it as well.
The blacks in this country had ancestors who were first betrayal victims in Africa. There, the chiefs and witchdoctors decided to get rid of the people in their villages they disliked the most and turned them over to slavers, to sell these people to the highest bidders far, far away from mother Africa.

If blacks want restitution, they need to trace it back to where it got started. It got started at the behest of their black political leaders wanting to get rid of people who made them unhappy or even upset. The second abusers were the slave ships that put a minimum of 100 slaves in the ship's galley, chained like dogs to either oars or unbelievable small cubicles. Their conditions were often more foul than animals transported on the ships.

Now Trump is making America great again. He's bringing home the bacon and the jobs. Blacks have this amazing opportunity under Trumps fiscal planning and making America a good place to do business. That means more jobs, better jobs, better money for the young who just graduated from high school or college. Go get 'em young 'uns!

I am sorry to inform you that you know very little about slave ships. I suggest educating yourself.

The galley is where food is prepared on a ship, not where you hold slaves. A vessel carrying only 100 slaves would be a very small ship. However, you are correct about the conditions.
Democratic ploy of playing black people as victims for votes is bullshit and validated.. Liberal media perpetuates it as well.
The blacks in this country had ancestors who were first betrayal victims in Africa. There, the chiefs and witchdoctors decided to get rid of the people in their villages they disliked the most and turned them over to slavers, to sell these people to the highest bidders far, far away from mother Africa.

If blacks want restitution, they need to trace it back to where it got started. It got started at the behest of their black political leaders wanting to get rid of people who made them unhappy or even upset. The second abusers were the slave ships that put a minimum of 100 slaves in the ship's galley, chained like dogs to either oars or unbelievable small cubicles. Their conditions were often more foul than animals transported on the ships.

Now Trump is making America great again. He's bringing home the bacon and the jobs. Blacks have this amazing opportunity under Trumps fiscal planning and making America a good place to do business. That means more jobs, better jobs, better money for the young who just graduated from high school or college. Go get 'em young 'uns!

I am sorry to inform you that you know very little about slave ships. I suggest educating yourself.

The galley is where food is prepared on a ship, not where you hold slaves. A vessel carrying only 100 slaves would be a very small ship. However, you are correct about the conditions.
Thank you sir, no excuses sir.


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